Q - Equational Programming Language





The distribution includes a fairly comprehensive (280+ pages) language manual in texinfo format, which can be read with the help command in the interpreter. The following information is available online:
  • Read the Q language manual (HTML, PDF).
  • The HTML documentation is also available as one big page, and as a gzipped tarball.
  • Documentation for Rob Hubbard's rational number and polynomial libraries is available in PDF format: rational.pdf, polynomial.pdf.
  • Q in a Nutshell is a tutorial introduction to Q. Start here if you want to quickly get an idea of what this Q is all about.
  • The q-lang wiki can now be found at sf.net. Some initial content is already there. Please drop me an email with your sf.net id if you want to edit the wiki.
Various papers and slides:
  • There is an introductory paper on Q-Midi which includes a brief overview of Q's main features (PDF).
  • My paper for the 3rd Linux Audio Conference (LAC 2005), and the accompanying slides.
  • Joint paper with Yann Orlarey and Stefan Kersten for the 4th Linux Audio Conference (LAC 2006), accompanying slides, and a big tarball (11.4 MB) with paper, slides and my demo programs, including a preview of a yet unreleased Q+Faust+SuperCollider synth engine which I plan to add to Q-Synth soon. A newer version of the same paper for the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2006) is also available, as well as the accompanying slides. The examples presented at ICMC are available in the Multimedia Examples section.
© 2007 by Albert Gräf