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The Q Programming Language

The Q Programming Language, Version 7.11, 23 February 2008.

Copyright (c) 1992-2008 by Albert Gräf.

This manual has been published in the series Musikinformatik und Medientechnik, Bereich Musikinformatik, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz

55099 Mainz
ISSN 0941-0309

The Q programming system is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the software license accompanying the distribution for details.

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the author.

This document describes the Q programming language and system, version 7.11, 23 February 2008. Written by Albert Gräf, University of Mainz.

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1. Introduction

Q stands for "equational", so Q, in a nutshell, is a programming language which lets you "program by equations". You specify a system of equations which the interpreter uses as "rewrite rules" to reduce expressions to "normal form". This allows you to formulate your programs in a high-level, concise and declarative style. Q's development started out in the 1990s, motivated by the author's research on term pattern matching [Gräf 1991] and inspired by the pioneering work on equational programming by Michael O'Donnell and others [O'Donnell 1985], as an attempt to show that term rewriting would provide a feasible basis for a practical programming language. I think that this goal has been achieved, and that the present interpreter is efficient and robust enough for practical purposes. Q has been ported to a variety of operating systems, such as BeOS, FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X, Solaris and Windows. Porting to other modern UNIX/POSIX environments should be a piece of cake. Thus Q can be used on most modern computer systems, and Q scripts written on one system will usually run on all supported platforms.

The Q language supports a rich variety of built-in types, like arbitrary precision integers, floating point numbers (double precision 64 bit), truth values, strings, tuples, lists, streams (a "lazy" list data structure with call-by-need evaluation), lambda functions and files. It also provides primitives for exception handling and multithreaded execution. Q scripts can be broken down into "modules", each with their separate namespace, and Q gives you full control over which symbols (function, variable and type names) are exported by each module. This makes it easy to organize large scripts in a modular fashion. Q also allows you to interface to "external" modules written in the C programming language, which provides a means to access functions in C and C++ libraries and employ C's higher processing speed for time-critical tasks. Conversely, Q scripts can also be executed from C and C++, which allows Q to be used as an embedded language or term rewriting engine in C/C++ applications.

As a practical programming language, Q comes with "batteries included". The standard library, which is mostly written in Q itself, provides rational and complex numbers, a lot of useful tuple, list and stream processing functions (including comprehensions), some common container data structures (dictionaries, sets, etc.), and an interface to the PostScript language. It also includes an extensive system interface which offers services such as binary and C-style formatted I/O, BSD socket I/O, process management, POSIX threads, regular expression matching and internationalization features. Additional extension modules provide interfaces to a number of other third party libraries, which turns Q into a practical tool for a variety of application areas.

In difference to other functional languages, Q is entirely based on the notions of rewrite rules, reductions and irreducible expressions (also known as normal forms) pertaining to the term rewriting calculus. A Q "program", called a script, consists of equations which are treated as rewrite rules and are used to reduce expressions to normal form. The normal form of an expression denotes its value, which can itself be a compound expression. Q has no rigid distinction between "constructor" and "defined" function symbols and it also allows you to evaluate expressions containing "free" variables. Basically, both sides of an equation may involve arbitrary expressions. Therefore Q can also be used as a tool for symbolic expression evaluation.

On the surface, Q looks very much like contemporary functional languages such as Miranda or Haskell. In fact, the syntax of the language has largely been inspired by the first edition of Introduction to Functional Programming by Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. However, Q is an interpreted language with dynamic typing and eager (leftmost-innermost) evaluation, which is more in line with classical functional languages such as Lisp. For the sake of efficiency, Q scripts are first translated into "bytecode" (an intermediate binary format) which is executed on a virtual stack machine. The interpreter automatically optimizes tail recursion, such that "iterative" algorithms can be realized in constant stack space. Besides the built-in I/O operations, the language is free of side-effects; in particular, Q itself does not have mutable variables (although the standard library provides such imperative features for those who need them). Q also provides two novel and (IMHO) interesting features: a notion of special forms which allows to handle both macro-like functions and lazy evaluation in a uniform setting without having to give up the basic eager evaluation strategy; and a notion of type guards which provides a means to cope with hierarchies of abstract data types (similar to the notion of classes with single inheritance in object-oriented languages) in the context of a term rewriting language.

Using Q is supposed to be fairly simple: you throw together some equations, start the interpreter and then type in the expressions you wish to evaluate. All this can be done with a few keystrokes, if you use the Emacs Q mode supplied with the package. A graphical user interface for Windows is also available. Of course, you can also run the Q programming utilities from the command line if you prefer that.

The manual is organized as follows. In Getting Started, we start out with a brief and informal introduction to the main features of the language, and a glimpse of how Q scripts look like. Lexical Matters, describes the lexical part of the Q language. In Scripts and Modules, we discuss how declarations, definitions and equations are put together to form a script, and how to break down larger scripts into a collection of smaller modules which can be managed separately. Declarations, discusses how certain entities like types, variables and function symbols can be declared in a Q script. Expressions, treats the syntax of Q expressions, and describes the built-in operators provided by the Q language. Equations and Expression Evaluation, is about equations and variable definitions, and how they are used in the evaluation process. Types, and Special Forms, describe the facilities provided by the Q language for dealing with abstract data types and deferred evaluation. Built-In Functions, and The Standard Library, discuss the built-in and standard library functions of the Q language. Clib, describes Q's "system module" which provides access to some important functions from the C library. The appendix gives additional information about some aspects of the language and its implementation. Q Language Grammar, contains a summary of the Q language syntax in BNF. Using Q, provides a description of the programming tools included in the Q programming system, C Language Interface, describes Q's interface to the C programming language, and Debugging, is a brief introduction to the symbolic debugger built into the Q interpreter. Finally, Running Scripts in Emacs, discusses how Q scripts can be edited and run using the Emacs editor.


This project has become much further reaching and took a lot longer than I anticipated when I started out working on it, and I wouldn't have been able to keep it going without the patience and support of my beloved wife Evelyn and children Sebastian, Janosch, Yannic and Miriam.

Next I have to acknowledge the support and help provided by colleagues at Mainz and Bremen (Germany) and at INRIA Lorraine (France) during the initial phases of this project. In 1992 Dieter Hofbauer invited me to the term rewriting group at INRIA Lorraine to discuss the design of the (then still nascent) Q with his colleagues and friends. During the following years, I also collaborated with Frank Drewes at Bremen (now at Umea, Sweden) who was involved in the initiation of this project, and Klaus Barthelmann at Mainz who provided many comments which helped to improve the early versions of this manual. Frank and Klaus tested various early beta versions of the Q interpreter, and contributed sample scripts as well as substantial parts of the standard Q library.

I'd also like to express my gratitude to the growing community of users of the Q language all over the world, in particular the members of the Q mailing list, for the lively discussions which helped to improve the language and its implementation, and for the contributed Q modules and applications. Special thanks are due to John Cowan for proofreading the manual, for his valuable suggestions concerning design and implementation issues and for his Q-Chicken interface, and to Rob Hubbard for his comprehensive rational number and polynomial modules which are now part of the distribution.

Last but not least, thanks are also due to the developers of ML and Haskell. While these people have not been involved with Q in any way, their work, which has changed the landscape of functional programming, has been a constant source of inspiration for me.

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2. Getting Started

A new programming language is best conveyed through some examples, and therefore it is common practice to start a language description with an introductory chapter which treats the most essential language features in a fairly informal manner. This is also the purpose of the present chapter. We first show how some of the "standard features" of the Q programming language can be employed for using the Q interpreter effectively as a sophisticated kind of "desktop calculator". The remainder of this section then adresses the question of how you can extend the Q environment by providing your own definitions in Q scripts, and describes the evaluation process and the treatment of runtime errors in the interpreter.

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2.1 Using the Interpreter

To begin with, let us show how the Q interpreter is invoked to evaluate some expressions with the built-in functions provided by the Q language. Having installed the Q programming system, you can simply invoke the interpreter from your shell by typing q. The interpreter will then start up, display its sign-on, and leaves you at its prompt:


This indicates that the interpreter is waiting for you to type an expression. Let's start with a simple one:

==> 23

Sure enough, that's correct. Whenever you type an expression, the interpreter just prints its value. Any integer is a legal value in the Q language, and the common arithmetic operations work on these values as expected. Q integers are "bignums", i.e., their size is only limited by available memory:

==> 16753418726345 * 991726534256718265234

"Real" numbers (more exactly, their approximation using 64 bit double precision floating point numbers) are provided as well. Let's try these:

==> sqrt (16.3805*5)/.05

The sqrt identifier denotes a built-in function which computes the square root of its argument. (A summary of the built-in functions can be found in Built-In Functions.)

What happens if you mistype an expression?

==> sqrt (16.3805*5)/,05
! Syntax error
>>> sqrt (16.3805*5)/,05

As you can see, the interpreter not only lets you know that you typed something wrong, but also indicates the position of the error. It is quite easy to go back now and correct the error, using the interpreter's "command history". With the up and down arrow keys you can cycle through the expressions you have typed before, edit them, and resubmit a line by hitting the carriage return key. Also note that what you typed is stored in a "history file" when you exit the interpreter, which is reloaded next time the interpreter is invoked. A number of other useful keyboard commands are provided, see Readline: (readline)Command Line Editing section `Command Line Editing' in The GNU Readline Library. In particular, you can have the command line editor "complete" function symbols with the <TAB> key. E.g., if you type in sq and press the <TAB> key, you will get the sqrt function.

Before we proceed, a few remarks about the syntax of function applications are in order. The first thing you should note is that in Q, like in most other modern functional languages, function application is simply denoted by juxtaposition:

==> sqrt 2

Multiple arguments are specified in the same fashion:

==> max 5 7

Parentheses can be used for grouping expressions as usual. In particular, if a function application appears as an argument in another function application then it must be parenthesized as follows:

==> sqrt (sqrt 2)

Another important point is that operators are in fact just functions in disguise. You can turn any operator into a prefix function by enclosing it in parentheses. Thus (+) denotes the function which adds its two arguments, and X+1 can also be written as (+) X 1; in fact, the former expression is nothing but "syntactic sugar" for the latter, see Built-In Operators. You can easily verify this in the interpreter:

==> (+) X 1

You can also have partial function applications like (*) 2 which denotes a function which doubles its argument. Moreover, Q supports so-called operator sections which allow you to specify a binary operator with only either its left or right operand. For instance, (1/) denotes the reciprocal and (+1) the "increment by 1" function:

==> (+1) 5

==> (1/) 3

The interpreter maintains a global variable environment, in which you can store arbitrary expression values. This provides a convenient means to define abbreviations for frequently-used expressions and for storing intermediate results. Variable definitions are done using the def command. For instance:

==> def X = 16.3805*5

==> X

As indicated, variable symbols usually start with a capital letter; an initial lowercase letter indicates a function symbol. This convention is valid throughout the Q language. However, it is possible to explicitly declare an uncapitalized symbol as a variable, using the var command, and then assign values to it, like so:

==> var f

==> def f = sqrt

You can also both declare a variable and initialize its value with a single var command:

==> var f = sqrt

==> f X/.05

Multiple variable declarations and definitions can be entered on a single line, using commas to separate different definitions in a def or var command, and you can separate multiple expressions and commands on the same line with semicolons:

==> def X = 16.3805*5, f = sqrt; X; f X/.05

You can also bind several variables at once by using an expression pattern as the left-hand side of a variable definition:

==> def (f, X) = (sqrt, 16.3805*5); f X/.05

(Such pattern-matching definitions only work with def; the left-hand side of a var declaration must always be a simple identifier.)

Another useful feature is the built-in "anonymous" variable `_', which is always set to the value of the most recent expression value printed by the interpreter:

==> _

==> 2*_

Sometimes you would also like the interpreter to "forget" about a definition. This can be done by means of an undef statement:

==> undef X; X

Besides def, undef and var, the interpreter provides a number of other special commands. The most important command for beginners certainly is the help command, which displays the online manual using the GNU info reader. You can also run this command with a keyword to be searched in the info file. For instance, to find out about all special commands provided by the interpreter, type the following:

==> help commands

(Type q when you are done reading the info file.)

Other useful commands are who which prints a list of the user-defined variables, and whos which describes the attributes of a symbol:

==> who

==> whos f sqrt

f               user-defined variable symbol
                = sqrt

sqrt            builtin function symbol
                sqrt X1

You can save user-defined variables and reload them using the save and load commands:

==> save
saving .q_vars

==> def f = 0; f

==> load
loading .q_vars

==> f

Some statistics about the most recent expression evaluation can be printed with the stats command:

==> sum [1..123456]

==> stats
0.52 secs, 246916 reductions, 246918 cells

The stats command displays the (cpu) time needed to complete an evaluation, the number of "reductions" (a.k.a. basic evaluation steps) performed by the interpreter, and the number of expression "cells" needed during the course of the computation. This information is often useful for profiling purposes.

Other commands allow you to edit and run a script directly from the interpreter, and to inspect and set various internal parameters of the interpreter; see Command Language.

Of course, the Q interpreter can also carry out computations on non-numeric data. In fact, Q provides a fairly rich collection of built-in data types, and makes it easy to define your own. For instance, strings are denoted by character sequences enclosed in double quotes. Strings can be concatenated with the `++' operator and the length of a string can be determined with `#'. Moreover, the character at a given position can be retrieved with the (zero-based) indexing operator `!':

==> "abc"++"xyz"; #"abc"; "abc"!1

The same operations also apply to lists, which are written as sequences of values enclosed in brackets:

==> [a,b,c]++[x,y,z]; #[a,b,c]; [a,b,c]!1

As in Prolog, lists are actually represented as right-recursive constructs of the form `[X|Xs]' where X denotes the head element of the list and Xs its tail, i.e., the list of the remaining elements. This representation allows a list to be traversed and manipulated in an efficient manner.

==> def [X|Xs] = [a,b,c]; X; Xs

==> [0|Xs]

Another useful list operation is "enumeration", which works with all so-called "enumeration types" (cf. Enumeration Types), as well as characters and numbers. Enumerations are constructed with the enum function, or using the familiar [X..Y] notation which is in fact only "syntactic sugar" for enum:

==> enum "a" "k"

==> ["a".."k"]

==> [0..9]

==> [0.1,0.2..1.0]

Tuples are sequences of expressions enclosed in parentheses, which are Q's equivalent of "vectors" or "arrays" in other languages. Like lists, tuples can be concatenated, indexed and enumerated, but they use an internal representation optimized for efficient storage and constant-time indexing:

==> (a,b,c)++(x,y,z); #(a,b,c); (a,b,c)!1

==> (0..9)

Q also offers built-in operations to convert between lists and tuples:

==> tuple [a,b,c]

==> list _

Q provides yet another list-like data structure, namely "lazy" lists a.k.a. streams, which are written using curly braces instead of brackets. In difference to lists, streams only produce their elements "on demand", when they are needed in the course of a computation. This makes it possible to represent large and even infinite sequences of values in an efficient manner. You can see this somewhat unusual behaviour if you try streams interactively in the interpreter. For instance, let's try to concatenate two streams:

==> {a,b,c}++{x,y,z}

You probably noticed that the tail of the resulting stream, {b,c}++{x,y,z}, has not been evaluated yet. But that is all right, because it will be evaluated as soon as we need it:

==> _!4

This lazy way of doing things becomes especially important when we work with infinite streams. We will have more to say about this in the following section.

It is quite instructive to keep on playing a bit like this, to get a feeling of what the Q interpreter can do. You might also wish to consult Built-In Functions, which discusses the built-in functions, and Using Q, which shows how the interpreter is invoked and what additional capabilities it offers. To exit the interpreter when you are finished, invoke the built-in quit function:

==> quit

This function does not return a value, but immediately returns you to the operating system's command shell.

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2.2 Using the Standard Library

The standard library is a collection of useful functions and data structures which are not provided as built-ins, but are implemented by scripts which are mostly written in Q itself. Most of these scripts are included in the "prelude script" prelude.q, which is always loaded by the interpreter, so that the standard library functions are always available. See The Standard Library, for an overview of these operations. You can check which standard library scripts a.k.a. "modules" are actually loaded with the interpreter's modules command. With the standard prelude loaded, this command shows the following:

==> modules 
assert          clib*           complex         cond
error           math            prelude         rational
sort            stdlib          stream          string
tuple           typec

As you can see, there are quite a few modules already loaded, and you can use the functions provided by these modules just like any of the built-in operations. The standard library provides a lot of additional functions operating on numbers, strings and lists. For instance, you can take the sum of a list of (integer or floating point) numbers simply as follows:

==> sum [1..5]

In fact, the library provides a rather general operation, foldl, which iterates a binary function over a list, starting from a given initial value. Using the foldl function, the above example can also be written as follows:

==> foldl (+) 0 [1..5]

(There also is a foldr function which works analogously, but combines list members from right to left rather than from left to right.)

Generalizing the notion of simple enumerations of numbers like [1..5], the standard library also provides the general-purpose list-generating function while. For instance, we can generate the list of all powers of 2 in the range [1..1000] as follows:

==> while (<=1000) (2*) 1

(Recall from the previous section that (2*) is the doubling function. And (<=1000) is a predicate which checks its argument to be less than or equal to 1000.)

If we want to generate a list of a given size, we can use iter instead. So, for instance, we might compute the value of a finite geometric series as follows:

==> sum (iter 4 (/3) 1)

The map function allows you to apply a function to every member of a list. For instance, the following expression doubles each value in the list [1..5]:

==> map (2*) [1..5]

Lists can also be filtered with a given predicate:

==> filter (>=3) [1..5]

The scanl operation allows you to compute all the sums of initial segments of a list (or accumulate any other binary operation over a list):

==> scanl (+) 0 [1..5]

(Like foldl, scanl also has a sibling called scanr which collects results from right to left rather than left to right, starting at the end of the list.)

You can partition a list into an initial part with a given length and the remaining part of the list with take and drop:

==> take 3 [1..5]; drop 3 [1..5]

The takewhile and dropwhile functions have a similar effect, but partition their input list according to a given predicate:

==> takewhile (<=3) [1..5]; dropwhile (<=3) [1..5]

Another useful list operation is zip which collects pairs of corresponding elements in two input lists:

==> zip [1..5] ["a".."e"]

The effect of zip can be undone with unzip which returns a pair of lists:

==> unzip _

The zipwith function is a generalized version of zip which combines corresponding members from two lists using a given binary function:

==> zipwith (*) [1..5] [1..5]

All the operations described above - and many others - are provided by the stdlib.q script. It is instructive to take a look at this script and see how the operations are defined.

In addition, the standard library provides yet another list generating function listof which implements so-called "list comprehensions". These allow you to describe list values in much the same way as sets are commonly specified in mathematics. For instance, you can generate a list of pairs (I,J) with 1<=J<I<=5 as follows:

==> listof (I,J) (I in [1..5], J in [1..I-1])

The language provides syntactic sugar for list comprehensions so that the above example can also be written as follows:

==> [(I,J) : I in [1..5], J in [1..I-1]]

The same kind of construct also works with tuples:

==> ((I,J) : I in [1..5], J in [1..I-1])

We also have a random number generator, which is implemented by the built-in random function. Here is how we can generate a list of 5 pseudo random 32 bit integers:

==> [random : I in [1..5]]

To get random floating point values in the range [0,1] instead, we simply divide the results of random by 0xffffffff:

==> map (/0xffffffff) _

Lists can be sorted using quicksort (this one comes from sort.q):

==> qsort (<) _

As already mentioned, the Q language also provides a "lazy" list data structure called "streams". Streams are like lists but can actually be infinite because their elements are only produced "on demand". The standard library includes a module stream.q which implements a lot of useful stream operations. Most list operations carry over to streams accordingly. For instance, if we want to create a geometric series like the one generated with iter above, but we do not know how many elements will be needed in advance, we can employ the stream generation function iterate:

==> iterate (/3) 1
{1|iterate (/3) ((/3) 1)}

The {|} stream constructor works in the same way as the [|] list constructor, but is "special" in that it does not evaluate its arguments, i.e., the head and the tail of the stream. (Otherwise the call to iterate would never terminate.)

To get all members of the series we can apply the scanl function:

==> def S = scanl (+) 0 _; S
{0|scanl (+) (0+1) (iterate (/3) ((/3) 1))}

Now we can extract any number of initial values of the series using the take operation, and convert the resulting stream to an ordinary list with the list function. For instance, if we are interested in the first five values of the series, we proceed as follows:

==> list (take 5 S)

Note that the stream S is really infinite; if we want, we can extract any value in the series:

==> S!9999

Let's see how many iterations are actually required to reach the limit 1.5 with an error of at most 1e-15:

==> #takewhile (>1e-15) (map (1.5-) S)

This means that the sum of the first 31 series terms is needed to get an accuracy of 15 digits (which is the best that we can hope for with 64 bit floating point values). We can readily verify this using iter:

==> sum (iter 31 (/3) 1)

The standard library also implements stream enumerations and comprehensions which work like the corresponding list and tuple constructs but are evaluated in a lazy fashion, and the interpreter provides syntactic sugar for these. In particular, the notation {X..} or {X,Y..} can be used to specify an infinite arithmetic sequence. For instance, here is another way to define the infinite geometric series from above:

==> def S = scanl (+) 0 {1/3^N : N in {0..}}

==> list (take 5 S)

It is worth noting here that streams are just one simple example of a lazy data structure, which happen to play an important role in many useful algorithms so that it makes sense to provide them as a builtin. The Q language makes it rather easy to define your own lazy data structures using so-called special forms. In fact, special forms provide a uniform means to define both lazy data constructors and macro-like functions which take their arguments unevaluated, employing "call by name" parameter passing. This will be discussed in detail in Special Forms.

Special forms are an integrated part of Q which adds a great amount of expressive power to the language. In particular, they allow specialized constructs such as a "short-circuit" conditional expressions to be defined in the standard library, just like "ordinary" functions, rather than having to provide them as builtins. One example is the conditional expression if X then Y else Z which is nothing but syntactic sugar for the standard library function ifelse:

==> ifelse (5>0) "positive" "negative"

==> if 5>0 then "positive" else "negative"

Another special form which is useful in many situations is lambda (as of Q 7.1, this one is actually provided as a builtin), which allows you to create little "anonymous" functions on the fly. The customary notation \X.Y is provided as a shorthand for lambda X Y. These constructs are also called lambda abstractions, or simply lambdas. For instance, the following interpreter command defines the well-known factorial function using a lambda abstraction and assigns the resulting function object to the variable fac:

==> var fac = \N.if N>0 then N*fac (N-1) else 1

==> fac
\X1 . if X1>0 then X1*fac (X1-1) else 1

==> map fac [1..10]

Lambdas taking multiple arguments can be created like this:

==> \X Y.(1-X)*Y
\X1 . \X2 . (1-X1)*X2

==> _ 0.9 0.5

The lambda arguments can also be patterns to be matched against the actual parameters. For instance:

==> \(X,Y).(1-X)*Y
\(X1,X2) . (1-X1)*X2

==> _ (0.9,0.5)

Besides string and list processing functions and general utility functions of the kind sketched out above, the standard library also includes a collection of efficient "container" data structures which are useful in many applications. For instance, so-called hashed dictionaries (also known as "hashes" or "associative arrays") are implemented by the hdict.q script. The following expressions show how to create a dictionary object from a list, and how to access this dictionary using the index (!), keys and vals operations. (Note that here we have to load the hdict.q module explicitly, as it is not automatically included via the prelude. We could also import the stdtypes.q module instead, to get hold of all the container types.)

==> import hdict

==> def D = hdict [(foo,99),(bar,-1),(gnu,foo)]; D!gnu

==> keys D

==> vals D

This completes our little tour through the standard library. To find out more, please refer to The Standard Library, or take a look at the scripts themselves.

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2.3 Writing a Script

Now that we have taken the first big hurdle and are confident that we can actually get the Q interpreter to evaluate us some expressions, let us try to define a new function for use in the interpreter. That is, we are going to write our first own Q "program" or "script".

In the Q language, there are actually two different ways to create new functions. As we have already seen in the previous sections, little "anonymous" functions are often computed on the fly by deriving them from existing functions using partial applications or lambda abstractions. The other way, which is often more convenient when the functions to be defined get more complicated, is the definition of named functions by the means of "equations", which works in a way similar to algebraic definitions in mathematics. We will discuss how to do this in the following.

Having exited the Q interpreter, invoke your favourite text editor and enter the following simple script which implements the factorial function:

fac N                   = N*fac(N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

(Note that in order to define functions equationally, you really have to write a script file. For technical reasons there currently is no way to enter an equational definition directly in the interpreter.)

Save the script in the file fac.q and then restart the interpreter as follows (here and in the following `$' denotes the command shell prompt):

$ q fac.q

You can also edit the script from within the interpreter (using vi or the editor named by the EDITOR environment variable) and then restart the interpreter with the new script, as follows:

==> edit fac.q

==> run fac.q

In any case, now the interpreter should know about the definition of fac and we can use it like any of the built-in operations:

==> map fac [1..10]

For instance, what is the number of 30-element subsets of a 100-element set?

==> fac 100 div (fac 30*fac 70)

As another example, let us write down Newton's algorithm for computing roots of a function. Type in the following script and save it to the file newton.q:

newton DX DY F          = until (satis DY F) (improve DX F);
satis DY F X            = abs (F X) < DY;
improve DX F X          = X - F X / derive DX F X;
derive DX F X           = (F (X+DX) - F X) / DX;

Restart the interpreter with the newton.q script and try the following. Note that the target function here is \Y.Y^3-X which becomes zero when Y equals the cube root of X.

==> var eps = .0001, cubrt = \X.newton eps eps (\Y.Y^3-X) X

==> cubrt 8

Well, this is not that precise, but we can do better:

==> def eps = 1e-12

==> cubrt 8

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2.4 Definitions

As mentioned in the previous section, in the Q language function definitions take the form of equations which specify how a given expression pattern, the left-hand side of the equation, is transformed into a new expression, the right-hand side of the equation. In this section we elaborate on this some more to give you an idea about how these equational definitions work. Our explanations will necessarily be a bit sketchy at this point, but the concepts we briefly touch on in this section will be explained in much more detail later.

The left-hand side of an equation may introduce "variables" (denoted by capitalized identifiers, as in Prolog) which play the role of formal parameters in conventional programming languages. For instance, the following equation defines a function sqr which squares its (numeric) argument:

sqr X                   = X*X;

An equation may also include a condition part, as in the definition of the factorial function from the previous section:

fac N                   = N*fac(N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

As indicated above, several equations for the same left-hand side can be factored to the left, omitting repetition of the left-hand side. Furthermore, the otherwise keyword may be used to denote the "default" alternative.

The left-hand side of an equation may actually be an arbitrary compound expression pattern to be matched in the expression to be evaluated. For instance, as we have already seen, the expressions [] and [X|Xs] denote, respectively, the empty list and a list starting with head element X and continuing with a list Xs of remaining elements, just as in Prolog. We can use these patterns to define a function add which adds up the members of a list as follows:

add []                  = 0;
add [X|Xs]              = X+add Xs;

Thus no explicit operations for "extracting" the members from a compound data object such as a list are required; the components are simply retrieved by "pattern matching". This works in variable definitions as well. For instance, in the interpreter you can bind variables to the head element and the tail of a list using a single definition as follows:

==> def [X|Xs] = [1,2,3]; X; Xs

Pattern matching also works if the arguments take the form of function applications. For instance, the following definition implements an insertion operation on binary trees:

insert nil Y            = bin Y nil nil;
insert (bin X T1 T2) Y  = bin Y T1 T2 if X=Y;
                        = bin X (insert T1 Y) T2 if X>Y;
                        = bin X T1 (insert T2 Y) if X<Y;

Note the symbols nil and bin which act as "constructors" for the binary tree data structure in this example. (Q actually has no rigid distinction between "function applications" and "data constructors". This is unnecessary since function applications can be "values" in their own right, as discussed below.)

The Q interpreter treats equations as "rewrite rules" which are used to reduce expressions to "normal forms". Evaluation normally uses the standard "leftmost-innermost" rule, also known as "applicative order" or "call by value" evaluation. Using this strategy, expressions are evaluated from left to right, innermost expressions first; thus the arguments of a function application (and also the function object itself) are evaluated before the function is applied to its arguments.

An expression is in normal form if it cannot be evaluated any further by applying matching equations (including some predefined rules which are used to implement the built-in operations, see Equations and Expression Evaluation). A normal form expression simply stands for itself, and constitutes a "value" in the Q language. The built-in objects of the Q language (such as numbers and strings) are always in normal form, but also compound objects like lists (given that their elements are in normal form) and any other symbol or function application which does not match a built-in or user-defined equation.

This means that Q is essentially an "exception-free" language. That is, an "error condition" such as "wrong argument type" does not raise an exception by default, but simply causes the offending expression to be returned "as is". For instance:

==> hd []
hd []

==> sin (X+1)
sin (X+1)

You may be disconcerted by the fact that expressions like hd [] and sin (X+1) actually denote legal values in the Q language. However, this is one of Q's key features as a term rewriting programming language, and it adds a great amount of flexibility to the language. Most importantly, it allows expressions, even expressions involving variables, to be evaluated in a symbolic fashion. For instance, you might add rules for algebraic identities and symbolic differentiation to your script and have the interpreter simplify expressions according to these rules. On the other hand, the Q language also allows you to refine the definition of any built-in or user-defined operation and thus it is a simple matter to add an "error rule" like the following to your script when needed:

hd []                   = error "hd: empty list";

(The error function is defined in the standard library script error.q, see Diagnostics and Error Messages.) In order to implement more elaborate error handling, you can also use Q's built-in throw and catch functions to raise and respond to exceptions on certain error conditions. This is discussed in Exception Handling.

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2.5 Runtime Errors

There are a few error conditions which may cause the Q interpreter to abort the evaluation with a runtime error message. A runtime error arises when the interpreter runs out of memory or stack space, when the user aborts an evaluation with the interrupt key (usually Ctl-C), and when the condition part of an equation does not evaluate to a truth value (true or false). (All these error conditions can also be handled by the executing script, see Exception Handling.)

You can use the break on command to tell the interpreter that it should fire up the debugger when one of the latter two conditions arises. After Ctl-C, you can then resume evaluation in the debugger, see Debugging. This is not possible if the interpreter stumbles across an invalid condition part; in this case the debugger is invoked merely to report the equation which caused the error, and to inspect the call chain of the offending rule. Hitting the carriage return key will return you to the interpreter's evaluation loop.

For instance, reload the fac.q script from Writing a Script:

fac N                   = N*fac(N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

Now enable the debugger with the break command and type some "garbage" like fac fac:

==> break on; fac fac
! Error in conditional
  0>  fac.q, line 1: fac fac  ==>  fac*fac (fac-1) if fac>0
(type ? for help)

What happened? Well, the debugger informs us that the error occurred when the interpreter tried to apply the first equation,

fac N                   = N*fac(N-1) if N>0;

to the expression fac fac. In fact this is no big surprise since we cannot expect the interpreter to know how to compare a symbol, fac, with a number, 0, which it tried when evaluating the condition part of the above equation. So let us return to the interpreter's prompt by hitting the carriage return key:

: <CR>


The interpreter now waits for us to type the next expression. (For a summary of debugger commands please refer to Debugging. You can also type ? or help while in the debugger to obtain a list of available commands.)

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3. Lexical Matters

The vocabulary of the Q programming language consists of notations for identifiers, operators, integers, floating point numbers, character strings, comments, a few reserved words which may not be used as identifiers, and some special punctuation symbols which are used as delimiters.

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3.1 Whitespace and Comments

Whitespace (blanks, tabs, newlines, form feeds) serves as a delimiter between adjacent symbols, but is otherwise ignored. Comments are treated like whitespace:

/* This is a comment ... */

Note that these comments cannot be nested. C++-style line-oriented comments are also supported:

// C++-style comment ...

Furthermore, lines beginning with the #! symbol denote a special type of comment which may be processed by the operating system's command shell and the Q programming tools. On UNIX systems, this (odd) feature allows you to execute Q scripts directly from the shell (by specifying the q program as a command language processor) and to include compiler and interpreter command line options in a script (see Running Scripts from the Shell).

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3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words

Identifiers are denoted by the usual sequences of letters (including `_') and digits, beginning with a letter. Upper- and lowercase is distinct. In the Q language, identifiers are used to denote type, function and variable symbols. Type identifiers may start with either an uppercase or lowercase letter (the convention, however, is to use an initial uppercase letter). The case of the first letter matters, however, for function and variable symbols. As in Prolog, a capitalized identifier (such as X, Xmax and XMAX) indicates a variable symbol, whereas identifiers starting with a lowercase letter denote function symbols (unless they are declared as "free" variables, see below). Unlike in Prolog, the underscore `_' counts as a lowercase letter, hence _MAX is a function symbol, not a variable. (The idea behind this is that it allows you to get a function symbol which appears to start with an uppercase letter by stropping it with an initial `_'.) However, as an exception to the general rule, the identifier `_' does denote a variable symbol, the so-called anonymous variable. The same rules also apply to symbols created interactively in the interpreter.

Variables actually come in two flavours: bound and free variables, i.e., variables which also occur on the left-hand side of an equation, and variables which only occur on the right-hand side and/or in the condition part of an equation. Identifiers may also be declared as free variables; see Declarations. In this case, they may also start with a lowercase letter.

Type, function and free variable identifiers may also be qualified with a module identifier prefix (cf. Scripts and Modules), to specifically denote a symbol of the given module. Such a qualified identifier takes the form module-id::identifier; no whitespace or comments are allowed between the module name, `::' symbol and the function or variable identifier.

Formally, the syntax of identifiers is described by the following grammatical rules:

identifier              : unqualified-identifier
                        | qualified-identifier
qualified-identifier    : module-identifier '::'
unqualified-identifier  : variable-identifier
                        | function-identifier
                        | type-identifier
module-identifier       : letter {letter|digitsym}
type-identifier         : letter {letter|digitsym}
variable-identifier     : uppercase-letter {letter|digitsym}
                        | '_'
function-identifier     : lowercase-letter {letter|digitsym}
letter                  : uppercase-letter|lowercase-letter
uppercase-letter        : 'A'|...|'Z'|uppercase unicode letter
lowercase-letter        : 'a'|...|'z'|'_'|lowercase unicode letter
digitsym                : '0'|...|'9'|unicode digit

(Please refer to Q Language Grammar, for a description of the BNF grammar notation used throughout this document.)

The following symbols are reserved words of the Q language and may not be used as identifiers:

as        const     def       else      extern    from      if
import    include   otherwise private   public    special   then
type      undef     var       virtual   where

In addition, the following identifiers are predeclared as operator symbols (see Operator Symbols) and cannot be used as normal identifiers either:

and       div       mod       not       or

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3.3 Operator Symbols

Operator symbols may either take the form of function identifiers or they may be sequences of punctuation characters (excluding `_' which serves as a letter in the Q language). Like function and free variable symbols, they may be qualified with a module identifier prefix:

op                      : unary-op|binary-op
unary-op                : opsym
binary-op               : opsym|'and' 'then'|'or' 'else'
opsym                   : unqualified-opsym
                        | qualified-opsym
qualified-opsym         : module-identifier '::'
unqualified-opsym       : function-identifier
                        | punctsym {punctsym}
punctsym                : unicode punctuation character

In either case, operator symbols must be declared explicitly before they can be used, cf. Declarations. The declaration determines the precedence and "fixity" of the operator (i.e., whether it acts as a unary prefix or a binary infix operator; see User-Defined Operators, for more information on this).

As already mentioned, the following identifiers are predefined as built-in operators:

and       div       mod       not       or

As indicated by the syntax rules, the logical connectives `and' and `or' can also be combined with the keywords `then' and `else' to form the "short-circuit" connectives `and then' and `or else'.

The punctuation symbols predefined as built-in operators are the following:

` ' ~ & . || < > = <= >= <> == ++ + - * / ^ ! # $

Most of these can actually be redeclared by the programmer for his own purposes. However, there are a few symbols, called "soft delimiters", which play a special role in the syntax of the Q language (some of these are also used as operator symbols):

~ . .. : | = == - \ @

The soft delimiters may occur inside user-defined operators, but if they are used as separate lexemes then they are treated like reserved words and thus they may not be declared as operator symbols (except for the purpose of making aliases, cf. Declarations). The same applies to the reserved keywords (see Identifiers and Reserved Words).

Moreover, the following special symbols serve as "hard delimiters" in the Q language which always separate lexemes and thus may not occur inside operator symbols at all:

" , ; :: ( ) [ ] { }

The same applies to whitespace and other non-printable characters, as well as the comment delimiters (`//' and `/*' as well as initial `#!' on a script line).

Symbols consisting of punctuation are generally parsed using the "longest possible lexeme" a.k.a. "maximal munch" rule. Here, the "longest possible lexeme" refers to the longest prefix of the input such that the sequence of punctuation characters either forms a valid (i.e., declared) operator symbol, or one of the reserved and special delimiter symbols listed above. Thus, e.g., `..#' will usually be parsed as `.. #', i.e., a reserved `..' symbol followed by a `#' operator. This holds unless the entire sequence `..#' has already been declared as an operator in the scope where it is used.

The only exception to the "maximal munch" rule occurs inside declarations where a new operator symbol is being introduced. In this case the symbol extends up to the next hard delimiter symbol (usually `)' or `;') or whitespace/non-printable character in the input. For instance, the following Q code snippet declares a new binary operator symbol `+~%' (please refer to Declarations, for an explanation of the declaration syntax):

public (+~%) X Y;

Another special case arises with conglomerates of three or more consecutive `:' symbols. In this case the initial `::' is always treated as the designation of a qualified (operator) symbol. (In the unlikely case that you ever need to specify a "guarded variable" of the form X : ::Type with a qualified type in the built-in namespace, the space between the `:' token and the following `::' qualification designator is mandatory.)

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3.4 Numbers

Signed decimal numeric constants are denoted by sequences of decimal digits (only the standard digits 0..9 in the ASCII character set may be used here) and may contain a decimal point and/or a scaling factor. Integers can also be denoted in octal or hexadecimal, using the same syntax as in C:

number                  : ['-'] unsigned-number
unsigned-number         : '0' octdigitseq
                        | '0x' hexdigitseq
                        | '0X' hexdigitseq
                        | digitseq ['.' [digitseq]] [scalefact]
                        | [digitseq] '.' digitseq [scalefact]
digitseq                : digit {digit}
octdigitseq             : octdigit {octdigit}
hexdigitseq             : hexdigit {hexdigit}
scalefact               : 'E' ['-'] digitseq
                        | 'e' ['-'] digitseq
digit                   : '0'|...|'9'
octdigit                : '0'|...|'7'
hexdigit                : '0'|...|'9'|'a'|...|'f'|'A'|...|'F'

Simple digit sequences without decimal point and scaling factor are treated as integers; if the sequence starts with `0' or `0x'/`0X' then it denotes an integer in octal or hexadecimal base, respectively. Other numbers denote (decimal) floating point values. If a decimal point is present, it must be preceded or followed by at least one digit. Both the scaling factor and the number itself may be prefixed with a minus sign. (Syntactically, the minus sign in front of a number is interpreted as unary minus, cf. Expressions. However, if unary minus occurs in front of a number, it is interpreted as a part of the number and is taken to denote a negative value. See the remarks concerning unary minus in Expressions.) Some examples:

0  -187326  0.0  -.05  3.1415e3 -1E-10 0177 0xaf -0XFFFF

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3.5 Strings

String constants are written as character sequences enclosed in double quotes:

string                  : '"' {char} '"'
char                    : any character but newline and "

To include newlines, double quotes and other (non-printable) characters in a string, the following escape sequences may be used:

\n                      newline
\r                      carriage return
\t                      tab
\b                      backspace
\f                      form feed
\"                      double quote
\\                      backslash

Furthermore, a character may also be denoted in the form \N, where N is the character number in decimal, hexadecimal or octal (using the same syntax as for unsigned integer values). Note that the character number may consist of an arbitrary number of digits; the resulting value will be taken modulo the size of the local character set, which is 256 in the case of ASCII-only systems and 0x110000 if the interpreter has been built with Unicode support (see Unicode Support). Optionally, the character number may also be enclosed in parentheses; this makes it possible to specify a string in which a character escape is immediately followed by another character which happens to be a valid digit, as in "\(123)4".

As of version 7.11 and later, the interpreter also supports symbolic character escapes of the form `\&name;', where name is any of the XML single character entity names specified in the "XML Entity definitions for Characters", see http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-entity-names/. Note that, at the time of this writing, this is still a W3C working draft, so the supported entity names may be subject to change until the final specification comes out; the currently supported entities are described in the draft from 14 December 2007, see http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-xml-entity-names-20071214/. Also note that multi-character entities are not supported in this implementation.

A string may also be continued across lines by putting the \ character immediately before the end of the line, which causes the following newline character to be ignored.

As of Q 7.0, it is a syntax error if a character escape is not recognized as either a numeric escape or one of the special escapes listed above.

Some examples:

""                      empty string
"A"                     single character string
"\27"                   ASCII escape character (ASCII 27)
"\033"                  same in octal
"\0x1b"                 same in hexadecimal
"\(0x1b)c"              ASCII escape followed by a literal `c' character
"Gr\&auml;f"            German umlaut, using XML entity escape
"a string"              multiple character string
"a \"quoted\" string"   include double quotes
"a line\n"              include newline
"a very \               continue across line end
long line\n"

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3.6 Unicode Support

Since version 7.0 the Q interpreter has full Unicode support. This means that identifiers may actually contain arbitrary alphanumeric letter and digit symbols from the entire Unicode character set. (All non-uppercase alphabetical letters are considered as lowercase letters which may begin a function identifier.) Likewise, operator symbols may consist of arbitrary punctuation characters in the Unicode character set. (We refrain from giving any concrete examples here, to keep this document 7-bit clean.)

Moreover, all string values are internally represented using the UTF-8 encoding, which allows you to represent all characters in the Unicode character set, while retaining backward compatibility with 7 bit ASCII. String literals in the source script will be translated from the system encoding to UTF-8 automatically and transparently, and the \N notation may specify any valid Unicode point. For this to work, the interpreter must have been built with Unicode support enabled (which is the default).

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4. Scripts and Modules

The basic compilation unit in the Q language is the script, which is simply a (possibly empty) sequence of declarations and definitions in a single source file:

script                  : {declaration|definition}

In order to make a given set of definitions available for use in the interpreter, you can just collect the relevant declarations, variable definitions and equations in a script which you submit to the interpreter for execution. The interpreter in turn invokes the compiler to translate the script into a bytecode file which is loaded by the interpreter (see Using Q). A script may also be empty, in which case it does not provide any definitions at all.

If you put all your definitions into a single script, that's all there is to it. However, you will often want to break down a larger script into a collection of smaller units which can be managed separately and which are linked together by the compiler into a single bytecode file. To these ends the Q language allows you to put your definitions into several separate script files, which are also called modules. To gain access to the function, variable and type symbols provided by another module, you must then use an import or include declaration, using the following syntax:

declaration             : unqualified-import
                        | qualified-import

unqualified-import      : 'import' module-spec {',' module-spec} ';'
                        | 'include' module-spec {',' module-spec} ';'

qualified-import        : 'from' module-spec 'import' [symbol-specs] ';'
                        | 'from' module-spec 'include' [symbol-specs] ';'

module-spec             : module-name ['as' unqualified-identifier]
module-name             : unqualified-identifier
                        | string

symbol-specs            : symbol-spec {',' symbol-spec}

symbol-spec             : unqualified-identifier ['as' unqualified-identifier]
                        | unqualified-opsym ['as' unqualified-opsym]

As of version 7.8, Q supports both unqualified and qualified import clauses. The former allows you to quickly import an entire collection of modules, while the latter gives you precise control over which symbols are to be imported from which modules. We describe each of these in turn.

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4.1 Unqualified Imports

Easiest first, let as take a look at unqualified imports. The following declaration imports two modules foo and bar:

import foo, bar;

If you put such declarations into your "main script" and then run the script with the interpreter, the imported modules will be loaded as well.

To determine which functions, variables and types are actually available to be imported into another script, the Q language allows you to declare symbols either as "public" or "private", see Declarations. Outside a module, only the public symbols are accessible when the module is imported in another module.

Normally import is not "transitive", i.e., importing a module foo does not automatically give you access to the symbols imported by foo, but only to the public symbols declared in foo itself. To work around this, instead of import you can also use an include declaration which causes all imports and includes of the included module to be "reexported". For instance, let us consider the case that module foo includes module bar:

include bar;

Then by importing module foo you also gain access to the public symbols of module bar (and, recursively, to the modules included by bar, etc.). This provides a means to group different modules together in one larger "umbrella" module. For instance, the standard prelude script (cf. The Standard Library) simply includes most of the other standard library modules.

In the Q language, each module has its own separate namespace. This means that two different modules, say foo1 and foo2, may both provide their own public function symbol named foo. If both foo1 and foo2 are imported in the same script, you can distinguish between the two by using a qualified identifier, using the module name as a prefix, e.g., foo1::foo or foo2::foo. (Writing simply foo in this case will produce an error message because the reference is ambiguous.)

Import and include declarations can occur anywhere in a script (and will be active from this point on up to the end of the script file), but it is common (and recommended) practice to put them near the beginning of the script. As in most other programming languages, module dependencies must always be acyclic. If the compiler finds a cyclic chain of import and include declarations, such as a module importing itself or a module foo importing a module bar which in turn imports foo again, it produces an error message.

Another caveat: When using unqualified import clauses, it is much too easy to accidentally "reuse" an imported symbol because of a missing local symbol declaration. For instance, if you import a module foo which happens to export a symbol bar, and then you later define a function bar in your script, your definition will use the imported bar symbol. This is perfectly legal in Q, and may be intended, but if it's not then you have to explicitly declare a new local bar symbol after the import clause, cf. Declarations. If you forget this, you will errorneously redefine the existing bar function instead. One way to avoid this is to always use qualified imports, as described below. Another possibility is to run the interpreter with the --pedantic option, in which case it will warn you about symbols from unqualified imports which are referred to with unqualified identifiers, see Running Compiler and Interpreter, for details.

As indicated in the syntax rules, the names of the modules to be imported can either be specified using an unqualified identifier, or a string denoting a full or relative pathname, e.g.:

import "/home/ag/q/stuff.q";

In this case, you can also omit the `.q' suffix, it will be supplied automatically when necessary. Moreover, the module identifier is automatically the basename of the script filename (i.e., stuff in the above example); therefore, it is a good idea to choose basenames which are legal Q identifiers so that you can use them in qualified symbols.

If no absolute path is specified, the interpreter locates script files using its "search path", which usually contains the current directory and other system-dependent or user-defined locations where "library" scripts are kept, see Using Q, for details.

The `as' keyword can be used to explicitly specify an unambiguous module name. This is useful, in particular, if the basename of the module is not a valid identifier, and for the purpose of resolving name clashes. For instance:

import "my/stdlib.q" as mystdlib;

Simply importing "my/stdlib.q" under its own name in this case would produce an error message, because the name of the module collides with the standard library module of the same name, and the compiler enforces that all module names are unique.

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4.2 Qualified Imports

A qualified import takes the form:

from foo import foo, BAR;

This specifically imports the symbols foo and BAR from module foo, and nothing else. What this actually does is to "redeclare" the imported symbols in the namespace of the importing module, as explained in Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases, so that they look like private symbols of the importing module. Thus you can refer to them, e.g., simply as foo or with the qualified name gnats::foo, where gnats is the name of the importing module. Note that foo::foo will not work in this case, because a qualified import does not bring the module itself into scope. (However, as pointed out below you can use both a qualified and an unqualified import in concert to make both gnats::foo and foo::foo work.)

A note on terminology: In Q parlance, the terms qualified import and unqualified import apply to the import clauses themselves; a qualified import clause is called "qualified" simply because it restricts the set of imported symbols. Unqualified and qualified identifiers can be used with both styles of import clauses alike.

As with unqualified import, there is a second kind of qualified import clause which also reexports the imported symbols, by making them public members of the importing module:

from foo include foo, BAR;

For convenience, you can also write:

from module import;


from module include;

without listing any symbols to just import or include all symbols of the given module qualified. (It goes without saying that this should be used with care.) This is roughly equivalent to `import module' or `include module', respectively, but the imported symbols are made available as members of the namespace of the client, not the imported module.

If this sounds a bit confusing, here is an example which should clarify the differences between unqualified and qualified imports. Let's assume the following three modules A, B and C:

/* A: */
import B;

/* B: */
include C;

/* C: */
public foo;

Using this setup, the symbol foo is available as either just `foo' or as `C::foo' in all of A, B and C. Now suppose we change module B to use a qualified `include' instead:

/* B: */
from C include foo; /* or just: from C include; */

C's namespace hasn't changed, of course, but in both A and B the symbol foo is now available as `foo' or `B::foo', but not as `C::foo' anymore. However, you can also combine unqualified and qualified imports, like this:

/* B: */
include C;
from C include foo;

Now the symbol foo is available as either `foo', `B::foo' or `C::foo' in B and C (and the compiler will recognize it as the same symbol no matter which notation you use).

Finally, note that since symbols imported using a qualified clause become members of the importing namespace, they must not collide with other symbols declared either locally or in another qualified import clause. Thus, if you have two modules foo1 and foo2 which both export their own (local) symbol foo, the following will provoke an error message from the compiler because of the clash between the two different foo symbols:

from foo1 import foo;
from foo2 import foo;

In such cases you must either use unqualified import, or employ an `as' clause to rename the symbols while importing them. E.g.:

from foo1 import foo as foo1;
from foo2 import foo as foo2;

Note that this is only a problem if the imported symbols are really distinct. If the symbols are just different "aliases" of the same symbol defined elsewhere, then you can just import them under the same name into the same scope without any problems.

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4.3 Implicit Imports and the Prelude

Actually, there is yet another kind of import, namely the implicit import of the prelude.q script at the beginning of each script, which in turn includes most standard library modules (see The Standard Library) and makes them readily available in your program, without having to use an explicit import declaration. When looking up an unqualified symbol in a given script, the compiler first searches for a symbol defined in that script, then for a symbol in an imported or included module, then for a symbol defined by the prelude and its includes, and finally for a built-in symbol.

You can instruct the compiler to inhibit the default import of the prelude, by using the --no-prelude option, see Using Q. Moreover, you can also override the standard prelude with your own, if it occurs on the search path before the standard prelude, see Setting up your Environment.

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4.4 The Global Namespace

The namespace available in the interpreter is always that of the main script, i.e., the script given on the command line. This namespace also includes the built-in namespace which contains all the built-in symbols, as well as the implicit imports, i.e., the prelude and all its includes (unless the --no-prelude option was used). The built-in namespace can be accessed explicitly by using an empty module qualifier, as in ::sin. Qualified prelude symbols use the corresponding module name as the qualifier (e.g., stdlib::cat), just as with explicit imports.

The interpreter also allows you to dynamically import additional modules in the global scope using the import command, see Command Language. Moreover, to facilitate testing and debugging, in the interpreter it is possible to gain access to all public and private symbols of the program (also in modules not directly imported in the main script) using qualified identifiers.

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5. Declarations

The Q language allows you to declare function and (free) variable symbols explicitly, by means of the syntactic constructs discussed in this chapter. Symbol declarations are mostly optional; if you introduce a new symbol without declaring it, the compiler declares it for you. However, you will sometimes wish to ensure that a new symbol is created to override a symbol of the same name from an imported module, or you want to attach special attributes to a symbol, and then you have to use an explicit declaration. Explicit declarations are also needed to introduce new operator and type symbols. Moreover, while implicit declarations are often convenient when you want to get something done quickly, for larger projects you might prefer to play it safe and ensure that each function symbol actually has a proper explicit declaration. In such cases you can run the compiler with the --pedantic option (see Running Compiler and Interpreter) to warn you about undeclared occurrences of an identifier.

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5.1 Declaration Syntax

Syntactically, symbol declarations take the following form:

declaration             : prefix headers ';'
                        | [scope] 'type' unqualified-identifier
                          [':' identifier] ['=' sections] ';'
                        | [scope] 'extern' 'type' unqualified-identifier
                          [':' identifier] ['=' sections] ';'
                        | [scope] 'type' qualified-identifier
                          ['as' unqualified-identifier] ';'
                        | [scope] 'type' unqualified-identifier
                          '==' identifier ';'

prefix                  : scope
                        | [scope] modifier {modifier}

scope                   : 'private'|'public'

modifier                : 'const'|'special'|'extern'|'var'|'virtual'

headers                 : header {',' header}

header                  : unqualified-identifier '=' expression
                        | unqualified-identifier
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                        | qualified-identifier
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                          ['as' unqualified-identifier]
                        | '(' unqualified-opsym ')'
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                          ['@' precedence]
                        | '(' qualified-opsym ')'
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                          ['@' precedence]
                          ['as' unqualified-opsym]

precedence              : unsigned-number
                        | '(' operator ')'

sections                : section {'|' section}

section                 : [prefix] headers

For instance, the following are all valid symbol declarations:

public foo;
private extern bar X;
public special lambda X Y;
special cond::ifelse ~P X Y as myifelse;

public (--) Xs Ys;
private (::++) Xs Ys as concat;

const red, green, blue;
var FOO, BAR;
var const e = exp 1;

type Day = const sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat;
public type BinTree = virtual bintree Xs | private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

The keywords private and public specify the scope of a symbol. Public symbols are accessible outside a script, and can be imported by other modules (see Scripts and Modules). If the keywords private and public are omitted, the scope defaults to private.

The special keyword serves to declare special forms, which are described in Special Forms. Function symbols declared with const introduce "constant" or "constructor" symbols; the compiler enforces that expressions created with such symbols are not redefined in an equation (cf. Equations). The built-in constants true, false, [] and () are already predeclared as const. The virtual keyword serves to declare "virtual constructors" which can be used to define concrete representations (so-called "views") of abstract data types, see Views. Non-const function symbols can also be declared as extern, meaning that the corresponding function is actually implemented by a corresponding "external" module, see C Language Interface.

The var keyword allows you to declare "free" variable symbols, which can be assigned a value by means of a variable definition, see Free Variables. If you use such a declaration, the variable symbol may also start with a lowercase letter (if it has not already been declared as a function symbol); note that without such a declaration, an identifier starting with a lowercase letter will implicitly be declared as a function symbol. (The idea behind this is that you can make a variable look like a function symbol, if the variable is actually supposed to be used for function values.)

Variable symbols can also be declared as const; in this case the variable can only be assigned to once and always refers to the same value once it has been defined. The built-in variables INPUT, OUTPUT, ERROR and ARGS are predeclared as const, see Command Language. A variable declaration may also contain an "initializer" of the form = X, where X is an expression. This has the effect of declaring and defining the variable in a single step.

As indicated, the scope-modifier prefix of a declaration is followed by a comma-separated list of headers. The first identifier in each header states the symbol to be declared. In function symbol declarations the function identifier may be followed by a list of variable identifiers which are used to denote the arguments of the declared function symbol. The variables are effectively treated as comments; only their number (called the arity of a function symbol) is recorded to check the consistency of different declarations of the same symbol, and to specify the number of "special" arguments in a special declaration. In special declarations variables may also be prefixed with `~' to declare them as "non-special" arguments; see Special Forms.

The first declaration of an unqualified identifier or operator symbol in a module always introduces a new symbol in the module's namespace. By default (if no explicit declaration precedes the first use of a new, unqualified symbol), the compiler automatically declares it as a private nullary function or variable symbol, depending on the case of the initial letter of the identifier (as already mentioned in Lexical Matters, capitalized identifiers are interpreted as variable symbols, others as function symbols).

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5.2 Operator Declarations

As of Q 6.2, it is also possible to declare new prefix and infix operator symbols. Such declarations are never optional; operator symbols must always be declared before they are used. Syntactically, they take exactly the same form as a function symbol declaration, but the operator symbol is given inside parentheses. As discussed in Lexical Matters, the operator symbol may either be a function identifier or a sequence of punctuation characters. Examples:

public (myop) X Y;
public (--) X Y;

You can also specify a precedence level, like so:

public (myop) X Y @ 2;   // use explicit precedence level ...
public (myop) X Y @ (<); // ... or precedence level of given operator

If no precedence is given, it defaults to 2, which is the precedence of the relational operators. This is described in more detail in User-Defined Operators.

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5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases

The Q language allows multiple declarations of the same symbol, and the compiler will verify the consistency of all declarations of a given symbol. That is, if a symbol is declared with different scope (private or public), attributes (like var, const or special) or different number of arguments, or if non-special arguments of a special form are declared differently, then the compiler will issue an error message.

Note, however, that the compiler will never cross-check the number of parameters in a function symbol declaration with the actual number of arguments to which the function is applied when it is used in an equation or a variable definition. This is because in Q it is perfectly legal to have a function symbol applied to a varying number of arguments for the purpose of constructing partial applications. Also note that if a local function symbol is first used without an explicit declaration then it will be implicitly declared to have a zero argument count. If the symbol is then later declared with a nonzero number of arguments or other non-default attributes then the compiler will print an error message.

As indicated by the syntactic rules, it is also possible to redeclare a qualified symbol. This requires that the target module either is the current module or has already been imported in the current scope using an unqualified import clause, and causes the compiler to both cross-check the declaration with the declaration in the imported module and redeclare the symbol within the current namespace.

Such a redeclaration serves several different purposes. First and foremost, it allows you to ensure that an imported symbol was actually declared with the given attributes. Second, it lets you resolve name clashes by redeclaring the symbol in the current scope where it overrides unqualified imports of other modules; if you want, you can also import the symbol under a new name using an `as' clause (the new symbol is then also referred to as an alias of the original one). In these two cases the symbol will normally be redeclared as a private symbol. Third, by redeclaring a symbol as public, you cause the symbol to be reexported by the current module. Examples:

import gnats;
private gnats::foo X Y; // cross-check declaration of gnats::foo
public gnats::foo X Y as bar; // reexport gnats::foo as bar

Of course, the same also works with operator symbols. E.g., here is how you declare a new operator symbol concat which behaves exactly like the built-in `++' operator:

public (::++) X Y as concat;

There is yet another usage of an imported symbol redeclaration, namely the extern redeclaration. This is only possible with function symbols and if the redeclared symbol is not already declared extern by another module. It instructs the compiler that this module provides an external definition of the symbol which will override equational definitions in other modules, see C Language Interface, for details.

Note that, as of Q 7.8, most of the uses of qualified symbol redeclarations are now covered in a more convenient fashion by qualified imports, see Qualified Imports. Thus qualified symbol redeclarations will now mostly be used for cross-checking declarations and for external overrides.

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5.4 Type Declarations

A type declaration introduces a type identifier, an optional supertype for the type, and an optional list of "constructor" symbols for the type. It associates the function symbols in the list with the given type. The symbol list is a |-delimited list of individual sections. Each section takes the form of an ordinary symbol declaration, consisting of scope/modifier prefix and a comma-delimited list of headers. The prefix is optional; by default, a symbol has the same scope as the type it belongs to. To change scope and attributes of a symbol on the list, you use an appropriate scope/modifier prefix. For instance, you can declare a public BinTree type with private constructors nil and bin as follows:

public type BinTree = private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

Each constructor symbol may only be declared once; otherwise the compiler will issue an error message. Hence the compiler enforces that a constructor symbol only belongs to a single type, and that the number of arguments of that symbol is determined uniquely.

A constructor symbol may also be declared as virtual, which indicates that it may be used in concrete representations of abstract data types, so-called "views". Such symbols are usually non-const symbols implementing a public construction function which delivers values of the type they belong to, see Views, for details. For instance, to add a virtual constructor bintree to the above BinTree type, you might declare the type as follows:

public type BinTree = virtual bintree Xs | private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

Type identifiers may begin with either an upper- or lowercase letter (the convention, however, is to use capitalized identifiers). There may only be a single declaration for each type. As of Q 7.8, type identifiers must also be distinct from function or variable symbols declared in the same namespace, as both type and function/variable identifiers may now occur in the same context (namely, a qualified import clause).

Types are used on the left-hand side of equations to restrict the set of expressions which can be matched by a variable; see Type Guards, for details. The Q language has a number of predefined type symbols which distinguish the corresponding types of objects built into the language: Bool, Int, Float, Real (which is the supertype of both Int and Float), Num (the supertype of Real), String, Char (the subtype of String denoting the single-character strings), File, List, Stream, Tuple and Function. (Besides this, there are also two built-in types for exceptions, see Exception Handling.)

Like function symbols, types imported from other modules can also be redeclared (possibly under a new name), and reexported, e.g.:

public type array::Array as MyArray;

In this case, no constructor symbols or supertype are specified. (As of Q 7.8, it is also possible to use a qualified import clause to achieve this, see Qualified Imports. Also note that if a type is imported using a qualified import clause, then its constructor symbols will not be imported automatically; you will have to explicitly list them in the import clause if you need them.)

As of Q 7.1, there is an alternative, more customary syntax for introducing type aliases which looks as follows:

type Integer == Int;

Note that here the alias to be defined is specified first, and the existing type to be aliased can be specified without a module qualifier. This works exactly like an ordinary alias declaration, but resembles more closely the syntax commonly used for defining type synonyms in other languages like Pascal and Haskell.

Types can also be declared as extern, to indicate that they are realized in a corresponding C module, as described in C Language Interface. External types may have a supertype, but only virtual constructors. For instance:

extern type Bar = virtual bar X;

In difference to function symbols, an existing type imported from another module cannot be redeclared as extern. Therefore an external definition must always be given by the module which originally declares the type.

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6. Expressions

The notion of expressions is an intrinsic part of most, if not all, programming languages. However, in most programming languages expressions are merely treated as descriptions of computations to be performed in order to obtain the value of an expression, which usually belongs to some basic type provided by the language. In contrast, in the Q language expressions are objects in their own right which, as we shall see, are manipulated according to computational rules specified by the programmer.

As usual, expressions are built from certain kinds of basic objects. In the Q language, these are integers, floating point numbers, strings, function and variable symbols. These objects are combined into larger, compound expressions by means of applications, tuples, lists and streams. For convenience, the Q language also has prefix, infix and mixfix operator symbols for the most common operations; these are actually treated as "syntactic sugar" for applications. Syntactic sugar is also provided for list, tuple and stream enumerations and comprehensions. The syntax of all these entities is described by the following grammatical rules:

expression              : identifier
                        | 'var' unqualified-identifier
                        | variable-identifier ':' identifier
                        | number
                        | string
                        | expression expression
                        | unary-op expression
                        | expression binary-op expression
                        | 'if' expression 'then' expression
                          ['else' expression]
                        | '\' expression { expression } '.' expression
                        | '(' [element-list|enumeration|comprehension] ')'
                        | '[' [element-list|enumeration|comprehension] ']'
                        | '{' [element-list|enumeration|comprehension] '}'
                        | '(' op ')'
                        | '(' expression binary-op ')'
                        | '(' binary-op expression ')'

element-list            : expression-list [',' | ';' | '|' expression]

enumeration             : expression-list '..' [expression]

comprehension           : expression ':' expression-list

expression-list         : expression {',' expression}
                        | expression {';' expression}

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6.1 Constants and Variables

The nonterminals identifier, op, unary-op, binary-op, number and string occuring in the syntax rules above refer to the lexical entities introduced in Lexical Matters. Note that the Q language actually distinguishes two different types of identifiers (function and variable identifiers), two different kinds of operator symbols (unary and binary) and two different types of numeric quantities (integers and floating point numbers). Integers are implemented as "bignums" using the GNU multiprecision package (GMP); thus the size of an integer value is only limited by available memory. Floating point values are implemented using 64 bit (i.e., double precision) floating point numbers; on most machines, these should provide nonzero absolute values ranging from 1.7E-308 to 1.7E308 and a precision of 15 decimal digits.

String constants are character sequences internally represented as character arrays permitting constant-time access to the individual characters of a string. There is no a priori length restriction for string constants. In the current implementation, the null character \0 is reserved as a string terminator and must not be used as an ordinary string character.

Furthermore, the Q language provides five other built-in constants which denote the truth values (true and false), and the empty list, stream and tuple ([], {} and (), to be discussed in Lists, Streams and Tuples).

A variable symbol can be "bound" or "free", depending on the context in which it occurs. We say that a variable is bound in an equation if it occurs on the left-hand side of the equation. Otherwise, the variable is a free variable. In this case, the variable may denote a value (introduced with def), or simply stands for itself. In any case, a variable is a legal atomic expression which may stand wherever a constant is allowed.

On the left-hand side of equations, it is possible to declare that a variable is of a given type by using the notation: variable:type. This requires that you have previously declared type as a type identifier, see Declarations. When a type identifier is specified with a variable, the variable will only match values belonging to the given type, cf. Type Guards.

On the right-hand side of equations, an unqualified identifier can also be prefixed with the keyword var to indicate that the identifier is to be treated as a free variable symbol. Such inline variable declarations can be used to escape free variables (if the same identifier is also introduced as a bound variable on the left-hand side of the equation) and to declare free variable symbols on the fly, see Local Variables, for details.

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6.2 Applications

Application is probably the most important single construct in the Q language. It allows you to apply one object (the "function") to another one (the "argument"). This construct is used to denote "function calls" such as sqrt 2 as well as "constructor terms" such as bin X T1 T2 which encode tree-like data structures. Also, as we will see in Built-In Operators, operators like +, -, etc. are merely syntactic sugar for applications.

As in other contemporary functional languages, application is a binary operation written simply as juxtaposition: X Y denotes the application of X to Y, both of which may be arbitrary expressions themselves. Application associates to the left; the construct X Y1 … Yn is equivalent to (…((X Y1) Y2) …) Yn, and denotes the application of X to n arguments Y1, …, Yn. This style of writing function applications is commonly referred to as currying, after the American logician H.B. Curry. We will have to say more about this shortly.

Here are some valid examples of applications:

sqrt 2
sqrt (Y+1)
foo X (bar (Y-1)) Z

Note that since application is left-associative, nested applications in arguments must be set off with parentheses. For instance, foo (bar X) applies foo to bar X, whereas foo bar X applies foo to two arguments bar and X.

Since currying is so ubiquitous in functional programming, you should be well familiar with it, so let us briefly explain what it is, and what it is good for.

Functions of multiple arguments can generally be defined in two different ways:

The Q language supports both kinds of notations. Choosing between the two is more than just a matter of taste. Besides saving parentheses, curried functions provide a cheap way to derive new functions through "partial applications" of a multi-argument function. For instance, given the curried definition of max from above, max 0 can be used to denote the function computing the "nonnegative part" of its argument (which is the argument itself if it is nonnegative, and zero otherwise). This does not work with the uncurried definition since that definition requires us to specify both arguments of max in one chunk; instead, we would have to start defining the derived function from scratch.

Uncurried definitions also have their merits. In particular, they allow us to define variadic functions, i.e., functions which can handle a varying number of arguments. For instance, the following definition enables us to apply the max function to both pairs and triples:

max (X,Y)               = X if X>=Y;
                        = Y otherwise;
max (X,Y,Z)             = max (X,max (Y,Z))

In fact, in the Q language it is possible to define generic functions which apply to any number of arguments specified as a tuple. For instance, the following version of max handles tuples of any size at least 2:

max (X,Y)               = X if X>=Y;
                        = Y otherwise;
max (X,Y|Zs)            = max (X,max (Y|Zs));

(In the above example, the notation (…|Zs) is used to denote a tuple with "tail" Zs. This is explained in the following section.)

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6.3 Lists, Streams and Tuples

The Q language provides three closely related general constructs for representing sequences of objects: lists, streams and tuples.

We start out with a discussion of the list data structure. The constant [] denotes the empty list. In general, a list consisting of elements X1, X2, …, Xn is denoted [X1,X2,…,Xn]. For instance, [a,b,c] consists of three elements (symbols) a, b and c. In contrast to statically typed languages like Haskell and ML, list members may have different types; e.g., [a,10,"a string"] is a perfectly well-formed list consisting of a symbol, a number and a string. It is also possible to have nested lists, as in [a,[b,c]] which consists of two elements, the symbol a and the list [b,c].

You can also have a trailing comma in a list, as in [a,b,c,]. The trailing comma is ignored, so the above is exactly the same as [a,b,c]. This makes it possible to format a list as follows, which lets you add new items at the end more easily:

def ITEMS = [
              "This is the first item",
              "This is the second item",
              "This is the last item",

As in Prolog, lists are actually represented in a right-recursive fashion using a binary constructor [|] which takes as its arguments the head element of the list and the list of the remaining elements, called the tail of the list. Thus, e.g., [a,b,c] is simply a shorthand notation for [a|[b,c]], which denotes a list with head a and tail [b,c] (which is in turn a shorthand for [b|[c]], etc.). You can also mix both styles of notation; for instance, [a,b|[c,d]] is another way to represent the 4-element list [a,b,c,d].

Note that [a|[b,c]] is different from [a,[b,c]]: the former denotes a three-element list, while the latter is a two-element list whose second member happens to be a list itself. Also note that the [|] constructor can in fact be applied to any pair of values (the second value does not have to be a list); e.g., [a|b] is a perfectly well-formed expression (although the built-in length, indexing and concatenation operations described in String, List and Tuple Operators, will fail on such values).

Q also provides so-called enumerations to construct lists from a range of values. These usually take the form [X1,X2,…,Xn..Y] which is just syntactic sugar for the application enum [X1,X2,…,Xn] Y involving the built-in enum function, see Enumeration Types, for details. Syntactic sugar is also provided for list comprehensions, which are discussed in Conditionals and Comprehensions. Analogous constructs are also provided for streams and tuples.

Streams look exactly like lists except that they are written with curly braces. The difference between lists and streams is that the head and tail of a stream are not evaluated until their values are actually required during the course of a computation. For instance, you will find that if you enter an expression like {1+1,2+2,3+3} in the interpreter, then the value of that expression will be just the expression itself, because the embedded applications of the `+' operator are not evaluated:

==> {1+1,2+2,3+3}

In contrast, if you enter the same sequence as a list, its elements will be evaluated immediately:

==> [1+1,2+2,3+3]

A stream element will be evaluated automatically when it is accessed, e.g., using the index operator:

==> {1+1,2+2,3+3}!1

This is also known as lazy or non-strict evaluation: the evaluation of the stream elements is deferred until they are actually needed. In fact, the entire tail of a stream may be deferred, which makes it possible to create infinite sequences whose members are produced "on the fly" while traversing the sequence.

Streams are implemented in terms of so-called "special forms" which will be introduced in Special Forms. We therefore postpone a closer description of this data structure until Special Constructors and Streams. Also note that the Q language itself only defines the stream constructors; most other stream functions are actually implemented by the standard library script stream.q, see Streams.

Tuples also work in much the same fashion as lists: The constant () denotes the empty tuple, and a tuple consisting of elements X1, X2, …, Xn is written as (X1,X2,…,Xn), which is equivalent to (X1|(X2|…|(Xn|()))), where the notation (X|Xs) denotes a tuple consisting of a first element X and the tuple Xs of the remaining elements. A trailing comma may follow the last tuple element, so that (a,b,c,) is the same as (a,b,c). The trailing comma is optional in all cases except one: As in the Python programming language, 1-tuples are indicated with a trailing comma, to distinguish them from ordinary parenthesized expressions. Hence (a,) denotes the 1-tuple with the single member a, while (a) just denotes a itself.

Note that in contrast to languages like ML and Haskell, tuples are not actually needed to represent sequences of values with different types, as Q's list data structure already allows you to do that. Also, Q's tuples are a lot more flexible than in ML and Haskell, as they can be handled mostly like list values. The big difference between lists and tuples in the Q language is that, while lists are always represented as recursive data objects using a binary constructor symbol (just the way that they are written), tuples are actually implemented as "vectors" which are stored as contiguous sequences in memory. (This only works for "well-formed" tuples. If the tail Xs of a tuple (X|Xs) is not a tuple, then this value can only be represented using an explicit application of the tuple constructor.) Therefore tuples normally use up much less memory than lists of the same size, and they also allow constant-time access to their members. The size of a tuple can be determined in constant time as well. In contrast, the same operations, when applied to a list, require time proportional to the size of the list. On the other hand, lists are more efficient when accessing the tail of a list and when a new element is prepended to a list, which can both be done in constant time. Here a tuple needs time proportional to its size, since the member sequence of the original tuple must be copied when accessing its tail or when prepending an element.

These tradeoffs should be carefully considered when deciding whether to implement a given sequence as a list or a tuple. Tuples are usually the best choice for implementing fixed sequences requiring fast random access to its individual members, whereas lists provide the most efficient representation if the elements are traversed and manipulated sequentially. If necessary, you can easily convert between these two representations using the built-in functions list and tuple, see Conversion Functions.

Lists, streams and tuples are frequently combined to create nested structures like a tuple of lists and/or streams, a list (or stream) of lists, or a list (or stream, or tuple) of tuples. The latter construct (sequences of tuples) is so common that Q provides special support for it in the form of the following "grouping" syntax. The notation [X1, X2, …; Y1, Y2, …; …] is a shorthand for [(X1, X2, …), (Y1, Y2, …), …]. Note that there must be at least one element in each group (but the number of elements in different groups may vary), and there must be at least one group (a single group is denoted with a trailing `;'). Thus, for instance, [A,B;C,D;X,Y,Z] is the same as [(A,B),(C,D),(X,Y,Z)], and [X,Y,Z;] is the same as [(X,Y,Z)]. The same notation also applies to streams and tuples.

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6.4 Built-In Operators

Besides the forms of expressions already discussed above, the Q language also provides a collection of prefix, infix and mixfix operator symbols for common arithmetic, logical, relational and other operations. A complete list of these symbols is given below, in order of decreasing precedence:

' ` ~ &

quotation operators (unary)


function composition

^ !

exponentiation and subscript

- # not

prefix operators (unary)

* / div mod and and-then

multiplication operators

++ + - or or-else

addition operators

< > = <= >= <> ==

relational operators


infix application operator


conditional expressions


sequence operator


lambda abstractions

Most of these symbols have their usual meaning; a closer description follows below. All binary operators are left-associative, with the exception of ^, ! and $ which associate to the right, and the relational operators which are nonassociative. Application takes precedence over all these operations except the quotation operators; hence sqrt X^3 denotes (sqrt X)^3 and not sqrt (X^3). The quotation operators have the highest possible precedence, and hence bind stronger than even applications. Parentheses are used to group expressions and overwrite default precedences and associativity as usual. C programmers will also note that the logical operators have the same "wrong" precedence as in Pascal. Thus you should make sure that you always parenthesize relational expressions when combining them with logical connectives.

You should also note that unary minus must be parenthesized when appearing in an argument of a function application. For instance, although foo X -Y is a perfectly well-formed expression, it denotes (foo X) - Y and not foo X (-Y) as you might have intended by the spacing which is however ignored by the Q compiler. As already noted in Lexical Matters, unary minus in front of a number is special; it causes values such as -2 to be interpreted as negative numbers rather than denoting an explicit application of the unary minus operator (an explicit application of unary minus can be denoted using the built-in minus symbol; see below). The rules for parenthesizing negative numbers are the same as those for unary minus; you have to write foo X (-2) instead of foo X -2 (which denotes (foo X) - 2).

In the Q language, expressions involving prefix and infix operators are merely syntactic sugar for applications. By enclosing such an operator in parentheses, you can turn it into an ordinary prefix function. For instance, X+Y is exactly the same as (+) X Y, and not X actually denotes the application (not) X. The built-in operators simply provide a more convenient way for applying these operations to their arguments, which resembles common mathematical notation. Moreover, you can also turn a binary operator into a unary function by specifying either the left or the right operand. E.g., (1/) denotes the reciprocal and (*2) the doubling function. Such constructs are commonly called operator sections. Inside a section, the usual precedence and associativity rules apply. For instance, the X+3 subterm in (*(X+3)) must be parenthesized because * has a higher precedence than +, and hence the partial expression (*X+3) is not well-formed.

The - operator plays a somewhat awkward role in the syntax, since it is used to denote both unary and binary minus. Q adopts the convention that the notation (-) always denotes binary minus; unary minus may be denoted by the built-in minus function. Thus the expression minus X applies unary minus to X. Note that this construct always denotes an explicit application of the unary minus operation. For instance, minus 5 denotes the application of unary minus to the integer 5, while -5 is a negative integer. Also note that the construct (-X) is not an operator section, but a parenthesized expression involving unary minus. The easiest way to construct an operator section which subtracts a given value from its argument is to formulate the function using the addition operator as in (+(-X)).

Another special case are the mixfix operators if-then-else (conditional expression) and \X.Y (lambda abstraction). These are just syntactic sugar for the standard library functions ifelse/when and the built-in function lambda, so no special syntax is needed to turn them into prefix functions.

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6.4.1 Quotation Operators

The ' (quote), ` (backquote), ~ (tilde) and & (ampersand) operators are used to deal with so-called special forms. The quote operator quotes an expression as a literal; it is a constructor symbol and hence becomes part of the quoted expression. The backquote and tilde operators are used to "splice" and "force" subterms in an expression. The ampersand operator causes "special arguments" to be memoized. We postpone a discussion of these operations until Special Forms.

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6.4.2 Function Composition

The `.' operator denotes function composition: (F.G) X = F (G X). For instance, to double a value and then add 1 to it, you can use an expression like ((+1).(*2)) X. Note the parentheses around the composition - as application binds stronger than composition, F.G X is interpreted as F.(G X) rather than (F.G) X. If a composition involves applications with integer arguments, extra whitespace may be needed to distinguish between the `.' operator and the decimal point; e.g., F 5 . G denotes a composition of the functions F 5 and G, whereas F 5.G is an application of the function F to two arguments, the floating point value 5. and the function G. Also note that the composition operator is associative, since (F.G.H) X = ((F.G).H) X = F (G (H X)) = (F.(G.H)) X.

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6.4.3 Arithmetic Operators

The operators +, -, *, / denote the sum, the difference, the product and the quotient of two numeric values, respectively. As already noted, - is also used as unary minus. The operators div and mod denote integer quotient and modulo, respectively; they only apply to integers. The ^ operator denotes exponentiation, as defined by X^Y = exp (ln X*Y); it always returns a floating point value. (If X<0 then X^Y is defined only if Y is an integer. 0^0 is left undefined as well, so if you would like to have that 0^0 = 1 then you must add corresponding equations yourself. Also note that the complex.q standard library module extends the built-in definition of the exponentiation operator to handle the case that X<0 with general exponent; see Complex Numbers.)

The argument and corresponding result types of these operations are summarized in the following table (Int denotes integer, Float floating point, and Real integer or floating point values):

+ - *

Int Int -> Int
Int Float -> Float
Float Int -> Float
Float Float -> Float

/ ^

Real Real -> Float

div mod

Int Int -> Int

- (unary)

Int -> Int
Float -> Float

Note that, as of Q 7.2, all floating point operations properly deal with IEEE floating point infinities and NaN ("not a number") values. Consequently, division by zero now yields one of the special values inf, -inf or nan, depending on the value of the first operand. (Of course, this will only work as described on systems with a proper IEEE floating point implementation. The interpreter makes no attempt to emulate IEEE floating point values on systems which do not provide them natively.)

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6.4.4 Relational Operators

The operators <, >, =, <=, >=, <> are binary predicates meaning "less", "greater", "equal", "less or equal", "greater or equal" and "not equal", respectively. The built-in definition of these operations only applies to numbers, strings and truth values. All relational operators return truth values (true, false) as results. Strings are compared lexicographically, on the basis of the character encoding (which, as of Q 7.0, usually is Unicode). Truth values are ordered by false < true.

If you would like to compare other types of values than the basic objects mentioned above, normally you will have to provide suitable definitions yourself. For instance, you might wish to extend the equality operation to other built-in and user-defined data structures such as lists, trees, etc., by "overloading" the = operator accordingly. The following equations implement an equality predicate on lists (the parentheses on the left-hand side are necessary to prevent the equality operation to be interpreted as the equal sign separating left-hand and right-hand side of an equation):

([] = [])               = true;
([] = [Y|Ys])           = false;
([X|Xs] = [])           = false;
([X|Xs] = [Y|Ys])       = (X=Y) and then (Xs=Ys);

Rules for other comparison operators (<>, <=, etc.) could be added in the same fashion. Actually, the standard library provides corresponding definitions; see The Standard Library.

A special case arises with types consisting of only nullary constructor symbols declared with const, so-called enumeration types, see Types. The values of such a type can always be compared with the relational operators, using the order in which they are listed in the type declaration. (A special case of this is the order of the built-in truth values.) For instance, assume that the Day type is declared as follows:

type Day = const sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat;

Then the listed constants will be ordered as sun < mon < … < sat.

Besides the equality predicate, the Q language also provides a notion of "syntactic" equality, implemented by the `==' operator, which applies to all kinds of expressions; see Non-Linear Equations, for details.

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6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators

The logical operations not, and, or denote logical negation, conjunction and disjunction, respectively. These operators take truth values as their arguments. They are defined in a straightforward manner:

not true                = false;
not false               = true;

true and true           = true;
true and false          = false;
false and true          = false;
false and false         = false;

true or true            = true;
true or false           = true;
false or true           = true;
false or false          = false;

Like most other programming languages, Q also has logical connectives for the short-circuit evaluation of logical expressions, which are denoted by the operators and then and or else. These operations are actually implemented as "special forms" which evaluate their arguments from left to right only as far as required to determine the value of the expression (cf. Special Forms). They are defined by the following built-in equations:

true and then X         = X;
false and then X        = false;

false or else X         = X;
true or else X          = true;

The first operand is always evaluated. Depending on its value, the second operand may not be evaluated at all. For instance, if X evaluates to false, then X and then Y immediately reduces to false, without ever having to evaluate the second argument Y. On the other hand, if X evaluates to true, then Y is evaluated and returned as the value of the expression. The or else operation works analogously.

One reason for using short-circuit evaluation is efficiency: prevent unnecessary computations when an initial part of a logical expression already determines the value of the entire expression. Furthermore, short-circuit evaluation is sometimes essential to check a condition before evaluating an expression depending on the validity of this condition. For instance:

(X <> 0) and then (foo (1/X) > 0)

You should also note that, according to the above definitions, X and then Y and X or else Y are always reduced if X is a truth value, even if the second operand Y does not evaluate to a truth value. This may look a bit weird at first, but it is in fact the most reasonable way to implement short-circuit evaluation in the Q language, since Q uses dynamic typing, and hence the type of an expression is only known after it has been evaluated. In fact, this "feature" can be quite useful at times. For instance, you can also use and then to write down a simple kind of conditional expression like

check X and then bar X

where bar X is the value you wish to compute, but only if the condition check X holds.

The Q interpreter also uses the operators not, and and or to denote bitwise logical operations on integers. Thus, not X denotes the one's complement of an integer X, and X and Y and X or Y the bitwise logical conjunction and disjunction of integers X and Y, respectively. These operations behave as if negative integers were represented in two's complement (although GMP actually uses a sign-magnitude representation). This means that for each integer X, -X = not X + 1, or, equivalently, not X = -X-1. For instance:

==> 17 and not 13

==> 17 or not 13

==> not _

These results become clear when considering that 17 has bits 0 (=1) and 4 (=16) on (and all other bits off), while not 13 has bits 0 (=1), 2 (=4) and 3 (=8) off (and all other bits on). Thus, writing these numbers as unsigned bit sequences with most significant bits first, where ...1 denotes an infinite sequence of leading 1's, we have:

17 and not 13 =
10001 and not 1101 = 10001 and ...10010 = 10000
= 16

17 or not 13 =
10001 or not 1101 = 10001 or ...10010 = ...10011 (= not 1100 = not 12)
= -13

Together with the built-in bit shift operations, the bitwise logical operations can also be used to implement "bitsets", i.e., sets of nonnegative integers represented by bit patterns. See Arithmetic Functions, for details.

In case you are wondering about "exclusive or:" While this operator is not provided as a builtin, you can easily define it yourself as follows:

public (xor) X Y @ 3;
X xor Y                 = (X or Y) and not (X and Y);

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6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators

The ++ operator denotes concatenation, # is the length or size operator, and the subscript operator ! is used for indexing. These operations work consistently on strings, lists and tuples. For instance:

"abc"++"xy"             ⇒ "abcxy"
[a,b,c]++[x,y]          ⇒ [a,b,c,x,y]
(a,b,c)++(x,y)          ⇒ (a,b,c,x,y)

#"abc"                  ⇒ 3
#[a,b,c]                ⇒ 3
#(a,b,c)                ⇒ 3

"abc"!1                 ⇒ "b"
[a,b,c]!1               ⇒ b
(a,b,c)!1               ⇒ b

Indexing with the subscript operator starts at zero, so that X!0 and X!(#X-1) denote the first and last member of a string, list or tuple, respectively. Also note that since ! is right-associative, double subscripts may have to be parenthesized. For instance, compare (X!I)!J and X!I!J=X!(I!J).

All list and tuple operators check that their first argument is a well-formed list or tuple value. However, the second argument of the ++ operator may in fact be any value. List concatenation just replaces the empty sublist marking the end of its first list argument with the second argument, as if it was defined by the following equations:

[]++Ys                  = Ys;
[X|Xs]++Ys              = [X|Xs++Ys];

Hence we have that, e.g., []++1 ⇒ 1 and [1,2]++3 ⇒ [1,2|3], which may look odd, but is consistent with the above equations. Tuple concatenation works in an analogous manner.

All operators discussed in this section are also available for streams (cf. Lists, Streams and Tuples). However, the corresponding definitions are not built into the language but are provided in the standard library script stream.q, see Streams.

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6.4.7 Application and Sequence Operators

The application operator `$' and the sequence operator `||' have the lowest precedence among the prefix and infix operators. The $ operator is right-associative and binds stronger than the || operator, which is left-associative.

The infix application operator provides an alternative way to denote function application, i.e., F $ X ⇒ F X. This operator comes in handy when you want to pass around function application as a function parameter. Since this operator has very low precedence and is right-associative, it also provides a convenient way to write down "cascading function applications," such as foo $ bar $ X+Y = foo (bar (X+Y)), which can save a lot of parentheses and make an expression more readable.

The sequence operator lets you evaluate sequences of expressions in a given order. The value of the sequence is given by the rightmost expression. That is,

X || Y                  ⇒ Y.

The sole purpose of this construct is to allow operations with side-effects (such as I/O functions) to be carried out sequentially. A typical example is

writes "Input: " || reads

which prints a prompt on the terminal and then reads in a string. (The built-in functions writes and reads are described in Built-In Functions.)

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6.4.8 Conditional Expressions and Lambdas

As of version 7.1, Q also provides special syntax for two other kinds of constructs which are commonly encountered in functional programs: conditional expressions and lambda abstractions. A conditional expression takes the form if X then Y else Z where X, Y and Z are arbitrary expressions. It returns the value of Y if the value of X is true, and the value of Z if the value of X is false. The `else' part can also be omitted, in which case () is returned if the value of X is false. Like the built-in logical connectives and then and or else, conditional expressions are special forms which are evaluated in short-circuit mode; thus, if X evaluates to false, then Y will never be evaluated.

Lambda abstractions can be denoted using the customary notation \X.Y where X is an expression denoting a pattern to be matched against the argument of the lambda function, and Y is another expression, the lambda body which is to be evaluated when the lambda function is applied to an argument. Note that if the argument pattern X is not an atomic expression (i.e., not a basic expression, list, stream or tuple) then it must be parenthesized; the lambda body Y never has to be parenthesized, however, because of the low precedence of the lambda construct. Multi-argument lambdas can be written using the notation \X1 X2 … . Y, which is just a shorthand for \X1 . \X2 . … . Y. Lambdas are special forms; neither the parameter patterns nor the body are evaluated, rather they are "compiled" (at runtime) to a special kind of function object which can be applied to the actual arguments in an efficient manner, see Lambda Abstractions, for details.

Like the other operators, both if-then-else and the \X.Y construct are merely syntactic sugar for function applications. The if-then-else operator is actually implemented by the standard library function ifelse (or the when function if the `else' part is omitted), see Conditionals and Comprehensions. The \X.Y construct translates to an application of the built-in lambda function, see Lambda Abstractions.

Note that the \X.Y construct has the lowest possible precedence, even lower than the sequencing operator `||', so it always has to be parenthesized unless it forms a toplevel expression or the body of another lambda construct. The if-then-else operator binds stronger than `||', but weaker than `$', and "dangling else" parts are assumed to belong to the most recent if-then. This makes imperative-style code like the following behave as expected:

test = \X.
       writes "The value is " ||
       if X > 0 then
         writes "positive.\n"
       else if X < 0 then
         writes "negative.\n"
         writes "zero.\n";

Also note that if-then-else needs to be parenthesized unless it occurs as a toplevel or inside a lambda, sequence or another conditional expression:

test = \X. writes $ "The value is " ++
       (if X > 0 then
        else if X < 0 then
          "zero") ++ ".\n";

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6.5 User-Defined Operators

As of version 6.2, the Q language also lets you you define your own prefix and infix operator symbols, using a declaration like the following (see also Declarations):

public (myop) X Y;

This effectively turns myop into a keyword which can be used as an infix operator: X myop Y. User-defined operators work exactly like the built-in ones, in that you can turn them into a prefix function by enclosing them in parentheses, as in (myop), and that you can build sections from them which leave the left or right operand unspecified, such as (X myop) and (myop X).

By default, the new operator has the same precedence and associativity as the relational operators (which are at precedence level 2, and are non-associative). You can also explicitly specify a precedence level, like so:

public (myop) X Y @ 2;

Alternatively, you may denote the precedence level by listing an existing operator symbol. The following is equivalent to the above declaration:

public (myop) X Y @ (<);

As of Q 7.7, the operator symbol doesn't have to be an identifier, it can also be a sequence of punctuation characters as discussed in Operator Symbols. For instance:

public (===) X Y @ (=);

As a real-world example, here is the definition of an xor (exclusive-or) operator from Logical and Bit Operators. It uses the third precedence level, which is occupied by the addition operators (which also includes the built-in or operator):

public (xor) X Y @ 3;
X xor Y                 = (X or Y) and not (X and Y);

In general, a quick glance at the operator table in the preceding subsection reveals that valid precedence level numbers for the prefix and infix operators go from 0 (lowest precedence, binary sequence operator) to 9 (highest precedence, unary quotation operators), with 8 denoting the precedence of function application. (Note that there are no numbered precedence levels for the if-then-else and \X.Y constructs because there is no way to declare such mixfix operators in Q.) The complete list of built-in prefix and infix operators, cast as a sequence of valid Q declarations, is shown below.

public (::||) X Y @0, (::$) X Y @1;
public (::<) X Y @2, (::<=) X Y @2, (::>) X Y @2, (::>=) X Y @2,
  (::=) X Y @2, (::<>) X Y @2;
public special (::==) X Y @2;
public (::++) X Y @3, (::+) X Y @3, (::-) X Y @3,
  (::or) X Y @3;
public special (::or else) ~X Y @3;
public (::*) X Y @4, (::/) X Y @4, (::div) X Y @4, (::mod) X Y @4,
  (::and) X Y @4;
public special (::and then) ~X Y @4;
public (::#) X @5, (::not) X @5;
public (::^) X Y @6, (::!) X Y @6;
public (::.) X Y @7;
public special const (::') X @9;
public (::`) X @9, (::~) X @9, (::&) X @9;

Note that precedence level 8 may not be used for user-defined operators. Other than that, all precedence levels are permitted, but the fixity (prefix/infix), the number of operands (unary/binary) and (unlike in ML and Haskell) also the associativity of operators (non-/left-/right-associative) are all determined by Q's system of built-in operators, as described in Built-In Operators.


While user-defined operators are often useful for extending Q's built-in operator system and to implement "domain-specific languages", the excessive use of obscure operator symbols, especially the use of multi-character punctuation looking like "line noise", may make your programs hard to read and is considered bad style.

As explained in Operator Symbols, some built-in operator symbols, such as `-', `=' and `.' are actually part of Q's syntax and need special treatment. These symbols may therefore not be redeclared as user-defined operators. The same applies to special symbols like `|', `..', `\', `@' and the keywords of the language. In general, you should also refrain from redeclaring other built-in operators since this will most likely be confusing for other programmers reading your code. Most of the time that you want to define, say, a `+' operation on a given data structure, extending the built-in `+' operator should work just fine; there's usually no need to declare a new `+' operator for that purpose.

You should also be aware that declaring new operator symbols actually amounts to changing the syntax of the Q language in small and sometimes subtle ways, both at compile- and runtime. The amount of havoc you can wreak on the syntax is somewhat limited by the fact that Q does not allow you to create your own precedence levels; all the available levels and the corresponding fixities of operators are prescribed by Q's expression syntax. Nevertheless, designing your own operator systems takes careful planning. In particular, since operator symbols are parsed using the maximal munch rule (see Operator Symbols), it is a bad idea to declare binary operator symbols like `--' or `<-' which end in a valid prefix of a unary operator (`-' in this case). Such ambiguities can break existing code and produce bugs which are hard to find. When in doubt, just use symbols from the extended Unicode character set; there are plenty of nice mathematical and other punctuation symbols in Unicode which are very useful for programming purposes.

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7. Equations and Expression Evaluation

"Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers." [Abelson/Sussman 1996, p.1]

At its core, any programming language faces the programmer with three distinct abstract notions [Abelson/Sussman 1996]: the entities which are to be manipulated, usually referred to as "data", the computational "processes" which carry out those manipulations, and the description of these processes by finite collections of computational rules, commonly called "programs".

As in other functional programming languages, all computations performed by Q scripts are expression evaluations: The user specifies an expression to be evaluated, the interpreter computes the value of that expression and prints it as the result of the computation.

Having described the "data" manipulated by Q scripts, expressions, we now turn to the computational processes carried out on those expressions, expression evaluations, and their description by collections of computational rules, equations.

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7.1 Equations

In the Q language, there is in fact no exact equivalent of a "function definition" in conventional languages. Rather, definitions take the form of equations which describe how a given expression, the left-hand side of the equation, can be transformed into another one, the corresponding right-hand side. Note the difference between this interpretation and common mathematical usage in which an equation is usually something to be "solved". Here we are actually dealing with "rewriting rules", i.e., the equations are oriented from left to right. The syntax of equations is captured by the following grammar rules:

definition              : expression
                          lqualifiers '=' expression qualifiers ';'
                          {lqualifiers '=' expression qualifiers ';'}
lqualifiers             : [qualifier {qualifier} ':']
qualifiers              : {qualifier}
qualifier               : condition
                        | where-clause
condition               : 'if' expression
                        | 'otherwise'
where-clause            : 'where' expression '=' expression
                          {',' expression '=' expression}

Variables occurring on the left-hand side of an equation are taken to be universally quantified. They play the role of formal parameters in conventional programming languages, which are "bound" to their corresponding values when the equation is applied to an actual expression value. For instance, suppose we wish to define a function sqr which squares its argument. We know that to square something we simply multiply it with itself. The corresponding equation is:

sqr X                   = X*X;

Here the left-hand side is simply the application of the function symbol sqr to an argument value X which stands for any actual value we might apply the sqr function to.

An equation may also contain a collection of conditions and "local" variable definitions (these two kinds of supplementary elements are also called qualifiers in Q parlance), and multiple right-hand sides (which are interpreted as a collection of equations for the same left-hand side). An empty condition may be denoted with the keyword otherwise, which is a convenient means to indicate the "default case" of a definition. For instance, the following equations define the factorial function:

fac N                   = N*fac (N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

The otherwise keyword is nothing but syntactic sugar; it can always be omitted. However, it tends to improve the readability of definitions like the one above.

Qualifiers can also be written on the left-hand side of an equation, like so:

fac N if N>0:           = N*fac (N-1);
      otherwise:        = 1;

The two forms are more or less equivalent, and can be mixed, but left-hand side qualifiers may also be shared by multiple equations for the same left-hand side. For instance, here is a definition of Ackerman's function:

ack M N if M>0:         = ack (M-1) (ack M (N-1)) if N>0;
                        = ack (M-1) 1 if N=0;
        if M=0:         = N+1;

Note that the condition M>0 on the left-hand side of the first equation applies to both the first and the second equation. In general, the scope of a left-hand qualifier extends up to (but excluding) the next equation with either another left-hand side qualifier or a new left-hand side expression.

In difference to function definitions in conventional programming languages, the left-hand side of an equation may also contain constant and structured argument patterns which are to be matched against the actual parameters of a function. For instance, the following equations, which involve constant values on the left-hand side, define the Fibonacci function:

fib 0                   = 0;
fib 1                   = 1;
fib N                   = fib (N-1) + fib (N-2) otherwise;

As an example for structured argument patterns, operations to extract the head (first element, the "car" in Lisp terminology) and tail (list of remaining elements, the "cdr") of a list are defined in the standard library as follows:

hd [X|Xs]               = X;
tl [X|Xs]               = Xs;

Note that in the above example we actually only need one of the involved component values. In such a case it is possible to employ the anonymous variable `_' as a placeholder for any component value we do not care for. For instance:

hd [X|_]                = X;
tl [_|Xs]               = Xs;

Multiple instances of the anonymous variable are matched independently from each other, therefore an equation like

foo _ _                 = 0;

will be matched for any combination of arguments. Also note that values matched by the anonymous variable on the left-hand side of an equation are not accessible on the right-hand side. (The anonymous variable may appear on the right-hand side of an equation, but there it is always treated as a free variable, see Free Variables.)

As another example, here is the definition of a function which adds up the members of a list:

add []                  = 0;
add [X|Xs]              = X+add Xs;

The above definition is the Q equivalent for what Lisp programmers call "cdr'ing down a list". In general you will find that pattern-matching lets you express many functions operating on recursive, list- or tree-like data structures in a very concise and elegant way. For instance, we can define a binary tree insertion operation simply as follows:

const nil, bin X T1 T2;
insert X nil            = bin X nil nil;
insert X (bin Y T1 T2)  = bin Y (insert X T1) T2  if X<Y;
                        = bin Y T1 (insert X T2)  otherwise;

Here the nil and bin symbols act as constructors which are used to build a recursive binary tree data structure. To these ends, the bin symbol can be applied to a value X (which is the value to be stored at that node in the tree) and the left and right subtrees T1 and T2. This works exactly like a function which is applied to its arguments, but here the bin symbol does not actually compute anything but simply stands for itself.

In the above example, we actually advertised the fact that nil and bin are just constructors by declaring them with const, as described in Declarations. While this declaration is not strictly necessary, it helps to enforce that these symbols cannot accidentally be "redefined" by means of an equation:

nil                 = ...; // compiler will print an error message
bin X T1 T2         = ...; // here, too
bin X               = ...; // here, too (prefix of a constant)

The same applies to the built-in constant symbols true and false which are predeclared as const, and also to other types of built-in constants, i.e., numbers, strings, files, lists, streams and tuples. The general rule is that no constant value is allowed as the left-hand side of an equation. A singleton variable is also forbidden. Thus the left-hand side must either be a non-const function symbol or application. Prefixes of constant applications, such as bin X in the example above, also count as constants and are thus forbidden on the left-hand side. On the other hand, both constants and variables may occur as the head of the left-hand side of an equation if they are followed by additional arguments. Thus equations like the following are all valid:

0 X                 = ...;
bin X T1 T2 Y       = ...;
F X Y               = ...;

Note that since expressions involving operators are nothing but syntactic sugar for applications, they can occur on the left-hand side of an equation as well (with the exception of the ' operator which is a constructor symbol, see Special Forms). For instance, here is a collection of algebraic simplification rules which cause any expression involving only + and * to be converted into a "sum of products" form:

// distributivity laws:
(X+Y)*Z                 = X*Y+X*Z;
X*(Y+Z)                 = X*Y+X*Z;
// associativity laws:
X+(Y+Z)                 = (X+Y)+Z;
X*(Y*Z)                 = (X*Y)*Z;

A word of caution: if the = operator occurs at the toplevel of the left- or right-hand side of an equation, it must be parenthesized. This is necessary to prevent the = operator to be confused with the = symbol used to separate both sides of an equation. (The same also applies to variable definitions.) E.g., you should write something like

(X=X)                   = true;

instead of

X=X                     = true; // this is a syntax error

Although almost any expression can form the left-hand side of an equation, you should be aware that an equation will only be applicable if the pattern you specify can actually occur in the course of an expression evaluation. In particular, since the Q interpreter evaluates expressions in a leftmost-innermost fashion, you should make sure that argument patterns match normal form expressions (cf. Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy), unless the function to be defined is a special form (cf. Special Forms). Otherwise the equation may be useless, albeit syntactically correct. The compiler cannot verify these conditions, so they are at your own responsibility.

Using equations we can also easily define "higher order" functions which take functions as arguments or return them as results. This is made possible by the fact that function application is an explicit operation. For instance, as a generalization of the add function above, the standard library provides an operation which applies any "binary" function F to a list, starting from a given initial value A:

foldr F A []            = A;
foldr F A [X|Xs]        = F X (foldr F A Xs);

The foldr ("fold-right") function takes as its arguments a function F, an initial value A, and a list [X1,...,Xn], and computes the value

F X1 (F X2 (... (F Xn A)...)).

(The name of this function comes from the fact that the recursive applications of F are parenthesized to the right.) Now we can easily define the add function in terms of foldr as follows:

add                     = foldr (+) 0;

There is another version of the fold operation, which accumulates results from left to right rather than from right to left:

foldl F A []            = A;
foldl F A [X|Xs]        = foldl F (F A X) Xs;

Note that although both functions work in linear time (with respect to the size of the input list), the foldl function actually is more efficient than foldr in terms of stack space requirements since its definition is "tail-recursive" (cf. Tail Recursion).

As another example, here is the definition of the standard library function map which maps a given function F to each member of a list Xs:

map F []                = [];
map F [X|Xs]            = [F X|map F Xs];

Another example of a (built-in) higher-order function is lambda, which returns another function (cf. Lambda Abstractions). In fact, there is nothing that keeps you from defining a function like lambda yourself in Q. As a proof of concept, here is a toy implementation of the lambda calculus, based on the combinatorial calculus, as described in [Henson 1987]. (This definition will only work with simple kinds of expressions. The built-in lambda function provides a much more comprehensive implementation which also properly handles the obscure cases. But our definition in terms of the combinatorial calculus could be extended to handle those cases, too.)

Our little lambda function is declared as a special form which prevents its arguments from being evaluated. This will be explained in Special Forms.

special lambda X Y;

lambda X X              = _I;
lambda X (Y Z)          = _S (lambda X Y) (lambda X Z);
lambda X Y              = _K Y otherwise;

/* combinator rules */

_I X                    = X;            // identity function
_K X Y                  = X;            // constant function
_S X Y Z                = X Z (Y Z);    // argument dispatching

For instance:

==> lambda X (2*X)
_S (_S (_K (*)) (_K 2)) _I

==> _ 4

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7.2 Non-Linear Equations

If a variable has multiple occurrences on the left-hand side of a rule, each occurrence must be matched to the same value. In term rewriting theory, such rules are called "non-linear" ("non-left-linear", to be more precise). The following definition implements an operation uniq which removes adjacent duplicates from a list:

uniq []                 = [];
uniq [X,X|Xs]           = uniq [X|Xs];
uniq [X|Xs]             = [X|uniq Xs] otherwise;

It is important to notice the difference between the syntactical notion of equality which plays a role in definitions like the one above, and the "semantic" equality relation defined by the `=' operator (cf. Relational Operators). Non-linear equations and equations involving constants, such as

uniq [X,X|Xs]           = uniq [X|Xs];
fib 0                   = 0;

call for the verification of syntactic identities. The Q language implements these checks by means of a special relational operator `=='. Thus the above examples could also be written as:

uniq [X,Y|Xs]           = uniq [X|Xs] if X==Y;
fib X                   = 0 if X==0;

Two expressions are considered syntactically equal (`==') only if they print out the same in the interpreter. In contrast, the meaning of the normal equality operation `=' depends on built-in rules and equations specified by the programmer. For instance, two different instances of the expression 0 always denote the same object. However, since 0 is an integer and 0.0 a floating point number, these two expressions are syntactically different:

==> 0==0.0

Nevertheless, the = operator allows to compare integers and floating point numbers. Indeed it asserts that 0 and 0.0 are "equal":

==> 0=0.0

Note that, in contrast to all the other built-in relational operators, the syntactic equality operator `==' is actually implemented as a special form (cf. Special Forms) which compares its operands as literal expressions without evaluating them:

==> 0==0+0

This is necessary to ensure proper operation when a nonlinear equation needs to compare two unevaluated special arguments for syntactic identity, but makes the operation somewhat awkward to use directly in programs. As a remedy, you can easily define a non-special syntactic equality operation yourself as follows:

eq X X                  = true;
eq _ _                  = false otherwise;

In fact, this definition is already provided in the standard library script stdlib.q. The standard library also defines the logical negations `!=' and neq of `==' and eq, see The Standard Library, for details.

You should also note that the strict separation of syntactic and semantic equality is actually quite useful. First of all, it allows the = operation to be treated in a manner consistent with other comparison operators such as < and >. Secondly, it allows you to tailor the definition of = to your application. For instance, an application might call for a set data structure, and you would like to be able to test whether two expressions of a certain kind represent the same set. Now there are fairly sophisticated data structures for representing sets efficiently, but almost none of them allow you to decide whether two objects represent the same set simply on the basis of syntactic identity. Instead, you will have to provide an explicit = operation which tests whether two set objects contain the same elements.

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7.3 Free Variables

On the right-hand side of an equation (as well as in the condition part and the right-hand sides of local definitions), we distinguish between bound variables, i.e., unqualified variable symbols which are introduced in the left-hand side of an equation (or the left-hand side of a local definition, see Local Variables), and free or global variables which are not bound by any of the left-hand side patterns. Free variables can also be declared explicitly using a var declaration (cf. Declarations). They are effectively treated as (parameterless) function symbols, except that they may be assigned a value by means of a variable definition. Variable definitions have the following syntax:

definition              : 'def' expression '=' expression
                          {',' expression '=' expression} ';'
                        | 'undef' identifier {',' identifier} ';'

For instance, in the following equation,

foo X                   = C*X;

the variable C occurs free on the right-hand side and we have:

==> foo 23

We can assign a value to the variable as follows (this can be done either in the script or interactively in the interpreter):

def C = 2;

After this definition we have:

==> foo 23

It is worth noting here that, for convenience, the global variable environment uses dynamic binding, i.e., you can change the value of a free variable at any time interactively in the interpreter:

==> def C = 3; foo 23

This also makes it possible to have recursive definitions like the following:

==> var fac = \N.if N>0 then N*fac (N-1) else 1

==> fac
\X1 . if X1>0 then X1*fac (X1-1) else 1

==> map fac [1..10]

(Note that we have to use an explicit variable declaration here, since `fac' is an uncapitalized identifier and hence would otherwise be taken to denote a function symbol. We also made use of a variable definition with initializer which declares and defines the variable in a single step. See Declarations.)

In contrast, bound variables (which are bound either by the left-hand side of the equation, cf. Equations, or in a local variable definition, cf. Local Variables) always use lexical binding, i.e., their values are always completely determined by the (static) context of the equation to which they belong. This is important because it guarantees referential transparency, i.e., the values of the left-hand side and local variables in an equation will only depend on the expression to which the equation is applied, as long as the definition does not involve any operations with side-effects, such as I/O. The values of the free variables may change, but only between different expression evaluations, as there is no function which would allow you to change the value of a global variable during an ongoing evaluation. This is in contrast to other functional programming languages such as Lisp which allow you to modify the value assigned to a variable in a function definition.

Free variables are useful if you have a script which repeatedly refers to the same value whose calculation may be costly or involve functions with side-effects. By assigning such a value to a variable, you can refer to it without having to recompute the value each time it is required, as would be the case with a corresponding function definition.

The right-hand side of a variable definition may be any Q expression, as described in Expressions. The expression is evaluated once, at the time the script is loaded, and is then matched against the left-hand side of the definition, binding variables to the corresponding component values of the right-hand side value. In the special case that the left-hand side is a single variable, it is simply bound to the right-hand side value. Whenever a defined variable occurs "free" on the right-hand side of an equation or variable definition, it will then be replaced by the value of the assigned expression. For instance, the following definition assigns the value exp 1.0 = 2.71828… to the free variable e:

var e = exp 1.0;

Variable definitions are carried out in the order in which they occur in a script, so that a definition may refer to the values of variables assigned in previous definitions. It is also possible to override assignments made in previous definitions, and to undefine a variable. Multiple definitions can be performed with a single def statement. For instance:

def N = 99, K = N, N = 2*K+1, M = N;
undef N, K;

As already mentioned, the value assigned to a variable may also be changed with def and undef statements in the interpreter, see Command Language.

Note that a variable can also be declared const, which can be used to introduce constant values, as in:

public var const c = 299792458; // the speed of light, in m/sec

In this case the variable can only be assigned to once, afterwards attempts to assign a new value to the same variable will produce an error message:

==> def c = 300000000
! Cannot redefine const variable
>>> def c = 300000000

Free variable definitions can also involve a pattern on the left-hand side which is to be matched against the supplied value. E.g.,

def [X|Xs] = [1,2,3];

assigns 1 to the variable X and the remainder of the list, [2,3], to the variable Xs. Pattern matching is performed in the same manner as for the left-hand side of an equation. However, an error is reported if the match fails (as would be the case, e.g., if we tried to assign the empty list to [X|Xs]).

A number of built-in free variables are already defined by the interpreter when it starts up, and there is also a free anonymous variable `_' which is used to record the result of the most recent expression evaluation performed in the interactive evaluation loop of the interpreter. See Command Language, for details.

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7.4 Local Variables

As already mentioned, an equation may also contain one or more auxiliary variable definitions a.k.a. where clauses, which bind additional variables to their corresponding values. In difference to the global definitions of "free" variables discussed in Free Variables, the definitions in where clauses are "local" to the rule in which they occur, meaning that the values of these variables are only available in the rule they are defined in. As in the case of free variable definitions, the left-hand side of each where clause can be an arbitrary expression pattern which is to be matched against the value computed from the corresponding right-hand side. The variables occuring on the left-hand side of the definition will then be bound to their corresponding values, thereby becoming "bound" variables in the context of the rule, in addition to the variables occuring on the left-hand side of the equation. Local definitions also act as additional conditions; the rule will only be applicable if all left-hand sides in where clauses match their corresponding right-hand side values (this is guaranteed, of course, if each left-hand side is a single variable).

Local definitions are useful if the right-hand side of a rule refers repeatedly to the same (maybe complicated) subexpression. You can avoid the recalculation of such a value be assigning it to a variable, and referring to the variable in the right-hand side. For instance:

foo X                   = bar Y Z where Y = baz X, Z = qux Y;

As already mentioned, pattern-matching definitions are permitted as well (and the anonymous variable also works as usual). A failing match causes the entire rule to fail. For instance,

foo Z                   = bar X Z where [X|_] = Z;

works like

foo [X|Xs]              = bar X [X|Xs];

but avoids repeating the list value on the right.

Like conditions, where clauses can also be written on the left-hand side of an equation. This allows you to share the local variables between different equations for the same left-hand side. For instance:

foo Z where [X|_] = Z:  = bar X Z if X>0;
                        = bar (-X) Z otherwise;

The variable bindings in a single where clause are performed in the given order, and each definition may refer to all left-hand side variables of the rule, as well as all variables introduced in earlier definitions. Each use of a variable refers to its most recent definition. It is also possible to have multiple where clauses, as in:

foo X = bar Y where Y = baz Z where Z = qux U where U = quux X;

Note that here the definitions will be processed from right to left. Such constructs are convenient if there is a series of values to be computed in which one value depends on the next one. Using multiple where clauses, you start off with the definitions immediately required by the right-hand side of the rule, then add another where clause for the variables introduced in the first clause, etc. The above definition is actually equivalent to the following:

foo X = bar Y where U = quux X, Z = qux U, Y = baz Z;

It is also possible to mix where clauses with conditions, as in:

foo X = bar Y if qux Y where Y = baz Z if quux Z where Z = bazz X;

Again, the different qualifiers are actually considered from right to left; the rule will be aborted as soon as the first qualifier fails (i.e., a condition evaluates to false or the left-hand side of a definition does not match the corresponding right-hand side), so that no time is wasted with definitions which are not needed anyway.

Of course, left-hand side qualifiers work in the same fashion:

foo X if qux Y where Y = baz Z if quux Z where Z = bazz X: = bar Y;

You can also mix left-hand and right-hand qualifiers, in which case the left-hand qualifiers will be processed first:

foo X if quux Z where Z = bazz X: = bar Y if qux Y where Y = baz Z;

Variables bound by the left-hand side or a where clause can be rebound freely. E.g.:

foo X                   = bar (X+1) where X = qux X X
                            if X>0 where X = baz X;

Each occurrence of the variable in the right-hand side of the equation or a local definition then refers to its most recent value. Note that this doesn't mean that local variables are mutable; it just means that there are multiple nested scopes of symbols. More precisely, each local definition introduces a nested scope binding the variables in the left-hand side of the definition. It goes without saying that repeated rebinding of the same variable can be confusing, but sometimes it is appropriate and at other times it might just be more convenient than having to invent a bunch of additional variable names for no other purpose than disambiguation.

Also note that if a variable is bound by the left-hand side or a local definition of a rule, then a global variable of the same name will be "shadowed" within the rule. However, in this case you can still access the value of the shadowed binding with a qualified identifier. For instance, with the following definitions, foo 2 reduces to bar 2*99:

/* this is the script foo.q */
def FOO                 = 99;
foo X                   = FOO*foo::FOO where FOO = bar X;

If the free variable belongs to the current module, as in the example above, then it can also be escaped using an inline variable declaration (cf. Constants and Variables), like so:

def FOO                 = 99;
foo X                   = FOO*var FOO where FOO = bar X;

Inline variable declarations can also be used to explicitly declare free variable symbols on the fly. If the symbol specified with var has not yet been declared in the current module, it will be declared as a private free variable symbol.

Finally, Haskell programmers should note that Q's where clauses are really just variable definitions, and not (as in Haskell) a kind of "local equations" which would permit you to define "local functions". (There are technical reasons for this which we won't discuss here.) So you shouldn't try to emulate Haskell's local function definitions using Q's where clauses. For instance, while the following definition is perfectly legal Q code, it does not have the intended effect of defining a local factorial function:

// this doesn't work as intended
foo X = map fac [1..10] where fac N = if N>0 then N*fac (N-1) else 1;

Instead, the where clause is just an (unsuccessful) attempt to match the right-hand side expression, `if N>0 then N*fac (N-1) else 1', against the left-hand side expression `fac N' and bind the variable N accordingly.

It is actually possible to have a kind of "local functions" in Q as well, but this involves creating a lambda abstraction and assigning it to a local variable. However, this is usually not very convenient and a "global" function definition using equations is almost always preferable. Also note that, because of Q's scoping rules in local definitions, you cannot really have recursive local definitions anyway. For instance, the following definition will not work as intended either (even though the analogous global definition of the factorial works just fine, because of the dynamic binding of global variables):

// doesn't work either
foo X = map FAC [1..10] where FAC = \N.if N>0 then N*FAC (N-1) else 1;

Only non-recursive "local functions" can be defined this way. (Well, using the "fixed point combinator" it is in fact possible to define the factorial and actually any recursive function in a form that can be assigned to a local variable, but we won't go into that here.)

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7.5 Type Guards

The Q language allows you to restrict the set of patterns which can be matched by a variable on the left-hand side of an equation or variable definition. This is done by augmenting any left-hand side occurrence of the variable with a type guard, using the notation: variable:type. For instance, to declare a type BinTree which comprises the constructors nil and bin X T1 T2, the following declaration might be used (cf. Declarations):

public type BinTree = const nil, bin X T1 T2;

This declaration introduces two function symbols nil and bin, just as if they were declared by:

public const nil, bin X T1 T2;

However, it also assigns these symbols to the type symbol BinTree. The type symbol can then be used as a guard on variables to ensure that a variable is only matched to objects of the given type. E.g., the following equation will only apply if the argument to the foo function has the form nil or bin X T1 T2 for some subexpressions X, T1 and T2:

foo T:BinTree           = ...;

This makes it possible to avoid explicit argument patterns like

foo nil                 = ...;
foo (bin X T1 T2)       = ...;

in cases in which the component values are not actually required. Also, it allows you to define operations on a given type without actually referring to the constructor symbols of the type, and thereby makes it possible to avoid dependencies on implementation details. You can even "hide" the constructor symbols of a type by declaring them private, which makes the symbols accessible only to the script which declares the type they belong to. For instance:

public type BinTree = private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

The Q language allows you to construct a hierarchy of types by making one type a subtype of another. This is done by specifying a supertype following the type identifier in a type declaration. For instance, to make BinTree a subtype of the type SearchTree, BinTree would be declared as follows:

type BinTree : SearchTree = const nil, bin X T1 T2;

Now a variable of type SearchTree will not only match SearchTree's, but also any object of its subtype BinTree. In fact, we might have declared SearchTree as an "abstract" type which does not provide any constructors at all:

type SearchTree;

Abstract supertypes like SearchTree are useful for factoring out generic operations which are shared by different subtypes; see Types, for examples, and for a more detailed discussion of the type guard concept.

The Q language has a number of predefined type symbols which can be used to distinguish the corresponding types of objects built into the language: Bool, Int, Float, Real (which is the supertype of both Int and Float), Num (the supertype of Real), String, Char (the subtype of String denoting the single-character strings), File, List, Stream, Tuple and Function. (Besides these, there are also two types Exception and SysException for dealing with exception values, cf. Exception Handling.) For instance, the standard library defines an operation isstr, which determines whether its argument is a string, as follows:

isstr _:String          = true;
isstr _                 = false otherwise;

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7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy

The process in which equations are applied in the Q interpreter to evaluate a given expression is fairly straightforward. In fact, it corresponds to the way in which we manipulate algebraic formulae, and we all learned how to do that in high school.

We say that an equation L=R is applicable to a given expression X, if we can substitute actual values for the variables occurring in L so that we obtain X. This is also expressed as "L matches X" or "X is an instance of L". In this case, we can replace X by Y, where Y is the expression obtained from R by replacing the variables occurring in L by their corresponding values. We shall call such a replacement step a reduction, and write it down as X ⇒ Y.

For instance, given the rule

sqr X                   = X*X;

we have that

sqr 2                   ⇒ 2*2

since the expression sqr 2 matches the left-hand side sqr X, with 2 being substituted for the variable X. This works with compound expressions as well, even if they involve variables themselves. For instance:

sqr (X+1)               ⇒ (X+1)*(X+1).

Here, the compound expression (X+1) has been substituted for the variable X.

Equations are usually applied in the context of a larger expression to be evaluated. For instance, we have that

sqr 2 + 2               ⇒ 2*2+2

by the application of the above definition of sqr to the subexpression sqr 2 of sqr 2 + 2.

Before we proceed, a remark on the role of the built-in operations of the Q language is in order. Primitive operations, such as the built-in + and * operators described in Built-In Operators, do not require any equations specified by the programmer. Instead, they may be thought of as being predefined by a large set of built-in equations. Each application of a built-in rule also counts as a single reduction. For instance, we have that

2*2                     ⇒ 4

by the built-in rule which handles the multiplication of integers.

Built-in rules take priority over any equations specified by the programmer. However, it is possible to extend the definition of a primitive operation with equations supplied by the programmer. A corresponding example has already been given in Equations. By refining built-in definitions accordingly, you can also treat "exceptions" in built-in operations; see Runtime Errors, for an example.

In order to complete the evaluation of a given expression, we have to repeatedly perform single reductions until no further equations (built-in or user-defined) apply. We then say that the resulting expression is in normal form, and interpret it as the value of the original expression. For instance, the following reduction sequence leads to the normal form (i.e., value) 6 for the target expression sqr 2 + 2 (we still assume the definition of sqr introduced above):

sqr 2 + 2  ⇒  2*2+2  ⇒  4+2  ⇒  6.

Normal forms do not necessarily exist. Just as in conventional programming languages, the evaluation may go into an endless loop and never return an answer. Even if a normal form exists, it need not be unique - it may depend on which equations are used in the reduction process and in what order. The problem is that at any point in the reduction process there may be more than one "reducible" subexpression, and even if there is only one such expression (termed a redex), there may be more than one applicable equation.

To illustrate this kind of problem, consider the definition of the sqr function from above, and the target expression sqr (1+1). This expression admits three distinct reduction sequences:

sqr (1+1)  ⇒  sqr 2  ⇒  2*2  ⇒  4
sqr (1+1)  ⇒  (1+1)*(1+1)  ⇒  2*(1+1)  ⇒  2*2  ⇒ 4
sqr (1+1)  ⇒  (1+1)*(1+1)  ⇒  (1+1)*2  ⇒  2*2  ⇒ 4.

The second and third reduction sequence appear to be almost the same, but the first reduction sequence makes clear that it matters whether we reduce the subexpression (1+1) before applying the definition of sqr or not. In the present example, the order in which reductions are performed only affects the number of required reduction steps, but it is easy to construct other systems of equations in which both the termination of a normal form evaluation and the computed normal forms actually depend on the evaluation order.

Non-uniqueness of normal forms does not necessarily mean that there must be two or more rules being applicable to a given expression. Ambiguities can also arise when an equation "overlaps" with other equations or with itself, as in the following example:

foo (foo X)             = bar X;

This system consisting of a single equation is terminating, but it has two distinct normal forms for the expression foo (foo (foo X)), namely foo (bar X) and bar (foo X).

Indeed, the termination of rewrite systems and the uniqueness of normal forms are important issues in the theory of term rewrite systems [Dershowitz/Jouannaud 1990]. The Q language simply avoids these problems by imposing a reduction strategy which makes the reduction process deterministic. The reduction strategy must specify unambiguously for each reduction step the redex that is to be reduced and the equation which is to be applied. For this purpose the Q interpreter applies the following rules:

The leftmost-innermost strategy is common in many programming languages, and it also corresponds to the "natural" way in which people tend to carry out calculations manually. It means that at any point in the reduction process it is always the leftmost-innermost redex which is to be reduced. In particular, this implies that in an application of the form F X first F is evaluated, then X, before the value of F is applied to the value of X. Thus the first reduction sequence from above,

sqr (1+1)  ⇒ sqr 2  ⇒  2*2  ⇒  4

would be the one actually carried out in the interpreter in the course of the evaluation of sqr (1+1).

The leftmost-innermost strategy resolves all ambiguities in the choice of redexes during a normal form evaluation. The second disambiguating rule allows to decide which equation to apply if more than one equation is applicable to a given redex. As indicated, the default is to apply equations in the order in which they appear in the source script. This allows you to have equations with overlapping left-hand sides which naturally arise, e.g., in definitions involving "special case rules" such as the definition of the fib function in Equations:

fib 0                   = 0;
fib 1                   = 1;
fib N                   = fib (N-1) + fib (N-2) otherwise;

The rule for applying equations is extended to the built-in equations of primitive operations by assuming - as already mentioned - that the built-in rules come "before" any equations specified by the programmer, and hence always take priority. Also note that external functions, which are declared with the extern modifier and implemented in a C module, are treated in an analogous manner. In general, the interpreter will first try a built-in rule, then an extern rule, then the equations supplied in the script. (The treatment of extern functions is described in more detail in C Language Interface.)

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7.7 Conditional Rules

Conditional rules are applied in the same manner as simple equations, only we also have to check the conditions of the rule. When the left-hand side of a conditional rule matches the target expression, we first evaluate the condition (with left-hand side variables being replaced as usual). This expression must evaluate to a truth value, otherwise we cannot decide whether the rule is applicable or not. (The Q interpreter generates a runtime error if the result is not a truth value.) The rule is applicable only when the condition evaluates to true.

For instance, recall the definition of the factorial function:

fac N                   = N*fac (N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

The first rule is applicable only if N>0 evaluates to true; if it evaluates to false, the second rule applies. Furthermore, if N happens to be incomparable with 0, then a runtime error will occur.

Here's how this definition is applied to evaluate the expression fac 3:

fac 3                   ⇒ 3*fac (3-1)         ⇒ 3*fac 2
                        ⇒ 3*(2*fac (2-1))     ⇒ 3*(2*fac 1)
                        ⇒ 3*(2*(1*fac (1-1))) ⇒ 3*(2*(1*fac 0))
                        ⇒ 3*(2*(1*1))         ⇒ 3*(2*1)
                        ⇒ 3*2                 ⇒ 6.

Local variable definitions (cf. Local Variables) are treated in a similar fashion. We first evaluate the right-hand side of the definition and match it against the corresponding left-hand side. If the match fails, the rule is skipped. Otherwise, we bind variables accordingly and proceed with the next qualifier or the right-hand side of the rule.

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7.8 Rule Priorities

We already discussed that the Q interpreter normally considers equations in the order in which they appear in a script. Hence, if all your equations go into a single script, you simply write down overlapping equations in the order in which they should be tried by the interpreter. However, if equations for the same expression pattern are scattered out over different modules, then the rule order also depends on the order in which the different modules are processed by the compiler. In the current implementation, the rules of each module are processed when the first import or include declaration for the module is encountered during a preorder traversal of the module graph starting at the main script, but you should not rely on this.

Hence it is usually a bad idea to have overlapping equations scattered out over different source files. However, in some situations this is hard to avoid. For instance, you might decide to put all "default rules" for certain expression patterns in a separate module. But if you simply import this module at the beginning of your main script then the default rules might override all the other equations.

To work around this, the Q language allows you to explicitly attach priorities to equations by means of a priority declaration, which has the following format:

declaration             : '@' ['+'|'-'] unsigned-number

This specifies the given number (which must be an integer, optionally signed with `+' or `-') as the priority level of the following equations. In the current implementation, priority levels must be 32 bit integers, i.e., in the range -0x80000000..0x7fffffff. Rules are ordered according to their priorities, highest priority first. Rules with the same priority are considered in the order in which they appear in the script.

The priority level set with a priority declaration applies only to the script in which the declaration is located. The default priority level, which is in effect up to the first @ declaration, is 0.

Note that even with priority declarations the built-in operations still take priority over all user-defined rules, i.e., those operations effectively have infinite priority. (The same applies to external functions, see C Language Interface.)

As a simple (and contrived) example for the use of priority declarations, consider the following script:

foo X                   = -1; // "default" rule

foo X:Real              =  0; // "standard" rule

foo X:Int               =  1; // "special case" rule

The second equation is at the default priority level, 0. The first equation, although it comes before the second one, becomes a "fallback" rule by assigning it a low priority, -1. The last equation is put on a high priority level, +1, and hence overrides both preceding equations. The net effect is that the equations are actually ordered in reverse textual order. You can verify this in the interpreter:

==> foo 77

==> foo 77.0

==> foo ()

Of course, this example is somewhat silly, because in a single script we can easily arrange equations in the correct textual order. However, if for some reason we had to put the three rules into three different modules, then using the given priority declaration ensures that the equations will always be applied in the correct order.

Priority levels should be used sparingly, if at all. Using low priorities to factor out a module with default rules can occasionally be quite useful, but overriding rules with high priorities is considered harmful and should be avoided whenever possible.

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7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack

The present and the following section contain material for the technically interested reader which, while not being strictly necessary to work successfully with the Q programming language, helps to understand the operation of the Q interpreter and to write better Q scripts. You might wish to skim the following at first reading, and later return to it when you have become more proficient with the Q language and require some further background knowledge.

While the "rewriting model" of expression evaluation introduced in Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy, provides a nice conceptual model for the Q programmer, it is too inefficient to be a useful implementation model for the Q interpreter. In particular, it would be rather inefficient to actually construct the full expressions which occur as intermediate results in the course of a reduction sequence, and repeatedly scan these expressions for the leftmost-innermost redex. Instead, we can evaluate expressions by a simple recursive procedure as follows. The input to the algorithm is an expression X to be evaluated.

  1. If X is an application, list or tuple, evaluate the parts of X recursively, from left to right. Proceed with step 2.
  2. If a built-in (or extern) rule is applicable to X, invoke it and return the corresponding value.
  3. Otherwise, determine the first equation L=R which is applicable to X. If there is no such rule, X is in normal form and is returned as the value of the expression. Otherwise we recursively evaluate R (with variables instantiated to their corresponding values) and return it as the value of the original expression.

(The above description of course leaves out many important details. For instance, the interpreter will also have to take care of def'ed symbols, and we will have to organize the search for an applicable equation. However, here we only want to give the general idea, and not a complete implementation of the interpreter.)

The above procedure can actually be implemented non-recursively if we keep track of the rules which are currently "active", together with the corresponding variable bindings. This information can easily be maintained on a stack. We illustrate this with a simple example. Recall the definition of the add function from Equations:

add []                  = 0;
add [X|Xs]              = X+add Xs;

The evaluation of add [1,2,3] then proceeds as follows:

add [1,2,3] ⇒ 1+add [2,3]:
        add [2,3] ⇒ 2+add [3]:
                add [3] ⇒ 3+add []:
                        add [] ⇒ 0
                        3+0 ⇒ 3
                add [3] ⇒ 3
                2+3 ⇒ 5
        add [2,3] ⇒ 5
        1+5 ⇒ 6
add [1,2,3] ⇒ 6

Each new level of indentation indicates that we "suspend" the current rule (push it on the stack) and activate a new rule in order to evaluate some part of the right-hand side of the suspended rule. When all parts of the right-hand side have been evaluated, we return to the suspended rule (pop it from the stack) and actually perform the reduction. More precisely, we replace the left-hand side of the suspended rule by the result obtained by evaluating the right-hand side, which is already in normal form. (We will of course have to keep track of the results of intermediate reductions, which can be done on a second "evaluation" stack. When the evaluation of the right-hand side is finished, the corresponding result will be on top of the evaluation stack.)

If desired, we can easily reconstruct the "context" of a rule by following the chain of stacked rules starting from the current rule, and proceeding towards the bottom of the stack. For instance, when we perform the reduction

add [] ⇒ 0

in the above example, the context of this rule is described by the following stacked rules:

add [3] ⇒ 3+add []
add [2,3] ⇒ 2+add [3]
add [1,2,3] ⇒ 1+add [2,3]

Thus, when add [] gets reduced to 0, we have actually completed the following initial part of the reduction sequence:

add [1,2,3] ⇒ 1+add [2,3] ⇒ 1+(2+add [3]) ⇒ 1+(2+(3+add []))
            ⇒ 1+(2+(3+0))

(Note that we never actually constructed intermediate results like the expression 1+(2+(3+add [])). Rather, these expressions are represented implicitly by the contents of the stack.)

We can also apply the above procedure to qualified rules accordingly. When the interpreter comes to consider a conditional rule, it pushes it onto the stack as usual. However, it then first starts to evaluate the qualifying conditions and where clauses of the rule. When the value of a condition has been computed, we can check whether it holds. If the computed value is neither true nor false, the interpreter aborts the evaluation with a runtime error. If it is true, it proceeds by evaluating other qualifiers or the right-hand side. If it is false, however, it gives up on the current rule (pops it from the stack), and considers the next applicable equation. A similar approach is used to handle local variable definitions.

For instance, consider once more the definition of the factorial function:

fac N                   = N*fac (N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

The computation of fac 3 then proceeds as follows (the ∗ symbol indicates that the condition N>0 has evaluated to false and hence the corresponding rule is abandoned):

fac 3 ⇒ 3*fac (3-1):
        3>0 ⇒ true
        3-1 ⇒ 2
        fac 2 ⇒ 2*fac (2-1):
                2>0 ⇒ true
                2-1 ⇒ 1
                fac 1 ⇒ 1*fac (1-1):
                        1>0 ⇒ true
                        1-1 ⇒ 0
                        fac 0 ⇒ 0*fac (0-1):
                                0>0 ⇒ false   ∗
                        fac 0 ⇒ 1
                        1*1 ⇒ 1
                fac 1 ⇒ 1
                2*1 ⇒ 2
        fac 2 ⇒ 2
        3*2 ⇒ 6
fac 3 ⇒ 6

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7.10 Tail Recursion

The above equations for the add and fac functions are examples for recursive definitions. The computational processes generated from such definitions are characterized by chains of suspended rules in which the same rules are activated over and over again. For instance, an evaluation of fac N with N>0 requires N recursive activations of the rule:

fac N                   = N*fac (N-1) if N>0;

Hence, if N becomes very large, the recursive definition of fac is in danger of running out of stack space. In the following, we show how to avoid this defect by employing the technique of "tail-recursive programming".

It is a well-known fact that the factorial function also has an "iterative" implementation which can be executed in constant memory space. The idea is to maintain a "running product" P and a "counter" I which counts down from N to 1. The iterative algorithm can be written down in a conventional programming language like Pascal as follows:

P := 1; I := N;
while I>0 do begin
  P := P*I;
  I := I-1;

While the Q language does not provide any special looping constructs (and it also lacks an assignment operation), there is an alternative definition of fac which takes up the idea of running products and counters and implements the factorial function in an iterative fashion:

fac N                   = fac2 1 N;
fac2 P I                = fac2 (P*I) (I-1) if I>0;
                        = P otherwise;

Here, the "state variables" P and I are implemented as arguments of an "auxiliary" function fac2 which is invoked from fac. Again, this is a recursive definition; it requires N recursive applications of the rule

fac2 P I                = fac2 (P*I) (I-1) if I>0;

when fac N is computed. However, in difference to our previous definition of fac, the recursive rule is always applied "on top" of the target expression. Such rules are called tail-recursive. (The name "tail recursion" comes from the fact that the recursive application of fac2 is the last operation considered during the leftmost-innermost evaluation of the right-hand side.) For instance, the evaluation of fac 3 now proceeds as follows (abbreviating reductions by built-in rules for `-' and `*'):

fac 3 ⇒ fac2 1 3 ⇒ fac2 (1*3) (3-1)
      ⇒ fac2 3 2 ⇒ fac2 (3*2) (2-1)
      ⇒ fac2 6 1 ⇒ fac2 (6*1) (1-1)
      ⇒ fac2 6 0 ⇒ 6

Tail-recursive definitions can be employed for implementing all kinds of functions which can be computed on a machine with a fixed set of "registers" and no auxiliary memory. For instance, here is a tail-recursive implementation of the Fibonacci function:

fib N                   = fib2 1 0 N;
fib2 A B N              = fib2 (A+B) A (N-1) if N>0;
                        = B otherwise;

(This definition also has the desirable side effect that it cuts down the exponential running time of the "naive" definition given in Equations, to linear.)

The Q interpreter employs a clever optimization trick, commonly known as tail recursion optimization (see e.g., [Steele/Sussman 1975]), to actually execute tail-recursive definitions within constant stack space. Hence no special looping constructs are required for implementing iterative algorithms efficiently in the Q language.

Assume that in our stack model of expression evaluation we are working on a reduction X ⇒ Y, and that we already recursively evaluated all parts of the right-hand side Y, but not Y itself. Furthermore, suppose that in order to evaluate Y we will have to apply the rule Y ⇒ Z next. Then, instead of keeping the rule X ⇒ Y suspended and evaluating Y using rule Y ⇒ Z recursively, we can also immediately perform the reduction X ⇒ Y and replace this rule with Y ⇒ Z on the stack. Thus, the new rule Y ⇒ Z will not require any additional stack space at all, but simply reuses the existing "activation record" for the X ⇒ Y rule. In other words, instead of invoking the Y ⇒ Z rule as a "subroutine", we effectively perform a kind of "goto" to the new rule. We also refer to this process as performing the tail reduction X ⇒ Y. The evaluation now proceeds as if we had been working on the rule Y ⇒ Z in the first place.

For instance, with the new definition of fac the evaluation of fac 3 would be carried out using only a single level of suspended rules (again, the ∗ symbol signals abortion of a rule with failing qualifier):

fac 3 ⇒ fac2 1 3:
fac2 1 3 ⇒ fac2 (1*3) (3-1):
        3>0 ⇒ true
        1*3 ⇒ 3
        3-1 ⇒ 2
fac2 3 2 ⇒ fac2 (3*2) (2-1):
        2>0 ⇒ true
        3*2 ⇒ 6
        2-1 ⇒ 1
fac2 6 1 ⇒ fac2 (6*1) (1-1):
        1>0 ⇒ true
        6*1 ⇒ 6
        1-1 ⇒ 0
fac2 6 0 ⇒ fac2 (6*0) (0-1):
        0>0 ⇒ false                  ∗
fac2 6 0 ⇒ 6

Besides the tail recursion optimization technique discussed above, the Q interpreter also automatically optimizes toplevel sequences (i.e., applications of the || operator which are not inside a nested subexpression) on the right-hand side of equations, so that basic imperative-style looping constructs can be executed in a tail-recursive fashion as well. Consider, for instance, the standard library function do which applies a function to each member of a list, like the map function discussed in Equations, but instead of collecting the results in an output list simply throws away the intermediate values and returns (). This is useful, of course, only if the function is evaluated solely for its side-effects, e.g., if we want to print out all elements of a list. The definition of do is rather straightforward:

do F []                 = ();
do F [X|Xs]             = F X || do F Xs;

Now this definition is not tail-recursive in the strict sense alluded to above, because the last application on the right-hand side of the second rule actually involves (||) and not the do function. (Recall that an infix expression like X||Y is nothing but syntact sugar for the function application (||) X Y.)

However, as a remedy, the Q interpreter actually implements toplevel sequences on the right-hand side of a rule by direct stack manipulation. That is, the first argument of a sequence is thrown away as soon as it has been computed. By these means, the interpreter, after having computed F X, effectively carries out the reduction do F [X|Xs] ⇒ do F Xs on which it can perform tail recursion optimization as usual. Thus the above definition actually works in constant stack space, as one might reasonably expect.

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7.11 Error Handling

There are a few conditions which may force the Q interpreter to give up on a reduction sequence and abort the evaluation with a runtime error message. These conditions are listed below.

All of the above error conditions can also be caught and handled by the running script in any desired manner, see Exception Handling.

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8. Types

Q uses dynamic typing like, e.g., Lisp or Smalltalk, as opposed to statically typed languages such as Pascal, Eiffel or Haskell. In languages with static typing, a variable or function parameter can only hold a value which matches its prescribed type (which can be a "polymorphic" type in languages like Eiffel and Haskell, but still the type of the value is restricted). In dynamically typed languages, however, the actual type of a variable or function parameter value is not known in advance. Consequently, in Q it is only possible to distinguish different types of objects - such as search trees, queues, arrays and the like - by selecting an appropriate set of constructor symbols for each type of object. This chapter discusses Q's notion of type guards which allows you to make the assignment of constructors to a type explicit, and to use this information in order to restrict the applicability of equations to objects of a given type.

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8.1 Using Type Guards

As in any programming language, the careful design of application-dependent data structures is one of the main concerns when developing Q scripts which go beyond simple numeric, string and list processing. As a typical example for a non-list data structure which plays a prominent role in many Q scripts, let us consider binary search trees, which are a convenient means to implement sets, bags, dictionaries and the like. We will use this data structure as a running example throughout this chapter.

A typical choice of constructors for binary trees is the following:

public const nil, bin X T1 T2;

To make explicit the fact that nil and bin belong to the binary tree type, instead of the above declaration we use a type declaration like the following, which, besides declaring the constructor symbols, also introduces the type symbol BinTree:

public type BinTree = const nil, bin X T1 T2;

This declaration tells the interpreter that each expression of the form nil or bin X T1 T2 should be considered as a member of the BinTree type. This is also known as an algebraic type; the type declaration is essentially a signature of constructor symbols which are used to create the members of the type. The type symbol can then be used as a guard on variables on the left-hand side of equations and variable definitions to ensure that a variable is only matched to objects of the given type, see Type Guards. E.g., the following rule employs such a type guard in order to restrict the argument of the foo function to BinTree objects:

foo T:BinTree           = ...;

This makes it possible to avoid explicit argument patterns like

foo nil                 = ...;
foo (bin X T1 T2)       = ...;

in cases in which the component values are not actually required. This can simplify matters a lot, in particular if multiple arguments have to be matched to a given type. Also, it is more efficient than checking the type of an object in the qualifier part of a rule by using a user-defined predicate, since the interpreter can use the type information right away in the pattern matching process.

Another important reason for preferring type guards over explicit argument patterns is the issue of "information hiding". With the former definition of the foo function above we do not make any explicit reference to the constructor patterns making up the BinTree data type. This makes it possible to treat BinTree as an abstract data type (ADT) which hides the underlying implementation details (in particular the constructors), while still being able to verify that the proper kind of object is supplied as an argument. Any access to objects of the ADT will then be implemented by referring to the appropriate operations supplied by the type. In fact, we can make the constructors private symbols which are only accessible to the script which implements the BinTree type:

public type BinTree = private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

As a concrete example, let us assume the standard search tree operations insert T X and delete T X, which insert an element X into a tree T, and remove it from the tree, respectively. These operations can be implemented as follows (see [Bird/Wadler 1988]):

public insert T X, delete T X;
private join T1 T2, init T, last T;

insert nil Y            = bin Y nil nil;
insert (bin X T1 T2) Y  = bin X (insert T1 Y) T2 if X>Y;
                        = bin X T1 (insert T2 Y) if X<Y;
                        = bin Y T1 T2 if X=Y;

delete nil Y            = nil;
delete (bin X T1 T2) Y  = bin X (delete T1 Y) T2 if X>Y;
                        = bin X T1 (delete T2 Y) if X<Y;
                        = join T1 T2 if X=Y;
join nil T2             = T2;
join T1 T2              = bin (last T1) (init T1) T2 otherwise;

init (bin X T1 nil)     = T1;
init (bin X T1 T2)      = bin X T1 (init T2) otherwise;

last (bin X T1 nil)     = X;
last (bin X T1 T2)      = last T2 otherwise;

(Note that the last and init operations return the last element of a binary tree, and a binary tree with the last element removed, respectively. The join, init and last functions are for internal use only, and can hence be implemented as private functions.)

Furthermore, we assume the following function bintree which constructs a binary tree from a list, and the function members which returns the list of elements stored in a tree (in ascending order):

public bintree Xs;
bintree Xs:List         = foldl insert nil Xs;

public members T;
members nil             = [];
members (bin X T1 T2)   = members T1 ++ [X|members T2];

(The definition of bintree employs the standard foldl operation, see The Standard Library.) We can use the interface operations of the BinTree ADT in order to implement the functions union and diff which add and remove all members of a tree to/from another tree:

public union T1 T2; // add elements of T2 to T1
union T1:BinTree T2:BinTree
                        = foldl insert T1 (members T2);

public diff T1 T2; // remove elements of T2 from T1
diff T1:BinTree T2:BinTree
                        = foldl delete T1 (members T2);

Observe that no explicit reference is made to the BinTree constructors; we only employ the public "interface" functions insert, delete and members of the BinTree ADT. This allows us to change the realization of the data structure without having to rewrite the definitions of union and diff. Still, the definitions of union and diff are "safe"; the BinTree type guard ensures that the arguments passed to union and diff are indeed BinTree objects capable of carrying out the requested operations.

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8.2 Built-In Types

Type guards are also the only way for verifying that the actual value of a variable belongs to one of the built-in types of integers, floating point numbers, strings, files and lambda functions, since there is no way for writing out all "constructors" for these kinds of objects - there are infinitely many (at least in theory). For this purpose, the type symbols Int, Float, String, File and Function are predefined. There also is a type named Char which denotes the single-character strings. Technically, Char is a subtype of the String type; more about that in Sub- and Supertypes. Moreover, Char is also treated as an enumeration type, see Enumeration Types, below.

Beginning with version 7.2, Q also offers a more elaborate "numeric tower" which makes it easier to integrate user-defined number types. There is a type Real which is a subtype of the Num type and the supertype of both Int and Float. Moreover, the standard library defines the complex number type Complex which is a subtype of Num, as well as the rational number type Rational which is a subtype of Real, see The Standard Library.

The built-in List type matches all list expressions of the form [] or [X|Xs]. This type is used to restrict the applicability of an equation to list arguments. For instance, the following equations define a function reverse which reverses a list:

reverse Xs:List         = foldl push [] Xs;
push Xs:List X          = [X|Xs];

The Stream and Tuple types are completely analogous: they match streams and tuples of arbitrary sizes, i.e., expressions of the form {} and {X|Xs} or () and (X|Xs), respectively.

The predefined Bool type is a means to refer to objects which are truth values. Its built-in definition is as follows:

public type Bool = const false, true;

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8.3 Enumeration Types

Types like the built-in Bool type, which only consist of nullary const symbols, are also called enumeration types. You can easily define such types yourself, e.g.:

type Day = const sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat;

The Q language provides special support for enumeration types (including the built-in Bool type, and also the Char type), by means of the following operations:

Note that while there is no direct operation for converting ordinal numbers back to the corresponding members of a given type, you can easily accomplish this using arithmetic:

==> ord thu

==> sun+4

Enumeration type arithmetic also provides a quick way to check whether two enumeration type members belong to the same type:

==> isint (tue-thu)

Here we employed the standard library function isint to determine whether the ordinal difference of the two values is actually an integer. This works because the `-' operator will fail if the two constants belong to different enumeration types.

Using "enumerations" (which are described in detail below), you can also list all enumeration type members starting at a given value as follows:

==> [sun..]

Let us now take a more in-depth look at enumerations. The central operation to create an enumeration is the built-in enum function, which lists all members of an enumeration type in a given range:

==> enum mon fri

The enum_from function works like enum, but only takes a single argument and lists all members of the type starting at the given value:

==> enum_from mon

Note that the default "step size" is 1. An arbitrary step size can be indicated by invoking enum or enum_from with two initial members in the first argument as follows:

==> enum [sun,tue] sat

==> enum [sat,fri] sun

==> enum_from [sun,tue]

==> enum_from [sat,fri]

The notation [X1,X2,…,Xn..Y] is provided as syntactic sugar for enum [X1,X2,…,Xn] Y, so you can also write the following:

==> [mon..fri]

==> [sun,tue..sat]

==> [sat,fri..sun]

Likewise, [X1,X2,…,Xn..] is the same as enum_from [X1,X2,…,Xn]:

==> [mon..]

==> [sun,tue..]

==> [sat,fri..]

We have already mentioned that the built-in Char type is also an enumeration type, which consists of all the characters in the Unicode character set. Thus arithmetic on characters works as expected:

==> "a"+5

==> "z"-2

==> "8"-"0"

The enum operation also applies to characters accordingly:

==> enum "a" "k"

==> ["a".."k"]

==> ["k","j".."a"]

The enum_from operation works with Char, too, but this is usually rather useless because the Unicode character set is fairly large and thus it is rather inefficient to construct a complete list of all characters starting at a given value. The right way to work with such huge character enumerations is to take advantage of lazy evaluation and use a stream enumeration instead, see below.

The standard prelude (see The Standard Library) extends succ, pred and enum (but not enum_from, for obvious reasons) to integers, which effectively turns the integers into an (albeit infinite) enumeration type:

==> succ 0

==> pred 0

==> [0..9]

==> [0,2..9]

==> [9,8..0]

The standard prelude also implements enum (but not succ and pred) on floating point values:

==> [0.1,0.2..1.0]

Note that it is also possible to invoke enum or enum_from with more than two members in the first argument. That is, you can construct enumerations with more than two initial members. Neither the interpreter nor the library provides any definitions for these, so it is up to you to introduce your own interpretations of such constructs when you need them. For instance:

[X1,X2,X3..Y] = while (<=Y) (F*) X1 if (F>1) and then (Z3=X3)
                  where F:Int = X2 div X1, Z3:Int = X2*F;

This definition employs the standard library function while to construct an increasing geometric integer series if it detects a constant integer ratio between the initial three members:

==> [2,4,8..128]

Tuple enumerations work in exactly the same fashion as list enumerations. The corresponding operations are called tupleenum and tupleenum_from. The same kind of syntactic sugar is provided, the only difference being that ordinary parentheses are used instead of brackets. Example:

==> (9,8..0)

The standard prelude also provides enumerations for lazy lists a.k.a. streams, cf. Streams. The streamenum and streamenum_from functions work like enum and enum_from, respectively, but construct streams instead of lists. In the case of streamenum_from, the produced stream may be infinite. The Q language provides the same kind of syntactic sugar for stream enumerations as for lists, the only difference is that curly braces are used instead of brackets. For instance, {1..9} denotes a stream consisting of a finite arithmetic sequence, while {0..} is the infinite stream of all nonnegative integers.

Because of lazy evaluation, streamenum_from can often be used to work around the inefficiencies of enum_from when you have to deal with huge enumerations of characters. For instance, here is how we can use a stream enumeration to count the number of all alphabetic Unicode characters:

==> #filter isalpha {chr 1..}

This will take a little while, but works o.k. because we never actually construct the complete list of all Unicode characters, as would be the case when doing the same with a list enumeration.

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8.4 Sub- and Supertypes

The Q programming language also provides a subtype concept similar to the notion of single inheritance in object-oriented programming languages such as Smalltalk. For instance, we can modify our declaration of the BinTree type (cf. Using Type Guards) in order to make BinTree a subtype of the supertype SearchTree as follows:

public type BinTree : SearchTree = private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

Quite often, supertypes are abstract types which do not provide their own set of constructor symbols, but are simply used to factor out common operations shared among several "concrete" types. For instance, the SearchTree type might have been declared simply as follows:

public type SearchTree;

Now variables of type SearchTree will also match objects of its subtype BinTree, as well as of any other subtype of SearchTree. We can turn the union and diff functions from Using Type Guards, into operations on the SearchTree type as follows:

union T1:SearchTree T2:SearchTree
                        = foldl insert T1 (members T2);

diff T1:SearchTree T2:SearchTree
                        = foldl delete T1 (members T2);

As the next step, we might introduce another type AVLTree providing the same interface operations insert, delete and members as the BinTree type, but implementing these operations in terms of AVL trees rather than simple binary trees. (AVL trees are a variant of binary search trees in which the trees are kept balanced, and thus logarithmic insertion and deletion times can be guaranteed.) If we make AVLTree another subtype of SearchTree, then the union and diff operations can be applied to AVLTree objects just as well as to BinTree's. In fact, the operations will even work if we mix argument types, e.g., provide a BinTree as the first argument of union and an AVLTree as the second! By these means, it is possible to define polymorphic operations which are applicable to several different types sharing the same (subset of) interface functions.

For the sake of concreteness, here is an implementation of the AVLTree type. The shl, shr, rol and ror functions implement the common AVL tree rotation operations which are used to keep the tree balanced; see [Bird/Wadler 1988] for details.

/* H denotes the height of a nonempty AVL tree */

public type AVLTree : SearchTree = private const anil, abin H X T1 T2;

public avltree Xs;

private mknode X T1 T2;
private join T1 T2, init T, last T, height T, slope T, rebal T;
private rol T, ror T, shl T, shr T;

avltree Xs:List         = foldl insert anil Xs;

members anil            = [];
members (abin H X T1 T2)
                        = members T1 ++ [X|members T2];

insert anil Y           = abin 1 Y anil anil;
insert (abin H X T1 T2) Y
                        = rebal (mknode X (insert T1 Y)) T2 if X>Y;
                        = rebal (mknode X T1 (insert T2 Y)) if X<Y;
                        = abin H Y T1 T2 if X=Y;

delete anil Y           = anil;
delete (abin H X T1 T2) Y
                        = rebal (mknode X (delete T1 Y) T2) if X>Y;
                        = rebal (mknode X T1 (delete T2 Y)) if X<Y;
                        = join T1 T2 if X=Y;

join anil T2            = T2;
join T1 T2              = rebal (mknode (last T1) (init T1) T2) otherwise;

init (abin H X T1 anil) = T1;
init (abin H X T1 T2)   = rebal (mknode X T1 (init T2)) otherwise;

last (abin H X T1 anil) = X;
last (abin H X T1 T2)   = last T2 otherwise;

/* mknode constructs a tree node, computing the height value */

mknode X T1 T2          = abin (max (height T1) (height T2) +1) X T1 T2;

/* height and slope compute the height and slope (difference between
   heights of the left and the right subtree), respectively */

height anil             = 0;
height (abin H T1 T2)   = H;

slope anil              = 0;
slope (abin H X T1 T2)  = height T1 - height T2;

/* rebal rebalances after single insertions and deletions */

rebal T                 = shl T if slope T = -2;
                        = shr T if slope T = 2;
                        = T otherwise;

/* rotation operations */

rol (abin H1 X1 T1 (abin H2 X2 T2 T3))
                        = mknode X2 (mknode X1 T1 T2) T3;
ror (abin H1 X1 (abin H2 X2 T1 T2) T3)
                        = mknode X2 T1 (mknode X1 T2 T3);

shl (abin H X T1 T2)    = rol (mknode X T1 (ror T2)) if slope T2 = 1;
                        = rol (abin H X T1 T2) otherwise;

shr (abin H X T1 T2)    = ror (mknode X T1 (ror T2)) if slope T2 = -1;
                        = ror (abin H X T1 T2) otherwise;

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As of version 7.7, Q provides a simple but effective implementation of views, a device originally proposed by Wadler [Wadler 1987] which provides a means to equip abstract data types with concrete representations in terms of "virtual constructors", which can be used for pattern matching just like "real" constructors are used when dealing with concrete algebraic data types. In the Q language, views are also used for deciding syntactic equality of external types (see Non-Linear Equations) and, last but not least, for pretty-printing purposes.

The first ingredient of a view is a definition for the built-in special form view which returns a representation of a data object, usually in terms of a public "construction" function for objects of the type. For instance, given the BinTree and AVLTree types from the previous section, we might provide the following rules:

view T:BinTree          = '(bintree Xs) where Xs = members T;
view T:AVLTree          = '(avltree Xs) where Xs = members T;

Here we used the construction functions bintree and avltree to build a representation of binary and AVL trees in terms of their member lists. After adding these rules to the program in Sub- and Supertypes, the representation defined by these rules will be used whenever an object of these types is printed in the interpreter (as well as by the built-in str and write functions). For instance:

==> def T1 = avltree [17,5,26,5], T2 = bintree [8,17]

==> union T1 T2; diff T1 T2
avltree [5,5,8,17,17,26]
avltree [5,5,26]

Two things are worth noting here. First, the view function always has to return a quoted expression. A description of the quote constructor `'' can be found in Special Forms; essentially, it just protects its argument from being evaluated. The need for this becomes apparent when considering that views are just expressions which, when evaluated, would construct a value of the type for which the view is being defined; thus the expression returned by view has to be treated as a literal, and the `'' operator takes care of that. Second, if you take a look at the example above, you will notice that we defined the views in such a manner that they would actually reconstruct the original values if you would evaluate them from the command line. It goes without saying that this behaviour is highly recommended, although the interpreter does not enforce this condition.

The second ingredient of a view definition is the declaration of one or more virtual constructors for the type. (In fact this is only needed if you also want to be able to use the view for pattern matching.) In our example, it suffices to turn the construction functions used in the view, bintree and avltree, into virtual constructors of the BinTree and AVLTree types, respectively. To these ends, we remove the public declarations of bintree and avltree and modify the type declarations as follows:

public type BinTree : SearchTree = virtual bintree Xs
                                 | private const nil, bin X T1 T2;
public type AVLTree : SearchTree = virtual avltree Xs
                                 | private const anil, abin H X T1 T2;

This lets us use the virtual constructors in pattern-matching definitions just as if they were real constructors. The views of these objects will be constructed on the fly, as they are required during pattern matching. Note that since the virtual constructors, as before, are implemented as public functions, this will even work outside the module where the data types are defined. E.g.:

==> def T1 = avltree [17,5,26,5], T2 = bintree [8,17]

==> diff T1 T2
avltree [5,5,26]

==> def avltree [X,Y,Z] = diff T1 T2; (X,Y,Z)

Of course, we can also use these "virtual" patterns in equations:

test (avltree [X|_])    = X>0;

And they also work in lambdas:

==> (\(avltree [X|_]).X) (union T1 T2)

It is also possible to define views in a recursive fashion so that, e.g., the tree members are made available one at a time. For instance, we might want to create a list-like view which delivers the tree members in ascending order. Taking the BinTree data type as an example, this can be achieved as follows:

public type BinTree : SearchTree = virtual empty, cons X T
                                 | private const nil, bin X T1 T2;

empty                   = nil;
cons X T:BinTree        = insert T X;

private first T;

view nil                = 'empty;
view T:BinTree          = '(cons X T)
                            where X = first T, T = delete T X;

first (bin X nil _)     = X;
first (bin X T1 T2)     = first T1 otherwise;

public bintree Xs;

// ...

Note that the first function returns the smallest member in the tree. The view is defined in terms of two virtual constructors empty (which returns the empty tree) and cons (which takes a value and a tree as parameters and inserts the value into the tree). With these definitions we now have:

==> bintree [5,1,9,3]
cons 1 (cons 3 (cons 5 (cons 9 empty)))

==> def (cons X (cons Y _)) = _; (X,Y)

The main advantage of this approach is that, at least for the purpose of pattern matching, the view only needs to be constructed as far as required to extract the desired number of tree elements. In contrast, employing bintree as the virtual constructor, as in our first example above, is much more inefficient since the entire list of members will be computed whenever the view is needed in pattern matching.

Another important point worth mentioning here is that a virtual constructor does not really belong to the type, even though it is declared as one of its members. More precisely, only "proper" objects which were constructed with the real constructors of the type will ever match the corresponding type guard. Nevertheless, it is possible to have definitions like the following, which first try a couple of explicit virtual constructor patterns and then fall back to a guarded variable:

type Foo = virtual foo X, goo X | const bar X, baz X;

view (bar X)            = '(foo X);
view (baz X)            = '(goo X);

foo X                   = bar X;
goo X                   = baz X;

test (foo X)            = X;
test X:Goo              = X otherwise;

Note that in this case, if the default alternative is taken (i.e., the last equation for test), the constructed view is returned (after being evaluated) rather than the original expression. Of course this will lead to unexpected results if the view, when evaluated, does not reconstruct the original expression, hence our recommendation that Y ⇒ X if view X ⇒ 'Y.

Another word of caution: Definitions mixing patterns with virtual and nonvirtual constructors of a given type will not work in the current implementation. To avoid backtracking during pattern matching, a view will always be constructed for each parameter which is matched against at least one virtual constructor; in such a case the nonvirtual patterns are effectively disabled. The compiler will warn you about such situations when it is invoked with the -w option (see Using Q). If you get this "overlap between virtual and nonvirtual constructors" warning it means that you should rewrite your definition so that it uses either real or virtual constructors, but not both at the same time. That should be easy enough to do; usually you will use the real constructors inside the module which defines the data type, and virtual constructors otherwise.

Finally, note that views can also be used in exactly the same fashion with external types. The only difference here is that an external type does not have any real constructors and thus the view must be created using the operations provided for the type. For instance, consider an external type Bar which represents pairs of integer values constructed with an external function bar (cf. Writing a Module):

public extern type Bar = virtual extern bar I J;

Assume that we have another extern function bartuple which returns the contents of a Bar object as a pair of two integer values:

public extern bartuple B;

Now a suitable view for Bar can be defined as follows:

view B:Bar              = '(bar I J) where (I,J) = bartuple B;

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9. Special Forms

As discussed in Equations and Expression Evaluation, the Q interpreter evaluates expressions in applicative, i.e., leftmost-innermost, order. This means that the arguments of a function are usually evaluated before the function is applied to them, which is also known as call by value, strict or eager evaluation. Occasionally, it is useful or even essential to defer the evaluation of arguments until they are actually required in the course of a computation. For this purpose, the Q language lets you introduce so-called special forms which receive their arguments unevaluated (i.e., using call by name or non-strict evaluation). This chapter discusses how these constructs are defined and used.

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9.1 Basic Concepts

Consider the following definition from the standard library which implements a simple kind of conditional expression (see also Conditionals and Comprehensions):

ifelse P X Y            = X if P;
                        = Y otherwise;

The ifelse function takes as its first argument a truth value which is used to determine whether the second or third argument is to be returned as the value of the conditional expression. Although the above definition is perfectly correct, using applicative order evaluation with this definition is clearly inappropriate since all arguments must already have been evaluated before the ifelse function gets applied to them. Since either the second or third argument is simply thrown away, the effort involved in the evaluation of this argument is wasted. As an extreme case, e.g., Y might not have a terminating evaluation at all, in which case the evaluation of ifelse P X Y would not terminate either even though Y is actually not required if P happens to evaluate to true.

Instead, we would like to have ifelse evaluate its arguments only as they are required. In the Q language, this can be done by simply declaring ifelse as a special form. All we have to do is to precede the above equations with the following declaration:

public special ifelse P X Y;

The syntax of such declarations has already been introduced in Declarations. The special keyword must be followed by a function identifier and a sequence of variable symbols (the variable symbols only serve to specify the number of arguments, and are otherwise treated as comments). If the argument list is omitted, the function symbol is actually treated as an ordinary (non-special) symbol. Otherwise the given arguments are declared as special (a.k.a. call by name) arguments, i.e., arguments which are treated as literals and hence are not evaluated when the given function is applied to them. Special arguments become so-called deferred values (also known as thunks or suspensions in the literature) which will be left unevaluated as long as they are "protected" by a special form. But as soon as the value of a thunk is referred to in a "non-special" context, the deferred value will automatically be evaluated by the interpreter.

Thus the above declaration of the ifelse function tells the Q interpreter that this function expects three special arguments P, X and Y which should be left unevaluated until their values are actually required in the qualifier or the right-hand side of an equation in ifelse's definition. Consequently, when the interpreter comes to consider the first rule,

ifelse P X Y            = X if P;

it will first evaluate P to obtain the value of the condition part of this rule. If P evaluates to true, X will be evaluated and returned as the value of the left-hand side expression. Otherwise (if P evaluates to false), X will be left unevaluated, and the interpreter considers the next rule,

ifelse P X Y            = Y otherwise;

which causes it to reduce ifelse P X Y to the value of Y.

(Note that in cases like the above example, where a special argument forms the right-hand side of a rule, the interpreter performs tail call elimination as usual (cf. Tail Recursion). That is, it will actually evaluate the special argument after performing a tail reduction of the rule. This is important for simple recursive functions involving special forms like ifelse which can be executed in constant stack space. This also applies, in particular, to the built-in special operators (and then) and (or else), see Built-In Special Forms.)

It is important to note here that special forms are indeed a runtime feature in the Q language. This means that special forms are not only recognized at compile time, but also when they are passed as arguments or returned as function results in the course of a computation (which usually cannot be predicted at compile time). For instance, if we define foo as follows:

special bar X;
foo                     = bar;

then foo (1+1) evaluates to bar (1+1) and not to bar 2, although foo itself is not declared to be a special form. This also works if you pass bar as a functional parameter:

special bar X;
foo F X                 = F (X+1);

Given the above definition, foo bar 1 will evaluate to bar (1+1).

On the other hand, you must take care that arguments to special functions which are passed on by other functions are not evaluated too early. For instance, if the apply function is defined as follows:

apply F X               = F X;

and is then invoked as apply bar (1+1) then (1+1) will be evaluated even though bar is a special form. The reason is that the argument (1+1) is evaluated before apply is applied to it, since we have not declared apply as a special form as well. As a general rule, you should make any function a special form that passes its arguments to another special form, unless you explicitly wish to evaluate these arguments.

Up to now, we have only considered "pure" special forms, which receive all their arguments unevaluated. Many functions, however, require a mixture of special and non-special arguments. The Q language provides two different methods for dealing with such situations. First, you can force the evaluation of a special argument at runtime using the `~' (tilde or "force") operator:

special foo P X;
foo P X                 = ifelse ~P (bar X) X;

Here, the condition P is evaluated before it is passed on to the ifelse special form (which is as defined above). This method is useful if we only occasionally have to evaluate a parameter of a special form. (Note that you can also force expressions outside a special form; in this case `~' acts as the identity operation, i.e., the argument expression (which is already in normal form) is simply returned as is.)

If we always want to evaluate a given parameter of a special function, we can also declare the corresponding argument as non-special which effectively turns the argument into an ordinary call by value parameter. This is done by preceding the argument with the `~' symbol in the declaration of the function symbol. For instance, in the above definition of the ifelse function the first argument will be evaluated anyway. Hence we may as well make it a non-special argument. The corresponding declaration reads as follows:

public special ifelse ~P X Y;

With this declaration (which is precisely how ifelse is actually declared in the standard library), the ifelse function always receives its first argument evaluated, while the other two arguments are special. This works exactly like an explicit application of the `~' operator, but releases you from the burden of having to force evaluation of the argument in every application of the ifelse function. It is also slightly more efficient since the argument does not have to be constructed as a literal expression, but can be evaluated right away before the ifelse function is applied to it.

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9.2 Special Constructors and Streams

Special forms prevent their arguments from being evaluated until they are used in a context which is not "protected" by another special form. This also works if the special form happens to be a constructor. Special constructors thus allow you to define algebraic data structures which act as containers for deferred expressions. By these means Q enables you to create "lazy" data structures which work pretty much like their counterparts in non-strict functional languages like Haskell. A prime example for this are streams, the lazy list data structure, which was briefly introduced in Lists, Streams and Tuples. As of Q 7.1, this data type is now predefined as follows:

public type Stream = special const nil_stream, cons_stream X Xs;

The constant symbol nil_stream denotes an empty stream, while the special constructor symbol cons_stream is used to represent a nonempty stream with head X and tail Xs. (Please note that, as of Q 7.1, these symbols are now builtins and thus cannot be imported from the stream.q module any more.) As of Q 7.1, the language also provides some syntactic sugar for these constructs to make them look more list-like. In particular, {} is the same as nil_stream and {X|Xs} the same as cons_stream X Xs. More generally, the notation {X1,X2,…,Xn|Y} can be used as a shorthand for cons_stream X1 (cons_stream X2 … (cons_stream Xn Y)…). Likewise, {X1,X2,…,Xn} is the same as cons_stream X1 (cons_stream X2 … (cons_stream Xn nil_stream)…).

Just like lists, a stream consists of a head element, X, and a stream of remaining elements, the tail Xs. The standard library module stream.q extends most list operations to streams, see Streams. For instance, the list operations hd and tl are easily translated to streams as follows:

hd {X|_}                = X;
tl {_|Xs}               = Xs;

Lisp programmers should note that this implementation does not require any explicit "delay" and "force" operations; all necessary evaluations are performed implicitly by the Q interpreter. As a simple example, consider the following definition for the stream of all integers starting from N:

ints N                  = {N|ints (N+1)};

Obviously, this definition would not work with eager evaluation, because the recursive invocation of ints would send the interpreter into an infinite recursion. However, since streams are implemented as a special form, the evaluation of the nested ints term is deferred, and the tails of the stream are only produced as we access them, using "call by need" evaluation:

==> ints 1
{1|ints (1+1)}

==> tl _
{2|ints (2+1)}

==> tl _
{3|ints (3+1)}

Now this is all good and fine, but it also raises a question, namely how are we going to write definitions which match against subterms in a deferred value if the needed parts have not been evaluated yet? For instance, suppose that we want to extract the next three elements from the above stream. We would actually like to write something like the following:

==> _
{3|ints (3+1)}

==> def {X,Y,Z|_} = _

==> (X,Y,Z)

In fact this works as expected, even though {3|ints (3+1)} does not literally match the pattern {X,Y,Z|_}, because the Q interpreter takes into account special data constructors during pattern matching and will automagically evaluate deferred subterms as needed.

This also works with non-special arguments of a function in equations. E.g., consider the following definition of a deinterleave operation which takes adjacent stream elements and turns them into pairs:

deinterleave {}         = {};
deinterleave {X,Y|Xs}   = {(X,Y)|deinterleave Xs};

Note again that the pattern {X,Y|Xs} on the left-hand side of the second equation does not match a stream value like ints 1 ⇒ {1|ints (1+1)} literally, but it does match after the embedded deferred subterm ints (1+1) has been reduced to {2|ints (2+1)}. The interpreter performs the recursive evaluation automatically, and hence we have:

==> deinterleave (ints 1)
{(1,2)|deinterleave (ints (2+1))}

==> tl _
{(3,4)|deinterleave (ints (4+1))}

This "call by need" evaluation of argument values which is performed automatically during pattern matching, is also known as call by pattern. In the Q language, call by pattern evaluations are always done in variable definitions, and also when matching against the left-hand sides of equations, but only for non-special toplevel arguments.

In contrast, special toplevel arguments in an equation are always passed unevaluated, "as is"; that's their purpose after all. Thus, e.g., if foo is a special form then a pattern like foo {X,Y,Z|_} will only match if the provided stream argument literally has three elements in front; no implicit evaluation of stream tails to obtain the required number of stream elements will be performed in this case.

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9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation

Another issue arising when dealing with special forms is the problem of repeated evaluations of the same deferred expression. Note that normally a special argument is evaluated each time its value is required on the right-hand side of a definition. Consider, for instance:

special foo X;
foo X                   = bar X X;

Assuming that bar is non-special, X actually gets evaluated twice, once for each occurrence on the right-hand side of the equation. This may be undesirable for reasons of efficiency. One method to cope with such a situation is to introduce a local variable binding, e.g.:

special foo X;
foo X                   = bar Y Y where Y = X;

However, in some cases this may be inconvenient or downright impossible. In particular, the deferred value might actually be stored inside a special data element such as a stream (cf. Special Constructors and Streams). For instance, consider the case of a stream map foo {1..} where foo is a function on integers. Then, whenever we access an element of this stream, the corresponding expression foo I will have to be recomputed, which might be costly, depending on the function foo at hand.

To avoid such inefficiencies, the Q language provides the `&' (ampersand or "memoize") operator. When applied to a special argument (such as a stream member) it causes the value to be memoized. This means that the value will only be computed the first time it is needed. Each subsequent access will then simply return the already computed value.

In our example we can memoize both the heads and the tails of the stream, by applying `&' recursively to all heads and tails. The standard library contains the function lazy which does just this. All we have to do is to apply this function to the existing stream to have all elements memoized:

==> var foo = \X.writes $ "foo: "++str X++"\n" || X

==> def S = lazy (map foo {1..})

==> list (take 2 S)
foo: 1
foo: 2

==> list (take 4 S)
foo: 3
foo: 4

Note that when computing the first four stream members with list (take 4 S), only elements number 3 and 4 were computed, since the first two elements had already been computed with list (take 2 S) before.

Functional programming theorists also denote the above style of computation, which combines call by name with the memoization of already computed thunks, as call by need or simply as lazy evaluation.

Lazy evaluation paves the way for some important and powerful programming techniques. In particular, streams are a useful device to implement different kinds of backtracking and dynamic programming algorithms in a uniform setting. For instance, here is a recursive definition of the stream of all Fibonacci numbers:

fibs = {0,1|zipwith (+) fibs (tl fibs)};

Unfortunately, this implementation is rather slow because of the multiple recursive invocations of fibs. But this can be fixed by memoizing the stream with lazy and assigning it to a variable:

var fibs = lazy {0,1|zipwith (+) fibs (tl fibs)};

By these means we ensure that the stream is built in-place, by "chasing its own tail". This works because Q's global variable environment uses dynamic binding, and the (unevaluated) instance of fibs on the right-hand side of the definition will not be evaluated before the variable has already been defined. Thus the stream effectively includes circular references to itself.

The reason that special arguments are not memoized automatically at all times is that some arguments may involve functions with side-effects, in which case memoization is often undesirable. For instance, we can compute a list of five random values quite conveniently using a list comprehension as follows:

==> [random : I in [1..5]]

This works because the random subterm is actually a special parameter to the standard library function listof implementing list comprehensions (see Conditionals and Comprehensions), so it will be recomputed as each list element is produced. However, if we memoize the random subterm then the function will only be evaluated once to give the value for all list members:

==> [&random : I in [1..5]]

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9.4 Built-In Special Forms

Besides streams, the Q language has a number of other built-in operations which are actually implemented as special forms. This is necessary, in particular, in the case of the syntactic equality operator `==' (see Non-Linear Equations), as well as the logical connectives and then and or else which are evaluated in "short-circuit mode", using the following built-in equations (see Logical and Bit Operators):

true and then X         = X;
false and then X        = false;

false or else X         = X;
true or else X          = true;

The first argument of these operations is non-special, but the second one is a special argument which is only evaluated if it is needed. For instance, if the first argument of and then is false, false is returned - there is no need to take a look at the second argument. The or else operation works analogously. These rules allow the Q interpreter to perform the following reductions immediately, without ever having to evaluate the second argument X:

false and then X        ⇒ false
true or else X          ⇒ true

On the other hand, if the first argument of and then is true (or the first argument of or else is false), then the value of the second argument is returned:

true and then X         ⇒ X
false or else X         ⇒ X

In this case the interpreter also performs tail call optimization, i.e., the reduction to X is actually carried out before X is evaluated. This implies that tail recursions involving and then and or else are executed in constant stack space, as one might reasonably expect. (The same applies to user-defined special forms like ifelse, see Basic Concepts, which are defined in a similar fashion.) For instance, consider the following example from the standard library which defines a function all that checks whether all members of a list satisfy a given predicate P:

all P []                = true;
all P [X|Xs]            = P X and then all P Xs;

Note that if P X in the second rule evaluates to true, then the right-hand side immediately reduces to the tail-recursive call all P Xs, and hence an application of all P to a list of arbitrary size only needs constant stack space.

Other important built-in special forms are the lambda function, which is described in Lambda Abstractions, and the view construction function view, see Views.

Last but not least, there are three other builtins in the Q language which may also act as special forms depending on the arguments with which they are invoked. The function composition operator `.' automagically adapts to special forms in its left and/or right operand. More precisely, if the first argument of a function F is special, then the second operand of a composition section of the form (F.) = (.) F is special as well; in this case F.G will always leave G unevaluated. Furthermore, the argument of a composition F.G is special if F or G has a special first argument. This makes the `.' operator work as expected in situations where the composed functions are special forms. The infix application operator `$' (cf. Application and Sequence Operators) and the built-in flip function (which flips the arguments of a binary function and is used to implement operator sections with a missing left operand, see Miscellaneous Functions) adjust to their first (function) argument in a similar fashion.

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9.5 The Quote Operator

Another built-in special form is the predefined quote operator `'', which acts as a constructor that protects its single argument expression from being evaluated. This construct is useful if you wish to treat certain expressions (which may or may not be in normal form) as literal objects rather than having them evaluated. For instance:

==> '(1+1)

Lisp programmers should note that the quote operator is in fact a constructor, and not an operation which returns its single argument unevaluated. This is essential since in the Q language an expression only remains unevaluated as long as it is protected by a special form - an expression which occurs outside the context of a special form is always in normal form.

Another fact that deserves mentioning is that `'' is just an "ordinary" special form, and does not involve any special "magic" on the side of the interpreter. In particular, `'' does not inhibit variable replacements in rules like the following:

special foo X;
foo X                   = '(X+1);

Given the above definition, foo Y ⇒ '(Y+1), i.e., the X variable on the right-hand side is not treated as a literal. However, as the very same example shows, you can employ `'' to quote a free variable, and thereby defer its evaluation:

==> def Y = 99; foo Y

==> foo ~Y

The force operator `~' works in quoted expressions as usual:

==> '(1+~(2+3))

Moreover, there is another, similar operation, the ``' (backquote or "splice") operator, which forces evaluation of its argument like the `~' operator, but also "unquotes" the result. For instance, using the same foo function as above, we have:

==> '(`(foo Y)/2)

Like the force operator, the splice operator also works outside a special form, in which case the unquoted expression is evaluated as usual. Moreover, if the evaluated argument is an unquoted expression, it is returned as is; in this case, ``' does exactly the same as the `~' operator.

The splice operator is the fundamental operation when constructing quoted expressions from smaller quoted pieces, by "splicing" the pieces into a "template" expression. Lisp programmers will be familiar with this technique. However, there are some notable differences between Q's `~'/``' and Lisp's `,'/`@,' constructs:

Also note that, in contrast to the quote operator, the force and splice operations do need special support from the interpreter. They are the only operations (besides the memoization operator, which is treated in a similar fashion) which are evaluated while a special form is being processed.

When used in concert, the quotation operators `'', ``' and `~' become powerful tools for the symbolic manipulation of literal expressions. They allow you to define functions which analyze and transform an expression before the modified expression is finally evaluated. As a simple (and somewhat contrived) example, let us write a function which takes an arbitrary quoted expression and replaces each instance of a foo X subterm by a corresponding bar X expression. (More meaningful examples can be found in the standard library; in particular, have a look at the cond.q script to see how the listof function is implemented.)

foo X                   = X-1;
bar X                   = X+1;

special foobar X;
foobar '(foo X)         = '(bar `(foobar 'X));
foobar '(X Y)           = '(`(foobar 'X) `(foobar 'Y));
foobar '(X|Y)           = '(`(foobar 'X)|`(foobar 'Y));
foobar '[X|Y]           = '[`(foobar 'X)|`(foobar 'Y)];
foobar X                = X otherwise;

To see foobar in action on a lambda abstraction, try the following:

==> var f = '(\X Y.X+foo (Y+foo (X*Y))), g = foobar ~f

==> f; g
'(\X . \Y . X+foo (Y+foo (X*Y)))
'(\X . \Y . X+bar (Y+bar (X*Y)))

==> `f 12 14; `g 12 14

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9.6 A Bit of Reflection

Let us briefly comment on Q's special forms versus "real" lazy evaluation in functional languages like Haskell. It should be clear by now that Q allows you to keep a special argument from being evaluated as long as you like, maybe "to eternity". That is, the interpreter actually computes so-called "weak" normal forms in which special arguments are left unevaluated, even if these arguments are reducible. This is similar to the way deferred evaluation is handled in traditional functional languages featuring a basic eager evaluation strategy. In contrast, a pure lazy functional language interpreter will eventually reduce each expression to a "true" normal form to which no definition is applicable.

Both approaches have their pros and cons. The nice thing about normal order evaluation (with automatic memoization) in lazy functional languages is that it "just works" and is guaranteed to be optimal (in the sense that the program never computes a value that is not needed to produce the program's result). However, one downside of this method is that it becomes hard to deal with operations involving side-effects. Moreover, normal order evaluation is in fact only truly lazy for the lambda and combinatorial calculi used by these systems, which are very special kinds of rewriting system. In general term rewriting, however, there is no single "optimal" evaluation strategy; in fact, the problem to devise a terminating, let alone an optimal reduction strategy for a given rewriting system, even for a single input expression, amounts to solving the infamous halting problem which is undecidable.

Although the Q interpreter uses applicative order evaluation by default, special forms effectively give you full control over the evaluation strategy. As we have seen, this makes it possible to implement lazy data structures which behave pretty much like their counterparts in pure lazy languages. But special forms actually go way beyond this, as they also provide a device to program "meta" (or "macro"-like) functions which operate on the descriptions of other functions (or any other kind of literal expressions). These facilities in turn make it possible to write programs performing "reflective" computations in which a program inspects some part of itself (which might be given, say, as a lambda abstraction), and modifies this part before actually executing it.

It goes without saying that this is an essential requisite in advanced applications like artificial intelligence. While Q is not a fully reflective language (the equational rules making up a Q program are no first-class citizens of the language, neither are the modules a program consists of), having symbolic expressions as first-class citizens of the language provides enough reflectiveness so that you can do most stuff that you'd normally use Lisp for. Pure lazy languages like Haskell fall short in this respect, because they cannot deal with function expressions on a symbolic level without introducing an extra level of interpretation.

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10. Built-In Functions

Besides the built-in operators already discussed in Expressions, the Q language also provides a collection of predefined functions which cover a variety of elementary operations. The built-in functions can be divided into eight major groups, arithmetic and numeric functions, string, list and tuple functions, conversion functions, I/O functions, lambda abstractions, exception handling functions, and miscellaneous functions. We will describe each of these in turn.

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10.1 Arithmetic Functions

The Q language provides the following functions for simple arithmetic on enumeration types (cf. Types):

enum Xs Y, enum_from Xs

enumerate a range of enumeration type values

succ X

successor function

pred X

predecessor function

As already discussed in Enumeration Types, the enum and enum_from functions construct a list from a range of enumeration type values, and the succ and pred functions produce the successor and predecessor of a given value in an enumeration type. Note that while the built-in definitions of these operations only apply to "real" enumeration types (including the built-in Char type), the standard prelude extends enum, succ and pred to integers (and, in the case of enum, floating point values), cf. The Standard Library.

Two additional functions are provided for integer arithmetic, shl and shr, which are used to shift the bits of an integer value a given number of bit positions to the left and right, respectively:


shift N COUNT bits to the left


shift N COUNT bits to the right

If the COUNT argument is negative, then the opposite shift by -COUNT bits is performed, i.e., shl X COUNT = shr X (-COUNT).

These operations provide the fastest possible way to multiply an integer with, and divide it by, a power of two. More precisely, if X is an arbitrary and N a nonnegative integer, then shl X N and shr X N are the same as X*pow 2 N and X div pow 2 N, respectively, where pow 2 N denotes the Nth power of 2, as an integer. Note that in contrast to bit shifts on fixed size machine integers, there is no "loss" of most significant bits, because Q integers have arbitrary precision; hence the results obtained with bit shifting are always "arithmetically correct".

The bitwise logical operations provide a means to implement sets of nonnegative integers in a fairly efficient manner. As usual, such "bitsets" are obtained by turning on exactly those bits whose positions are the members of the set. Thus, 0 encodes the empty set, and shl 1 I the set consisting of the single member I. You then employ or as set union, and as set intersection, and not as set complement. Set difference can be implemented by taking the intersection with the complement set.

For convenience, you might wish to define yourself a bit function as follows:

bit                     = shl 1;

Then you can test for membership using an expression like X and bit I which returns nonzero (namely bit I itself) iff I is in the set. You can also build a set from its members by or'ing the corresponding bit values, e.g.: bit 1 or bit 4 or bit 39.

Because Q integers have arbitrary precision, bitsets do not have an a priory size restriction in Q (in fact, they can even be infinite, as negative integers are used to encode the complements of the finite bitsets). However, you should note that a finite bitset (a.k.a. a nonnegative integer) needs space proprotional to the set's largest member, and hence this method will be practical only if the potential set members are within a reasonable range.

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10.2 Numeric Functions

exp X

exponential function

ln X

natural logarithm

sqrt X

square root

sin X


cos X


atan X

arcus tangent

atan2 Y X

arcus tangent of Y/X


random number

seed N

initialize random number generator

This group includes the usual trigonometric and exponential functions, logarithms and square root. All these functions take both integer and floating point arguments. They return a floating point number. The atan2 function is like atan, but takes two arguments and computes the arcus tangent of their ratio. In difference to atan, it takes into account the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the result.

Besides this, there is a parameterless function random which returns a 32 bit pseudo random integer in the range 0..2^32-1. To obtain a random 32 bit floating point value in the range [0,1], you simply divide random by 0xffffffff. The current implementation uses the "Mersenne Twister", a fast uniform random number generator with a period of 2^19937-1, written by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura. The generator is initialized automatically with a seed taken from the system clock at the time the interpreter starts up. The seed function allows to initialize the generator explicitly with a given nonnegative integer seed; this is useful if it is necessary to reproduce random sequences. Note that only the least significant 31 bits of the given seed value are actually used; these 31 bits are padded with a constant 1 bit, since the generator works best with odd seed values.

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10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions

This group provides some additional operations on sequences (strings, lists and tuples).

sub Xs I J

extract the subsequence consisting of members I thru J of a string, list or tuple Xs

substr S K L

return substring of length L at position K in S

pos S1 S

position of substring S1 in S

The sub function returns a subsequence (also called a "slice") of a string, list or tuple, given by the zero-based index values I and J. For instance:

==> sub "abcde" 2 3

==> sub [a,b,c,d,e] 2 3

==> sub (a,b,c,d,e) 2 3

(The standard library provides an analogous definition of sub on streams, see Streams.)

The sub function handles all combinations of index arguments in a reasonable manner. Thus, if J < I or I >= #Xs then an empty sequence is returned, I = 0 is assumed if I < 0, and the remainder of the sequence is returned if J >= #Xs.

Besides sub, there are two additional functions operating exclusively on strings. The substr function returns a substring of a string with a given length at a given position. This function is provided for backward compatibility; note that substr S K L is equivalent to sub S K (K+L-1). The pos function returns the position of a substring in a string (-1 if there is no occurrence of the given substring). For instance:

==> pos "cd" "abcde"

==> substr "abcde" 2 2

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10.4 Conversion Functions

This group consists of functions for converting between different kinds of objects:

trunc X

truncate floating point to integer value, or return integer value unchanged

round X

round floating point to nearest integer value, or return integer value unchanged

float X

convert integer to floating point number, or return floating point value unchanged

int X

compute the integer part of floating point number, or convert integer value to floating point

frac X

compute the fraction part of floating point number, or return 0.0 for an integer value

hash X

32 bit hash code of an expression

ord X

ordinal number of enumeration type member (or character)

chr N

character with given ordinal number

list Xs

convert a tuple to a list

tuple Xs

convert a list to a tuple

str X

convert expression to string

strq X

convert quoted expression to string

val S

convert string to expression

valq S

convert string to quoted expression

Note that, as of Q 7.1, the trunc, round, float, int and frac functions work consistently on all numbers, i.e., both integers and floating point values. (With older versions, float would only work on integers and the other functions only on floating point values.)

The ord and chr functions convert between characters and their ordinal numbers in the (Unicode) character set. The ord function can also be used to compute the ordinal number of a member of an arbitrary enumeration type, see Enumeration Types.

The hash function returns a nonnegative 32 bit hash code for an arbitrary expression. The only guarantee is that syntactically equal objects are mapped to the same hash code. This function is useful, e.g., for implementing hashed dictionaries which map arbitrary keys to corresponding values, see Hashed Dictionaries for an application.

The str function converts its argument expression to the corresponding print representation conforming to the Q expression syntax, which is returned as a string; the argument is evaluated as usual. The strq function is similar, but converts a quoted expression (cf. The Quote Operator). For instance:

str (1+1)               ⇒ "2"
strq '(1+1)             ⇒ "1+1"

The val/valq functions are the counterpart of str and strq; they convert a string containing the print representation of an expression back to an expression. In the case of val, the expression is evaluated, while valq returns the parsed expression as it is, protected with the quote operator:

val "1+1"               ⇒ 2
valq "1+1"              ⇒ '(1+1)

These functions require that the contents of their string arguments conform to the Q expression syntax. In case of a syntax error, the built-in rules fail.

All expression conversion routines use the global scope, i.e., the namespace of the main script, for the purpose of converting identifiers, just like the interpreter itself. Thus these functions work consistently in a given main script no matter which module they are invoked from. However, this also means that the precise results may depend on which main script is currently loaded. Note that this only affects the parsing and unparsing of identifiers. For instance, if a function symbol foo in module bar is visible in the main scope then it will be unparsed simply as "foo", otherwise the qualified form "bar::foo" is used.

Also note that, as of version 7.2, Q now provides a hook into the built-in expression pretty-printer so that you can define custom views for any user-defined, built-in or external data type. This is described in Views.

A word of caution: Having a "universal" string representation of Q expressions is very useful to facilitate interaction with the user and for the purpose of "marshalling" expressions so that they can be stored in a file, but you should note that the expression conversion routines are so powerful that they can easily be abused for rather questionable purposes. For instance, the val function gives you a "backdoor" to access any function or variable symbol in a script, even private symbols in other modules. The only way around this would have been to severely restrict the functionality of the conversion routines, which would have made them much less useful. Thus it is in your responsibility to use these functions in an "orderly" manner.

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10.5 I/O Functions

This group provides functions for handling input/output from/to the terminal or a text file. These functions implement operations with side-effects; the side-effects consist in modifying the terminal display or a file. All I/O functions also take care, automatically and transparently, of the necessary translations of strings between the system and the internal UTF-8 encoding.


open file NAME in mode MODE

popen CMD MODE

open pipe CMD in mode MODE

fclose F

close a file

read, fread F

read an expression from the terminal or a file

readq, freadq F

read a quoted expression from the terminal or a file

readc, freadc F

read a character from the terminal or a file

reads, freads F

read a string from the terminal or a file

write X, fwrite F X

write an expression to the terminal or a file

writeq X, fwriteq F X

write a quoted expression to the terminal or a file

writec C, fwritec F C

write a character to the terminal or a file

writes S, fwrites F S

write a string to the terminal or a file

eof, feof F

check for end-of-file on the terminal or a file

flush, fflush F

flush output buffer on the terminal or a file

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10.5.1 Terminal I/O

Input from the terminal (i.e., the standard input device) is done through the parameterless functions read, readq, readc and reads which read and return, respectively, an expression, a quoted expression, a single character, and a string. Terminal input is line-buffered which means that you must type an entire input line before anything is returned by these functions.

The reads function obtains one line of input, strips off the trailing newline character, and returns the result as a string. For instance (here and in the following, <CR> means that you hit the carriage return key to terminate the input line, rather than actually typing the string "<CR>"):

==> reads
one line of text<CR>
"one line of text"

The readc function allows you to read input character by character; at the end of a line the newline character "\n" is returned:

==> readc

The read and readq functions read one line from the input, as with reads, and convert the resulting string to an expression, as with val and valq, respectively. For instance:

==> read

==> readq

The corresponding functions for producing output on the terminal (the standard output device) are named write, writeq, writec and writes. They print an expression, a quoted expression, a character and a string, respectively. These functions take one argument, the object to be printed, and return the empty tuple (). For instance:

==> writec "x"

==> writes "one line of text\n"
one line of text

==> write (1+1)

==> writeq '(1+1)

(Output operations are invoked solely for their side-effects. However, any Q expression must have a value, and since there is no other meaningful value to return, the write functions return (). In the above examples, this value is output by the interpreter after the printed text, which explains, e.g., the x() in response to writec "x".)

It is common practice to combine these operations by means of the || operator in order to implement dialogs such as the following prompt/input interaction:

==> writes "Input: " || reads
Input: one line of text<CR>
"one line of text"

You will also often encounter several output operations for interpolating data into text fragments:

==> writes "The result is " || writeq '(1+1) || writes ".\n"
The result is 1+1.

The eof function allows you to check for end-of-file on the terminal. Actually, this causes another line of input to be read from the terminal if no input is currently available, to see whether the end of the input has been reached. Most operating systems allow you to type a special character to indicate end-of-file, such as the Ctl-D character on the UNIX system:

==> eof

The flush function writes any pending output to the terminal. It is rarely necessary to call this function explicitly; see also the discussion of the fflush function in File I/O.

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10.5.2 File I/O

File input and output is implemented by the functions fread, freadq, freadc, freads, fwrite, fwriteq, fwritec and fwrites. There also is an feof function which allows to check whether the end of a file has been reached, and an fflush function which flushes the output buffer of a file. These operations are analogous to their terminal equivalents, but take an additional first argument, a file object. A file object is a special kind of elementary object in the Q language which is returned by the built-in fopen function.

The fopen function takes two string arguments, the name of the file to be opened (which is the name under which the file is known by the operating system), and the mode in which the file is to be opened. The mode string "r" means to open an existing file for reading, "w" to open a new file for writing (existing files are truncated to zero size), and "a" to create a new or append to an existing file. You can also add the letter "b" at the end of the mode string to indicate that the file should be opened as a binary file. This only has the effect to suppress the LF/CR-LF conversion on MS-DOS/Windows systems, which is essential if you read/write binary data from/to the file. On UNIX systems this flag is ignored.

For instance, a function checking whether a file exists and is accessible for reading can be implemented as follows:

exists NAME             = isfile (fopen NAME "r");

(A suitable definition of the isfile function is provided by the standard library, cf. Type-Checking Predicates.) Files are closed automatically when the corresponding file objects are no longer accessible in a computation. E.g., with the above definition of the exists function, if you invoke this function as exists "myfile", then the file object returned by fopen "myfile" "r" (assuming that the file actually exists) will become inaccessible as soon as it has been processed by the isfile function, at which point it gets closed. Similarly, if you assign a file to a variable in the interpreter,

==> def F = fopen "myfile" "r"

the file will be closed as soon as you undefine the variable:

==> undef F

Occasionally, it might be necessary to close a file explicitly, e.g., a file object might still be accessible, but you want to close it before you do some other processing. In this case you can invoke the fclose function on the file:

==> def F = fopen "myfile" "r"; fclose F

After closing a file, the file object still exists, but all further I/O operations on it (including fclose itself) will fail:

==> freads F; fclose F
freads <<File>>
fclose <<File>>

(The notation <<File>> represents a file object, since file objects have no printable representation. This syntax is also used by the expression output and unparsing functions, write, str etc. Of course, such objects cannot be reparsed using read, val, etc.)

The standard input and output devices used by the terminal I/O functions (the readx and writex functions, see Terminal I/O) are actually special instances of the file I/O functions, which read from standard input and write to standard output. The standard input and output devices are implemented by the interpreter as predefined file objects which are assigned to the INPUT and OUTPUT variables, see Command Language. Thus, for instance, reads and writes X are equivalent to freads INPUT and fwrites OUTPUT X, respectively.

As an example for the use of file I/O, here's a tail-recursive function which copies the contents of one file opened in read mode to another file opened in write or append mode:

fcopy F G               = () if feof F;
                        = fwritec G (freadc F) || fcopy F G otherwise;

Note that file objects are indeed modified by input and output operations; at least, the file pointer is moved accordingly. Otherwise the above definitions would not work. This also becomes apparent when manipulating files interactively:

==> def F = fopen "xyz" "r"

==> freads F
"first line in file xyz"

==> freads F
"second line in file xyz"


The fflush function is used to write any buffered output to a file. This operation is only needed when the target file must be updated immediately. For instance, the target file may actually be a pipe and it may be necessary to get an immediate response from the program which reads the output at the other end of the pipe (see Pipes). Then you can use the fflush function as follows:

==> fwrites F S

==> fflush F // force S to be written to F immediately

Note that if the Q interpreter runs interactively, then it automatically flushes the standard output files whenever an evaluation is finished, see Running Compiler and Interpreter. And, of course, buffered output is always flushed when a file is closed. In case you have to flush standard output explicitly, use flush or, equivalently, fflush OUTPUT. (This should only be necessary if the standard output stream has been redirected to a disk file or a pipe.)

Also note that the interpreter does not provide direct support for reading and writing binary files. However, such functionality is provided by the clib standard library module (see Clib).

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10.5.3 Pipes

The popen function is used to create a file object connected to a pipe. The file objects constructed with popen allow you to pipe data into an operating system command, and to read the output of such a command from a file. Like fopen, popen takes two string arguments. The first parameter denotes the command to be executed, and the second parameter specifies the mode in which the pipe is to be opened. The mode argument must be either "r" (read from the output of the given command) or "w" (write to the input of the command), and causes a file object open for reading or writing to be returned, respectively. The "b" flag may also be used to open the pipe as a binary file, see File I/O.

Input pipes are typically employed for retrieving information from the host operating system. For instance, on UNIX systems we can use the ls command to obtain a list of filenames matching a given wildcard specification. A corresponding function ls which returns such a list can be implemented as follows:

ls S:String             = freadls (popen ("ls "++S) "r");
freadls F:File          = [] if feof F;
                        = [freads F|freadls F] otherwise;

As an example for an output pipe, the following function more pipes a file through the more program which displays the file page by page:

more F:File             = fcopy F (popen "more" "w");

(The definition of fcopy is as in File I/O.)

Just like ordinary files, pipes are closed automatically when the corresponding file object is no longer accessible, or explicitly by an invocation of the fclose function. Furthermore, the interpreter waits for the command started with popen to finish when closing the pipe.

Output pipes are a convenient means to implement specialized output devices in the Q language. For instance, the standard library script graphics.q writes its graphics output to a file GRAPHICS which is often defined as a pipe to a PostScript previewer like, e.g., Ghostscript:

def GRAPHICS = popen "gs -q -" "w";

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10.6 Lambda Abstractions

As of Q 7.1, the special form lambda is now a built-in function which returns a "compiled" function object represented by the new built-in Function type. This offers better performance than the previous implementation in the standard library which was based on the combinatorial calculus. Moreover, the \X.Y syntax can now be used as a convenient shorthand for an application lambda X Y, see Conditional Expressions and Lambdas.

Both arguments of lambda are special. The first argument X denotes an expression to be matched against the actual parameter of the function when it gets applied. The second argument Y is the body of the lambda abstraction. When a lambda function is applied to an argument Z, Z is first matched against the pattern X and the (free) variables in X are bound to the corresponding values in Z. Pattern matching is performed in the same manner as for the left-hand side of an equation; in particular, non-linear patterns (which contain a variable more than once) and the anonymous variable work as expected, as do "call by pattern" (cf. Special Constructors and Streams) and matching against "views" (cf. Views). If the match fails then the application of the lambda function fails, too. Otherwise the body of the lambda is evaluated, with the variables of the pattern replaced with their corresponding values, and the resulting normal form is returned as the value of the lambda application.

As in previous releases, the lambda function needs to know which other special forms perform variable bindings so that these constructs can be expanded recursively. To these ends, such "lambda-like" functions should be declared as members of a type derived from the predefined Lambda type, and the predefined lambdax special form should be overloaded such that, when applied to an expression involving the lambda-like function, it returns a quoted expansion of the construct in terms of lambda. Examples for this can be found in the cond.q standard library module.


The following simple lambda abstraction can be used to denote a function which squares its argument by multiplying it with itself. (In the following we use the customary \X.Y notation throughout, so this example is written as \X.X*X. But note that this is just syntactic sugar for an application of the lambda function, lambda X (X*X) in this case.)

==> \X.X*X
\X1 . X1*X1

==> _ 5

In this example the lambda pattern is just a single variable, which always matches. It is also possible to have pattern-matching lambda abstractions, see below. Also note that lambda objects have a printable representation in Q, although the original variable names are lost when a lambda is printed (more about this in the subsection "Lambdas as First-Class Objects" below).

Multi-argument lambda functions can be created using nested lambdas:

==> \X.\Y.(1-X)*Y
\X1 . \X2 . (1-X1)*X2

==> _ 0.9 0.5

For convenience, the notation \X1 X2 … . Y is provided as a shorthand for \X1 . \X2 … . Y:

==> \X Y.(1-X)*Y
\X1 . \X2 . (1-X1)*X2

==> _ 0.9 0.5

Also note that in a nested lambda expression each variable is bound by the innermost lambda in which it occurs:

==> \X.(\X.X*X) (X+1)
\X1 . (\X2 . X2*X2) (X1+1)

==> _ 2

Moreover, the lambda variables are always bound statically, as determined by the lexical context. For instance, consider:

==> def F = \X.\Y.(1-X)*Y, G = \Y.(1-X)*Y, H = \X.~G

==> F; H
\X1 . \X2 . (1-X1)*X2
\X1 . \X2 . (1-X)*X2

==> F 0.9 0.5; H 0.9 0.5

Note that in the function G the variable X occurs free, and hence the same holds for H. On the other hand, in the function F the variable X is bound by the outermost lambda.

The lambda argument can also be a pattern to be matched against the actual parameter when the function is applied:

==> \(X,Y).(1-X)*Y
\(X1,X2) . (1-X1)*X2

==> _ (0.9,0.5)

==> \[X|Xs].Xs
\[X1|X2] . X2

==> _ [1,2,3]

If a match fails then the application of the lambda function fails, too:

==> (\[X|Xs].Xs) []
(\[X1|X2] . X2) []

The anonymous variable and nonlinear patterns also work as expected:

==> \[_|Xs].Xs
\[X1|X2] . X2

==> _ [1,2,3]

==> \[X,X|Xs].Xs
\[X1,X1|X2] . X2

==> _ [1,1,2]

==> (\[X,X|Xs].Xs) [1,2,3]
(\[X1,X1|X2] . X2) [1,2,3]

==> (\[_,_|Xs].Xs) [1,2,3]

But note that in a multi-argument lambda, the different argument patterns will be matched independently from each other. This is because a lambda abstraction like \X X.X*X is equivalent to \X.\X.X*X, so the X variable in the body is actually bound to the second lambda argument (which belongs to the innermost lambda) and the first argument is never used:

==> \X X.X*X
\X1 . \X2 . X2*X2

==> _ 1 2

This is to be seen in contrast to an equational definition like `foo X X = X*X;' in which the entire left-hand side participates in the matching process.

Lambdas can also be used to substitute variables in special forms like the quote operator:

==> (\X.'(X+1)) (2*3)

But note that while the pattern and body of lambda are special arguments, the actual parameter expected by the lambda function is non-special. Thus the value 2*3 in the example above is evaluated before it is substituted for the X variable. If you want to prevent lambda arguments from being evaluated, you have to protect them with a special form (e.g., a quote), and extract the value for use in the lambda body using an appropriate pattern:

==> (\'X.'(X+1)) '(2*3)

Lambdas as First-Class Objects

While Q's lambda abstractions look superficially like those in languages like Haskell and ML, there is a big difference: Lambdas are just normal expressions in the Q language and can thus can be inspected and manipulated just like any other expression. In other words, lambda is just an ordinary function in Q (albeit a special form) which is implemented on top of the term rewriting machinery that Q is based on. This has some important consequences which are discussed in the following, including some incompatibilities to mainstream FP languages that Haskell and ML programmers should know about.

For efficiency reasons, the value returned by lambda is actually a "compiled" form of the given lambda abstraction, which is represented as an object of the built-in Function type. These objects are computed at runtime and contain a complete description of the original lambda abstraction, except that the original names of variables bound in the lambda pattern are lost in the compilation process; this is why you will see generic variable names like X1, X2, etc. in the printed representation.

We also call these objects lambda functions, to distinguish them from lambda abstractions, i.e., the lambda expressions from which they are computed. These objects have an associated "view", with lambda acting as a "virtual constructor" of the Function type (cf. Views), so that lambda objects can be compared for syntactic equality, printed, and dissected by pattern matching. Therefore the difference between lambda abstractions and the corresponding function objects is mostly transparent to the programmer (except for the variable names); for most practical purposes you should be able to work with lambdas just as if they were actually represented the way that they are written.

For instance, in Q you can create a lambda function and then extract its pattern and body simply as follows:

==> var fac = \N.if N>0 then N*fac (N-1) else 1

==> def \X.Y = fac; X; Y
if X1>0 then X1*fac (X1-1) else 1

This makes it easy to manipulate lambdas in various ways before actually applying and thereby evaluating them, which offers great opportunities for "metaprogramming". For instance, a simple kind of `let' expressions can easily be defined in terms of lambda as follows:

special let C X;
let (A=B) X = (\A.X) B;

More examples of this kind can be found in the standard library. For instance, the standard library defines `case' expressions as well as list and stream comprehensions in terms of lambda.

However, this power comes at a price. Since lambdas are first-class objects, the variables "bound" in lambdas are just ordinary expressions, too. In fact, for the Q interpreter the variables inside a lambda pattern are nothing special at all; on the level of equational definitions they are just free variables! Conversely, from the point of view of lambdas, the variables bound in an equation are "meta variables" whose values are substituted into both the pattern and the body of a lambda abstraction. In fact, we used that to good effect in the above definition of `let'.

This leads to a common pitfall, namely that you might accidentally try to use a variable symbol bound by the left-hand side of an equation (or inside a where clause) as a lambda variable, with predictable but unintended results. For instance, consider the following definition:

foo X = (\X . 2*X+1) (X+1);

In Haskell, an equational definition like the one above (i.e., something like foo x = (\x->2*x+1) (x+1)) is essentially considered equivalent to a corresponding lambda abstraction (\x -> (\x->2*x+1) (x+1) in this case), and hence foo 99 will evaluate to 2*(99+1)+1 = 201.

Not so in Q. Here, the left-hand side X acts as a meta variable whose value is substituted into the lambda abstraction, yielding the result (\99 . 2*99+1) (99+1), which probably was not intended here. To get the correct behaviour in this example you can either replace the lambda variable with a symbol which is not bound by the equation, or use an inline variable declaration to escape the lambda variable, like so:

foo X = (\var X.2*var X+1) (X+1);

Of course you can also just define foo itself as a lambda function:

foo = \X . (\X.2*X+1) (X+1);

While this is a little awkward and might take some time to get used to, there is no way around this if lambda abstractions are implemented as first-class citizens as they are in the Q language. So some discipline is needed to avoid the pitfall sketched out above.

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10.7 Exception Handling

As already mentioned, the Q language only knows a few "hard" runtime error conditions a.k.a. exceptions such as stack or memory overflow. However, "soft" exceptions can also be generated and handled in any desired manner. The following functions are used to deal with all kinds of exceptions during expression evaluation:


halt evaluation


exit the Q interpreter


invoke the debugger


abort the current rule


abort the current reduction

catch F X

handle an exception

throw X

raise an exception

trap ACT SIG

trap signals

The halt function never returns a result, but raises an exception which normally causes the evaluation process to be aborted immediately. This last resort is commonly used in case of a fatal error condition. The quit function is like halt, but also causes exit from the interpreter and returns you to the operating system shell; this operation is often used interactively to terminate a session with the interpreter. (Note that in a multithreaded script, see POSIX Threads, quit only terminates the program when it is invoked from the main thread. In other threads it just acts like halt.)

If the break flag is on (see Debugging), the break function interrupts an evaluation and invokes the symbolic debugger built into the Q interpreter, just as if the user typed Ctl-C. This operation allows you to set breakpoints in a script. For instance,

foo X           = break || bar X;

causes the debugger to be invoked as soon as the rule is executed. If the break flag is off then this operation has no effect. In any case, the break function returns ().

The fail function is used to abort the current rule, just like a failing qualifier. The difference is that fail can be used anywhere in the right-hand side or qualifier of a rule, and causes the rule to be exited immediately. This allows you to handle complicated error conditions which occur while a rule is already being executed, and also provides an efficient method for implementing backtracking algorithms. For instance, here is a quick solution for the famous "N queens" problem:

queens N        = search N 1 1 [];

search N I J P  = write P || writes "\n" if I>N;
                = search N (I+1) 1 (P++[(I,J)]) || fail if safe (I,J) P;
                = search N I (J+1) P if J<N;
                = () otherwise;

safe (I1,J1) P  = not any (check (I1,J1)) P;

check (I1,J1) (I2,J2)
                = (I1=I2) or else (J1=J2) or else
                  (I1+J1=I2+J2) or else (I1-J1=I2-J2);

This algorithm prints out all valid placements (i.e., lists of (row,column) pairs) of N queens on an N times N board. Note the use of fail in the second equation for the search function, which causes the rule to fail after the current placement has been tried, after which evaluation proceeds with the third rule which places the queen into the next column. This turns the definition into a backtracking algorithm. The safe function verifies that a placement (I1,J1) does not put the queen in check with any of the other queens which have already been placed.

The _FAIL_ function works in a fashion analogous to fail, but makes an entire reduction fail (not just a single equation). This is similar to throwing an exception (see below) in that the evaluation of the current redex is aborted immediately, but does not actually raise any exception; instead, it effectively forces the redex to be a normal form, regardless of how many subsequent equations might still be applicable. This operation is useful if you want to check for certain error conditions before trying any subsequent equations. For instance:

foo X:Num       = _FAIL_ if X<=0;
                = bar X if X>1;
                = bar (1/X) otherwise;

The catch function allows you to handle both "hard exceptions" which are raised when the interpreter encounters one of the runtime error conditions discussed in Error Handling, and "soft exceptions" which are raised by the functions halt and quit already explained above, and the throw function which is discussed below. Moreover, the interpreter also handles certain signals sent to it, e.g., via the kill(2) system call, by raising appropriate exceptions. In the current implementation, by default only the signals SIGINT ("break"), SIGTERM ("terminate") and SIGHUP ("hangup") are handled; the latter two are both treated as termination requests, like a call to the quit function. Signal handlers can also be installed by the running script using the trap function discussed below.

Both arguments of catch are special. The catch function first evaluates its second argument, the target expression and, if all is well, returns the value of that expression. Otherwise, if any exception was raised during the evaluation of the target expression, it evaluates the first argument (the exception handler), applies it to the value of the exception, and returns the result computed by the exception handler.

In the case of a runtime error condition and the exceptions raised with the halt and quit functions, the exception value is of the form syserr N where N is one of the integer error codes listed below:

Let's try this by forcing a stack overflow condition:

==> iter 100000000 (+) 1 
! Stack overflow
>>> iter 100000000 (+) 1

==> catch exception (iter 100000000 (+) 1)
exception (syserr 5)

The syserr constructor belongs to the built-in SysException type, which in turn is a subtype of Exception. These types may be thought of as being predefined as follows:

public type Exception;
public type SysException : Exception = const syserr N;

User-defined exceptions can be generated with throw. The throw function raises an exception whose value is given by its single (non-special) argument. For instance:

hd []           = throw '(hd []);
exception X     = writes "Exception: " || write X || writes "\n";

With these definitions we have:

==> catch exception (hd [1..3])

==> catch exception (hd [1..0])
Exception: '(hd [])

==> hd [1..0]
! Exception
'(hd [])
>>> hd [1..0]

Note that if an exception raised with throw is not handled with a corresponding catch, then the interpreter aborts the evaluation and prints an error message (and it will also invoke the debugger to report the rule which generated the exception, if break is on).

The catch and throw functions can also be used to implement non-local value returns. For instance, here is a variation of the N queens function which returns the first solution as soon as it has been found during backtracking:

queens1 N       = catch id (search1 N 1 1 []);

search1 N I J P = throw P if I>N;
                = search1 N (I+1) 1 (P++[(I,J)]) || fail if safe (I,J) P;
                = search1 N I (J+1) P if J<N;
                = () otherwise;

Here, the "exception handler" is just the identity function id, as defined by the standard library, see Standard Functions.

Another neat programming trick is the following which makes a rule fail if an exception occurs during evaluation of the right-hand side:

foo X           = catch fail (bar X);

This works because the handler argument, which is special, is evaluated only if an exception is actually encountered during evaluation of the target expression. Otherwise, foo X will just return the value of bar X. The _FAIL_ function can be used in a similar manner.

Lisp and C++ programmers will probably miss an additional parameter which restricts the kind of exceptions handled with catch. You can implement this easily yourself by checking the exception value in your handler function, and "throw on" an unknown exception to the next enclosing catch:

type MyException : Exception = const empty_list;

hd []           = throw empty_list;

myexception X:MyException
                = writes "myexception: " || write X ||
                  writes "\n" || halt;
myexception X   = throw X otherwise;

Note how we implemented the empty_list exception using our own Exception subtype MyException. This method of structuring error exceptions is recommended because it makes it easier to spot the source of an exception. It also enables us to use a type guard (cf. Types) in order to check for specific exception types, rather than having to discriminate over different exception patterns.

Finally, the trap function allows you to have exceptions be generated when a signal arrives. The trap function takes two arguments, ACT and SIG, denoting the action to be performed and the number of the signal to be trapped. It returns the previous action associated with the signal. ACT must be an integer value. If it is positive then the signal raises an exception of the form syserr (-SIG); if it is negative then the signal is completely ignored; and if it is zero then the interpreter reverts to the default handling of the signal. You can also use trap to redefine the default handling of the break and termination signals. To allow signals to be caught reliably, further signals are "blocked" (i.e., they are queued for later delivery) while catch evaluates an exception handler. For instance, here is a little script which sets up some signal handlers and keeps on printing the trapped signals until it either gets terminated with kill -9 or the timed wait with the sleep function times out. (The sleep function is described below. The symbolic signal constants and the getpid and printf function are provided by the clib module, see Clib.)

test            = do (trap 1) [SIGINT,SIGTSTP,SIGTERM,SIGHUP,SIGQUIT] ||
                  printf "I'm running as pid %d, try to kill me!\n" getpid ||

loop            = flush || catch sig (sleep 100);

sig (syserr K)  = printf "Hey, I got signal %d.\n" (-K) || loop;

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10.8 Miscellaneous Functions

This group consists of some special operations which do not fit into any of the other groups treated above.

version, sysinfo

determine version/system information

which S

determine absolute pathname of the executing script or of another file on Q library path


get the system time

sleep X

pause for some time

isspecial X

predicate checking whether argument is a special form

isconst X

predicate checking whether argument is a constant

isfun X, isvar X

predicates checking whether argument is a function or a variable symbol, respectively

isdef X

predicate checking whether the variable X has been assigned a value

flip F

flip arguments of a binary function

The version and sysinfo functions are useful when writing code which depends on a particular version of the Q interpreter or a machine/operating system type. They return a string describing the Q interpreter version and the host system on which it is installed, respectively.

The which function performs a search for the given filename on the Q library path. If the file is found then the absolute pathname is returned; otherwise the function fails. The function can also be invoked with the argument (), in which case the full pathname of the executing main script is returned. This function is most useful if a script has to locate additional data files which are stored along with it, see Running Scripts from the Shell.

Two functions are provided for timing purposes. The time function returns, as a floating point value, the time in seconds since the "epoch" (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970). The sleep function suspends evaluation for the given time (integer or floating point value, again in seconds). Be warned that the actual resolution of these functions depends on the timing routines available on your system, and even if a decent resolution is provided, the accuracy of results will depend on various factors such as system load.

The isspecial, isconst, isfun, isvar and isdef predicates are all special forms checking whether their single argument has a certain property. The isspecial function allows you to determine whether its argument is a special form which will receive its next argument unevaluated. The isconst operation checks whether its argument is a constant, i.e., a constant belonging to any of the built-in types, a variable or function symbol declared with const, or an application whose head element is such a constant. The isfun and isvar predicates are used to check whether an expression is a function symbol (built-in or defined by the loaded script, can also be a constant symbol), or a free variable symbol, respectively. The isdef function can be used to check whether its argument (a variable) has been assigned a value using def.

The flip function exchanges arguments of a (binary) function, as if it was defined by the following equation:

flip F X Y              = F Y X;

This function is used internally to implement operator sections with missing left argument. E.g., (+1) is nothing but syntactic sugar for flip (+) 1. You can apply flip to other, user-defined functions as well; thus, flip foo X denotes the function which maps Y to foo Y X.

In order to handle special forms like, e.g., (or else) correctly, flip automagically adjusts to the argument pattern of its first argument. That is, if the function given as the first argument (which is always evaluated) has a special first (or second) argument, then flip's second (or first) argument will be special as well.

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11. The Standard Library

This chapter gives an overview of the data types and operations provided by the standard library modules supplied with the Q programming system. Most of these scripts are already "preloaded" when you run the interpreter, because they are included in the "prelude" script prelude.q. The exact collection of library scripts may depend on your local setup, but a basic installation of the Q core package should at least provide the modules listed below. In this list, (*) indicates "external" modules which are (mostly) implemented in C, whereas (+) denotes modules which have to be imported explicitly, as they are not included in the prelude.


print diagnostics


basic C interface (*)


complex numbers


conditional expressions and tuple/list/stream comprehensions


print error messages


GNU getopt compatible option parser (+)


PostScript graphics interface (+)


mathematical functions


standard prelude


rational numbers


tuples, lists and streams of references (+)


algorithms to sort a list


shared declarations of the container data structures, cf. stdtypes.q (+)


a collection of common standard functions


a collection of efficient container data structures (+)


a lazy list data structure


additional string functions


POSIX system interface (*) (+)


additional tuple functions


type-checking predicates

Here is a quick rundown of the most important modules: The prelude.q script implements the standard prelude, which loads the entire collection (except the modules marked with (+) in the list above, which must be imported explicitly). It adds some convenient operations for comparing lists, streams and tuples, the syntactic inequality operator `!=', as well as successor and predecessor functions on integers (succ and pred) and default implementations of various functions for subtypes derived from the Real type. It also contains definitions for some cases of list, tuple and stream enumerations which are not provided as builtins.

Specifically, the standard prelude overloads the =, <>, <, >, <= and >= operators with rules for deciding equality and inequality of lists, streams and tuples, and rules for ordering lists and streams lexicographically. That is, tuples, lists and streams can be compared with = and <>, which is done by checking that the operands are of the same size and recursively comparing all members of the operands. Lists and streams can also be compared lexicographically by recursively comparing the list or stream members; the first unequal members decide the comparison. This works just like the lexicographic comparison of strings. Thus, e.g., [1,2] is considered to be less than both [1,3] and [1,2,1], but more than [1,1,3] or [0,5].

Moreover, the prelude defines the syntactic inequality operator `!=' as the logical negation of the built-in `==' operator, cf. Non-Linear Equations. Like `==', `!=' is implemented as a special form.

Last but not least, the standard prelude also provides default definitions for arithmetic, relational, numeric and conversion functions on Real, so that a minimal implementation of a user-defined type derived from Real (or any of its subtypes) just needs to define the float function (which is needed to coerce values of the type to Float) and then add definitions for those operations which need special treatment. The default definitions in prelude.q are at the lowest priority level so that they can always be overridden if needed.

The stdlib.q script has those operations which will probably be used most frequently by the average programmer; it contains a lot of additional list processing functions and other useful stuff mostly adopted from [Bird/Wadler 1988]. This module is also included by many other library scripts. Historically, it was the first script written for the standard library.

The stream.q script extends most list operations defined in stdlib.q to streams, i.e., lazy lists. It also provides a number of other useful stream operations.

Similarly, the string.q and tuple.q scripts provide additional operations on strings and tuples, and also extend some list operations to these data types.

The stdtypes.q script simply includes all modules which implement common container data structures; currently these are array.q, bag.q, dict.q, hdict.q, heap.q and set.q, see Standard Types. Some declarations shared by these modules are in the stddecls.q script.

The complex.q and rational.q scripts implement complex and rational number types along with the usual operations on these types. These have been designed to integrate seamlessly into Q's system of built-in number types so that expressions involving arithmetic operations with any combination of integer, floating point, complex and rational arguments work as expected.

The clib.q and system.q modules give access to various useful system functions from the C library, including C-style formatted I/O, binary file I/O, process and thread management, internationalization support and regular expression routines. The clib.q module also provides mutable expression cells ("references"), as well as a "byte string" data type which lets you represent arbitrary C data, and it overrides various important standard library functions with much faster C versions. The operations of these modules are mostly written in C, using the C language interface discussed in C Language Interface. These modules are described in their own chapter, see Clib.

As of Q 7.8, the reftypes.q module provides additional convenience operations to work with mutable expression sequences implemented as tuples, lists or streams of references. These are also described in the "Clib" chapter, see Expression References.

The Q programming system comes bundled with some additional modules for interfacing to various third-party libraries and software packages. At the time of this writing, these are:

Preliminary documentation for these modules can be found in the etc subdirectory of your Q installation directory (usually in /usr/share/q or /usr/local/share/q). Other useful add-on modules are available as separate source packages. At the time of this writing this comprises additional GUI libraries (including a complete interface to Trolltech's very nice "Qt" toolkit), a bunch of graphics and multimedia modules (including interfaces to OpenGL, OpenAL, the Xine video library, and Grame's MidiShare and Faust) and more. Ready-made plugins for using the Q interpreter from the "Chicken" Scheme compiler, the Apache webserver and Miller Puckette's graphical computer music and multimedia environment "PureData" are also available. Please check out the Q website at http://q-lang.sourceforge.net for more information about these. (The Q module for Chicken, which was written by John Cowan, is available separately from the Chicken website, see http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org.)

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11.1 Standard Functions

The stdlib.q script provides frequently used list operations and other stuff mostly adopted from [Bird/Wadler 1988].

abs X

absolute value of X

all P Xs

verify that each element of the list Xs satisfies the predicate P

any P Xs

verify that the list Xs contains an element satisfying predicate P

append Xs X

append a value X to the list Xs

cat Xs

concatenate a list of lists

cons X Xs

prepend an element to a list

cst X

constant-valued function: cst X Y ⇒ X

curry F

curry a function: turn a function operating on pairs into a function with two arguments

curry3 F

curry with three arguments

do F Xs

apply a function F to each member of a list Xs, return ()

dowith F Xs Ys

take two lists and apply a binary function to corresponding elements, return ()

dowith3 F Xs Ys Zs

dowith with three lists

drop N Xs

remove the first N elements from the list Xs

dropwhile P Xs

remove elements from the beginning of Xs while the predicate P is satisfied

eq X Y

syntactic equality (cf. Non-Linear Equations)

filter P Xs

filter a list with a predicate

foldl F A Xs


foldl1 F Xs

fold-left over nonempty lists

foldr F A Xs


foldr1 F Xs

fold-right over nonempty lists

hd Xs

return the head element of a list

hds Xs

return the list of all head elements in a list of lists


the identity function: id X ⇒ X

init Xs

return list Xs without its last element

iter N F A

generate the list of the first N values A, F A, F (F A), …

last Xs

return the last element of a list

map F Xs

apply function F to each member of a list

max X Y

maximum of two values

min X Y

minimum of two values

mklist X N

create a list of N X's

neg P

negate a predicate

neq X Y

syntactic inequality

null Xs

check whether a list is empty ([])

nums N M

generate a list of numbers in a given range

numsby K N M

generate a list of numbers with a given step size

pop Xs

remove the head element from a list

prd Xs

product of a list of numbers

push Xs X

prepend an element to a list (cons with arguments reversed)

reverse Xs

reverse a list

scanl F A Xs

apply foldl to every initial part of a list

scanl1 F Xs

apply foldl1 to every nonempty initial part of a list

scanr F A Xs

apply foldr to every final part of a list

scanr1 F Xs

apply foldr1 to every nonempty final part of a list

sgn X

sign of a number

sum Xs

sum of a list of numbers

take N Xs

select the first N elements from the list Xs

takewhile P Xs

select elements from the beginning of Xs while the predicate P is satisfied

tl Xs

remove the head element from a list

tls Xs

return a list of lists with all head elements removed

top Xs

return the head element from a list

transpose Xs

transpose a list of lists

uncurry F

uncurry a function: turn a function with two arguments into a function operating on pairs

uncurry3 F

uncurry with triples

until P F X

repeat applying F to X until P is satisfied

unzip Xs

transform a list of pairs into a pair of lists

unzip3 Xs

unzip with triples

while P F A

list repeated applications of F to A while P is satisfied

zip Xs Ys

take two lists and return a list of corresponding pairs

zip3 Xs Ys Zs

zip with three lists

zipwith F Xs Ys

take two lists and map a binary function to corresponding elements

zipwith3 F Xs Ys Zs

zipwith with three lists

Note that some of these functions are actually overridden with much faster C versions in the clib.q module; see C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions.

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11.2 Tuple Functions

The tuple.q script provides some additional functions operating on tuples:

fst Xs

return first element of a tuple

mktuple X N

create a tuple of N X's

pair X Y

construct a pair

snd Xs

return second element of a tuple

trd Xs

return third element of a tuple

triple X Y Z

construct a triple

tuplecat Xs

concatenate a list of tuples

Moreover, the following list functions from stdlib.q are overloaded to also work on tuples: append, cat, cons, do, dowith, dowith3, map, null, pop, push, reverse, top. Most of these return tuples when applied to such arguments, except null (which returns a truth value), the do/dowith functions (which return ()) and cat (which always returns a list; use tuplecat if you want to concatenate a collection of tuples instead).

Also note that the reverse and tuplecat operations are actually overridden with much faster C versions in the clib.q module; see C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions.

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11.3 String Functions

The string.q script provides a collection of additional string functions. Currently the following operations are implemented (most of these operations are actually overridden with much more efficient C implementations in the clib.q module; see C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions):

chars S

return the list of individual characters in S

join DELIM Xs

concatenate a list of strings, interpolating the given DELIM string between each pair of consecutive strings in the list

mkstr S N

create a string consisting of N copies of the given string S

split DELIM S

split a string into a list of substrings delimited by characters in the given DELIM string

strcat Xs

concatenate a list of strings

Moreover, as of Q 7.8 this module overloads all list operations in stdlib.q so that they work on strings as expected. This lets you use strings mostly as if they were just another kind of list value. For instance:

==> take 3 "abcdef"

==> dropwhile (<="c") "abcdef"

==> tl "abcdef"

==> zip "abcdef" "ABCDEF"

==> map (+1) "HAL"

==> map ord "HAL"

==> [C-1 : C in "IBM"]

(As the last example shows, strings can also serve as sources in the binding clauses of list comprehensions; cf. Conditionals and Comprehensions.)

Here's a somewhat more practical example which illustrates the use of various list operations on strings to build a ROT13 translation table:

import dict;

def CHARS = strcat ["a".."z"], RCHARS = drop 13 CHARS ++ take 13 CHARS,
  ROT13 = dict $ zip (CHARS++toupper CHARS) (RCHARS++toupper RCHARS);

rot13 C:Char    = C where C:Char = ROT13!C;
                = C otherwise;
rot13 S:String  = map rot13 S;

(This employs the dict function to create a dictionary mapping lower- and uppercase letters to their equivalents in the ROT13 encoding; see Dictionaries.) Example:


==> rot13 "This is an encoded string."
"Guvf vf na rapbqrq fgevat."

==> rot13 _
"This is an encoded string."

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11.4 Option Parsing

This module provides one function, getopt, which takes two arguments: OPTS, a list of option descriptions in the format described below, and ARGS, a list of strings containing the command line parameters to be parsed for options. The result is a pair (OPTS,ARGS) where OPTS is a list of pairs of options and their arguments (if any; missing arguments are returned as ()), and ARGS is the list of remaining (non-option) arguments. Options are parsed using the rules of GNU getopt(1). If an invalid option is encountered (unrecognized option, missing or extra argument, etc.), getopt throws the offending option string as an exception.

The OPTS argument of getopt is a list of triples (LONG,SHORT,FLAG), where LONG denotes the long option, SHORT the equivalent short option, and FLAG is one of the symbolic integer values NOARG, OPTARG and REQARG which specifies whether the option has no argument, an optional argument or a required argument, respectively. In the returned option-value list, all options will be represented using their long option equivalents.

Also note that both the long and short option values in the OPTS argument may actually be of any type, so unneeded options may be replaced with corresponding dummy values. You only have to make sure that the values given for the long options allow you to identify which option was actually specified.

Finally, please note that, as already pointed out, this script does not belong to the prelude, and hence has to be imported explicitly if you want to use the getopt operation in your program.

Example (see C-Style Formatted I/O, for a description of printf and fprintf):

import getopt;

def OPTS        = [("--help", "-h", NOARG),
                   ("--foo",  "-f", REQARG),
                   ("--bar",  "-b", OPTARG)];

invalid_option PROG OPT
                = fprintf ERROR "%s: invalid option %s\n" (PROG,OPT) ||

test [PROG|ARGS]
                = printf "OPTS = %s\nARGS = %s\n" (str OPTS, str ARGS)
                    where (OPTS,ARGS) = catch (invalid_option PROG) $
                      getopt OPTS ARGS;

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11.5 Type-Checking Predicates

The typec.q script contains a collection of predicates which check whether an expression is of a given type. The following functions perform a purely syntactic check; they are all equivalent to the corresponding type guards:

isbool X

check for truth values

ischar X

check for single character strings

iscomplex X

check for complex numbers (cf. Complex Numbers)

isexcept X

check for Exception values (cf. Exception Handling)

isfile X

check for file objects

isfloat X

check for floating point numbers

isfunction X

check for lambda functions

isint X

check for integers

islist X

check for lists

isnum X

check for numbers

isrational X

check for rational numbers (cf. Rational Numbers)

isreal X

check for real numbers

isstr X

check for strings

issym X

check for function and variable symbols (special form)

istuple X

check for tuples

Note that the syntactic number predicates isint, isfloat etc. only check for a given representation. The typec.q module also provides various predicates which classify numbers according to the kind of abstract mathematical object they represent, regardless of the concrete representation:

iscompval X

check for complex values

isintval X

check for integer values

isratval X

check for rational values

isrealval X

check for real values

These predicates work mostly like their Scheme counterparts. E.g., 3 will be classified not only as an integer value, but also as a rational, real and a complex value. A complex number with zero imaginary part may also be classified as an integer, rational or real, depending on its real part. A floating point number with zero fractional part and a rational number with a denominator of 1 are both also classified as an integer value.

Moreover, the following predicates allow you to check whether a number is exact or inexact (inexact numbers generally involve floating point values), and whether a number represents an IEEE infinity or NaN ("not a number") value:

isexact X

check for exact numbers

isinexact X

check for inexact numbers

isinf X

check for infinite floating point values

isnan X

check for NaN floating point values

Finally, two other special-purpose predicates provided in typec.q are:

isenum X

check for enumeration type members

issym X

check for function and variable symbols (special form)

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11.6 Sorting Algorithms

The sort.q script provides mergesort and quicksort algorithms for sorting a list using a given order predicate:

msort P Xs

mergesort algorithm

qsort P Xs

quicksort algorithm

The mergesort algorithm is more involved than quicksort, but may run much faster if input lists are large enough and are already partially sorted. Both algorithms take an order predicate as their first argument, which makes it possible to sort lists using different criteria. The order predicate must be a function accepting two arguments, and must return true iff the first argument is strictly less than the second. For instance, to sort a list in ascending order, you could say:

==> qsort (<) [1,5,3,2,4]

By reversing the order predicate, the list is sorted in descending order:

==> qsort (>) [1,5,3,2,4]

Custom order predicates also allow you to sort a list according to different sort keys. For instance, the following example shows how to sort a list of pairs using the first component of each pair as the sort key:

==> def L = [(1,2),(5,1),(3,3),(1,1),(4,5)]

==> var le1 = \X Y.fst X < fst Y

==> qsort le1 L

Both algorithms provided by this module are "stable", i.e., they preserve the relative order of list elements with "equal" sort keys. This is important when successive sorts are used to order elements according to different criteria. For instance:

==> var le2 = \X Y.snd X < snd Y

==> qsort le2 L

==> qsort le1 _

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11.7 Standard Types

Please note that, as of Q 7.8 this module is no longer included in the prelude, so you have to import it explicitly if your script needs one of the data types described here. It is also possible to just import the individual data type modules (array.q, bag.q, etc.) if you do not need the entire collection.

The stdtypes.q script implements a collection of efficient container data structures, which currently comprises arrays, heaps (priority queues), ordered sets and bags, and (ordered as well as hashed) dictionaries. The different data types are actually implemented in the scripts array.q, bag.q, dict.q, hdict.q, heap.q and set.q. Many operations of these modules are overloaded; the declarations of these operations can be found in the stddecl.q script which is included by the different modules.

All data structures support equality checking with = and <>, as well as the operation # to determine the size of an object (number of elements it contains). Furthermore, the set and bag data structures overload the <, >, <= and >= operators to implement subset/subbag comparisons, and the +, - and * operators to compute the union, difference and intersection of two sets or bags, respectively.

For convenience, default views are provided for all container data structures, so that they will be printed in the form of a construction function (which is implemented as a virtual constructor of the type, cf. Views) applied to a member list (such as, e.g., set [1,2,3] in the case of Set, or dict [("a",1),("b",2),("c",3)] in the case of Dict). These are at a low priority, so you can easily override them when needed.

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11.7.1 Arrays

The array.q script provides a zero-based array data structure Array with logarithmic access times, implemented as size-balanced binary trees. The following operations are provided:

array Xs

create an array from list Xs

array2 Xs

create a two-dimensional array from a list of lists


return the empty array

mkarray X N

create an array consisting of N X's

mkarray2 X (N,M)

create a two-dimensional array with N rows and M columns

isarray X

check whether X is an array

null A

check whether A is the empty array

A1 = A2, A1 <> A2

array equality/inequality


size of an array


return Ith member of an array


two-dimensional subscript

members A, list A

list the members of A

members2 A, list2 A

list a two-dimensional array

first A, last A

return the first and last element of an array

rmfirst A, rmlast A

remove the first and last element from an array

insert A X

insert X at the beginning of A

append A X

append X at the end of A

update A I X

replace the Ith member of A by X

update2 A (I,J) X

update two-dimensional array

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11.7.2 Heaps

The heap.q script provides an efficient heap (priority queue) data structure Heap implemented as size-balanced binary trees. Heaps allow quick (i.e., constant-time) access to the smallest element, and to insert new elements in logarithmic time. The present implementation does not allow fast random updates of heap members; if such functionality is required, bags should be used instead (see Bags).

Heap members must be ordered by the <= predicate. Multiple instances of the same element may be stored in a heap; however, the order in which equal elements are retrieved is not specified.

The following operations are provided:


return the empty heap

heap Xs

construct a heap from a list of its members

isheap X

determine whether X is a heap

null H

check whether H is the empty heap

H1 = H2, H1 <> H2

heap equality/inequality


size of a heap

members H, list H

list the members of H in ascending order

first H

return the first element of H

rmfirst H

remove the first element from H

insert H X

insert X into H

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11.7.3 Sets

The set.q script provides an ordered set data structure Set implemented as AVL trees, and thus guaranteeing logarithmic access times. The following operations are defined in set.q:


return the empty set

set Xs

create a set from a list of its members

isset X

check whether X is a set

null M

check whether M is the empty set

member M X

check whether M contains element X

M1 = M2, M1 <> M2

set equality/inequality

M1 < M2, M1 > M2, M1 <= M2, M1 >= M2

set comparison

M1 + M2, M1 - M2, M1 * M2

set union, difference and intersection


size of a set

members M, list M

list the members of M in ascending order

first M, last M

return the first and last member of M

rmfirst M, rmlast M

remove the first and last member from M

insert M X

insert X into M

delete M X

delete X from M

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11.7.4 Bags

The bag.q script defines the type Bag as a variant of the set data structure which may contain multiple instances of the same element. The operations are analogous to those of the set data structure; see Sets. The emptybag function returns the empty bag, and bag Xs constructs a bag from a list Xs of its members. The isbag predicate checks whether its argument is a bag.

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11.7.5 Dictionaries

The dict.q script supplies an (ordered) dictionary data structure Dict which maps keys from an ordered set to corresponding values. Like sets and bags, dictionaries are implemented as AVL trees, thus guaranteeing logarithmic access times to individual members of the dictionary. The following operations are defined in dict.q:


return the empty dictionary

dict XYs

create a dictionary from a list of key/value pairs

mkdict Y Xs

create a dictionary from a list of keys and an initial value

isdict X

check whether X is a dictionary

null D

check whether D is the empty dictionary

member D X

check whether D contains X as a key

D1 = D2, D1 <> D2

dictionary equality/inequality


size of a dictionary


return the value Y associated with X in D

members D, list D

list the members (key/value pairs) of D in ascending order by key

keys D

list the keys of D in ascending order

vals D

list the corresponding values

first D, last D

return the first and last member of D

rmfirst D, rmlast D

remove the first and last member from D

insert D (X,Y)

insert a key/value pair (X,Y) into D; update an existing entry for X if present

delete D X

remove key X from D

update D X Y

same as insert D (X,Y)

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11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries

The hdict.q script implements hashed dictionaries (HDict type), a variation of the Dict type which uses hashed key values obtained with the built-in hash function. The actual key-value pairs are stored in "buckets" for each hash value. This kind of data structure is also known as "hashes" or "associative arrays" in other programming languages.

The main advantage of the HDict type is that key values can be of any type and do not have to belong to an ordered set. For instance, hdict [(0,1),(foo,2),("bar",3)] is a legal HDict value which maps the integer 0 to 1, the symbol foo to 2, and the string "bar" to 3.

There are some other notable differences between the Dict and the HDict type. First of all, a HDict stores it members in an apparently random order which may depend on the order in which new entries are added to the dictionary. Hence equality testing for HDicts is more involved than for Dicts, as the member lists of two "equal" HDicts may be arbitrary permutations of each other. This also means that the first, rmfirst, last and rmlast operations do not make much sense with hashed dictionaries and are not supported by the HDict type. Moreover, key values are always compared syntactically when looking up and updating entries. Hence, e.g., 0 and 0.0 are different key values in a HDict object, whereas they are considered to be the same for the Dict type.

Apart from these differences, the operations of the HDict and Dict types work analogously. The HDict constructors are named emptyhdict, hdict and mkhdict which take the same arguments as the corresponding Dict constructors, and the ishdict predicate checks for HDict values.

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11.8 Streams

The stream.q script provides operations on streams, Q's lazy list data structure. Note that, as of Q 7.1, streams are now provided as a built-in data type, which is declared as follows:

public type Stream = special const nil_stream, cons_stream X Xs;

As explained in Lists, Streams and Tuples, the Q language now also provides syntactic sugar for these structures, so that streams can be denoted just like lists, using curly braces instead of brackets.

The stream.q module overloads most list operations so that they work on streams in a completely analogous fashion, and provides the following additional operations:

isstream X

check whether an object is a stream

stream Xs

convert a tuple or a list to a stream

list Xs

convert a stream to a list

strict Xs

force the heads and tails of a stream (see comments below)

lazy Xs

memoize the heads and tails of a stream (see comments below)

numstream N

generate the stream of all numbers >=N

numstreamby K N

generate a number stream with given step size

mkstream X

generate an infinite stream of X's

repeat X

generate an infinite stream of X's (works like mkstream, but is implemented as a special form and hence doesn't evaluate X)

repeatn ~N X

generate a stream of N X's (special form, equivalent to take N (repeat X))

cycle Xs

generate an infinite stream which repeatedly cycles through the members of the list or stream Xs

iterate F A

generate the stream of all values A, F A, F (F A), …

streamcat Xs

concatenate a stream or list of streams and/or lists (see comments below)

Operations like #, all, foldl will of course cause troubles with infinite streams since it can take them an infinite time to compute the result. The same holds for the foldr function unless the second argument of the folded operation is special.

The stream.q module also extends the list concatenation function cat defined in stdlib.q to work with any mixture of streams and lists. This operation will always return a list, thus it is not suitable to work with infinite streams either.

As a remedy, the streamcat function is provided which concatenates a stream of streams in a fully lazy manner, i.e., you can concatenate a (possibly infinite) stream of (possibly infinite) streams. The argument of streamcat can actually be a list or stream, which consists of any mixture of streams and lists. The result is always a stream.

The strict function expands a stream by forcing all its heads and tails to be evaluated (using `~', see Special Forms). This has essentially the same effect as list, but the result is still a stream rather than a list.

Conversely, the lazy function makes a stream even "lazier" than it normally is, by causing the heads and tails of the result stream to be memoized (using `&', see Special Forms). This reduces computation times when a stream is to be traversed repeatedly.

The stream.q module also provides some additional operations to force or memoize only the heads (hdstrict, hdlazy) or the tails (tlstrict, tllazy) of a stream, as well as the "mixed mode" operations strict_lazy and lazy_strict. See the streams.q script for a description of those.

An example for the use of lazy can be found in Memoization and Lazy Evaluation.

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11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions

The cond.q script provides the special forms needed to implement both various conditionals and tuple/list/stream comprehensions.

ifelse ~P X Y, when ~P X, unless ~P X

simple conditional expressions

cond CASES, case ~X CASES

multiway and pattern matching conditional expressions

condfun CASES, casefun CASES

multiway and pattern matching conditional abstractions

dowhile P X

simple looping construct


iterate over lists and streams

tupleof X CLAUSES, listof X CLAUSES, streamof X CLAUSES

tuple, list and stream comprehensions

All these functions are implemented as special forms.

The ifelse function has already been mentioned in Conditional Expressions and Lambdas. It returns the value of either X or Y, depending on whether the first argument is true or false. For instance, here is how the factorial function can be implemented using ifelse:

fac N                   = ifelse (N>0) (N*fac (N-1)) 1;

Or, if you prefer to write this using the if X then Y else Z syntax described in Conditional Expressions and Lambdas:

fac N                   = if N>0 then N*fac (N-1) else 1;

For cases in which you are only interested in executing one of the branches, you can also use the when and unless functions which return a () default value if the branch condition is not met:

==> def X = 1

==> when (X>0) (writes "positive\n")

==> unless (X>=0) (writes "negative\n")

As indicated, these constructs are most useful when used with functions involving side-effects; unless works exactly like when, but reverses the branch condition P. The if X then Y construct is syntactic sugar for when:

==> if X>0 then writes "positive\n"

A more general conditional expression is also provided, which allows you to discriminate between an arbitrary number of cases. It has the form:

cond ((P1,X1),(P2,X2),…)

Using the "grouping syntax" described in Lists, Streams and Tuples, this can also be written more succintly as:

cond (P1,X1;P2,X2;…)

This special form looks and behaves like Lisp's cond. That is, it returns the first value X for which the corresponding condition P evaluates to true. A branch condition of true can be used to indicate the default case. If no case matches then cond raises a syserr 8 exception (note that the same error code is also thrown in case of an invalid conditional in a rule, cf. Exception Handling).

There is also a more Haskell-like case conditional in which the first expression of each case is a pattern P to be matched against the given expression X:

case X (P1,Y1;P2,Y2;…)

The expression X, which is passed by value, is matched against each of the patterns P in turn, and as soon as a matching pattern is found, the corresponding value Y is returned, with the variables in the pattern bound to the corresponding values using lambda. A pattern of `_' can be used to denote the default case. If no case matches then case raises a syserr 8 exception.

Some examples:

fac N                   = cond (N>0, N*fac (N-1); true, 1);
sign X                  = cond (X>0, 1; X<0, -1; true, 0);
prod Xs                 = case Xs ([], 1; [Y|Ys], Y*prod Ys);
reply X                 = case X
                          ("y" , true;
                           "n" , false;
                           _   , throw "bad reply");

As of Q 7.7, there are also variations of cond and case, named condfun and casefun, which take the data to be analyzed as the second argument. These constructs can be used to create anonymous conditional and pattern-matching functions, respectively:

condfun (P1,F1;P2,F2;…) X
casefun (P1,Y1;P2,Y2;…) X

Note that casefun works exactly like case, but the arguments are reversed, so the above reply function could also be defined with an implicit parameter, as follows:

reply                   = casefun
                          ("y" , true;
                           "n" , false;
                           _   , throw "bad reply");

In contrast, condfun interprets each branch (P,F) as a pair of a predicate P and a function F which are to be applied to condfun's second "data" parameter X. Going through the tuple of branches, condfun returns the first value F X for which P X evaluates to true. Thus condfun works like cond except that the constituents of each branch are not constant values, but functions to be applied to the data parameter. For instance, here's an alternative way to define the sign function from above:

sign                    = condfun ((>0), cst 1; (<0), cst (-1);
                                   cst true, cst 0);

The dowhile function implements a simple looping construct which keeps re-evaluating the expression in the second argument as long as the condition in the first argument evaluates to true. Both arguments are special. The result is always (). This construct obviously makes sense only with expressions involving side-effects. For instance:

==> def F = fopen "/etc/passwd" "r"

==> dowhile (not feof F) (writes (freads F++"\n"))

The for function provides a means to iterate an operation with side-effects over tuples, lists and streams. It takes a tuple of clauses in the first argument, which has the same format as the second argument of a comprehension (see below). The second argument is then evaluated for each binding, performing parameter binding using lambda. The result is always (). Example:

==> for (I in [1..3],J in [1..I]) (write (I,J) || writes " ")
(1,1) (2,1) (2,2) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) ()

The listof function allows to specify a list of values in a manner similar to the way sets are described in mathematics:

listof X (Y1, Y2, …)

This construct is also commonly called a list comprehension. For convenience, the Q language provides syntactic sugar for list comprehensions so that they can also be written as follows:

[X : Y1, Y2, …]

(Note that in scripts this alternative notation is only permitted on the right-hand side of equations and variable definitions, as the colon `:' is already used to denote type guards in left-hand side expressions. So in the unlikely case that you have to extend the definition of listof you will have to use the first syntax from above.)

The expressions Y1, Y2, … may either be so-called binding clauses or conditional clauses. A binding clause is an expression of the form Z in Zs, using the relational operator in, which is declared as follows:

public const (in) X Y @ 2; // relational in operator

A binding clause specifies that the pattern Z should be matched in turn to each member of the list Zs; only values matching the pattern will be extracted, and free variables in the pattern are bound to their corresponding values using lambda. Binding clauses are considered from left to right, which means that a clause may refer to any variable introduced in an earlier binding clause.

Any other expression specifies a conditional clause which must evaluate to a truth value; only those elements will be listed for which the conditional clause is satisfied.

Note that, as of Q 7.8, binding clauses may actually draw values from any combination of tuples, lists and streams. The result of the list comprehension is always a list no matter which kind of sequences the values come from. This also works analogously with the other type of comprehensions discussed below.

As an example, here is a function which computes the prime numbers up to a given integer N using Erathosthenes' sieve. Note the list comprehension [Y:Y in Xs,Y mod X<>0] in the second equation which is used to extract all numbers which are not divisible by the first list member (which is always a prime by virtue of the construction).

primes N                = sieve [2..N];
sieve [X|Xs]            = [X|sieve [Y:Y in Xs,Y mod X<>0]];
sieve []                = [];

The tupleof function works completely analogous, except that it generates tuples instead of lists. It also uses the same kind of syntactic sugar, but the expression is surrounded by ordinary parentheses instead of brackets. These constructs are also known as tuple comprehensions.

Similarly, the streamof function implements stream comprehensions. It works like listof, but in a lazy fashion and returns a stream instead of a list as the result. The Q language provides syntactic sugar for stream comprehensions, so that they look like list comprehensions, using curly braces instead of brackets.

Here is the same prime sieve algorithm as above, formulated with streams instead of lists. Instead of a list of all primes up to a given limit it simply generates the infinite stream of all prime numbers:

primes                  = sieve {2..};
sieve {X|Xs}            = {X|sieve {Y:Y in Xs,Y mod X<>0}};

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11.10 Mathematical Functions

The math.q script defines the const variables inf and nan, which denote the special IEEE floating point values for (positive) infinity and NaN ("not a number"), and the following additional operations on floating point numbers:

floor X, ceil X

round to the nearest integer below and above the given number

asin X, acos X, tan X

additional trigonometric functions

lg X, log X

base 2 and 10 logarithms

sinh X, cosh X, tanh X

hyperbolic functions

asinh X, acosh X, atanh X

inverse hyperbolic functions

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11.11 Complex Numbers

The complex.q script implements complex numbers. As of Q 7.7, Complex is now implemented as an abstract data type, very much like Rational (cf. Rational Numbers). A complex value with real part X and imaginary part Y is represented as X+:Y, employing the virtual constructor `+:', which is implemented as a binary infix operator with the same precedence as `+'. (The alias (:+) for (+:) is provided for Haskell compatibility.) Of course, to construct a complex value you can also use the more customary notation X+i*Y, where the constant i, which is implemented as a const variable, denotes the imaginary unit 0+:1.

The script overloads the usual arithmetic operations (including exponentiation), sqrt, exp, logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions so that they also work with complex numbers. The following basic operations are also provided:

abs Z, arg Z

absolute value and argument

re Z, im Z

real and imaginary part

re_im Z

returns a pair with both the real and the imaginary part

conj Z

complex conjugate

cis X

the complex exponential cis X = exp (i*X) = cos X + i*sin X

polar R X

convert polar coordinates to complex number, polar R X = R*cis X

Note that cis and polar are only defined on Real arguments. The other operations (including the virtual constructor `+:') work consistently on both real and complex numbers. The arg function returns the polar angle (in radians), thus (abs Z,arg Z) denotes the polar coordinates of a complex number Z. Conversely, polar R X converts the polar coordinates (R,X) back to the corresponding complex number.

Some examples:

==> 2^(1/i)
0.769238901363972 +: -0.638961276313635

==> lg _
0.0 +: -1.0

==> (abs _,arg _)

Please note that the virtual constructor `+:', just like Haskell's `:+' constructor, is really an operator symbol with the same precedence as `+'. Thus an expression like 0+:1 is not "atomic", but has the same precedence and associativity as all addition operators. This yields results which might be somewhat surprising for the uninitiated. For instance, consider:

==> 1+:2*3+:4

This result is indeed correct, as the input expression is parsed as 1+:(2*3)+:4 = (1+:6)+:4 and not as (1+:2)*(3+:4) = -5+:10. (Note that, unlike Haskell's `:+', Q's `+:' operator can be applied to both real and complex operands, so that `Z1+:Z2' will yield the same as Z1+i*Z2 in any case.)

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11.12 Rational Numbers

Thanks to the work of Rob Hubbard, Q versions 7.2 and later also include the rational.q script which implements the rational number type Rational which is a subtype of Real. Please note that at present this module only provides the data type and the basic arithmetic. More advanced approximation and formatting operations for rational numbers can be found in a separate add-on package available from the Q website which also includes additional documentation [Hubbard 2006].

The module overloads the usual arithmetic operations as well as the functions abs, sgn, round, trunc, int, frac and pow (the latter comes from the clib module), and provides the following additional operations:

rational X

create a rational number from an integer, or a pair of integers (numerator, denominator)

num Q, den Q

normalized numerator and denominator (numerator and denominator are coprime and the sign is always in the numerator)

num_den Q

returns a pair of integers with the normalized numerator and denominator

Last but not least, the module also implements the exact division operator `%' (with the same precedence as `/') which returns a rational or complex rational number for each combination of integer, rational and complex integer/rational arguments; for any other arguments of type Num `%' behaves like the `/' operator. The `%' operator is actually implemented as a virtual constructor of the Rational type (cf. Views), and rational.q provides a corresponding default view for rational numbers in the format N%D, where N and D are the normalized numerator and denominator, respectively.


==> 5%7 + 2%3

==> 3%8 - 1%3

==> pow (11%10) 3

==> pow 3 (-3)

==> num_den _

==> rational _

Since Rational is a subtype of Real, operations on complex numbers with rational components also work as expected:

==> (1+:2)%(3+:4)

==> var sqr = \X.X*X; sqr (5+:-5%18)
8075%324 +: -25%9

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11.13 Graphics

The graphics.q script implements an interface to Adobe's PostScript language [Adobe 1990]. PostScript is a page description language which has become one of the main standards in the desktop publishing world. The nice thing about PostScript is that page descriptions are device-independent - the same page description can be used for different output devices such as a screen previewer or a laser printer. The graphics.q script allows you to produce graphics output on any PostScript device. Note that, as already pointed out, this script does not belong to the set of "standard" scripts included by the prelude, and hence has to be imported explicitly if you want to use the operations described in the following.

The graphics device is implemented by the GRAPHICS variable, which by default is assigned to standard output. This is useful for taking a look at the generated PostScript code, e.g., for debugging purposes, but in a real application you will of course redirect the output to some PostScript file or device, which can be done by assigning a suitable value to the GRAPHICS variable. Any file object open for writing will do, however the script also provides the following convenience functions which each return an output file or pipe which can be used as the value of the GRAPHICS variable:


pipe to the ghostscript program (see below)


pipe to ghostview (see below)


printer device (usually a pipe to lpr(1))

filedev NAME

output file with name NAME


the null device (a synonym for filedev "/dev/null", or filedev "nul" under DOS/Windows)

For instance, you define the graphics device as a pipe to ghostscript as follows:

def GRAPHICS = gsdev;

You can either add this definition to your main script, or enter it directly at the command prompt of the interpreter (see Command Language).

Ghostscript is a popular PostScript previewer available for a wide range of different platforms. Ghostview is an improved X interface for ghostscript. A similar program, GSView, is also available for the Windows operating system. Note, however, that GSView cannot read its input from a pipe, hence gvdev is not directly supported on Windows. To preview your PostScript output under Windows, you can either use gsdev, or employ filedev to set up an output file and then invoke GSView manually. For instance (assuming that the gsview32 program is on your path):

==> def GRAPHICS = filedev "graphics.ps"

==> // output your PostScript graphics here ...

==> !gsview32 graphics.ps

Also note that on most systems output to a pipe created with popen is buffered, thus you might have to flush buffered data when using gsdev or gvdev as the graphics device. In addition, it might be necessary to invoke flushpage to force an immediate display update, see Overview of Graphics Operations. This can be done as follows:

==> flushpage || fflush GRAPHICS

If output goes to a printer or a file, you will probably need a minimal header which identifies the file as a PostScript document. To include such a header in the output file, use the psheader function before invoking any other graphics operation:

==> psheader

You can also set up a custom header and include other DSC and EPSF comments by means of the ps function; see DSC and EPSF Comments, for details.

In the following we give an overview of the graphics operations in the PostScript language, as they are provided by this module, and describe the implemented functions. For more details about PostScript please refer to [Adobe 1990].

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11.13.1 Coordinate System

The PostScript coordinate system has its origin (0,0) in the lower left corner of the output page or display window, with the positive X and Y axes extending horizontally to the right and vertically upward, respectively. The default unit length is 1 point which is 1/72 of an inch.

The origin of the coordinate system, as well as the unit lengths and orientation of the X and Y axes can be changed by means of the translate, scale and rotate operations, cf. Graphics State.

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11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations

The process of painting a graphics object usually consists of the following three steps:

A path is an ordered sequence of straight and curved line segments. The individual segments may be connected to each other or they may be disconnected. Thus a path may consist of several connected pieces which are referred to as the subpaths of the path. In a subpath, each line segment starts at the point where the previous segment ends. The newpath function is used to begin a new path. A new subpath is obtained by invoking moveto which specifies the first point in the subpath. Various operations are provided to add straight and curved line segments to the current subpath. For instance, a path consisting of three straight line segments may be denoted as follows:

newpath || moveto 0 0 || lineto 1 0 || lineto 1 1 || lineto 0 1

The last point on the current subpath can be connected back to its starting point (usually the last point specified with moveto) by closing the subpath with the closepath operation. For instance, a rectangle is specified as follows:

newpath || moveto 0 0 || lineto 1 0 || lineto 1 1 || lineto 0 1 ||

Having constructed a path, the stroke function draws the line segments contained in the path. Alternatively, fill may be used to fill the interior of the path (for this purpose the entire path should consist of closed subpaths).

The precise appearance of stroked and filled objects on the output page is controlled by a collection of parameters referred to as the graphics state. Various operations are provided for changing these parameters. For instance, you can set the linewidth and dash pattern used by stroke, the color used by the stroke and fill operations, and the scale and translation of the coordinate axes. The current settings can be saved on a stack using gsave and restored (popped from the stack) with grestore.

Another important parameter is the current clipping path which specifies the regions on the page which can be affected by the painting operations. By default, the paintable area is the whole page. In order to restrict painting to a user-defined region, a path is constructed as usual, and then the clip function is used to set this path as the clipping path. Subsequent paint operations will only paint the interior of the clipping path, i.e., the region which would have been filled had we applied the fill operation instead of clip to the constructed path. Multiple applications of clip are accumulative. That is, clip intersects the current clipping area (as defined by previous invocations of clip) with the interior of the current path.

The treatment of textual output is somewhat special. It is possible to define a path consisting of the outlines of the characters in a given text string by means of the charpath function. More commonly, however, text strings are simply displayed at a given position which is accomplished by means of the show function. For instance, to display a text string S at a position (X,Y) on the current page the following expression is used:

moveto X Y || show S

The graphics.q script also provides several operations which deal with a graphics page as a whole. First of all, showpage emits the current page, and prepares for the next page by erasing the current page. The copypage operation is like showpage, but keeps the contents of the current page. This allows you to accumulate the contents of several pages. Both showpage and copypage are mainly used when output goes to a printer.

Two additional operations are provided for interactive use, when output goes to a display window. The erasepage function causes the contents of the current page to be erased. The flushpage operation updates the display, like showpage or copypage, but does not start a new page. (To improve performance, graphics output under the X window system is usually performed in larger chunks. The flushpage operation is required to synchronize the display by flushing any unwritten data.) Note that this operation is not part of the PostScript standard, but only works with Ghostscript and possibly some similar Postscript viewers.

If you want to achieve special effects which cannot be implemented in terms of the operations provided by graphics.q, you can directly invoke PostScript commands by means of the ps function. Also, you can copy a PostScript file to the graphics device with the psfile operation. As an example for the ps function, operations to display a string right-justified or centered at the current position can be implemented as follows:

showright S:String      = ps (psstr S++
                        " dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show\n");
showcenter S:String     = ps (psstr S++
                        " dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto show\n");

(The psstr function converts a string to PostScript syntax; see Miscellaneous Operations.) The ps function is also useful to include DSC and EPSF comments in your graphics output if this is necessary. See DSC and EPSF Comments, for details.

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11.13.3 Path Construction

The graphics.q script defines the following collection of operations to define the current path used by the painting and clipping operations:


start a new path


close the current subpath


set the current path to the current clipping path

moveto X Y

absolute move to position (X,Y)

rmoveto DX DY

move relatively by DX units in horizontal and DY units in vertical direction

lineto X Y

straight line segment between the current point and absolute location (X,Y)

rlineto DX DY

straight line segment specified by displacement (DX,DY) with respect to the current point

curveto X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3

Bezier cubic section between the current point and (X3,Y3), using (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) as control points

rcurveto DX1 DY1 DX2 DY2 DX3 DY3

Bezier cubic section, with the points specified as displacements with respect to the current point

arc X Y R A1 A2

arc of a circle with radius R centered at location (X,Y) starting and ending at angles A1 and A2 (0<=A1,A2<=360), respectively; if there is a current point, it is connected by a straight line segment to the first point on the arc

narc X Y R A1 A2

negative arc; the arc is drawn in clockwise rather than in counter-clockwise direction

arct X1 Y1 X2 Y2 R

arc specified by tangent lines; the center of the arc is located within the inner angle of the tangents, with the first tangent connecting the current point and (X1,Y1), and the second tangent connecting (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2)

charpath S T

path consisting of the character outlines that would result if the string S where shown at the current point using show; T is a truth value denoting whether the path should be used for stroking to draw the character outlines (T = false) or whether the path should be adjusted for use with fill or clip (T = true)

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11.13.4 Painting

The following operations are provided for stroking and filling, and for displaying text:


draw the line segments in the current path

fill, eofill

fill the interior of the current path (any unclosed subpaths of the current path are closed automatically)

show S

paint string S at the current point

The fill function uses the "nonzero winding number" rule for determining which points lie "inside" the current path, while eofill uses the "even-odd" rule. Please refer to [Adobe 1990] for the details.

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11.13.5 Clipping

The following operations are used to determine the current clipping path, as described in Overview of Graphics Operations:

clip, eoclip

intersect the current clipping area with the interior of the current path

The clip and eoclip operations use the same rules for insideness testing as fill and eofill, respectively, see Painting.

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11.13.6 Graphics State

As already indicated in Overview of Graphics Operations, the PostScript graphics state is a collection of parameters which control the behavior of the graphics operations. The graphics.q script provides the following operations to manipulate these parameters:


save the current graphics state


restore the previously saved graphics state


push the current transformation matrix (CTM) on the PostScript stack; the CTM is manipulated by the translate, scale and rotate operations, see below


restore the CTM from the stack

translate TX TY

move the origin of the coordinate system TX units in horizontal and TY units in vertical direction

scale SX SY

scale the unit lengths of the coordinate axes by SX in horizontal and SY in vertical direction

rotate A

rotate the coordinate system by an angle of 0<=A<=360 degrees

setlinewidth X

set the line width to X units

setlinecap N

set the line cap style (0 = butt caps, 1 = round caps, 2 = projecting square caps)

setlinejoin N

set the line join style (0 = miter joins, 1 = round joins, 2 = bevel joins)

setdash Xs DX

set the dash pattern (see below)

setgray X

set the gray shade (0 = black, 1 = white)

setrgbcolor R G B

set the color in the RGB model (R = red, G = green, B = blue)

sethsbcolor H S B

set the color in the HSB model (H = hue, S = saturation, B = brightness)

setcmykcolor C M Y K

set the color in the CMYK model (C = cyan, M = magenta, Y = yellow, K = black)

setcolor C

set the color specified by symbolic color value C (see below)

setfont S X

select font S scaled by X units (see below)

The setrgbcolor, sethsbcolor and setcmykcolor functions enable you to select arbitrary colors in the RGB, HSB and CMYK model, respectively. A more user-friendly, but less flexible, routine setcolor is provided which allows colors to be selected from a fixed set of symbolic constants implemented by the Color type. Please refer to graphics.q for a list of the possible color values.

The setdash function sets the dash pattern for straight and curved line segments. The first argument of setdash is a list of length values which alternately specify the lengths of the "on" and "off" segments of the line (i.e., dashes and gaps between the dashes). This list is cycled through by the stroke function. For instance, setdash [2,1] 0 specifies the dash pattern "2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off, …". If the list is empty (setdash [] 0) stroke produces solid lines. The second argument of setdash denotes the "phase" of the dash pattern, which is given by an offset into the pattern. E.g., setdash [2,3] 11 denotes the pattern "1 on, 3 off, 2 on, 3 off, 2 on, …".

The setfont function takes as its first argument a string denoting a PostScript font name such as "Times-Roman" or "Helvetica-Oblique". The second argument denotes the size in units to which the font should be scaled. For instance: setfont "Helvetica" 10. (This function is implemented by a combination of the PostScript operators findfont, scalefont and setfont.)

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11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations


emit the current page


like showpage, but do not erase the contents of the current page


update the display (flush any buffered graphics)


erase the contents of the current page

copies N

number of copies to be emitted with showpage

psfile NAME

copy a PostScript file to the graphics device

psstr S

convert a string to PostScript syntax


output a minimal PostScript header

ps CMD

output a PostScript command

The showpage, copypage, flushpage and erasepage functions have already been discussed in Overview of Graphics Operations. The copies operation determines the number of copies which should be printed when showpage is invoked:

==> copies 4 || showpage

To submit a PostScript file to the graphics device the psfile operation may be used. It takes one string argument, the name of the file. For instance:

==> psfile "foo.ps"

The ps function is used to directly invoke a PostScript command. Examples can be found in Overview of Graphics Operations. The psstr function converts a string to PostScript format. It takes care of embedded backslashes and parentheses. For instance:

==> writes (psstr "(silly\\) example") || writec "\n"
(\(silly\\\) example)

The psheader function is used to begin the output file with a minimal header identifying the file as PostScript; see DSC and EPSF Comments.

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11.13.8 DSC and EPSF Comments

Appendix G and H of [Adobe 1990] define a standard set of comments which should be included in PostScript documents to make explicit the document structure, and to allow inclusion of PostScript files in other documents. These standards are known as the document structuring conventions (DSC) and the encapsulated PostScript file (EPSF) format. See [Adobe 1990] for a detailed discussion of the purpose of these formats.

The graphics.q script currently does not provide any specialized operations for sending DSC and EPSF comments to the graphics device, with the exception of the psheader function which outputs a minimum header to make your printer recognize a graphics file as PostScript. Invoke this function as follows, before calling any other graphics operation:

==> psheader

You can also call the psheader function at initialization time from within a script, using a line like the following:

def INIT = psheader;

To include other types of DSC and EPSF comments in the graphics output, you have to specify these comments explicitly using the ps function. For instance, a function writing out the necessary DSC header comments of an EPS file may be implemented as follows:

/* (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) denote the lower left and the upper right corner
   of the bounding box, respectively */
epsf_header X1:Real Y1:Real X2:Real Y2:Real
                        = ps "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" ||
                          ps ("%%BoundingBox: "++join " "
                              [str X1, str Y1, str X2, str Y2]++"\n");

As indicated, each comment must be terminated by a newline character. Use the epsf_header function in place of the psheader function if you are composing an EPS file which is to be used in other documents. E.g., when invoked as epsf_header 5 5 105 105, the following header information will be written to the graphics device:

%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: 5 5 105 105

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11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages

The assert.q script supplies the special form assert for printing diagnostic messages:

foo X                   = assert (X>0) || bar (1/X);

The assert function verifies that the given expression evaluates to true, in which case it returns (). Otherwise it uses the error function to abort evaluation after printing an error message of the following form:

! Error: assertion (X) failed, value (value of X)

Error messages are printed using the error operation of the error.q script which prints an error message and then simply stops evaluation using halt. For instance:

hd []                   = error "hd: empty list";

This will print an error message

! Error: hd: empty list

when executed, and halt evaluation.

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12. Clib

Clib is the C interface and "system" module of the Q programming language. As of Q 7.8, this component actually consists of two different modules, clib.q which provides basic C data structures and routines commonly used in most Q programs, and system.q which contains most of the POSIX system interface. Only clib.q is part of the prelude; for most system functions, you will have to explicitly import system.q in your programs. In the sections below, we will always indicate whether the system.q module is needed for the described operations.

In difference to the other standard library modules, clib and system are external modules, i.e., most functions are actually implemented in C (cf. C Language Interface). Together, clib and system provide additional string operations, extended file functions, C-style formatted I/O, low-level and binary I/O, an interface to various system functions, POSIX thread functions, expression references, time functions, internationalization support, filename globbing and regular expression matching, additional integer functions from the GMP library, and, last but not least, efficient C replacements for some common standard library list and string processing functions.

Even if you do not use the extra functionality provided by these modules, you will benefit from the replacement operations (which are in clib and thus included in the prelude), which considerably speed up basic list and string processing, sometimes by several orders of magnitude.

NOTE: Not all of the following operations are implemented on all systems. The UNIX-specific operations are marked with the symbol `(U)' in the clib.q and system.q scripts. Only a portable subset of the UNIX system interface is provided, which encompasses the most essential operations found on many recent UNIX (and other POSIX) systems, as described by the ANSI C and POSIX standards as well as the Single UNIX Specification (SUS). These operations are also available on Linux and OSX systems.

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12.1 Manifest Constants

Clib defines an abundance of symbolic values for use with various system functions. Most of these can be found in system.q, but a few constants related to the memory sizes of various basic C data types and the fseek and setvbuf operations can also be found in clib.q.

System constants actually vary from system to system; only the most common values are provided as global variables here. The variables are declared const (read-only) and are initialized at startup time. Flag values can be combined using bitwise logical operations as usual. A complete list of the variables can be found at the beginning of the clib.q and system.q scripts. Flag values which are unavailable on the host system will be set to zero, other undefined values to -1. Thus undefined values will generally have no effect or cause the corresponding operations to fail.

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12.2 Additional String Functions

These functions provide an interface to some familiar character routines from the C library. They can all be found in clib.q and are thus in the standard prelude.

Character predicates: These work exactly like the corresponding C library routines, except that they work with arbitrary Unicode, not just ASCII, characters, provided that the interpreter has been built with Unicode support.

public extern islower C, isupper C, isalpha C, isdigit C, isxdigit C,
  isalnum C, ispunct C, isspace C, isgraph C, isprint C, iscntrl C,
  isascii C;

String conversion: Convert a string to lower- or uppercase (like the corresponding C functions, but work on arbitrary Unicode strings, not just on single ASCII characters).

public extern tolower S, toupper S;


Count the number of alphanumeric characters in a text:

==> #filter isalnum (chars "The little brown fox.\n")

Convert a string to uppercase:

==> toupper "The little brown fox.\n"

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12.3 Byte Strings

The following type represents unstructured binary data implemented as C byte vectors. This data structure is used by the low-level I/O functions and other system functions which operate on binary data. The ByteStr type itself and its operations are implemented in clib.q and thus included in the prelude.

public extern type ByteStr;

public isbytestr B;                     // check for byte strings

Byte strings are like ordinary character strings, but they do not have a printable representation, and they may include zero bytes. (Recall that a zero byte in a character string terminates the string.) They can be used to encode arbitrary binary data such as C vectors and structures. The bytestr function can be used to construct byte strings from integers, floating point numbers, string values or lists of unsigned byte values:

public extern bytestr X;                // create a byte string

The X argument denotes the data to be encoded and can be either a list of byte values (unsigned integers in the range from 0 to 255), or an atomic data object, i.e., an integer, floating point number or string constant. In the latter case, the argument can also have the form (X,SIZE) indicating the desired byte size of the object; otherwise a reasonable default size is chosen. If the specified size differs from the actual size of X, the result is zero-padded or truncated accordingly. Integer values are encoded in the host byte order, with the least significant GMP limb first; negative integers are represented in 2's complement. Floating point values are encoded using double precision by default or if the byte count is sufficient (i.e., at least 8 on most systems), and using single precision otherwise. Strings are by default encoded in the system encoding, but you can also specify the desired target encoding as (X,CODESET) (or (X,CODESET,SIZE) if you also need to specify a byte size), where CODESET is a string denoting the target encoding.

Like ordinary character strings, byte strings can be concatenated, size-measured, indexed, sliced and compared lexicographically. Moreover, a byte string can be converted back to a (multiprecision) integer, floating point number, string value, or a list of byte values. (When converting back to a string you can specify the source encoding as in bstr (B,CODESET), otherwise the system encoding is assumed.) For these purposes the following operations are provided.

public extern bcat Bs;                  // concatenate list of byte strings
public extern bsize B;                  // byte size of B
public extern byte I B;                 // Ith byte of B
public extern bsub B I J;               // slice of B (bytes I..J)
public extern bcmp M1 M2;               // compare M1 and M2

public extern bint B;                   // convert to unsigned integer
public extern bfloat B;                 // convert to floating point number
public extern bstr B;                   // convert to string
public bytes B;                         // convert to list
public ::list B;                        // dito

You can use the bytes function to convert a byte string to a list of byte values; the list function is overloaded to provide the same functionality. These functions are defined as follows:

bytes B:ByteStr                         = map (B!) [0..#B-1];
list B:ByteStr                          = bytes B;

For convenience, the common string operators and the sub function are overloaded to work on byte strings as well. Thus #B returns the size of B (the number of bytes it contains) and B!I the Ith byte of B. B1++B2 concatenates B1 and B2, sub B I J returns the slice from byte I to J, and the relational operators `=', `<', `>' etc. can be used to compare byte strings lexicographically. These operations are all implemented in terms of the functions listed above.

Byte Strings as Mutable C Vectors

As of Q 7.11, clib supports a number of additional operations which allow you to treat byte strings as mutable C vectors of signed/unsigned 8/16/32 bit integers or single/double precision floating point numbers. The following functions provide read/write access to elements and slices of such C vectors:

public extern get_int8 B I, get_int16 B I, get_int32 B I;
public extern get_uint8 B I, get_uint16 B I, get_uint32 B I;
public extern get_float B I, get_double B I;

public extern put_int8 B I X, put_int16 B I X, put_int32 B I X;
public extern put_uint8 B I X, put_uint16 B I X, put_uint32 B I X;
public extern put_float B I X, put_double B I X;

Note that the given index argument I is interpreted relative to the corresponding element type. Thus, e.g., get_int32 B I returns the Ith 32 bit integer rather than the integer at byte offset I. Also note that integer arguments must fit into machine integers, otherwise these operations will fail. Integers passed for floating point arguments will be coerced to floating point values automatically.

For the get_xxx functions, the index parameter may also be a pair (I,J) to return a slice of the given byte string instead of a single element (this works like sub/bsub, but interprets indices relative to the element type). The put_xxx functions also accept a byte string instead of an element as input, and will then overwrite the corresponding slice of the target byte string B with the given source byte string X. Similar to sub/bsub, these variations of get_xxx/put_xxx are "safe" in that they automatically adjust the given indices to fit within the bounds of the target byte string.

Moreover, the following convenience functions are provided to convert between byte strings and lists of integer/floating point elements.

public extern int8_list B, int16_list B, int32_list B;
public extern uint8_list B, uint16_list B, uint32_list B;
public extern float_list B, double_list B;

public extern int8_vect Xs, int16_vect Xs, int32_vect Xs;
public extern uint8_vect Xs, uint16_vect Xs, uint32_vect Xs;
public extern float_vect Xs, double_vect Xs;


Encode an integer as a byte string, take a look at its individual bytes, and convert the byte string back to an integer:

==> hex

==> def B = bytestr 0x01020304; bytes B; bint B

(Note that this result was obtained on a little-endian system, hence the least significant byte 0x04 comes first in the byte list.)

Negative integers are correctly encoded in 2's complement:

==> def B = bytestr (-2); bytes B; bint B

To work with these binary representations you must be aware of the way GMP represents multiprecision integers. In particular, note that the default size of an integer is always a multiple (at least one) of GMP's limb size which is usually 4 or 8 bytes depending on the host system's default long integer type. The actual limb size can be determined as follows:

==> #bytes (bytestr 0)

In order to get integers of arbitrary sizes, an explicit SIZE argument may be used. For instance, here is how we encode small (1 or 2 byte) integers:

==> bytes (bytestr (0x01,1)); bytes (bytestr (0x0102,2))

The host system's byte sizes of various atomic C types can be determined with symbolic values declared at the beginning of clib.q, such as SIZEOF_CHAR, SIZEOF_SHORT, SIZEOF_LONG, SIZEOF_FLOAT and SIZEOF_DOUBLE.

Another fact worth mentioning is that even on big-endian systems, integers are always encoded with the "least significant limb" first. So, for instance, given that the limb size is 4, as in the above examples, the 2-limb integer 0x0102030405060708 consists of bytes 0x8 0x7 0x6 0x5 0x4 0x3 0x2 0x1 on a little-endian system, in that order, whereas the byte order on a big-endian system is 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4.

Here is how we can quickly check the byte order of the host system:

==> hd (bytes (bytestr 1))

This expression returns 1 on a little-endian system and zero otherwise.

As long as an integer does not exceed the machine's word size (which usually matches the limb size), we can simply convert between big-endian and little-endian representation by reversing the byte list:

==> bytestr (reverse (bytes B))

Floating point values can be encoded either in double or single precision, depending on the SIZE argument. The default size is double precision (usually 8 bytes).

==> bfloat (bytestr (1/3)); bfloat (bytestr (1/3,SIZEOF_FLOAT))

The default size of the encoding of a character string is the byte size of the string in the target encoding (the system encoding by default). If an explicit size is given, the string is zero-padded or truncated if necessary. The following example will work with any system encoding based on 7 bit ASCII (like Latin1, UTF-8 or ASCII itself):

==> dec

==> def S1 = bytestr "ABC", S2 = bytestr ("ABC",2), S3 = bytestr ("ABC",5)

==> bytes S1; bytes S2; bytes S3

==> bstr S1; bstr S2; bstr S3

By combining elements like the ones above, and including appropriate "tagging" information, more complex data structures can be represented as binary data as well. For this purpose, the byte strings of the tags and the data elements can be concatenated with bcat or the `++' operator. This is useful, in particular, for compact storage of objects in files. Moreover, some system functions involve binary data which might represent C structures and/or vectors. Such data can be assembled from the constituent parts by simply concatenating them. For instance, consider the following C struct:

struct { char foo[108]; short bar; int baz; };

A value of this type, say {"Hello, world.", 4711, 123456}, can then be encoded as follows:

==> bytestr ("Hello, world.",108) ++ bytestr (4711,SIZEOF_SHORT) ++ \
bytestr (123456,SIZEOF_INT)

Similarly, a list of integers can be converted to a corresponding C vector as follows:

==> bcat (map bytestr [1..100])

When encoding such C structures you must also consider alignment issues. For instance, most C compilers will align non-byte data at even addresses.

In order to facilitate the handling of C vectors of integers and floating point values, as of Q 7.11 clib offers a number of specialized operations which provide direct read/write access to elements and slices of numeric vectors, and allow you to convert between C vectors and Q lists of integer or floating point values. These operations are all implemented directly in C and will usually be much more efficient for manipulating numeric C vectors than the basic byte-oriented functions. Moreover, they allow you to modify the elements of a C vector in a direct fashion, turning byte strings into a mutable data structure.

Different operations are provided to handle vectors of signed or unsigned 8/16/32 bit (machine) integers, as well as single (32 bit) and double precision (64 bit) floating point numbers. For instance:

==> def B = uint32_vect [100..110]

==> uint32_list B

==> get_uint32 B 1

==> put_uint32 B 1 0xffffffff

==> uint32_list B

Note that, because these C vectors are just normal byte strings, you can freely convert between different representations of the numeric data. E.g.:

==> take 12 $ int8_list B

Entire slices of byte strings can be retrieved and overwritten as well. Note that, as with sub, the indices are adjusted automatically to stay within the bounds of the target vector.

==> put_uint32 B (-2) (uint32_vect [90..94])

==> uint32_list B

==> uint32_list $ get_uint32 B (-2,3)

==> uint32_list $ get_uint32 B (8,100)

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12.4 Extended File Functions

Clib provides the following enhanced and additional file functions:

public extern ::fopen NAME MODE, fdopen FD MODE, freopen NAME MODE F;
public extern fileno F;
public extern setvbuf F MODE;
public extern fconv F CODESET;
public extern tmpnam, tmpfile;
public extern ftell F, fseek F POS WHENCE;
public rewind F;
public extern gets, fgets F;
public extern fget F;
public extern ungetc C, fungetc F C;

These are all defined in clib.q and thus included in the prelude.

The fopen version of clib handles the `+' flag in mode strings, thus enabling you to open files for both reading and writing. The mode "r+" opens an existing file for both reading and writing; the initial file contents are unchanged, and both the input and output file pointers are positioned at the beginning of the file. The "w+" mode creates a new file, or truncates it to zero size if it already exists, and positions the file pointers at the beginning of the file. The "a+" mode appends to an existing file (or creates a new one); the initial file pointer is set at the beginning of the file for reading, and at the end of the file for writing. All these modes also work in combination with the b (binary file) flag.

The freopen function is like fopen, but reopens an existing file object on another file. Just as in C programming, the main purpose of this operation is to enable the user to redirect the standard I/O streams associated with the interpreter process (available in the interpreter by means of the INPUT, OUTPUT and ERROR variables).

The fdopen function opens a new file object on a given file descriptor, given that the mode is compatible. Conversely, the fileno function returns the file descriptor of a file object. (See also the functions for direct file descriptor manipulation in Low-Level I/O.)

The setvbuf function sets the buffering mode for a file (IONBF = no buffering, IOLBF = line buffering, IOFBF = full buffering). This operation should be invoked right after the file has been opened, before any I/O operations are performed.

The fconv function sets the encoding of a file. By default, Q's built-in I/O operations as well as clib's string I/O functions assume the system encoding, and convert between this encoding and the internal UTF-8 string representation as needed. If a text file uses an encoding different from the system encoding, you can use the fconv function to set the desired encoding. CODESET must be a string denoting a valid encoding name for the iconv function (see also Internationalization, below). This affects all subsequent text read/write operations on the file. (This operation only works for Unicode-capable systems which have iconv installed. Also note that this function is only available for Q 7.0 and later.)

The tmpnam and tmpfile functions work just like the corresponding C routines: tmpnam returns a unique name for a temporary file, and tmpfile constructs a temporary file opened in "w+b" mode, which will be deleted automatically when it is closed. See the tmpnam(3) and tmpfile(3) manual pages for details.

The ftell/fseek functions are used for file positioning. The ftell function returns the current file position, while fseek function positions the file at the given position. The rewind function provides a convenient shorthand for repositioning the file at the beginning. These operations work just like the corresponding C functions. The WHENCE argument of fseek determines how the POS argument is to be interpreted; it can be either SEEK_SET (POS is relative to the beginning of the file, i.e., an absolute position), SEEK_CUR (POS is relative to the current position) or SEEK_END (POS is relative to the end of the file). In the latter two cases POS can also be negative.

Portability Notes:

The gets/fgets functions work like the C fgets function, i.e., they read a line from standard input or the given file including the trailing newline, if any. The fget function reads an entire file at once and returns it as a string. The ungetc/fungetc functions push back a single character on standard input or the given input file, like the C ungetc function. The C library only guarantees that pushing back a single ASCII character will work, so the result of pushing back multiple or multibyte characters is implementation-dependent.

Moreover, the following additional aliases are provided for C aficionados:

public ::readc as getc, ::freadc F as fgetc;
public ::writes S as puts, ::fwrites F S as fputs;
public ::writec C as putc, ::fwritec F C as fputc;


Open a new file for both reading and writing:

==> def F = fopen "test" "w+"

Write a string to the file:

==> fwrites F "The little brown fox.\n"

Current position is behind written string (at end-of-file):

==> ftell F

Rewind (go to the beginning of the file):

==> rewind F

Read back the string we've written before:

==> fgets F
"The little brown fox.\n"

Check that we're again at end-of-file:

==> feof F

Output another string:

==> fwrites F "The second line.\n"

Position behind the first string:

==> fseek F 22 SEEK_SET

Reread the second string:

==> fgets F
"The second line.\n"

And here's how to read an entire text file at once:

==> def T = fget (fopen "clib.q" "r")

To quickly compute a 32 bit checksum of the file:

==> sum (bytes (bytestr T)) mod 0x100000000

Finally, let's split the text into lines and add line numbers using sprintf (see C-Style Formatted I/O):

==> def L = split "\n" T

==> def L = map (sprintf "%3d: %s\n") (zip [1..#L] L)

==> do writes (take 5 L)
  2: /* clib.q: Q's system module */
  4: /* This file is part of the Q programming system.

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12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O

These functions provide an interface to the C printf and scanf routines. They are all defined in clib.q and thus included in the prelude.

public extern printf FORMAT ARGS, fprintf F FORMAT ARGS,
  sprintf FORMAT ARGS;
public extern scanf FORMAT, fscanf F FORMAT, sscanf S FORMAT;

Arguments to the printf routines and the results of the scanf routines are generally encoded as tuples or single non-tuple values (if only one item is read/written).

All the usual conversions and flags of C printf/scanf are supported, except %p (pointer conversion). The basic h and l length modifiers are also understood, but not the fancy ISO C99 extensions like ll or hh, or l modifiers on characters and strings. Two further unsupported features of the printf functions are the %n (number of written characters) conversion and explicit argument indexing (m$); thus all arguments have to be in the same order as specified in the printf format string. The %n conversion is implemented for the scanf functions, though.

As these functions are simply wrappers for the corresponding C functions, integer conversions are generally limited to values which fit into machine integers. To handle integers of arbitrary sizes, you might treat them as strings (%s) in the format string and do the actual conversion manually with val or str.

Seasoned C programmers will appreciate that the wrapper functions provided here are safe in that they check their arguments and prevent buffer overflows, so they should never crash your program with a segfault. To these ends, if a %s or %[...] conversion without maximum field width is used with scanf, the field width will effectively be limited to some (large) value chosen by the implementation.


See the printf(3) and scanf(3) manual pages for a description of the format string syntax. Some basic examples follow (<CR> indicates that you hit the carriage return key to terminate a line):

==> printf "%d\n" 99

==> printf "%d\n" (99)

==> printf "%s %s %d\n" ("foo","bar",99)
foo bar 99

==> scanf "%d"

==> scanf "%s %s %d"
foo bar 99<CR>

As indicated, multiple values are denoted as tuples, and the printf function accepts both a single value or a one-tuple for a single conversion. The scanf function always returns a single, non-tuple value if only a single conversion is specified. Zero items are represented using the empty tuple. Note that you always have to supply the ARGS argument of printf, thus you specify an empty tuple if there are no output conversions:

==> printf "foo\n" ()

The scanf function also returns an empty tuple if no input items are converted. For instance (as usual, using the * flag with a scanf conversion suppresses the corresponding input item):

==> scanf "%*s"

Note that while scanf for most conversions skips an arbitrary amount of leading whitespace, the trailing whitespace character at which a conversion stops is not discarded by scanf. You can notice this if you invoke, e.g., readc afterwards:

==> scanf "%s %d"; readc
foo 99<CR>

If you really have to skip the trailing whitespace character, you can do this with a suppressed character conversion, e.g.:

==> scanf "%s %d%*c"; writes "input: "||reads
foo 99<CR>
input: <reads function waiting for input here>

The fprintf/fscanf functions work analogously, but are used when writing or reading an arbitrary file instead of standard output or input. For instance:

==> var msg = "You're not supposed to do that!"

==> fprintf ERROR "Error: %s\n" msg
Error: You're not supposed to do that!

The sprintf function returns the formatted text as a string instead of writing it to a file:

==> sprintf "%s %s %d\n" ("foo","bar",99)
"foo bar 99\n"

Likewise, sscanf takes its input from a string:

==> sscanf "foo bar 99\n" "%s %s %d"

The %n conversion is especially useful with sscanf, since it allows you to determine the number of characters which were actually consumed:

==> sscanf "foo bar 99 *** extra text here ***\n" "%s %s %d%n"

You might then use the character count, e.g., to check whether the input format matched the entire string, or whether there remains some text to be processed.

Some remarks about the role of the length modifiers h and l are in order. Just as with the C scanf routines, you need the l modifier to read a double precision value; a simple %f will only read single precision number:

==> scanf "%f"

==> scanf "%lf"

The printf functions, however, always print double precision numbers, so the l modifier is not needed:

==> sprintf "%g" 1e100

For the integer conversions, the h and l modifiers denote short (usually 2 byte) and long (usually 4 byte) integer values. If the modifier is omitted, the default integer type is used (this usually is the same as long, but your mileage may vary).

As already indicated, the printf and scanf routines are limited to machine integer sizes. Thus a scanf integer conversion will always return a short or long integer value, depending on the length modifier used. If a printf integer conversion is applied to a "big" integer value, only the least significant bytes of the value are printed, as if the printed number (represented in 2's complement if negative) had been cast to the corresponding integer type in C. Thus the printed result will be consistent with C printf output under all circumstances. For instance:

==> def N = 0xffff70008000 // big number

==> printf "%hu %lu\n" (N,N)
32768 1879080960

==> printf "%hd %ld\n" (N,N)
-32768 1879080960

To correctly print a big integer value, you can convert it manually with Q's built-in str function, then print the value using a %s conversion:

==> printf "%s\n" (str 1234567812345678)

Similarly, you can read a big integer value by converting it as a string, and then apply the val builtin.

==> val (scanf "%s")

Here you might use the %[...] conversion to ensure that the number is in proper format (the initial blank is needed here to skip any leading whitespace):

==> val (scanf " %[0-9-]")

On output, the integer and floating point conversions can all be used with either integer or floating point arguments; integers will be converted to floating point values and vice versa if necessary:

==> printf "An integer: %d\n" 99.9
An integer: 99

==> printf "A floating point value: %e\n" 99
A floating point value: 9.900000e+01

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12.6 File and Directory Functions

These functions provide the same functionality as their C counterparts. They are all to be found in system.q and thus you have to explicitly import the system module to use them.

public extern rename OLD NEW;           // rename a file
public extern unlink NAME;              // delete a file
public extern truncate NAME LEN;        // truncate a file (U)
public extern getcwd, chdir NAME;       // get/set the working directory
public extern mkdir NAME MODE;          // create a new directory
public extern rmdir NAME;               // remove a directory
public extern readdir NAME;             // list the files in a directory
public extern link OLD NEW;             // create a hard link (U)
public extern symlink OLD NEW;          // create a symbolic link (U)
public extern readlink NAME;            // read a symbolic link
public extern mkfifo NAME MODE;         // create a named pipe (U)
public extern access NAME MODE;         // test access mode
public extern chmod NAME MODE;          // set the file mode
public extern chown NAME MODE UID GID;  // set file ownership (U)
public extern lchown NAME MODE UID GID; // set link ownership (U)
public extern utime NAME TIMES;         // set the file times
public extern umask N;                  // set/get file creation mask
public extern stat NAME, lstat NAME;    // file and link information

The stat/lstat functions return a tuple consisting of the commonly available fields of the C stat struct, see stat(2). For your convenience, the following mnemonic functions are provided for accessing the different components:

public st_dev STAT, st_ino STAT, st_mode STAT, st_nlink STAT,
  st_uid STAT, st_gid STAT, st_rdev STAT, st_size STAT, st_atime STAT,
  st_mtime STAT, st_ctime STAT;


These all need the system module, so you have to import it in the interpreter to make the following examples work. E.g.:

==> import system

With that out of the way, let's play around with some of these functions:

==> mkdir "tmp" 0777||chdir "tmp"||mkfifo "foo" 0666||\
rename "foo" "bar"||unlink "bar"||chdir ".."||rmdir "tmp"

(Create a tmp subdirectory, change to it, create a new FIFO special file, rename that file, delete it, change back to the original directory, and remove the tmp directory. All with a single expression which realizes identity.)

Now for something more useful. We can retrieve the current umask while setting it to zero, and then reset it to the original value as follows:

==> def U = umask 0; oct; umask U || U; dec

List the files in the current directory:

==> readdir "."

Get the size of a file:

==> st_size (stat "README-Clib")

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12.7 Process Control

With the notable exception of the exit function which is included in clib (and thus in the prelude), all the following functions need an explicit import of the system module.

The system function returns the status code of the command if execution was successful, and fails otherwise:

public extern system CMD;               // exec command using the shell

Clib also provides the usual UNIX process creation and management routines. Most of these really require a UNIX system; no attempt is made to emulate operations like fork on systems where they are not implemented. Thus the only process operations which currently work under Windows are system, exec, spawn, _spawn, exit and getpid.

public extern fork;                     // fork a child process (U)
public extern exec PROG ARGS;           // execute program
public extern spawn PROG ARGS;          // execute program in child process
public extern _spawn MODE PROG ARGS;    // execute child with options
public extern nice INC;                 // change nice value (U)
public extern exit N;                   // exit process with given exit code
public extern pause;                    // pause until a signal occurs (U)
public extern raise SIG;                // raise signal in current process
public extern kill SIG PID;             // send signal to given process (U)
public extern getpid;                   // current process id
public extern getppid;                  // parent's process id (U)
public extern wait;                     // wait for any child process (U)
public extern waitpid PID OPTIONS;      // wait for given child process (U)

All these operations are simply wrappers for the corresponding C library routines. Note, however, that the kill function takes the signal to send as its first argument, which makes it easier to use partial applications of the function, e.g., to iterate a kill operation over a list of process numbers (as in `do (kill SIGTERM) PIDs').

The exec function performs a path search like the C execlp/execvp function; the parameters for the program are given as a string list ARGS, and as usual the first argument should repeat the program file name. This function never returns unless it fails. The spawn and _spawn operations are provided to accommodate Windows' lack of fork and wait; these functions work on both UNIX and Windows. The spawn function works like exec, but runs the program in a new child process. It returns the new process id (actually the process handle under Windows). The _spawn function is like spawn, but accepts an additional MODE parameter which determines how the child is to be executed, either P_WAIT (wait for the child, return its exit status), P_NOWAIT (do not wait for the child, same as spawn), P_OVERLAY (replace the current image with the new process, same as exec) and P_DETACH (run the new process in the background). (Note that the P_DETACH option is ignored on UNIX systems; the correct way to code a "daemon" on UNIX is shown in the examples section below.)

On UNIX, the following routines are provided to interpret the status code returned by the system, _spawn, wait and waitpid functions:

public extern isactive STATUS;
// process is active
public extern isexited STATUS, exitstatus STATUS;
// process has exited normally, get its exit code
public extern issignaled STATUS, termsig STATUS;
// process was terminated by signal, get the signal number
public extern isstopped STATUS, stopsig STATUS;
// process was stopped by signal, get the signal number

For more information about the process functions, we refer the reader to the corresponding UNIX manual pages.

Operations to access the process environment are also implemented. The getenv function fails if the given variable is not set in the environment; this lets you distinguish this error condition from a defined variable with empty value. The setenv function overwrites an existing definition of the given variable:

public extern getenv NAME, setenv NAME VAL;
// get/set environment variables

On UNIX, the following operations provide access to process user and group information, as well as process groups and sessions. Not all operations may be implemented on all UNIX flavours. Please see the UNIX manual for a description of these functions.

/* User/group-related functions (U). */

public extern setuid UID, setgid GID;   // set user/group id of process
public extern seteuid UID, setegid GID; // set effective user/group id
public extern setreuid RUID EUID, setregid RGID EGID;
                                        // set real and effective ids
public extern getuid, geteuid;          // get real/effective user id
public extern getgid, getegid;          // get real/effective group id
public extern getlogin;                 // get real login name

// get/set supplementary group ids of current process
public extern getgroups, setgroups GIDS;

/* Session-related routines (U). */

public extern getpgid PID, setpgid PID PGID;    // get and set process group
public extern getpgrp, setpgrp;                 // dito, for calling process
public extern getsid PID;                       // get session id of process
public extern setsid;                           // create a new session


Invoke the system function to execute a shell command:

==> import system

==> system "ls -l"

You can also run the program directly with the spawn function:

==> spawn "ls" ["ls","-l"]

Get and set an environment variable:

==> getenv "HOME"

==> getenv "MYVAR" // variable is undefined
getenv "MYVAR"

==> setenv "MYVAR" "foo bar"

==> getenv "MYVAR"
"foo bar"

Here are some examples demonstrating the use of named pipes and the process functions on UNIX systems. The mkfifo function allows the creation of so-called "FIFO special files" a.k.a. named pipes, which provide a simple inter-process communication facility.

For instance, create a named pipe as follows:

==> mkfifo "pipe" 0666

You can then open the writeable end of the pipe:

==> def OUT = fopen "pipe" "w"

Note that this call blocks until the input side of the pipe has been opened. For this purpose, start another instance of the interpreter (e.g., in another xterm), and from there open the pipe for reading:

==> def IN = fopen "pipe" "r"

Both fopen calls should now have finished, and you can write something to the output end of the pipe in the first instance of the interpreter:

==> fwrites OUT "Hello, there!\n"

Go to the other interpreter instance, and read back the string from there:

==> freads IN
"Hello, there!"

As usual, each end of the pipe is closed as soon as the corresponding file object is no longer accessible. When you close the writeable end of the pipe using, e.g., undef OUT in the first instance of the interpreter, the input side of the pipe will reach end-of-file, and thus feof IN will become true. After closing the pipe also on the input side, you can remove the FIFO special file with the unlink function.

You can also use named pipes to set up a communication channel to child processes created with fork. For instance:

import system;
def NAME = tmpnam;
def PIPE = mkfifo NAME 0666;
def MSG  = "Hello there!\n";

test     = printf "Parent writes: %s" MSG ||
           fwrites (fopen NAME "w") MSG ||
           writes "Parent waits for child ...\n" ||
           printf "Parent: child has exited with code %d\n" wait
               if fork > 0;
         = printf "Child reads: %s\n" (freads (fopen NAME "r")) ||
           writes "Child exiting ...\n" || exit 0

==> test
Parent writes: Hello there!
Parent waits for child ...
Child reads: Hello there!
Child exiting ...
Parent: child has exited with code 0

==> unlink NAME

Another method for accomplishing this with anonymous pipes is discussed in Low-Level I/O.

On UNIX, it also possible to implement "daemons", i.e., processes which place themselves in the background and continue to run even when you log out. The following little script shows how to do this.

import system;

/* Becoming a daemon is easy: Just fork, have the parent exit, and call setsid
   in the child to start a new session. The new process becomes a child of the
   init process and has no controlling terminal. Thus it keeps running even if
   you log out, until it gets killed or the system shuts down. */

daemon          = setsid || main if fork = 0;
                = exit 0 otherwise;

/* The main code of the daemon then closes file descriptors inherited by the
   parent and starts executing. In this example we just open a logfile and
   start logging messages in regular intervals. We also handle the condition
   that we are terminated by a signal. */

main            = do close [0,1,2] || log F "daemon started" ||
                  do (trap 1) [SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP, SIGQUIT] ||
                  catch (sig F) (loop F) where F:File = fopen "log" "w";
                = perror "daemon" || exit 1 otherwise;

sig F (syserr SIG)
                = log F (sprintf "daemon stopped by signal %d" (-SIG)) ||
                  exit 0;

loop F          = sleep 5 || log F "daemon still alive" || loop F;

log F MSG       = fprintf F "%s at %s" (MSG, ctime time) || fflush F;

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12.8 Low-Level I/O

These functions provide operations for direct manipulation of files on the file descriptor level. They are all in the system module. For a closer description of the following operations we refer the reader to the corresponding UNIX manual pages.

public extern open NAME FLAGS MODE;     // create a new descriptor
public extern close FD;                 // close a descriptor
public extern dup FD, dup2 OLDFD NEWFD; // duplicate a descriptor
public extern pipe;                     // create an unnamed pipe
public extern fstat FD;                 // stat descriptor
public extern fchdir FD;                // change directory (U)
public extern fchmod FD MODE;           // change file mode (U)
public extern fchown FD UID GID;        // set file ownership (U)
public extern ftruncate FD LEN;         // truncate a file (U)
public extern fsync FD, fdatasync FD;   // sync the given file (U)

The following operations can be used on both file descriptors and file objects. They read and write binary data represented as byte strings (see Byte Strings), providing an interface to the system's read/write(2) and fread/fwrite(3) functions. The bread function returns a byte string of the given size read from the given file. Note that the returned byte string may actually be shorter than SIZE bytes because, e.g., end of file has been reached or not enough input was currently available on a pipe. The bwrite function returns the number of bytes actually written which is usually the size of the byte string unless an error occurs. The functions fail if an error occurred before anything was read or written. It is the application's responsibility to check these error conditions and handle them in an appropriate manner.

public extern bread FD SIZE;            // read a byte string
public extern bwrite FD DATA;           // write a byte string

For instance, the following function uses bread and bwrite to copy an input to an output file, using chunks of 8192 bytes at a time:

fcopy F G               = () if bwrite G (bread F 8192) < 8192;
                        = fcopy F G otherwise;

The file pointer of a descriptor can be positioned with lseek. In difference to fseek, this function returns the new offset. To determine the current position you can hence use an expression like `lseek FD 0 SEEK_CUR'.

public extern lseek FD POS WHENCE;

Some terminal-related routines are also provided:

public extern isatty FD;                // is descriptor a terminal?

The following are UNIX-specific:

public extern ttyname FD;               // terminal associated with descriptor
public extern ctermid;                  // name of controlling terminal
public extern openpty, forkpty;         // pseudo terminal operations

The openpty function returns a pair (MASTER, SLAVE) of file descriptors opened for both reading and writing on a "pseudo terminal". MASTER is to be used in the controlling process, while SLAVE can be used for the standard I/O streams in a child process. The forkpty function combines openpty with fork and makes the slave device the controlling terminal of the child process; it returns a pair (PID, MASTER), where PID is zero in the child process and the process id of the child in the parent, and MASTER is the master end of the pseudo terminal to be used by the parent. These functions are commonly used to implement applications which drive other programs through a terminal emulation interface.

On UNIX systems, clib also provides access to the following fcntl operation (see Section 2 of the UNIX manual):

public extern fcntl FD CMD ARG;

The ARG parameter of fcntl depends on the type of command CMD which is executed. The available command codes and other relevant values are defined as global variables, as listed below. Flags are bitwise disjunctions of the symbolic values listed below. (The following are the values present on most systems. Specific implementations may provide additional flags.)

public var const
  // fcntl command codes

  // lock types

  // file access modes and access mode bitmask

  // file descriptor flags

  // status flags

The following types of commands are implemented:

fcntl FD F_DUPFD ARG                      // duplicate a file descriptor

fcntl FD F_GETFD ()                       // get file descriptor flags
fcntl FD F_SETFD FLAGS                    // set file descriptor flags

fcntl FD F_SETFD ()                       // get status flags/access mode
fcntl FD F_SETFD FLAGS                    // set status flags

fcntl FD F_GETLK (TYPE,POS,LEN[,WHENCE])  // query file lock information
fcntl FD F_SETLK (TYPE,POS,LEN[,WHENCE])  // set an advisory file lock
fcntl FD F_SETLKW (TYPE,POS,LEN[,WHENCE]) // blocking variant of F_SETLK

The first five commands serve to duplicate descriptors and to retrieve and change the file descriptor and status flags. The remaining commands are used for advisory file locking. A file lock is specified as a triple (TYPE, POS, LEN) or quadruple (TYPE, POS, LEN, WHENCE), where TYPE is the type of lock (F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK or F_UNLCK for read locks, write locks and unlocking, respectively), POS the position in the file, LEN the number of bytes to be locked (0 means up to the end of the file) and WHENCE specifies how the POS argument is to be interpreted. (This parameter has the same meaning as for the fseek and lseek functions, see above. If WHENCE is omitted, it defaults to SEEK_SET, i.e., absolute positions.) The value returned by the F_GETLK command is the lock description with TYPE set to F_UNLCK if the given lock would be accepted, and the description of a current lock blocking the lock request otherwise. (In the latter case the return value is actually a quadruple, with the id of a process currently owning a conflicting lock in the last component.)

Note that the standard I/O operations use buffered I/O by default which might interfere with record locking. Therefore in applications requiring individual record locking you should work with the low-level operations (open, bwrite, etc.) instead.

The following select function waits for a set of files to change I/O status. Note that this operation is available on Windows as part of the socket interface, but it only applies to sockets there.

public extern select FILES;

The input is a tuple (IN, OUT, ERR, TIMEOUT) consisting of three lists of file descriptors and/or file objects to be watched, and an optional integer or floating point value specifying a timeout in seconds. The function returns as soon as either a member of IN or OUT becomes ready for performing an I/O operation (without blocking), or an error condition is signaled for a member of ERR. The returned value is a triple (IN, OUT, ERR) with all the members of the original lists which are now ready for I/O. If the timeout is exceeded before any of the files has become ready, a triple of three empty lists is returned. If no timeout is specified then the function may block indefinitely.


These examples are mostly UNIX-specific, thus Windows users might wish to skip ahead.


The following definitions show how the fcntl function can be used to change a file's "non-blocking" flag. This is useful, e.g., if we want to read from standard input or a pipe but do not want to be blocked until input becomes available. Instead, having set the non-blocking flag, input operations will fail immediately if there is no input to be read right now.

/* set and clear the O_NONBLOCK flag of a file */
set_nonblock FD:Int     = fcntl FD F_SETFL (FLAGS or O_NONBLOCK)
                            where FLAGS = fcntl FD F_GETFL ();
clr_nonblock FD:Int     = fcntl FD F_SETFL (FLAGS and not O_NONBLOCK)
                            where FLAGS = fcntl FD F_GETFL ();

And here is how we can perform advisory locking on an entire file.

/* place an advisory read or write lock on an entire file (fail if error) */

rdlock FD:Int           = () where () = fcntl FD F_SETLK (F_RDLCK, 0, 0);
wrlock FD:Int           = () where () = fcntl FD F_SETLK (F_WRLCK, 0, 0);

/* remove the lock from the file */

unlock FD:Int           = () where () = fcntl FD F_SETLK (F_UNLCK, 0, 0);

/* predicates to check whether a read or write lock could be placed */

rdlockp FD:Int          = (LOCK!0 = F_UNLCK)
                            where LOCK:Tuple =
                              fcntl FD F_GETLK (F_RDLCK, 0, 0);
wrlockp FD:Int          = (LOCK!0 = F_UNLCK)
                            where LOCK:Tuple =
                              fcntl FD F_GETLK (F_WRLCK, 0, 0);

Note that to apply these functions to standard file objects you can use the fileno function (see Extended File Functions) as follows:

==> rdlock (fileno F)


The select function accepts both files and file descriptors as input. Here is a way to test whether input is currently available from a file/descriptor:

avail F                 = not null (select ([F],[],[],0)!0);

This is useful, in particular, if the file is actually a pipe. For instance:

==> def F = popen "sleep 5; echo done" "r"

==> avail F   // no input to be read yet, wait ...

==> avail F   // ... input available now

==> fget F

However, most of the time select is used for multiplexing I/O operations. For instance, the following loop processes input from a set of files, one line at a time:

loop FILES              = loop (proc FILES F)
                            where ([F|_],_,_) = select (FILES,[],[])
                            if not null FILES;
                        = () otherwise;

proc FILES F            = // done with this file, get rid of it
                          filter (neq F) FILES
                            if feof F;
                        = // process a line
                          writes (fgets F) || FILES;

Anonymous Pipes

The pipe and dup2 operations provide a quick way to reassign input and output of a child process and connect it to corresponding file objects in the parent. For instance, here's how we can implement a popen2 function which works like the built-in popen routine, but allows to redirect both the input and output side of a child process:

import system;

/* Create two unnamed pipes, one for the parent to read and the child to
   write, the other one for the child to read and the parent to write. */

popen2 CMD      = spawn2 CMD (P_IN, P_OUT) (C_IN, C_OUT)
                    where (P_IN, C_OUT) = pipe, (C_IN, P_OUT) = pipe;

/* Fork the child and redirect its standard input and output streams to the
   child's ends of the pipe. This is accomplished with dup2 SRC DEST which
   closes the file descriptor DEST and then makes DEST a copy of SRC. In the
   parent we use fdopen to open two new file objects for the parent's ends of
   the pipes. */

spawn2 CMD (P_IN, P_OUT) (C_IN, C_OUT)
                = close P_IN || close P_OUT ||
                  dup2 C_IN (fileno INPUT) || dup2 C_OUT (fileno OUTPUT) ||
                  exec "/bin/sh" ["/bin/sh", "-c", CMD] 
                    if fork = 0;
                = close C_IN || close C_OUT ||
                  (fdopen P_IN "r", fdopen P_OUT "w")

The popen2 function employs fork and exec to spawn a child process which executes the given command using the shell, after redirecting the child's input and output to two pipes. In the parent process, the popen2 function returns a pair of files opened on the other ends of the child's descriptors.

The following piece of Q code shows how to apply the popen2 function defined above in order to pipe a string list into the UNIX sort program and construct the sorted list from the output:

mysort STRL     = do (fprintf OUT "%s\n") STRL || fclose OUT || digest IN
                    where (IN, OUT) = popen2 "sort";

digest IN       = [] if feof IN;
                = [freads IN|digest IN] otherwise;


==> mysort ["five","strings","to","be","sorted"]

==> wait // get exit code of child process (sort program)

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12.9 Terminal Operations

The following (UNIX-specific) operations from the system module provide an interface to the POSIX termios interface. Terminal attributes are stored in a "termios" structure, represented as a 7-tuple (IFLAG, OFLAG, CFLAG, LFLAG, ISPEED, OSPEED, CC). The control character set CC is represented as a list of character numbers, indexed by the symbolic constants VEOF etc. See termios(3) for further details.

public extern tcgetattr FD;             // get terminal attributes
public extern tcsetattr FD WHEN ATTR;   // set terminal attributes

public extern tcsendbreak FD DURATION;  // send break
public extern tcdrain FD;               // wait until all output finished
public extern tcflush FD QUEUE;         // flush input or output queue
public extern tcflow FD ACTION;         // control input/output flow

public extern tcgetpgrp FD;             // get terminal process group
public extern tcsetpgrp FD PGID;        // set terminal process group

/* Access components of the termios structure. */

public c_iflag ATTR, c_oflag ATTR, c_cflag ATTR, c_lflag ATTR, 
  c_ispeed ATTR, c_ospeed ATTR, c_cc ATTR;


This example shows how to use the termios functions to read a password from the terminal without echoing. This is an almost literal translation of the C program described in Richard Stevens: Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison-Wesley, 1993, cf. p. 350. The main difference is that we merely ignore the SIGINT and SIGTSTP signals instead of blocking them (the latter is not supported by Q's trap builtin).

import system;

getpass PROMPT  = fwritec F "\n" || unprep F SAVE || PW
                    where F:File = fopen ctermid "r+", SAVE = prep F,
                      PW = fwrites F PROMPT || fflush F || freads F;

/* prep F: ignore SIGINT and SIGTSTP and prepare the terminal */

prep F          = tcsetattr (fileno F) TCSAFLUSH NATTR || (ATTR,TRAPS)
                    where TRAPS = map (trap SIG_IGN) [SIGINT,SIGTSTP],
                      ATTR = tcgetattr (fileno F),
                      (IF,OF,CF,LF,IS,OS,CC) = ATTR,
                      LF = LF and not (ECHO or ECHOE or ECHOK or ECHONL),
                      NATTR = (IF,OF,CF,LF,IS,OS,CC);

/* unprep F SAVE: revert to previous settings */

unprep F (ATTR,TRAPS)
                = tcsetattr (fileno F) TCSAFLUSH ATTR ||
                  zipwith trap TRAPS [SIGINT,SIGTSTP];

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12.10 Readline Interface

The following functions from system.q provide a basic interface to the GNU readline library. While readline doesn't really belong to the POSIX interface, it is rather useful and the interpreter uses it anyway, so it makes sense to also provide it as a part of the system interface.

public extern readline PROMPT, rl_line_buffer;
public extern add_history LINE, stifle_history MAX;
public extern read_history FNAME, write_history FNAME;

These functions work like their C counterparts. The readline function prompts with the given string and reads an input line, providing editing and history facilities. Basic bash-like filename completion is also provided. The rl_line_buffer function returns the text of the current input line, which is useful, e.g., if a custom completion function (see below) needs to inspect surrounding context.

The add_history routine adds a line to the history. The maximum size of the history can be set with stifle_history, which also returns the size which was set previously. A negative MAX value makes the size of the history unbounded (which is also the default). Last but not least, the history can be read from and written to a file with the read_history and write_history functions.

For instance, the following commands read an input string, add it to the history, and finally save the history to a file:

==> import system

==> readline "input> "
input> foo bar
"foo bar"

==> add_history _

==> write_history "myhistory"

As another example, here is the definition of a little convenience function which reads a line using readline and enters it into the history if it is nonempty:

get_line PROMPT = if not null LINE then add_history LINE || LINE
                    where LINE:String = readline PROMPT;

Readline's standard filename completion facility can be augmented with a custom completion function. This is achieved by simply setting the following global variable to the desired function:


The completion function is invoked with two arguments, the string to be completed and the position index of that string in the input line (rl_line_buffer, see above), and is expected to return a string list with the possible completions. For instance, here is a simple example of a function which checks a list of "command" words for possible completions:

complete S _    = filter (is_prefix S) ["bar","foo","gnats","gnu"];
is_prefix X Y   = (X=sub Y 0 (#X-1));

The position index argument is useful if the completion depends on the position inside the input line. For instance, the following function only attempts completion at the beginning of the input line:

complete S 0    = filter (is_prefix S) ["bar","foo","gnats","gnu"];

Readline's default behaviour is to try a custom completion first, if it is available, and to fall back to the standard filename completion otherwise. The latter can be suppressed by ending the list of completions with a () entry:

complete S 0    = filter (is_prefix S) ["bar","foo","gnats","gnu"] ++ [()];
complete _ _    = [()] otherwise;

The text units for which readline attempts completion are the "words" of the input line. There is a `RL_WORD_BREAK_CHARS' variable which allows you to change readline's idea of what a word is, by setting the variable to a string containing the word delimiter characters. The default definition of this variable is as follows:

public var RL_WORD_BREAK_CHARS = " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{(";

Redefining RL_WORD_BREAK_CHARS affects both readline's cursor movement commands and the behaviour of the completion routine. For instance, to turn the comma into a word delimiter, you can change RL_WORD_BREAK_CHARS as follows:


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12.11 System Information

The functions described here are all in the system module. Error codes from various system operations can be retrieved with the following functions:

public extern errno, seterrno N;        // get/set last error code
public extern perror S, strerror N;     // print error message

The perror function is commonly used to report error conditions in system operations on the standard error file. For instance:

==> fopen "/etc/passw" "r"
fopen "/etc/passw" "r"

==> perror "fopen"
fopen: No such file or directory

If more elaborate formatting is required then you can use strerror on the errno value to obtain the error message as a string:

==> fprintf ERROR "fopen returned message `%s'\n" (strerror errno)
fopen returned message `No such file or directory'

Note that errno is only set when an error occurs in a system call. You can use seterrno to reset the errno value before a system operation to check whether there actually was an error while executing the system call:

==> seterrno 0

==> fopen "/etc/passwd" "r"

==> perror "fopen"
fopen: Success

The remaining operations are used to obtain various information about the system and its information databases. For instance, the uname operation returns a 5-tuple containing information identifying the operating system (this operation is generally only available on UNIX-like systems):

public extern uname;

/* Access components of uname result. */

public un_sysname UNAME, un_nodename UNAME, un_release UNAME,
  un_version UNAME, un_machine UNAME;

The hostname of the system can be retrieved with the gethostname function.

public extern gethostname;

The password and group database can be accessed with the following functions. Password entries are encoded as 7-tuples (NAME, PASSWD, UID, GID, GECOS, DIR, SHELL), group entries as 4-tuples (NAME, PASSWD, GID, MEMBERS). This information is only available on UNIX-like systems.

public extern getpwuid UID, getpwnam NAME;      // look up a password entry
public extern getpwent;                         // list of all pw entries
public extern getgrgid GID, getgrnam NAME;      // look up group entry
public extern getgrent;                         // list of all group entries

/* Access components of password and group structures. */

public pw_name PW, pw_passwd PW, pw_uid PW, pw_gid PW, pw_gecos PW,
  pw_dir PW, pw_shell PW;

public gr_name GR, gr_passwd GR, gr_gid GR, gr_members GR;

Moreover, the crypt function can be used to perform UNIX password encryption (see crypt(3) for details).

public extern crypt KEY SALT; // (U)

The following functions can be used to query host information as well as the network protocols and services available on your system. This information is closely related to the socket interface described in Sockets. For a closer description of these operations we refer the reader to the corresponding manual pages. Note that the gethostent, getprotoent and getservent operations are not available on Windows.

The host database: Host entries are of the form (NAME, ALIASES, ADDR_TYPE, ADDR_LIST), where NAME denotes the official hostname, ALIASES its alternative names, ADDR_TYPE the address family and ADDR_LIST the list of addresses.

public extern gethostbyname HOST, gethostbyaddr ADDR;
public extern gethostent; // (U)

public h_name HENT, h_aliases HENT, h_addr_type HENT, h_addr_list HENT;

Note that both hostnames and IP addresses are specified as strings. Hostnames are symbolic names such as "localhost", and can also have a domain name specified, as in "www.gnu.org". IPv4 addresses use the well-known "numbers-and-dots" notation, like the loopback address "". IPv6 addresses are usually written as eight 16-bit hexadecimal numbers that are separated by colons; two colons are used to abbreviate strings of consecutive zeros. For example, the IPv6 loopback address "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" can be abbreviated as "::1".

The protocol database: Protocol entries are of the form (NAME, ALIASES, PROTO) denoting official name, aliases and number of the protocol.

public extern getprotobyname NAME;
public extern getprotobynumber PROTO;
public extern getprotoent; // (U)

public p_name PENT, p_aliases PENT, p_proto PENT;

The service database: Service entries are of the form (NAME, ALIASES, PORT, PROTO) denoting official name, aliases, port number and protocol number of the port. The NAME argument of getservbyname can also be a pair (NAME, PROTO) to restrict the search to services for the given protocol (given by its name). Likewise, the PORT argument can also be given as (PORT, PROTO).

public extern getservbyname NAME;
public extern getservbyport PORT;
public extern getservent; // (U)

public s_name PENT, s_aliases PENT, s_port PENT, s_proto PENT;

For instance, here is some information retrieved from a typical Linux system:

==> import system

==> uname
("Linux","obelix","2.4.19-4GB","#2 Tue Mar 4 16:03:51 CET 2003","i686")

==> gethostname

==> gethostbyname gethostname

==> gethostbyaddr "::1"

==> getprotobyname "tcp"

==> getservbyname "ftp"

==> getpwuid getuid
("ag","x",500,100,"Albert Gräf","/home/ag","/bin/bash")

==> getgrgid getgid

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12.12 Sockets

The following functions from the system module are available on systems providing a BSD-compatible socket layer, which, besides BSD, includes BEOS, Linux, OSX, Windows and most recent System V flavours. Sockets provide bidirectional communication channels on the local machine as well as across the network. Sockets are represented by file descriptors which can be written to and read from with the send and recv functions. On most systems, socket descriptors are just ordinary file descriptors which can also be used with low-level I/O functions and fdopen as usual. However, on some systems (in particular, BEOS and Windows), socket descriptors are "special" and all socket I/O must be performed with the special socket operations.

At creation time, a socket is described by the following attributes (see socket(2) for more details):

Before another process can connect to a socket it must also be bound to an address. The address format depends on the address family of the socket. For the local namespace, the address is simply a filename on the local filesystem. For the IPv4 namespace, it is a pair (HOST, PORT) where HOST denotes the host name or IP address, specified as a string, and PORT is a port number. For the IPv6 namespace, it is a quadruple (HOST, PORT, FLOWINFO, SCOPEID). Host names and known port numbers can be retrieved from the host and service databases (see System Information).

The following operations are provided to create a socket, or a pair of connected sockets, for the given address family, socket type and protocol. They return the file descriptor of the socket (or a pair of file descriptors).

public extern socket FAMILY TYPE PROTO;
public extern socketpair FAMILY TYPE PROTO; // (U)

The shutdown function terminates data transmission on a socket. You can stop reading, writing or both, depending on whether HOW is SHUT_RD, SHUT_WR or SHUT_RDWR. Note that this operation does not close the socket's file descriptor; for this purpose closesocket is used (see below).

public extern shutdown SOCKET HOW;

The closesocket function closes a socket. On most systems this is just identical to close (see Low-Level I/O), but, as already noted, on some systems socket descriptors are special and you must use this function instead.

public extern closesocket SOCKET;

The bind function binds a socket to an address. This is also done automatically when the socket is first used. However, if the socket has to be found by another process you'll have to explicitly specify an address for it. The bind function does just that.

public extern bind SOCKET ADDR;

The following operations are used to start listening for and accept connection requests on a socket. These operations are used on the server side of a connection-based socket. The argument N of listen denotes the maximum number of pending connection requests for the server. After the call to listen, the server can accept connections from a client with the accept function, which returns a pair (SOCKET, ADDR), where SOCKET is a new socket connected to the client, and ADDR is the client's address.

public extern listen SOCKET N;
public extern accept SOCKET;

The connect function is used to initiate a connection on a socket. This function can be used on both connection-based and connectionless sockets. In the former case, connect can only be invoked once. In the latter case, it can be invoked multiple times, and sets the remote socket for subsequent send and receive operations.

public extern connect SOCKET ADDR;

The following routines retrieve information about a socket. The local address of a socket and the address of the remote socket it is connected to can be retrieved with getsockname and getpeername. Socket options, specified using a protocol level LEVEL and an option index OPT, can be queried and changed with getsockopt and setsockopt. The option values are encoded as byte strings (cf. Byte Strings). For a description of the available options see getsockopt(2).

public extern getsockname SOCKET;
public extern getpeername SOCKET;
public extern getsockopt SOCKET LEVEL OPT;
public extern setsockopt SOCKET LEVEL OPT VAL;

Finally, the following specialized I/O functions are used to transmit data over a socket. All data is encoded as byte strings. The receive operations return the received data (which may be shorter than the requested size, if not enough data was currently available), the send operations the number of bytes actually written. For recvfrom/sendto the data is encoded as a pair (ADDR, DATA) which includes the source/destination address; these operations are typically used for connectionless sockets. The FLAGS argument is used to specify special transmission options (see the MSG_* constants at the beginning of clib.q).

public extern recv SOCKET FLAGS SIZE, send SOCKET FLAGS DATA;
public extern recvfrom SOCKET FLAGS SIZE, sendto SOCKET FLAGS DATA;


The following script demonstrates how we can implement a connectionless server in the IPv4 namespace which repeatedly accepts a request from a client and sends back an answer. In this example the requests are strings denoting Q expressions; the server evaluates each expression and sends back the result as a string. The client reads input from the user, transmits it to the server and prints the received answer. Note that the transmitted strings are represented as byte strings, as required by the recvfrom and sendto operations. The bytestr and bstr functions are used to convert between character and byte strings, see Byte Strings.

import system;

def BUFSZ = 500000; // buffer size

/* the server: receive messages, evaluate them as Q expressions, and
   send back the results */

def SERVER = ("localhost",5001); // the server address

server          = server_loop FD
                    where FD:Int = socket AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0,
                      () = bind FD SERVER;
                = perror "server" otherwise;

server_loop FD  = sendto FD 0 (ADDR,eval MSG) || server_loop FD
                    where (ADDR,MSG) = recvfrom FD 0 BUFSZ;
                = server_loop FD otherwise;

/* evaluate an expression encoded as a byte string, catch syntax
   errors and exceptions, convert result back to a byte string */

eval MSG        = catch exception (bytestr (str VAL))
                    where 'VAL = valq (bstr MSG);
                = bytestr ">>> SYNTAX ERROR" otherwise;
exception _     = bytestr ">>> ABORTED";

/* the client: read input from user, send it to the server, print
   returned result */

def CLIENT = ("localhost",5002); // the client address

client          = client_loop FD
                    where FD:Int = socket AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0,
                      () = bind FD CLIENT;
                = perror "client" otherwise;

client_loop FD  = sendto FD 0 (SERVER,bytestr MSG) ||
                  printf "%s\n" (bstr (recv FD 0 BUFSZ)) || client_loop FD
                    if not null MSG
                    where MSG:String = writes "\nclient> " || flush || reads;
                = () otherwise;

For instance, we can invoke the server in a secondary thread and then execute the client as follows:

==> def S = thread server

==> client

client> prd [1..50]

client> 1+)

client> quit


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12.13 POSIX Threads

On systems where the POSIX threads library or some compatible replacement is available (this includes Windows and most modern UNIXes), clib provides functions for handling multiple threads of control. Threads, a.k.a. "light-weighted processes", allow you to realize "multithreaded scripts" consisting of different tasks which together perform some computation in a distributed manner. All tasks are executed concurrently. Thus you can, e.g., perform some lengthy calculation in a background task while you go on evaluating other expressions in the interpreter's command loop. You can also have tasks communicate via mutexes, conditions and semaphores.

The operations described in this section (which are all contained in clib and thus included in the prelude) are in close correspondence with POSIX 1003.1b. However, some operations are named differently, and semaphores provide the extra functionality of sending data from one thread to another. Mutexes are also supported, mostly for the purpose of handling critical sections involving operations with side-effects (I/O etc.). Mutexes are not required to make conditions work since these have their own internal mutex handling. For more information on POSIX threads, please refer to the corresponding section in the UNIX manual.

Please note that these functions will only work as advertised if the interpreter has been built with POSIX thread support. Moreover, in the current implementation the interpreter effectively serializes multithreaded scripts on the reduction level and thus user-level threads cannot really take advantage of multi-processor machines.

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12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management

Clib threads are represented using handles (objects of type Thread). Note that a thread is canceled automatically as soon as its handle is garbage collected, thus you should keep the handle around as long as the thread is needed. For convenience, thread handles are numbered arbitrarily, starting at 0 which denotes the main thread, and are ordered by the thread numbers. This is handy, e.g., if you want to use thread handles as indices in a dictionary.

public extern type Thread;              // thread handle type

public isthread THREAD;                 // check for thread objects

public extern thread_no THREAD;         // thread number
public extern this_thread;              // handle of the current thread

The basic thread operations are listed below. The thread function starts evaluating its special argument in a new thread, and returns its handle. You can wait for a thread to terminate and obtain the evaluated result with the result function. (If there is no result, because the thread has been canceled, or was aborted with halt, quit or a runtime error, result fails.) Note that halt or quit in a thread which is not the main thread only terminates the current thread; however, the exit function, cf. Process Control, always exits from the interpreter. You can also terminate the current thread immediately and return a given value as its result with the return function; in the main thread, this function is equivalent to halt and the return value is ignored. Moreover, all threads except the main thread can also be canceled from any other thread using the cancel function. Finally, the yield function allows the interpreter to switch threads at any given point (normally the interpreter will only switch contexts in certain builtins and when a new rule is activated).

public extern special thread X;         // start new thread
public extern return X;                 // terminate thread with result X
public extern cancel THREAD;            // cancel THREAD
public extern result THREAD;            // wait for THREAD, return result
public extern yield;                    // allow context switch

Clib threads always use deferred cancellation, hence thread cancellation requests are usually not honored immediately, but are deferred until the thread reaches a cancellation point where it is safe to do so. Cancellation points occur at certain C library calls listed in the POSIX threads documentation, when a new equation is activated in the Q interpreter, and when yield is called.

You can also check whether a thread is still active or has been canceled. If neither condition holds, then the thread has already been terminated and you can obtain its result with the result operation.

public extern active THREAD;            // check if THREAD is active
public extern canceled THREAD;          // check if THREAD was canceled

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12.13.2 Realtime Scheduling

Threads are always created with the default "non-realtime" scheduling policy. On some systems it is also possible to increase a thread's priority and have it scheduled in "realtime". This is useful for tasks with strict timing and responsiveness requirements, such as a function performing recording or playback in a multimedia application.

The scheduling policy and the priority of a thread can be changed with the following function which takes two extra arguments, the policy POL (0 = default, 1 = realtime round-robin, 2 = realtime fifo scheduling) and the priority PRIO (where 0 denotes the default priority). Note that on most systems realtime scheduling will only be granted to privileged processes.

public extern setsched THREAD POL PRIO; // set scheduling parameters

The current scheduling policy and priority of a thread can be retrieved with the getsched function:

public extern getsched THREAD;          // get scheduling parameters

The actual range of priority values is system-specific. On a typical UNIX system a non-realtime thread can only have priority 0, while realtime threads always have positive priorities. Higher priority threads always take precedence over lower priority ones. All else being equal, threads using round-robin scheduling are each given their "fair" timeslice, while fifo threads are handled on a "first come first served" basis. The latter can only be interrupted by higher priority processes (and signals) and thus should be used with utmost care. In any case you must make sure that a high-priority thread does not run unsuspended for extended periods of time, otherwise it might lock up your system. Thus a realtime thread should typically spend most of its time "in limbo" where it waits for input to arrive or a condition to be signaled.

Assuming that the priority value ranges are contiguous and contain either 0 or 1, you can determine the ranges for your system with the following little script:

test POL PRIO   = setsched this_thread 0 0 || true
                    where () = setsched this_thread POL PRIO;
                = false otherwise;

priotest POL    = (hd L,last L) if not null L
                    where L = reverse (while (test POL) pred 0) ++
                      while (test POL) succ 1;

Here is a sample result obtained on Linux:

==> map priotest [0,1,2]

Realtime Scheduling under Windows

Under Windows, things are a bit different, since Windows does not really have POSIX-compatible thread scheduling. Instead, processes have "priority classes" while threads have "priorities" which are interpreted in the context of the priority class of the process they belong to. Therefore under Windows the POL argument of the setsched operation is actually interpreted as a priority class for the entire process while the PRIO argument specifies the priority of the individual thread. Clib keeps track of all setsched calls and always lets the process have the highest priority class specified for a thread which is still active.

To these ends, the policy values 0, 1 and 2 are mapped to the priority classes "normal", "high" and "realtime". (The latter should be used sparingly, if at all, in a Q script, because it makes Windows very unresponsive.) Moreover, the setsched function also accepts a policy value of -1 to denote "idle time" processes. (You'll rarely have any use for this, unless you want to write a screensaver in Q.) For each policy, the possible priority values have a range from -3 to 3, where -3 denotes idle time threads, 0 is the normal priority, and 3 is the highest priority to be used for "time-critical" threads. The remaining priority levels provide some additional amount of control over which thread gets the bone first.

While some "special effects" can be achieved with Windows' more exotic priority values, for typical usage a policy of 0 with zero priority should be employed for ordinary threads, a policy of 1 with some (small) positive priority value for a thread with moderate realtime requirements, and a policy of 2 if time is very critical. If you follow these conventions then your script will be able to run under Windows and most UNIX systems unchanged.

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12.13.3 Mutexes

Clib mutexes come in three flavours: fast (no error checking), error checking (fail if the current thread already holds a lock on the mutex) and recursive (the same thread may lock the mutex multiple times, and the same number of unlock operations is required to unlock the mutex again). The supported operations are lock (wait for the mutex to be unlocked, then lock it and return ()), unlock (unlock the mutex, return ()) and try (lock the mutex if it is available, fail otherwise). As of Q 7.11, on systems which support this functionality, the try operation can also be used with an argument of the form (MUTEX, TIME) to denote an absolute timeout value. This works analogously to the await operation on conditions, see Conditions, for details.

CAVEAT: These operations are dangerous, as you can easily create deadlocks which might lock up the interpreter as well. Note that a deadlock will also prevent the involved threads from being canceled since, in accordance with the POSIX standard, the wait for a mutex lock is not a cancellation point. Thus these operations should be used with care.

Since Q has no mutable variables and the interpreter's builtins are all thread-safe, mutexes are actually used much less in Q than in other, procedural languages. They are most useful for protecting critical sections in which a sequence of operations with side-effects (such as I/O) is to be carried out in an atomic fashion. This can be done by locking a mutex at the beginning and unlocking it at the end of the sequence. Such usage is safe, provided that no operation in the sequence may block for an extended or even indefinite period of time.

public extern type Mutex;               // mutex type

public ismutex MUTEX;                   // check for mutex objects

public extern mutex;                    // standard (fast) mutex object
public extern errorchecking_mutex;      // error checking mutex object
public extern recursive_mutex;          // recursive mutex object

public extern lock MUTEX;               // lock MUTEX
public extern unlock MUTEX;             // unlock MUTEX
public extern try MUTEX;                // try MUTEX, (MUTEX,TIME) for timeout

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12.13.4 Conditions

Clib conditions support the following operations: signal (wake up one thread waiting for the condition), broadcast (wake up all threads waiting for the condition) and await (suspend the current thread until the condition is sent). Each of these operations returns (). The await operation can also be invoked with a (COND, TIME) tuple to denote a timed wait. If the wait times out or is interrupted by a signal then the operation fails. Note that in accordance with the POSIX standard the TIME value denotes an absolute time (integer or floating point value in seconds since the "epoch", see also the description of the built-in time function in Miscellaneous Functions).

public extern type Condition;           // condition type

public iscondition COND;                // check for condition objects

public extern condition;                // new condition object

public extern signal COND;              // signal COND
public extern broadcast COND;           // broadcast COND
public extern await COND;               // wait for COND, or (COND,TIME)

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12.13.5 Semaphores

Clib semaphores are in fact semaphore queues which can be used as a a communication channel to pass values between different threads using a FIFO discipline. In extension to the POSIX 1003.1b semaphore operations, clib also provides support for bounded semaphores which are created with a positive limit on the number of values the semaphore queue may hold at any time. When a new value is posted to a bounded semaphore, the current thread is suspended until the queue has room to receive a new value, if necessary.

The supported operations are post (enqueue a value), get (dequeue a value and return it, as soon as one is available), try (non-blocking version of get which fails if no value is currently available), get_size or # which both return the current queue size, and get_bound which returns the queue size limit of a bounded semaphore (or zero if the semaphore is unbounded). As of Q 7.11, on systems which support this functionality, the try operation can also be used with an argument of the form (SEM, TIME) to denote an absolute timeout value. This works analogously to the await operation on conditions, see Conditions, for details.

Note that even with unbounded semaphores the maximum semaphore size is actually limited by the operating system, see your local POSIX threads documentation for details. If this implementation-specific limit is exceeded, the attempt to post a new value raises a syserr 9 exception.

public extern type Semaphore;           // semaphore type

public issemaphore SEM;                 // check for semaphore objects

public extern semaphore;                // semaphore object
public extern bounded_semaphore MAX;    // bounded semaphore object

public extern post SEM X;               // enqueue a value
public extern get SEM;                  // dequeue a value
public extern try SEM;                  // try SEM, (SEM,TIME) for timeout

public extern get_size SEM;             // get the current queue size
public extern get_bound SEM;            // get the max queue size (0 if none)

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12.13.6 Threads and Signals

Some remarks about the interaction between clib threads and the interpreter's signal handling are in order. It is a well-known fact that threads and signals generally do not mix very well. Therefore, in the current implementation, all signal handling is actually performed in the interpreter's main thread. This is where you should set up your signal handlers using the trap and catch builtins, as explained in Exception Handling. If necessary, the main thread of your script can inform other threads about received signals using the thread synchronization functions described above.

However, the interpreter still allows you to set up traps in secondary threads and keeps track of the configured traps separately for each thread. The traps in secondary threads will not have any effect until such a thread forks (see Process Control). In this case the forking thread will be the one and only thread in the child process and becomes the main thread. At this point, it takes on the signal handling, and any traps which have been set up before become active. (Note that in order to make this work reliably, you should configure the traps before you call fork and protect the call to fork with an enclosing catch. Otherwise a signal might arrive in the time between the fork and the next function call, causing the new process to exit before it had a chance of setting up its own signal handling.)

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12.13.7 Thread Examples

As already mentioned, threads allow you to perform a lengthy calculation as a background task. You can start such a task simply as follows:

==> def TASK = thread (sum [1..1000000])

==> // do some other work ...

==> result TASK // get the result

==> stats all
thread #0: 0 secs, 1 reduction, 0 cells
thread #1: 4.3 secs, 2000004 reductions, 2000007 cells

As indicated, if the stats command is invoked with the parameter all then it also shows the statistics of background threads once they are finished. To release all resources associated with a thread (and also remove it from the stats all list) you must undefine all variables referencing the thread handle:

==> undef TASK

Conditions are useful when a thread has to wait for some condition before proceeding with a computation. E.g.:

==> def COND = condition, TASK = thread (await COND || writes "Got it!\n")

==> signal COND
Got it!

Semaphores are used when expression values have to be passed from one thread to another. For instance, let us rewrite the backtracking algorithm for the N queens problem (see Exception Handling) such that it runs as a background task which returns results via a semaphore instead of printing them directly on the terminal:

def RES = semaphore; // semaphore used to transmit results

queens N        = thread (search N 1 1 [] || post RES ());

search N I J P  = post RES P if I>N;
                = search N (I+1) 1 (P++[(I,J)]) || fail if safe (I,J) P;
                = search N I (J+1) P if J<N;
                = () otherwise;

Note that we added a post RES () to signal that all solutions have been found. The safe function is as in Exception Handling. In order to limit the size of the RES semaphore queue, we could also use a bounded semaphore instead, e.g.:

def RES = bounded_semaphore 10;

We can use a second thread to process the semaphore queue and print solutions as they become available:

print           = thread (loop print1 RES);

print1 ()       = return (); // no more results
print1 P        = write P || writes "\n" otherwise;

/* iterate a function over a semaphore */

loop F SEM      = F (get SEM) || loop F SEM;

To use this program, simply start the two background tasks as follows:

==> def QUEENS = queens 8, PRINT = print

Both threads will begin to execute immediately, and you will see the results scroll by. Once the threads are finished, you can check the resources used by each thread with the stats all command:

==> stats all
thread #0: 0 secs, 2 reductions, 2 cells
thread #1: 1.71 secs, 700451 reductions, 943 cells
thread #2: 0 secs, 461 reductions, 3 cells

Also note that here we used again a def statement to assign the thread handles to corresponding variables. It is important that you keep these variables as long as you want the threads to survive. The interpreter automatically cancels a thread as soon as the corresponding thread handle is garbage collected. Hence you can stop the threads at any time by simply undefining the variables using, e.g., the clear command.

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12.14 Expression References

These are in clib and thus included in the prelude. Expression references work like pointers to expression values. The reference is initialized with the ref function, giving the initial value as an argument. The referenced value can then be changed with the put function and retrieved with get. Also, as of Q 7.8 an "assignment" operator `:=' is provided as syntactic sugar for put.

public extern type Ref;                 // reference type

public isref REF;                       // check for reference objects

public extern ref X;                    // initialize a reference object

public extern put REF X;                // store a new value
public extern get REF;                  // retrieve the current value

public (:=) X Y @ (=);                  // assignment operator

NOTE: References can point to arbitrary values, in particular they can also point to other references. However, cyclic chains of references should be avoided since in the current implementation the interpreter cannot garbage-collect such structures.

References can be used to implement mutable data structures. This is particularly useful if a function has to maintain some internal state to perform its calculations. For instance, here is a function which memoizes past function calls in a hash table so that each requested value only has to be computed once:

def HASH = ref emptyhdict;

public hashed F X;
hashed F X      = get HASH!(F,X) if member (get HASH) (F,X);
                = put HASH (update (get HASH) (F,X) Y) || Y
                    where Y = F X otherwise;

Using the hashed function, a hashed version of the recursive Fibonacci function can be implemented as follows. Since no value of the function is computed more than once, the definition works in linear time (up to logarithmic factors for the table updates and lookups). In fact, even an expression like map fib [0..N] will only require a linear number of table manipulations and other operations.

fib             = hashed hfib;

hfib 0          = 0;
hfib 1          = 1;
hfib N          = fib (N-1)+fib (N-2) if N>1;

References also provide a general means for communicating values in a multithreaded script (see POSIX Threads). In this case they are typically used together with a condition which is signaled when the value changes:

def VAL_CHANGED = condition, VAL = ref ();
change X        = put VAL X || broadcast VAL_CHANGED;

A loop like the following might then be executed by any number of other threads which have to keep track of the value in question, and perform some appropriate action when the value changes:

watch           = await VAL_CHANGED || action (get VAL) || watch;


As of Q 7.1, there is a a second, lazy kind of expression references called sentinels. Sentinels defer the evaluation of the referenced expression until the sentinel is garbage-collected. They are created with the sentinel function which takes the expression to be evaluated later as a special argument. There are no other access operations.

public extern type Sentinel;            // sentinel type

public issentinel S;                    // check for sentinel objects

public extern special sentinel X;       // create a sentinel object

Sentinels are a means to trigger automatic cleanup of an ordinary Q data structure in the same fashion as the cleanup performed by some built-in and external data types. Example:

==> def X = sentinel (puts "cleaning up...\n")

==> undef X
cleaning up...

Mutable Sequences

An important application of references are mutable sequences which can be implemented as tuples, lists or streams of references. As of version 7.8, Q provides an auxiliary module reftypes.q which implements some useful convenience functions for working with these kinds of objects. Please note that this module is still experimental, and has to be imported explicitly right now as it is not yet included in the prelude.

The following operations are provided to construct a reference tuple, list or stream from a tuple, list or stream of its values, respectively.

public reftuple Xs, reflist Xs, refstream Xs;

The following functions work like the standard library functions mktuple, mklist and mkstream, but construct a sequence of references all initialized to the given value instead.

public mkreftuple X N, mkreflist X N, mkrefstream X;

All of these are also provided as "2D" variations to deal with matrix-like sequences:

public reftuple2 Xs, reflist2 Xs, refstream2 Xs;
public mkreftuple2 X NM, mkreflist2 X NM, mkrefstream2 X;

Note that mkreftuple2 and mkreflist2 take a pair of dimensions (N,M) as the second parameter to denote the desired number of rows N and columns M.

The module also provides the following pseudo type-checking functions. Please note that, for efficiency, these only look at the first component to see whether it is a reference (or reference sequence).

public isreftuple Xs, isreflist Xs, isrefstream Xs;
public isreftuple2 Xs, isreflist2 Xs, isrefstream2 Xs;

Moreover, the module overloads the get and put functions so that they work with an entire sequence at once. You can apply get to a tuple, list or stream of references to obtain the tuple, list or stream of its values, respectively, and you can invoke put Xs Ys to set the references in Xs to the corresponding values in the sequence Ys. This also works for nested sequences such as a list of lists of references.

A dereferencing index operator Xs!!I is provided as an abbreviation for get (Xs!I):

public (!!) Xs I @ (!);

The fill function fills references with a given value, and putmap implements a destructive variation of the standard library map function:

public fill Y X, putmap F X;

These both work with either individual references or nested sequences of references. Note that putmap F X applied to a reference X updates X with F (get X), whereas fill just fills references with a constant value. (Thus fill X does exactly the same as putmap (cst X), but is implemented directly for efficiency.) CAVEAT: Please note that fill takes the fill value as the first parameter. This allows for easier currying. For instance, you can quickly define yourself a function to zero out a sequence as follows:

zero = fill 0;

The following examples show most of the operations in action, taking a reference list as an example.

==> import reftypes             // needs to be imported explicitly

==> def Xs = reflist [1..10]    // create a new reference list

==> get (Xs!5)                  // get a member

==> Xs!!5                       // syntactic sugar for the above

==> put (Xs!5) 77               // change a member

==> Xs!5 := 77                  // syntactic sugar for the above

==> Xs!!5

==> get Xs                      // get all members

==> putmap (*2) Xs              // destructive map

==> get Xs

==> fill 0 Xs                   // fill with given value

==> get Xs

==> Xs := [1..10]               // update all values at once

==> get Xs

Tuples and streams work in an analogous fashion. Note that reference streams are always fully memoized so that the reference values are properly remembered when the stream is traversed for inspection and updates. Infinite streams work, too, since only the finite part of the stream which is accessed in the program ever gets evaluated. You must take care, however, that you don't apply fill, put or putmap (which are strict operations) to the entire stream, but only to a finite subsection of the stream. For instance:

==> def Xs = refstream {1..}

==> Xs!!5

==> Xs!5 := 77

==> Xs!!5

==> def Ys = take 10 Xs // apply putmap only to this finite subsequence

==> strict $ get Ys

==> putmap (*2) Ys

==> strict $ get Ys

==> Xs!!5

Note that at this point only the first 10 members of the stream have actually been evaluated, the rest of the stream is still "thunked":

==> Xs
<<Ref>>,ref 11|lazy (map ref (iterate (+1) ((+1) 11)))}

The reftypes.q module also contains some magic to make the overloaded get, put, fill and putmap functions work with any "indexed" reference container type providing a vals, list or list2 function which gives access to the container's reference components as a list. Examples of suitable container types are the Array, Dict and HDict types discussed in Standard Types. For instance (taking the Array type, which provides a kind of vector/matrix data structure with logarithmic lookup and modification times, as an example):

==> import array reftypes

==> def A = array $ reflist [1..10]

==> get A

==> A!5 := 99; get A

==> putmap (*2) A; get A

==> fill 0 A; get A

==> A := [0.1,0.2..1.0]; get A

2D containers a.k.a. matrices can be used in the same fashion:

==> def A = array2 $ reflist2 [1,2,3; 4,5,6]

==> get A

==> A!(1,1) := 55

==> A!!(1,1)

==> get A

==> fill 0 A; get A

==> A := [0.1,0.2,0.3; 0.4,0.5,0.6]; get A

==> putmap (*10) A; get A

==> A!1 := [3,2,1]; get A

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12.15 Time Functions

The functions described in this section (which need to be imported from the system module) are used to return information about the active timezone and the current time, and convert time values to various formats. Also available are functions to measure cpu time and high-resolution timers. These functions are in close correspondence with the date and time functions of the C library.

The calendar date and time functions use two different representations for time values:

Three functions (tzname, timezone, daylight) are provided to return information about the current timezone and daylight savings settings. The gmtime and localtime functions convert simple time to broken-down time using UTC or the local timezone, respectively. The functions mktime and asctime are used to convert a broken-down time value into a simple time value or the standardized string representation used by the date(1) program, respectively. The ctime function combines localtime and asctime. For more flexible formatting of time values, the strftime function can be used, which takes as its first argument a format string as described on the strftime(3) manual page.

public extern tzname, timezone, daylight;
public extern ctime T, gmtime T, localtime T;
public extern mktime TM, asctime TM, strftime FORMAT TM;

The components of broken-down time. can be accessed with the following functions:

public tm_year TM, tm_month TM, tm_day TM, tm_hour TM, tm_min TM,
  tm_sec TM, tm_wday TM, tm_yday TM, tm_isdst TM;

On the current 32 bit systems time values must be representable as 4 byte integer values, which means that the available range usually goes from "Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901" to "Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038". (This will probably be fixed before "time ends" on current UNIX systems in January 2038, though.)

Some examples:

==> tzname; timezone; daylight

==> ctime time
"Mon Mar 17 04:08:29 2003\n"

==> localtime time

==> strftime "Hey it's %c" _
"Hey it's Mon Mar 17 04:08:41 2003"

==> ctime (st_mtime (stat "README-Clib"))
"Wed May  1 16:59:00 2002\n"

Measuring CPU Time

Two additional functions are provided for measuring cpu time. Note that clock and times measure cpu time in different units, given by the constants CLOCKS_PER_SEC and CLK_TICK, respectively. The times function returns a 5-tuple (TOTAL, UTIME, STIME, CHILD_UTIME, CHILD_STIME). See times(2) for details.

public extern clock, times;

For instance, you can calculate the cpu time in seconds it takes to evaluate an expression by computing the difference between the clock time at the end and at the beginning, divided by CLOCKS_PER_SEC:

==> -(clock - (prd [1..10000] || clock)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC

Note that the initial value and the resolution of the clock timer is system-dependent. Usually the timer is initialized at process creation time, but that is not guaranteed. Moreover, the value of clock typically is a machine integer which wraps around after a finite time interval; on 32 bit systems with CLOCKS_PER_SEC = 1000000, as recommended by the POSIX standard, this happens approximately every 72 minutes.

High-Resolution Timers

On systems where the POSIX 1003.1-2001 timer extension is available (at the time of this writing, this comprises most recent Linux and Unix systems, but not Windows), the system module provides a number of operations to deal with high-resolution timers. These will be useful for realtime applications and other programs with strict timing requirements.

public extern nanotime ID, nanores ID;
public extern nanosleep ID T, nanosleep_until ID T;

Note that these operations differ from the builtin time and sleep functions (see Miscellaneous Functions) in that they use integer (unsigned 64 bit) time values specified in nanoseconds. The nanotime function returns the current time in nanosecs, the nanores function the resolution of the given timer (i.e., the smallest measurable amount of time in nanosecs). The nanosleep function sleeps for the specified amount of nanoseconds, while the nanosleep_until function sleeps until the given (absolute) time arrives. In case of any internal error condition, these functions will set errno accordingly.

Just like the sleep function, the nanosleep and nanosleep_until functions may wake up early if a signal is delivered to the process. In this case errno will be set to EINTR, and nanosleep will return the remaining time until the planned wakeup, while nanosleep_until will simply fail. If the sleep terminates normally, nanosleep will return zero and nanosleep_until (), respectively.

For each of the functions you have to specify an integer-valued timer id. In the current implementation, the following timers are supported:

Only CLOCK_REALTIME is guaranteed to exist (on systems which implement the highres timers at all, that is). If a given clock is unavailable on the host system, the corresponding id will be (). (If CLOCK_REALTIME is () then the highres timers are not supported at all.)

Moreover, if CPU timers are available, then the following process_cpu_clockid and thread_cpu_clockid functions can be used to return the clock id for the given process id (0 denotes the current process) and the given thread, respectively:

public extern process_cpu_clockid PID, thread_cpu_clockid THREAD;

CAVEAT: While the highres timers nominally support nanoseconds resolution, the actual resolutions depend on your system setup and will typically be much coarser (for the system and monotonic clocks, they are usually in the milliseconds range on current PCs). Also, be aware that there are system latencies which might cause calls to nanosleep and nanosleep_until to wake up late. You can use realtime scheduling priorities to mitigate these effects to some extent, see Realtime Scheduling, but some sources of latency will still remain.

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12.16 Internationalization

As of Q 7.0, the following functions give access to the locale and internationalization functions provided by the C library on most modern operating systems, which let you deal with different character sets and language-specific conventions. If you have iconv and gettext on your system, interfaces to these functions will be provided as well. As of Q 7.8, all of these need to be imported from the system module.

public extern setlocale CATEGORY LOCALE;
public extern localeconv;
public extern nl_langinfo ITEM;

The setlocale function sets the current locale of the program. This function is usually invoked near the beginning of an application to initialize locale-dependent processing. (The Q interpreter also initializes the default locale at startup time, so you only have to invoke this function yourself if you want to set a locale which is different from the user's default locale, or if you have to change the locale during execution of the program.) The CATEGORY parameter determines which part of the locale is to be modified, and can be any of the LC_XXX constants defined in the manifest constants section at the beginning of this module. The LOCALE string must be a valid locale value for the given category, or "" to specify that the locale is to be set from the corresponding user defaults. LOCALE can also be () if you only want to query the current locale. In any case the current locale value for the given category is then returned as a string. For a description of the different locale categories please refer to the setlocale(3) manpage.

The localeconv function returns various numeric formatting information about the current locale. The result is returned as a tuple. Please refer to clib.q and the localeconv(3) manpage for details about this operation. You'll rarely have to use the information provided by this function directly, as the strfmon function (see below) allows you to format numbers and monetary values in a locale-dependent way.

On SUSv2-compatible Unix systems, additional information about the current locale is available using the nl_langinfo function. The ITEM parameter is one of the symbolic constants defined in the manifest constants section at the beginning of clib.q (see nl_langinfo(3) for a description of these). The result of nl_langinfo is always a string.

The following functions help with the formatting of various locale-dependent items:

public extern strfmon FORMAT ARGS;
public extern strcoll S1 S2, strxfrm S;
public extern wcswidth S;
public wcwidth C;

The strfmon function provides locale-dependent formatting of numbers and monetary values. See strfmon(3) for a description of the syntax of the FORMAT string. ARGS is either a singleton value or a tuple of floating point values, as required for the given format string. Integers in the ARGS parameter are automatically converted to floating point values.

The strcoll function compares two strings in a locale-dependent way; it returns <0, 0, >0 iff S1 is, respectively, less than, equal to, or greater than S2. The strxfrm function converts the given string into a form which can be used for locale-based comparisons; by comparing the transformed strings you always get the same results as by checking the result of strcoll.

The wcswidth function returns the actual number of columns required to print a string, which may be different from the length of the string if the string contains non-ASCII Unicode characters. If any of the characters in the given string is non-printable, -1 is returned. The wcwidth function does the same for single characters.

Iconv Interface

public extern type IConv;
public extern iconv_open TO FROM, iconv_close IC, iconv IC B;

The IConv type represents conversion state objects for the iconv function. Objects of this type are created with iconv_open which takes two strings describing the desired target and source encodings as arguments, and destroyed with the iconv_close function (this is also done automatically when an IConv object is garbage-collected).

The iconv function does the actual conversion. It takes as arguments the current conversion state IC (an IConv object) and the byte string B to be converted, and returns the converted byte string. The second argument can also be () in which case iconv resets the conversion to the initial state and returns the "shift" sequence necessary to return to the initial state, if any (this will always be the empty byte string in the case of a stateless encoding).

If anything goes wrong during the conversion, instead of a single byte string iconv returns a pair of byte strings (C,D) where C is the successfully converted initial part of the sequence and D is the remaining data, starting from the position in the source buffer B where the error occurred. It is then the responsibility of the application to check the errno value in order to determine what exactly went wrong, see iconv(3) for details.

Please note that the supported combinations of source and target encodings depend on the system and particular iconv implementation. Using GNU iconv, you can obtain the list of all supported encodings with the `iconv --list' command.

Gettext Interface

public extern textdomain DOMAIN, bindtextdomain DOMAIN DIR;
public extern gettext MSGID, dgettext DOMAIN MSGID,
public extern ngettext MSGID1 MSGID2 N, dngettext DOMAIN MSGID1 MSGID2 N,

These are simple wrappers for the corresponding C functions from the GNU gettext library.

The textdomain function selects the default domain to be used with the gettext/ngettext functions. The bindtextdomain function determines the base directory where the message files for the given domain are to be found. Both functions return the current setting, i.e., the current domain for textdomain, and the current directory for the given domain for bindtextdomain. To only query the current setting without changing it, use () as the DOMAIN argument to textdomain and the DIR argument to bindtextdomain.

The gettext function retrieves a message from a message catalog (determined with the textdomain and bindtextdomain functions) and returns the translated string. The message to be translated is specified as a string MSGID. If no translation can be found then gettext returns MSGID unchanged.

The other variations of gettext allow you to explicitly specify a domain (usually the application name, which defaults to the value set with the textdomain function) and a locale category (LC_MESSAGES by default). The ngettext functions are similar, but provide a way to translate plural forms. See the gettext(3) and ngettext(3) manual pages for details.

Note that the GNU gettext family of functions uses message catalogs in a binary format, which can be constructed from a readable description using the msgfmt(1) utility. Currently no special support is provided for the automatic extraction of messages from Q scripts using tools like xgettext(1). This will likely be fixed in future releases, but for the time being you will have to prepare the msgfmt input files manually, or use a custom script for that purpose.

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12.17 Filename Globbing

Matching filenames against patterns with shell wildcards (*, ? etc.), also known as filename "globbing", is implemented by the following functions from clib.q:

public extern fnmatch PATTERN S; // check whether S matches PATTERN
public extern glob PATTERN; // list of all filenames matching PATTERN


==> map (fnmatch "*.q") ["clib.q","clib.c"]

==> map (fnmatch "*.[cq]") ["clib.q","clib.c"]

==> glob "*.[qc]"

==> glob "/h*"

Only a single pattern is accepted by both fnmatch and glob. However, it is a simple matter to provide your own rules which extend the clib operations to lists of patterns:

fnmatch [] S:String      = false;
fnmatch [P:String|Ps] S:String
                         = fnmatch P S or else fnmatch Ps S;

glob Ps:List             = rmdups (sort (<) (cat (map glob Ps)));

rmdups []                = [];
rmdups [X,X|Xs]          = rmdups [X|Xs];
rmdups [X|Xs]            = [X|rmdups Xs] otherwise;

Note that in our extension of the definition of glob we employ the sort function (see C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions) to sort the resulting list, and then remove adjacent duplicates (which could occur because a file may match more than one pattern).

Now let's see these definitions in action:

==> map (fnmatch ["*.q","*.c"]) ["clib.q","clib.c"]

==> glob ["*.q","*.c","clib.*"]

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12.18 Regular Expression Matching

The clib module implements regular expression matching using the POSIX regcomp and regexec functions. Regular expressions are generally specified using the extended (egrep-like) syntax. Clib divides the matching functions into two interfaces, the high-level interface (regex function) and the low-level interface (regmatch and friends). Both interfaces are used with a third group of match state functions (reg and friends) which provide access to information about the current match.

For most purposes, the high-level regex function should be all that is needed. However, the low-level functions are provided so that you can create your own specialized regular expression engines, should you ever need to do so. In this case you might wish to take a look at the definition of the regex function in clib.q and modify it to suit your needs.

Note that in accordance with POSIX matching semantics, all matching functions search for an occurrence of the pattern in the target string, rather than simply checking whether the whole string matches the given pattern. If the latter functionality is required, you can use ^ and $ to tie the match to the beginning and the end of the string.

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12.18.1 High-Level Interface

The following function is implemented as a special form, with the EXPR argument being passed unevaluated.

public special regex ~OPTS ~REGEX ~S EXPR;

The regex function evaluates, for each match of the given regular expression (also called the pattern) in the given string, the special EXPR argument, and returns the collection of all results as a list, in the order in which the matches were found. If no match is found, the result list will be empty. The EXPR argument typically uses the match state functions (see Match State Information) to retrieve the current match information. You can also invoke the regdone function (see Low-Level Interface) to escape from the search at any time.

Matching generally proceeds from left to right, and if several different substrings match at a given position, the longest match is preferred. The matching process is controlled by means of the OPTS string argument, which may contain zero or more of the following option characters (the corresponding flags of the POSIX regcomp/regexec functions are given in parentheses, where applicable):


Match globally, i.e., find all non-overlapping occurrences. Otherwise only the first match is reported (if any).


Like g, but report overlapping matches as well.


Do case-insensitive matches (REG_ICASE).


Do multi-line matches. This makes ^ and $ match line beginnings and ends (besides beginning and end of the string), and makes . and lists [...] not match the newline character, unless it is explicitly included in a list (REG_NEWLINE).


Do not match ^ at the beginning of the string (REG_NOTBOL).


Do not match $ at the end of the string (REG_NOTEOL).

Abnormal error conditions such as bad regular expression syntax are handled by returning an expression of the form regerr MSG where MSG is a string describing the error. You may give an appropriate definition of regerr, or check for literal regerr MSG values, to handle such error conditions in any way you like.

The regex function is clib's primary interface to perform regular expression matching, and should cover most usual applications. You can find a number of examples showing how to use this function below (see Basic Examples). The regex function itself is implemented in Q using the low-level functions discussed in the following section. You might wish to take a look at these if you need to do something special which cannot be done with the regex function (or cannot be done in an efficient manner).

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12.18.2 Low-Level Interface

The following functions are implemented in C using the POSIX regex functions.

public extern regmatch OPTS REGEX S, regnext, regdone;

The regmatch function searches for the first (i.e., leftmost) occurrence of the regular expression pattern in the given string, and the parameterless regnext function searches for the next occurrence. Both functions normally return a truth value indicating success or failure (but see the remarks concerning error handling below). In case of success, you can retrieve the current match using the match state functions (see Match State Information).

IMPORTANT: These functions have side-effects; they change the internal match state which is accessed using the match state functions (see Match State Information). This hidden state is provided for your convenience, to spare you the trouble of having to pass explicit parameters between the matching operations and the match state functions. All match state information is maintained on an internal stack, so that you can start a new search with the regmatch function while another one is still in progress. (This also implies that you can recursively invoke regex inside the EXPR argument of a regex call.)

The OPTS argument has the same meaning as for the regex function, and error handling also works in the same fashion. That is, in case of an abnormal error condition the regmatch/regnext functions return a regerr MSG expression instead of a truth value. See High-Level Interface.

Note that the regnext function will always return false, unless one of the g/G (global search) options is specified in the preceding regmatch call.

To terminate a (global) search which is still in progress (i.e., has not failed yet), you can call the regdone function, which always returns (). Subsequent invocations of the match state functions will then behave just like after a failing regmatch/regnext call. (After a failed match, regdone is not needed; it will be invoked automatically.)

Some care is needed to ensure proper operation of the low-level routines with multiple nested searches. As a general rule, each search successfully started with regmatch must be terminated either with a failing regnext call, or by an invocation of the regdone function. In both cases, after termination of the nested search, a subsequent regnext will continue where regmatch/regnext left off when the nested search was started.

It is important to note that these rules also apply if the search is non-global. The main rationale behind this behaviour is that, even if one is only interested in the first match, one must still be able to obtain information about any trailing unmatched text using the regstart/regskip functions (see Match State Information), and this information is only available after a match has failed (or was aborted using regdone). Thus the interface functions should always behave consistently, no matter whether the g/G option was specified or not. (In fact, the only difference g/G makes is that, if it is omitted, then regnext will pretend that no next match is available even if there is one.)

If this sounds confusing to you, just stick with the high-level regex function which takes care of all those messy details. A nested matching example using regex is discussed in Nested Searches.

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12.18.3 Match State Information

These functions are typically invoked after regmatch, regnext, or in the EXPR argument of regex, to report information about the current match.

public extern regstart, regskip, reg N, regpos N, regend N, regs;

The reg function returns the text of a match, regpos its beginning in the target string (first character position), and regend its end (first position behind the match). These functions take an integer argument denoting the group (a.k.a. parenthesized subexpression) of the regular expression being matched. An argument of 0 always refers to the whole match, N > 0 to the text matched by the Nth group (counting opening parentheses from the left). The match reported for a given group will always extend to the right as far as possible ("longest match"), subject to the constraint that enclosing groups will also prefer the longest match, and they always take priority. Thus reg 0 will extend to the right as far as possible, reg 1 will be the longest possible match for group 1 inside this match, etc.

If a group belongs to a repetitive pattern (patterns involving the *, + operators, etc.), then it may be matched more than once. In this case, the text last matched by the group is reported by the reg/regpos/regend functions.

If the group belongs to an optional part of the pattern (*, ?, different alternatives with |), then the group might not be matched at all. For such unmatched groups, regpos and regend both return -1 and reg returns the empty string. These values are also returned for all groups (including 0) after a match has failed or has been aborted using the regdone function.

The regs function returns a list with the indices of all matched groups (except 0).

The parts of the target string which were not matched can also be accessed. This is done by means of the regstart and regskip functions, which return, respectively, the position where the last search for a match started, and the text from this position up to the following match (or to the end of the string if the match failed). These values can also be accessed after a failing or aborted match (e.g., after regex has finished), which is useful to determine a trailing unmatched portion in the input string.

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12.18.4 Basic Examples

Please refer to your UNIX manual for a description of the regular expression syntax. (To get a start, take a look at the egrep(1) manual page; most of what it has to say about (extended) regular expressions should be applicable here too. There are also some good books on the subject.)

So let's consider some elementary examples first. Here's how we can find all occurrences of "identifiers" (defined here as sequences of letters and digits, starting with a letter) in a string:

==> regex "g" "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" (reg 0)

The first argument to regex is always the option string; the "g" in our example indicates a global search, i.e., a search for all (non-overlapping) matches of the given pattern. The second argument is the regular expression pattern to be matched, and the third argument is the string to be searched for matches against the pattern. The fourth argument is the expression to be evaluated for each match; in our case, reg 0 is used to simply retrieve the match. Actually, we could provide any appropriate expression here, e.g., we might use sprintf to add some fancy formatting:

==> regex "g" "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" \
(sprintf "MATCH: %s" (reg 0))
["MATCH: var","MATCH: foo","MATCH: BAR"]

What happens if the pattern contains an error, such as an unmatched bracket? Let's see:

==> regex "g" "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" (reg 0)
regerr "Unmatched [ or [^"

Reasonably enough, regex returns an error message.

The regex function always enumerates matches from left to right, and only reports at most one match for each position in the input string. If more than one substring matches at a given position, the longest match is preferred. Thus in the above example, e.g., foo is matched, and not the individual characters f and o which by themselves also match the given pattern.

Note that with the g option only non-overlapping matches are reported; if we want all occurrences (even overlapping ones) then we specify the G option instead:

==> regex "G" "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" (reg 0)

And if we are only interested in the first match, we simply omit the g/G option character:

==> regex "" "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" (reg 0)

So far, so good. After these basics, let's reconsider our original search expression:

==> regex "g" "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" (reg 0)

We can simplify the pattern somewhat if we use the i option to specify a case-independent search:

==> regex "gi" "[a-z][a-z0-9]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" (reg 0)

Another way to write this pattern uses the predefined character classes [:alpha:] and [:alnum:]; these constructs have the advantage that they are portable, i.e., they work in different character sets and locales.

==> regex "g" "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" \
(reg 0)

So now we know how we can find identifiers in a string. But what if we have to check whether a given string is an identifier? For this purpose, we must match the string as a whole against the pattern. We can do this by tying our pattern to the beginning and end of the string using the ^ and $ "anchors". (The g option is not required here, since we are only looking for a single match.)

==> regex "" "^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*$" "foo" (reg 0)

==> regex "" "^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*$" "1var" (reg 0)

If we only want a truth value, we can simply test the size of the result list; in this case, any expression argument will do:

==> 1=#regex "" "^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*$" "foo" ()

==> 1=#regex "" "^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*$" "1var" ()

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12.18.5 Empty and Overlapping Matches

Empty matches are permitted as well, subject to the constraint that at most one match is reported for each position (which also prevents looping). And of course an empty match will only be reported if nothing else matches. For instance:

==> regex "g" "" "foo" (regpos 0)

==> regex "g" "o*" "foo" (regpos 0)

(The usefulness of such constructs might be questionable, but see Performing Replacements, for a reasonable example.)

As already mentioned, only non-overlapping matches are reported with the g option. However, occasionally it might be useful to also determine overlapping matches, and for this purpose the G option is provided. For instance, suppose that we want to produce a table showing which letters follow another given letter in a text. The first step is to produce a list of all pairs of adjacent letters, and since we really need all pairs here, we employ the G option:

==> regex "G" "[[:alpha:]]{2}" "silly" (reg 0!0,reg 0!1)

Now it is an easy matter to collect the desired information using, e.g., a dictionary and a little bit of "list voodoo:"

==> var add = \D (X,Y).update D X (insert (D!X) Y)

==> def D = foldl add (mkdict emptyset (map fst _)) _

==> zip (keys D) (map list (vals D))

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12.18.6 Splitting

In previous examples we saw how we can tokenize a string by matching its constituents (see Basic Examples). Sometimes one also has to go the other way round, i.e., split a string into arbitrary tokens separated by "non-tokens". E.g., we might want to split a string into tokens delimited with whitespace, which can be described by an expression like "[ \t\n]+", or, in a locale-independent fashion, using "[[:space:]]+". To do this with the regex function, we must find all text that is between matches, and any trailing text after the last matched delimiter. The regskip function lets us do this as follows:

==> regex "g" "[[:space:]]+" "The little\t brown\n fox." regskip \
++ [regskip]

Here the regskip expression argument to regex is used to access the intervening tokens, and the final ++ [regskip] appends the last token.

We can use this method to define our own little regular expression tokenizing function as follows:

regsplit OPTS REGEX S = regex OPTS REGEX S regskip ++ [regskip];

With this definition, the above example works as follows:

==> regsplit "g" "[[:space:]]+" "The little\t brown\n fox."

We could also omit the g option, in which case only the first delimiter match is used as a splitting point:

==> regsplit "" "[[:space:]]+" "The little\t brown\n fox."
["The","little\t brown\n fox."]

Splitting with an empty or optional pattern also works as expected:

==> regsplit "g" "" "some text"
["","s","o","m","e"," ","t","e","x","t",""]

==> regsplit "g" " ?" "some text"

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12.18.7 Performing Replacements

A similar idea is also used to replace matches with new text. You can define a substitution function, which replaces each match with the result of an expression, as follows:

special regsub ~OPTS ~REGEX ~S EXPR;
regsub OPTS REGEX S EXPR = strcat (regex OPTS REGEX S (regskip++EXPR))
                           ++ regskip;

For instance:

==> regsub "g" "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" \
(sprintf "-*-%s-*-" (reg 0))
"1-*-var-*- -*-foo-*- 99 -*-BAR-*- $%&"

As usual, if we only want to replace the first match, we can omit the g option:

==> regsub "" "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*" "1var foo 99 BAR $%&" \
(sprintf "-*-%s-*-" (reg 0))
"1-*-var-*- foo 99 BAR $%&"

And here's an example showing empty and optional patterns at work:

==> regsub "g" "" "some text" " "
" s o m e   t e x t "

==> regsub "g" " ?" "some text" ":"

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12.18.8 Submatches

It is also possible to access the parts of matches, called "groups", which are defined by parenthesized subexpressions of the regular expression. Groups are numbered starting at 1, counting opening parentheses from the left. The text matched by a group can be accessed using reg N where N is the group number.

For instance, suppose we want to parse environment lines, such as those returned by the shell's set command. We assume that each line with a definition looks like VARIABLE=VALUE, which can be described by the pattern "^([^=]+)=(.*)$", in which group 1 denotes the variable and group 2 the value. Thus we can obtain the parts of a definition using a regex search like the following:

==> regex "" "^([^=]+)=(.*)$" "VARIABLE=VALUE" (reg 1,reg 2)

We can turn this into an env function which returns the current environment as a list of (variable,value) pairs as follows. Here, we use the fget function to read in the whole environment as a single string from a pipe opened on the set command. The environment string is then parsed using the n option of regex, which makes the ^ and $ anchors match the beginning and end of each line, respectively.

env         = regex "gn" "^([^=]+)=(.*)$" envget (reg 1,reg 2);

envget      = fget (popen "set" "r");

Given these definitions, we can now get hold of the whole environment and, e.g., turn it into a dictionary which can be accessed in a convenient fashion using the functions from the dict.q standard library module:

==> var envdict = dict env

==> envdict!"SHELL"

When a pattern consists of multiple alternatives, such as "(foo)|(bar)", then some of the groups might participate in a match, while others don't. You can check whether a group matched by testing the corresponding regpos value. If the value is nonnegative, then the group matched; otherwise (the value is -1) it didn't. You can also use the regs function to determine the list of all groups that matched. For instance:

==> regex "" "(foo)|(bar)" "foo" (regpos 1,regpos 2)

==> regex "" "(foo)|(bar)" "bar" regs

So here's a simple way to implement a lexical analyzer which distinguishes between different kinds of tokens. For example, let us tokenize identifiers and integers, skip whitespace, and return all remaining characters as literals.

def SYN = "([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*)|(-?[[:digit:]]+)|([^[:space:]])";
def TOK = (none,ident,num,id);

toks S  = regex "g" SYN S ((TOK!(hd regs)) (reg (hd regs)));

Note that the literal characters are mapped to the standard library id function, the identity operation. Hence these characters are represented by themselves, whereas other tokens are denoted by appropriate constructor terms, ident S and num S in our example, which contain the actual text of the token as arguments. Let's see this in action:

==> toks "foo -99; bar 99;"
[ident "foo",num "-99",";",ident "bar",num "99",";"]

The token sequence is now ready to be processed by a higher-level routine such as a parser, but this is another story which will be told another time …

Yet another way to employ submatches are the back references. You can specify that a group is to be repeated by using the notation \N, where N is a single digit between 1 and 9, in the regular expression argument. For instance, regex "g" "([ab]+)\\1" will match all substrings which have two consecutive identical sequences of a's and b's.

Back references add considerably to the matching complexity (some matches may take exponential time) and hence should be avoided. In fact, it can be shown that regular expression matching with back references is NP-complete.

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12.18.9 Nested Searches

Regular expression searches can also be nested, by invoking the regex function recursively in the expression argument of another regex call. This is useful, e.g., if regex is used to tokenize a string, and we want to further analyze the individual tokens. We could do this by mapping a regex call to the finished token list, but it may be more efficient to perform the second search right away on each individual token. Here's an abstract example, which finds all substrings delimited by c's, and counts the number of consecutive a's and b's in them:

==> regex "g" "[^c]+" "abbacbaaca" \
(regex "g" "a+|b+" (reg 0) (reg 0!0,#reg 0))

There's one caveat with nested searches: The current regex implementation has the somewhat annoying but hardly avoidable limitation that it is not possible to "return" to the match state of an enclosing regex call after a recursive call to regex. Therefore all match state information must be retrieved before the recursive call, and must then either be processed right away or saved in local variables for later use.

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12.19 Additional Integer Functions

The Q interpreter implements basic integer arithmetic using the GMP (GNU multiprecision) library. With the clib module you also get some of the more advanced GMP routines, namely integer powers and roots, and various number-theoretic functions. (These are all included in the prelude.)

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12.19.1 Powers and Roots

public extern pow M N, root M N, intsqrt M;

These functions compute (exact) powers and (integer parts of) roots of integers. The results are always integers; roots are truncated to the largest integer below the exact root value. The pow function computes the Nth power of M (N >= 0), root the integer part of the Nth root of M (M >= 0, N > 0), and intsqrt the integer part of the square root of M >= 0.

public extern powmod K M N, invmod K M;

The powmod function returns the (smallest nonnegative) Nth power of M modulo K, where K must be nonzero. This function is much more efficient than pow M N mod K if N is large. The invmod function computes the (smallest positive) multiplicative inverse of M modulo K (if it exists, i.e. if M is nonzero and relatively prime to K). In other words, invmod K M returns a number N in the range 1..K-1 such that M*N = N*M = 1 modulo K.

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12.19.2 Prime Test

public extern isprime N;

The isprime function implements the Miller-Rabin algorithm for probabilistic prime testing. If isprime N (where N > 1 is an integer) returns true or false, then N is surely prime or composite, respectively. If the function fails, then the number is composite with a probability of only (1/4)^ISPRIME_REP, where the ISPRIME_REP variable denotes the number of repetitions of the probabilistic prime test.

To avoid the overhead of checking ISPRIME_REP each time the isprime function is invoked, isprime determines the value of the variable once, at the time of its first invocation. Thus, if you set this value, make sure to set it before you call isprime for the first time. Reasonable ISPRIME_REP values vary from 5 to 10; if the variable is not set when isprime is first called, a default value of 5 is used, which means that the probability of isprime failing on a composite will be 1/1024.

When using this function, your script should provide an appropriate default definition which handles the case that the isprime operation of this module fails. There are basically three different ways to cope with a failing isprime call. First, you can make your program abort, e.g., using an "error rule" like the following:

isprime N:Int = error "Prime test failed!";

Given that the test will probably not fail very often, this might be a viable option - you can always run your script again and hope that it finishes successfully, since the probabilistic test will choose different random parameters each time it is invoked.

Second, you can pretend that the prime test succeeded by providing the definition:

isprime N:Int = true;

With this definition there will be a small probability that you mistake a composite for a prime, but for some algorithms this might be tolerable.

Third, you can play safe by providing your own primality test which catches those few cases when the probabilistic test fails. For instance, employing the usual trial division method:

isprime N:Int = true if N = 2;
              = false if N and 1 = 0; // even number
              = try_div 3 (intsqrt N) N otherwise;

try_div L M N = true if L > M;
              = false if N mod L = 0;
              = try_div (L+2) M N otherwise;

Of course such an exhaustive search will take a long time for big numbers, but this might be acceptable if the default rule is not invoked very often.

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12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions

public extern gcd M N, lcm M N;

These are the usual greatest-common-divisor and least-common-multiple functions. Both gcd (which is only defined if at least one of the arguments is nonzero) and lcm (which returns zero if either argument is zero) always return a nonnegative integer (note that older GMP versions returned the sign of the product of N and M in the lcm value, but this is no longer the case).

public extern remove_factor M N;

The remove_factor function is used to help in factoring. It returns a pair (K,R) consisting of the multiplicity K of N in M (i.e., the maximum L such that pow N L divides M) and the remainder R which has all N factors removed, i.e., R = M div pow N K. This function requires that M is nonzero and N positive.

public extern jacobi M N;

This function computes the Jacobi symbol M over N, which can be used to find quadratic residues of an odd prime. M can be an arbitrary integer, but N must be positive; the value of the function is always 1, 0 or -1, where the value 0 indicates that gcd M N > 1. In the case of an odd prime N, we have that jacobi M N = 1 iff M is a nonzero quadratic residue modulo N.

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12.19.4 Examples

Determine all invertible numbers modulo 9 and their corresponding inverses:

==> filter (\(X,Y).isnum Y) (zip [1..8] (map (invmod 9) [1..8]))

Check the result:

==> map (\(X,Y).X*Y mod 9) _

Find all (nonzero) quadratic residues modulo 7:

==> filter (\X.jacobi X 7 = 1) [1..6]

Decompose 858330 into prime factors (brute force):

==> def N = 858330, P = filter isprime [2..N]

==> filter (\(X,Y).Y>0) (zip P (map (fst.remove_factor N) P))

Well, that's probably not the right way to do it. So here's a reasonable factorization algorithm using remove_factor. This method is a lot faster - but still not fast enough for code breaking.

factor 0          = [];
factor N:Int      = factor (-N) if N<0;
                  = [(2,K)|factor_from 3 M]
                        where (K,M) = remove_factor N 2
                        if N and 1 = 0; // even number
                  = factor_from 3 N

factor_from P N   = [] if P > N;
                  = [(P,K)|factor_from (P+2) M]
                        where (K,M) = remove_factor N P
                        if N mod P = 0; // P divides N (must be prime)
                  = factor_from (P+2) N
                        otherwise; // not a factor, try the next one

For instance, try the following:

==> factor 807699854836875

Check the result:

==> prd (map (\(X,Y).pow X Y) _)

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12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions

Last but not least, the clib module also provides "built-in" replacements for various standard library functions:

public extern stdlib::append Xs Y, stdlib::cat Xs, stdlib::mklist X N,
  stdlib::nums N M, stdlib::numsby K N M, stdlib::reverse Xs,
  tuple::tuplecat Xs;

public extern string::chars S, string::join DELIM Xs,
  string::split DELIM Xs, string::strcat Xs;

These functions are much more efficient, both in running time and memory requirements, than the "standard" definitions in stdlib.q and string.q, and improve the performance of many common list and string processing tasks. In some cases, the provided operations are even several orders of magnitude faster. In particular, the standard definitions of the strcat and tuplecat operations are very slow in comparison, because they are implemented using repeated concatenation and hence take quadratic running time. In contrast, all functions provided here are guaranteed to run in linear time.

A faster sorting routine is provided as well:

public extern sort P Xs;

This function works like the msort and qsort operations provided by the sort.q module, but is implemented using the quicksort routine from the C library. Note that, in difference to msort/qsort, the sort function does not perform stable sorting, so you still have to use msort or qsort if this feature is required.

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A. Q Language Grammar

This appendix summarizes the syntactical rules of the Q language. Please refer to Lexical Matters, for a detailed discussion of lexical matters. The syntax rules are given in BNF with the following extensions:

The left-hand and right-hand sides of syntax rules are separated with a colon, and the | symbol denotes different alternatives. Identifiers stand for nonterminal grammar symbols, and terminal symbols are enclosed in single quotes.

In order to keep the grammar to a reasonable size, it does not specify the precedence of operator symbols. Expressions are parsed according to the precedence and associativity of operator symbols specified in Built-In Operators. A `=' symbol occuring unparenthesized in an equation separates left- and right-hand side.

script                  : {declaration|definition}

declaration             : unqualified-import
                        | qualified-import

                        | prefix headers ';'
                        | [scope] 'type' unqualified-identifier
                          [':' identifier] ['=' sections] ';'
                        | [scope] 'extern' 'type' unqualified-identifier
                          [':' identifier] ['=' sections] ';'
                        | [scope] 'type' qualified-identifier
                          ['as' unqualified-identifier] ';'
                        | [scope] 'type' unqualified-identifier
                          '==' identifier ';'

                        | '@' ['+'|'-'] unsigned-number

unqualified-import      : 'import' module-spec {',' module-spec} ';'
                        | 'include' module-spec {',' module-spec} ';'

qualified-import        : 'from' module-spec 'import' [symbol-specs] ';'
                        | 'from' module-spec 'include' [symbol-specs] ';'

module-spec             : module-name ['as' unqualified-identifier]
module-name             : unqualified-identifier
                        | string

symbol-specs            : symbol-spec {',' symbol-spec}

symbol-spec             : unqualified-identifier ['as' unqualified-identifier]
                        | unqualified-opsym ['as' unqualified-opsym]

prefix                  : scope
                        | [scope] modifier {modifier}

scope                   : 'private'|'public'

modifier                : 'const'|'special'|'extern'|'var'|'virtual'

headers                 : header {',' header}

header                  : unqualified-identifier '=' expression
                        | unqualified-identifier
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                        | qualified-identifier
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                          ['as' unqualified-identifier]
                        | '(' unqualified-opsym ')'
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                          ['@' precedence]
                        | '(' qualified-opsym ')'
                          {['~'] variable-identifier}
                          ['@' precedence]
                          ['as' unqualified-opsym]

precedence              : unsigned-number
                        | '(' operator ')'

sections                : section {'|' section}

section                 : [prefix] headers

definition              : expression
                          lqualifiers '=' expression qualifiers ';'
                          {lqualifiers '=' expression qualifiers ';'}
                        | 'def' expression '=' expression
                          {',' expression '=' expression} ';'
                        | 'undef' identifier {',' identifier} ';'

lqualifiers             : [qualifier {qualifier} ':']

qualifiers              : {qualifier}

qualifier               : condition
                        | where-clause

condition               : 'if' expression
                        | 'otherwise'

where-clause            : 'where' expression '=' expression
                          {',' expression '=' expression}

expression              : identifier
                        | 'var' unqualified-identifier
                        | variable-identifier ':' identifier
                        | number
                        | string
                        | expression expression
                        | unary-op expression
                        | expression binary-op expression
                        | 'if' expression 'then' expression
                          ['else' expression]
                        | '\' expression { expression } '.' expression
                        | '(' [element-list|enumeration|comprehension] ')'
                        | '[' [element-list|enumeration|comprehension] ']'
                        | '{' [element-list|enumeration|comprehension] '}'
                        | '(' op ')'
                        | '(' expression binary-op ')'
                        | '(' binary-op expression ')'

element-list            : expression-list [',' | ';' | '|' expression]

enumeration             : expression-list '..' [expression]

comprehension           : expression ':' expression-list

expression-list         : expression {',' expression}
                        | expression {';' expression}

identifier              : unqualified-identifier
                        | qualified-identifier

qualified-identifier    : module-identifier '::'
unqualified-identifier  : variable-identifier
                        | function-identifier
                        | type-identifier

module-identifier       : letter {letter|digitsym}
type-identifier         : letter {letter|digitsym}
variable-identifier     : uppercase-letter {letter|digitsym}
                        | '_'
function-identifier     : lowercase-letter {letter|digitsym}

op                      : unary-op|binary-op

unary-op                : opsym
binary-op               : opsym|'and' 'then'|'or' 'else'

opsym                   : unqualified-opsym
                        | qualified-opsym

qualified-opsym         : module-identifier '::'
unqualified-opsym       : function-identifier
                        | punctsym {punctsym}

number                  : ['-'] unsigned-number
unsigned-number         : '0' octdigitseq
                        | '0x' hexdigitseq
                        | '0X' hexdigitseq
                        | digitseq ['.' [digitseq]] [scalefact]
                        | [digitseq] '.' digitseq [scalefact]

digitseq                : digit {digit}
octdigitseq             : octdigit {octdigit}
hexdigitseq             : hexdigit {hexdigit}

scalefact               : 'E' ['-'] digitseq
                        | 'e' ['-'] digitseq

string                  : '"' {char} '"'

letter                  : uppercase-letter|lowercase-letter
uppercase-letter        : 'A'|...|'Z'|uppercase unicode letter
lowercase-letter        : 'a'|...|'z'|'_'|lowercase unicode letter
digitsym                : '0'|...|'9'|unicode digit
punctsym                : unicode punctuation character

digit                   : '0'|...|'9'
octdigit                : '0'|...|'7'
hexdigit                : '0'|...|'9'|'a'|...|'f'|'A'|...|'F'

char                    : any character but newline and "

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B. Using Q

The following discussion assumes that you have already installed the Q programming system on your machine. In particular, you should make sure that the programs q and qc have been copied to a directory which is searched for executables, and that the standard library scripts have been installed properly.

You may also refer to the UNIX manual page q(1) for a brief description of the Q programs.

The Q programming system consists of two main parts: the compiler and the interpreter. The compiler is used to translate Q scripts into a binary format, a so-called "bytecode" file, which is then executed by the interpreter. Since the interpreter invokes the compiler automatically when you invoke it with a source script, you usually do not have to care about the compiler yourself. But if you wish you can also run compiler and interpreter separately.

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B.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter

Here is how you normally run a script with the interpreter:

q [options] [ file | - ] [argument …]

The interpreter will then start up, display its prompt, and wait for you to type some expressions or other commands (see Command Language). You can exit the interpreter by typing quit (which invokes the built-in quit function), or by entering the end-of-file character at the beginning of the input line.

The first non-option argument denotes either the main script or a bytecode file. You can also specify `-' here to indicate that the main script is to be read from standard input. At most one source or code file may be specified; the remaining command line arguments can be accessed in the interpreter by means of the built-in ARGS variable. You can also use the `--' option at any point the argument list to indicate that the interpreter should stop its option processing and pass on the remaining arguments unchanged, which is useful if the Q script takes option parameters itself.

If the given file is in bytecode format, it is loaded immediately. Otherwise, the interpreter invokes the compiler to translate the source script to a temporary code file. Then, if the source script was translated successfully, the interpreter loads the generated code file and you can start typing in expressions and commands. (After the code file has been loaded by the interpreter, it is no longer needed and is discarded immediately. If you want to keep the code file, you must invoke the compiler separately, see below.)

Scripts and code files which have no absolute path specified are searched for on Q's library path (as given by the QPATH shell environment variable or with the --path option, see below). As with the PATH environment variable, the individual directories are separated with a colon `:' (semicolon `;' on DOS/Windows systems). The directories are searched in the indicated order; if the file cannot be found on the search path, an attempt is made to open it by its name. You should include the `.' directory in the search path if you wish to search the current directory prior to other locations. The default search path is usually something like .:/usr/share/q/lib:/usr/lib/q which causes compiler and interpreter to first search the current directory, and then other (system-dependent) locations where "library scripts" are kept.

Note that in difference to shell path searches, the Q interpreter will also search for relative pathnames involving a directory prefix (other than `~', `.' and `..') in subdirectories. Thus, e.g., given the search path .:/usr/share/q/lib:/usr/lib/q, the module foo/bar.q will be searched for under ./foo/bar.q, /usr/share/q/lib/foo/bar.q and finally /usr/lib/q/foo/bar.q.

By default, the interpreter automatically includes the prelude.q script (which will be searched for on the library path as usual) as the first module in your program. The prelude provides the definitions which are available without explicit import or include; normally it is used to include most of the standard library, see Scripts and Modules. You can also suppress the automatic inclusion of the prelude with the --no-prelude compiler option, see below, or provide your own, see Setting up your Environment.

The interpreter can also be invoked with no arguments at all, in which case an empty script is assumed. This means that only the built-in operations of the Q language will be available, as well as the definitions in the prelude.q script (unless the --no-prelude option has been specified). (If you want to specify an empty script while still supplying arguments, specify "" as the script name.)

If you want to avoid recompilations of large scripts, you can also run compiler and interpreter separately. For this purpose, you first invoke the compiler as described below to translate your script(s) to a bytecode file. Then you can invoke the interpreter, specifying the name of the bytecode file (normally q.out, unless another code file name has been specified with the -o compiler option). The interpreter can then load the bytecode file and start execution immediately.

The compiler is executed as follows:

qc [options] [ file | - ] …

It compiles the specified files and writes the resulting bytecode to the code file, normally q.out. Note that multiple source files may be specified. The first file denotes the main script, whose namespace defines the global scope; the name of the main script can also be `-' to indicate that the script is to be read from standard input, or it can be missing or be specified as the empty string "", to indicate an empty main script. The remaining source files are additional scripts to be imported into the global scope.

The compiler recognizes the following options:

--debug, -d

Print a listing of the output code on standard output. The listing includes both the bytecode for the right-hand sides of equations and the pattern-matching automaton generated for the left-hand sides. This option is mainly useful for debugging the compiler itself. You may wish to combine this with the -n option below if you only want to see the listing without actually creating a code file.


Specify the default encoding of script files (Q 7.0 and later). If this option is not used, the system encoding (as specified by the user's locale) is assumed. You only need this option if your script files contain non-ASCII text and the encoding of the files differs from the system encoding. (By including this option in the script files themselves, you can also specify the encoding on a per-file basis, see Running Scripts from the Shell.)

--help, -h

Print a short help message.

--list=list-file, -l list-file

When this option is used, error messages are written to the specified file instead of the standard error device.

--no-code, -n

This option suppresses code file generation, which is useful if you only want to produce a listing or check the given scripts for syntax errors. (Please note that in the current implementation the code file will be created anyway, so that appropriate information can be given with the -d and -v options, but will finally be removed if the -n option is used.)


Suppresses automatic inclusion of the prelude.

--output=output-file, -o output-file

This option allows you to change the default name of the generated code file.

--path=path, -p path

This option sets the library path used to search for source and code files (default: system-dependent hardcoded default or value of the QPATH shell variable). If the path argument starts or ends with the path delimiter (`:' on UNIX) then the given path is appended or prepended to the current path, respectively.


Specify the name of the prelude script (default: prelude.q).

--tablesize=size, -t size

This option allows you to determine the size of the runtime hash table used for the hashing of identifiers. For best performance this should be a prime number; the default size is 5711. With this option, you can change the size of the hash table if you are compiling a script with a very large number of function symbols, or a script which dynamically creates a lot of symbols. Inreasing the size of the hash table will reduce the "load" of the table and thereby improve the performance of symbol hashing at runtime.

--verbose, -v

Display processed source files and statistics.

--version, -V

This option causes version number and copyright information to be displayed, after which the program terminates.

--warnings[=level], -w[level], --pedantic, --paranoid

Print warnings about undeclared function (and, optionally, variable) symbols. If just -w or -w1 is specified then function symbols will be reported as undeclared if they are neither imported nor declared anywhere in the file, where all appearances of a function symbol on the left-hand side of equations and variable definitions count as implicit declarations.

To get more warnings, use the -w2 option (or, equivalently, --pedantic), which will warn you about all function symbols which are used without a prior explicit declaration. I.e., when using that option, you really have to declare each and every function symbol explicitly, to make the compiler happy. Moreover, as of Q 7.8 -w2 also warns about non-builtin and non-prelude symbols from unqualified imports which are used without proper qualification. This is useful to report a common source of errors, namely the accidental "reuse" of an imported symbol due to a missing local symbol declaration. (But note that in the current implementation you will never be warned about unqualified operator symbols, as these are treated as special tokens which are handled already during lexical analysis.)

If this still isn't enough, then you can use the -w3 option (or, equivalently, --paranoid), which will also warn you about undeclared free variables and unqualified prelude symbols. Thus you'll also have to declare each and every free variable, and use qualified symbols or qualified import even for prelude symbols, if you want to avoid all warnings from the compiler. Please note that this option will produce an excessive amount of warnings even for most perfectly legal scripts. But it may occasionally be useful to check your script for missing declarations or mistyped identifiers. If you find yourself using this option regularly, then Q probably is not for you. ;-)

NOTE: As of Q 7.8, the default warning level can also be set with the QWARN environment variable. A note for library writers: If you publish libraries of Q modules for public consumption, they should pass at least -w2 without any warnings, since many Q programmers will want to use that option at least occasionally.

Options are generally parsed using getopt which means that multiple single-letter options may be combined (e.g., -vn) and a parameterized option can be followed immediately by the corresponding argument (e.g., -ofoo.out); see getopt in Section 3 of the UNIX manual for details. All programs also accept long option names following the GNU conventions, e.g., you can use --output instead of -o. Note that in the case of parameterized long options the parameter must either follow in the next command line argument, or it must be separated from the option name by a = character. Long options may be abbreviated by an unambigious prefix of the option name. For instance, you may use --out instead of --output. Option parsing ends as soon as the -- option is found; the remaining command line arguments are taken as normal parameters, even if they start with `-'.

After a script has been compiled, you can invoke the interpreter on the generated code file as already discussed above (in this case, the code file is not discarded). Below we describe the options which are accepted by the interpreter. Note that the interpreter also recognizes all of the compilation options discussed above, and will pass them on when it invokes the compiler.


This option causes invocation of the debugger in case of an exception like Ctl-C, invalid rule qualifier, user-raised exception (throw), or a call to the built-in break function. See Debugging, for details.

--command=cmd, -c cmd

This option instructs the interpreter to execute the given command in "batch mode" (see below).


Specify the maximum amount of C stack in KB (default: 256) that can be used for the recursive evaluation of special form arguments; see the comments on memory management below.

--debug, -d

This option causes activation of the debugger. See Debugging, for details.


Set various options which control how much detail the debugger prints when showing a reduction or rule. See Debugging, for details.

--dec, --hex, --oct

Sets the integer output format to decimal (default), hexadecimal or octal, respectively.

--echo, -e

Enable the echoing of commands when running in batch mode.


This option allows you to specify the name of the file which is executed when the interpreter is exited; the default is usually ~/.qexitrc.

--fix[=prec], --sci[=prec], --std[=prec]

Sets the floating point output format to fixed point, scientific (always using exponents) or standard (only using exponents if it results in a shorter notation; this is the default). For the scientific and standard formats, the given precision denotes the number of significant digits to be printed, and defaults to 15. For the fixed point format, the precision specifies the number of digits following the decimal point (2 by default).


Lets the interpreter run as a client of gnuserv(1). This allows the interpreter to interact with an emacs process driving the interpreter, e.g., in "comint" mode. In particular, the edit and help commands of the interpreter (see Command Language) will then be handled by sending corresponding Emacs Lisp commands via the gnuclient command instead of processing them directly. The actual name of the gnuclient program can be set using the GNUCLIENT_PROGRAM environment variable. Note that this option also disables the interpreter's own history processing as it is assumed that emacs takes care of it.

--help, -h

Print a short help message.


Specify the name of the file in which the command history is stored (default: ~/.q_history).


Specify the size of the command history (default: 500).


Specify the name of the file which is executed at startup (default: ~/.qinitrc).

--interactive, -i

Indicates that the interpreter is running interactively.


Specify the maximum size of the expression heap (default: 4096000; see comments on memory management below).


Disable command line editing using readline.


Suppress execution of the exitrc file.


Suppress execution of the initrc file.

--path=path, -p path

As with qc, sets the library path used to search for source and code files.


Set the prompt string (default: `\n==> ').

--quiet, -q

This option causes a quiet startup; it suppresses the sign-on message.

--source=file, -s file

Source file with interpreter commands (batch mode).


Specify the maximum size of the internal stacks (default: 1024000; see comments on memory management below).

--version, -V

As with qc, display version number and copyright information.

Options for Interactive and Batch Usage

Unless one of the -c and -s options is specified, the interpreter starts up in interactive mode, in which the user is repeatedly prompted to enter an expression, and the interpreter answers with the corresponding normal form. The interpreter also understands some other special commands, which are discussed in Command Language. With the -c and -s options, the interpreter runs in batch mode, in which it executes the commands and command files specified on the command line, prints the results on the standard output device, and then exits immediately. The -d option invokes the symbolic debugger built into the interpreter which allows you to trace evaluations, cf. Debugging.

When the interpreter starts up in interactive mode, and is connected to a terminal, it also provides a command history through the GNU readline library. (See Readline: (readline)Command Line Editing section `Command Line Editing' in The GNU Readline Library.) That is, the lines you type are memorized, and you can search for and edit previous commands. The command history is also saved to a file when the interpreter is exited, and completion of filenames, keywords, command names and defined function and variable symbols is supported as well. You can disable this feature with the --no-editing option.

You can redirect the interpreter's input and output streams to a file or a pipe as usual. The Q interpreter checks whether it is connected to a terminal in order to prevent garbled output when input or output is redirected. If you're feeling adventurous, try something like the following:

q -d <<EOF
def Xs = [1..50]
msort (>) Xs

The -i option can be used to force the interpreter to interactive mode even when input or output is redirected. This causes sign-on and prompt to be printed, and the standard output buffers to be flushed after each evaluation, which is useful when another program is driving the interpreter. (If you still want to suppress the sign-on message, use -i in combination with -q.) Furthermore, the -i option also suppresses the batch mode execution of -c and -s options.

The --initrc and --exitrc options allow you to specify command files which are executed when the interpreter starts and exits, which is commonly used to customize the environment when running the interpreter interactively, see Setting up your Environment. The execution of these files will be suppressed when the interpreter is run in batch mode, or when using the --no-initrc and --no-exitrc options.

Memory Management

The Q interpreter has a fully dynamic memory management system. In particular, it automatically resizes both the expression heap and the evaluation stack as required during the course of a computation. Thus you normally do not have to worry about memory management issues.

However, the --stacksize option allows you to specify a maximum size for the evaluation stack (more precisely, it sets the limit for both the expression and the rule stack), which keeps the stack from growing to infinity. This is useful, e.g., to catch infinite recursion. Note that as the stack is also used internally for the purpose of parsing expressions, a reasonable minimum size is required for the interpreter to function properly. Therefore the interpreter enforces that the given size is not less than a certain minimum value (usually 100); otherwise the option is ignored and the stack size is reset to its default value.

Similarly, the --memsize option limits the number of expression nodes on the heap and thereby prevents the interpreter from using up all available main memory on your system. You can disable both limits by specifying 0 as the argument to the corresponding option.

In the current implementation, the interpreter also needs a variable amount of C stack space for evaluating "deferred" values like special form arguments. This might cause the interpreter to exit unexpectedly due to C stack overflows. To prevent this, as of Q 7.7 the interpreter poses a limit on the amount of stack space used during evaluation of deferred values and will gracefully terminate the computation with a stack overflow error when the allocated C stack space is exhausted. The default stack size is 256 kilobytes; you can change this with the --cstacksize option. Setting this option to zero disables the C stack checks. (Please note that this option does not change the interpreter program's C stack size, it only sets the limit used in the stack test; your operating system should supply you with a command, such as ulimit on UNIX-like systems, to actually set the program stack size.)

The interpreter manages expression memory using a reference counting scheme. This has the considerable advantage that no disruptive "garbage collection" process has to be invoked during an evaluation, and that expression objects are reclaimed and other automatic cleanup (closing files, etc.) is performed on them as soon as they become inaccessible. The downside of this scheme is that cyclic expression structures (which can be created, e.g., using expression references, cf. Expression References) cannot be collected and thus should be avoided.

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B.2 Command Language

The commands understood by the interpreter make up a simple command language which is described in the following. Commands can also be passed to the interpreter by means of the -c option, and you can put a sequence of commands into a file and execute them using the -s option (see Running Compiler and Interpreter). Command files can also be executed in the interpreter using the source command (see below). Moreover, when the interpreter starts up and is exited in interactive mode, it reads and executes commands from its initialization and termination files, which allows you to customize your environment according to your taste (see Setting up your Environment).

The command language is line-oriented, i.e., commands are terminated by the newline character. As usual, line ends can be escaped by putting the \ character immediately before the end of the line; this also works inside of string literals. A line may contain multiple expressions and commands, which are separated by the `;' delimiter:

==> def X = foo Y; X; X/2

(You may also terminate a command line with an extra ; delimiter, but this is not required.)

Here are the most common commands which allow you to evaluate expressions and bind global variables:


Evaluate the given expression and print the corresponding result.

def expression = expression, …

Define free variable values.

undef variable, …

Undefine the given variables.

var variable [ = expression ], …

Declare the given variables and optionally initialize their values.

The syntax of expressions and variable declarations and definitions is the same as that of the corresponding constructs in scripts. After evaluating an expression, the interpreter usually prints the corresponding normal form as the result. (Note, however, that some scripts may also provide special "views" to implement custom pretty-printing of certain types of objects, see Views.) No response is printed for variable declarations and definitions, unless an error occurs.

As of Q 7.7, the interpreter allows you to declare variables interactively with the var command, which works pretty much like var declarations in scripts (see Declarations). The declared variables are created in the global scope (i.e., the scope of the main script). In particular, this command allows you to declare uncapitalized identifiers (which would otherwise be interpreted as function symbols) as variables.

After a variable has been assigned a value, it will be replaced by its associated value whenever it is evaluated. This allows you to store intermediate results in a computation, set the values of free variables occuring in a script, and to define new functions interactively in the interpreter. For instance:

==> var double = (*) 2, X = double 4; X

A subsequent undef removes a variable definition:

==> undef X; X

As explained in Free Variables, the left-hand side of a variable definition may actually be an arbitrary pattern to be matched against the right-hand side value:

==> def [X|Xs] = [a,b,c]

When starting up, the interpreter always defines the variables INPUT, OUTPUT, ERROR and ARGS. INPUT and OUTPUT are set to the standard input/output devices used by the terminal I/O functions (see Terminal I/O), while ERROR denotes the standard error device normally used to display error messages. You can use these symbols when passing a file to one of the built-in file I/O functions (see File I/O). As already mentioned, the ARGS variable is assigned a string list which contains the additional command line arguments the Q interpreter was invoked with (starting with the script name). These variable symbols are "read-only"; they cannot be re- or undefined.

There is one other special built-in variable, the "anonymous" variable `_', which, when used in an expression or the right-hand side of a variable definition, refers to the result of the most recent expression evaluation:

==> 1/3

==> 1/_

The interpreter also provides some other special commands which extend the expression and definition syntax of the Q language. They usually consist of a command name and possibly some parameters. Unlike the def, undef and var keywords, which are also reserved words in the Q language itself, the other command names are only treated specially when occuring at the beginning of a command; anywhere else they are parsed as ordinary Q identifiers.

The parameters of special commands are simply string literals which may be single-quoted, double-quoted or unquoted, and which are delimited with whitespace, very much like in the UNIX command shell. The interpreter will not try to evaluate these parameters. However, the usual escapes for special characters are supported. The following table lists the available commands, where […] is used to denote optional arguments.

! command

Shell escape. The given command is executed using the shell. Unlike other types of commands, the shell escape must be on a line by itself.

? expression

Escape an expression. This just evaluates expression and prints the result as usual, but inhibits the interpretation of special command names at the beginning of the expression. E.g.,

==> ? echo "some string"

will evaluate an expression involving some echo function instead of executing the echo command.


Show the GNU license conditions.

help [S]

Start the GNU info reader (as specified by the INFO_PROGRAM environment variable, info by default) with the Q manual; if a keyword S is given, perform an index search. When the interpreter has been started with the --gnuclient option (see Running Compiler and Interpreter), then the command submits a request to invoke the info reader of a driving emacs process using the gnuclient program.

path [S]

Set the library search path (QPATH) to S (print the current setting if S is omitted). If the S argument starts or ends with the path delimiter (`:' on UNIX) then the given path is appended or prepended to the current path, respectively.

prompt [S [S2 [S3]]]

Set the prompt string (print the current setting if S is omitted). The \\v, \\s, \\w, \\W, \\m and \\M escape sequences may be used in the prompt string to denote the Q version number, host system information, current working directory, basename of the current directory, full pathname of the current script, and the script's basename, respectively. (Note the double escapes; these are required to make one \ get through to the command.) The optional second and third argument allow you to change the default continuation (`> ') and debugger prompt (`: '); no special escape sequences are substituted in these strings.

dec, hex, oct

Sets the integer output format to decimal, hexadecimal and octal, respectively (see also the corresponding interpreter command line options in Running Compiler and Interpreter). Note that these commands only affect the display of expressions which are printed in response to interpreter and debugger commands, otherwise integer values will always be unparsed in decimal notation.

fix [prec], sci [prec], std [prec]

Sets the floating point output format to fixed point, scientific and standard, respectively (see also the corresponding interpreter command line options in Running Compiler and Interpreter). If the precision is omitted, it defaults to 2 for the fixed point format, and to 15 otherwise. Note that these commands only affect the display of expressions which are printed in response to interpreter and debugger commands, otherwise floating point values will always be unparsed with the full internal precision.

histfile [S], histsize [N]

Change the history filename and set the size of the history (print the current setting if no argument).

cstacksize [N]

Set the maximum C stack size in kilobytes (print the current setting if no argument); see the discussion of the --cstacksize option in Running Compiler and Interpreter.

stacksize [N]

Set the maximum stack size (print the current setting if no argument); see the discussion of the --stacksize option in Running Compiler and Interpreter.

memsize [N]

Set the maximum number of expression nodes on the heap (print the current setting if no argument); see the discussion of the --memsize option in Running Compiler and Interpreter.

stats [all]

Print statistics about the most recent expression evaluation in the main thread. If the optional all parameter is given then the command also lists finished background threads which have not been recycled yet. The given figures are the cpu time needed to complete the evaluation, the total number of reductions performed by the interpreter, and the number of expression nodes (heap cells) created during the course of the computation. The application of each built-in rule counts as a single reduction. Note that since different built-in rules may have different execution times (in fact, the time needed by many of the built-in operations varies with the size of the input), the number of reductions usually only provides a rough estimate of the actual running time. But this value is still quite useful to perform asymptotic analysis (up to linear factors, if one wants to be picky), and can also be used to compare profiling results obtained on different machines with different processors. The cell count is the maximum number of cells required at any time during the evaluation, which does not include the size of the input expression. This value is used to measure space requirements, and is proportional to the "real" memory requirements of the interpreter (each expression node requires some 24 bytes in the current implementation). But note that subexpressions may be "shared" between different expressions, and thus the cell count will usually be less than the tree size of the constructed expressions.

debug [on|off|options]

When invoked with arguments on or off, activate or deactivate debugging; print the current setting if no argument is specified. Alternatively, you can also use this command to set various options which control how much detail the debugger prints when showing a reduction or rule. See Debugging, for details.

break [on|off|function …]

When invoked with arguments on or off, this command sets the interpreter's break flag which controls how the interpreter responds to an exception like Ctl-C, invalid rule qualifier, user-raised exception (throw), or a call to the built-in break function. When invoked with a list of function symbols, it sets breakpoints on the given symbols, and also enables the break flag if necessary. If no argument is given, the current setting of the break flag is printed, along with a list of the current breakpoints. See Debugging, for details.

tbreak function

This commands works like break when invoked with a list of function symbols, but sets temporary breakpoints which are removed when hit.

profile [function …]

Sets a flag on the given function symbols, so that reductions are counted whenever an application of the function is reduced. The rules for counting reductions are the same as for the stats command, i.e., each invocation of a built-in or external function counts as a single reduction. When invoked without arguments, the command prints a list of all flagged function symbols along with the corresponding reduction numbers (sorted by decreasing counts) and resets the reduction counters. This command is useful for profiling purposes, e.g., if you want to find "bottlenecks" among the functions of your script, whose optimization will most likely lead to noticeable improvements of running times.

clear [variable …]

Undefine the given variables. If no argument is specified, clear all user-defined variables (including the value of the `_' variable).

clear break [function …]

Remove breakpoints on the given function symbols (all breakpoints if no argument is specified).

clear profile [function …]

Disable profiling on the given function symbols (all functions if no argument is specified).

unparse [on|off]

Enable or disable custom pretty-printing of expressions (print current setting if no option is given), as defined by rules for the built-in view function, cf. Views. This is enabled by default.

echo [on|off], echo S

Enable or disable command echoing (print current setting if no option is given), or echo the given string to standard output (with a newline character appended). When echoing is enabled, all command lines executed in batch mode (using the -s or -c option, or the source command) are echoed to standard output before they are executed. (You can inhibit command echoing by prefixing a command line with the @ character.)

chdir [S], cd [S]

Change to the given directory (your home directory if none given).


Print the current working directory.

ls [S ...]

List the contents of the current directory, or the files matching the given patterns. This command simply invokes the corresponding UNIX command with the given arguments.

which [S]

Print the full name of the script or command file (as given by a search on the library path) that would be run when the relative pathname S is given to the run or source command; if invoked without arguments, print the full pathname of the running script.

edit [S]

Edit the given file (current main script if none specified), using the editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable, or vi by default. When the interpreter has been started with the --gnuclient option (see Running Compiler and Interpreter), then the command causes an edit request to be submitted to a driving emacs process using the gnuclient program.

run [S [args ...]]

Run the given script with the given arguments. If no script is specified, rerun the current script with the current arguments. (Note that to force the interpreter back to an empty script, you can specify "" for the script name. You can also use `-' as the script name to indicate that the script is to be read from standard input.) When in interactive mode, the exitrc and initrc files are sourced as usual. Note that in the current implementation this operation also clears the variable memory, so you might wish to save your variables before invoking this command, unless your exitrc file already takes care of this.

import [[+|-]S …]

Rerun the current script with the current arguments, as with run, but also add or remove the given scripts to/from the current "import list". A `+' prefix (or no prefix at all) causes the module to be added to the import list and `-' removes the module, if possible. If no arguments are given then the import list is cleared. Modules on the import list are imported into the global scope (i.e., the namespace of the main script), in addition to the prelude and the imports of the main script. The current import list can be shown with the imports command, see below.

Note that you can also add modules which are already included in the running script, but which are not currently visible in the global scope. On the other hand, you can only remove those modules which have actually been added to the import list, not any modules which are only included in the running script. The main script can be removed as well, which has the same effect as doing run with an empty script name.

IMPORTANT: This command will only work as advertised when running a source script. If a bytecode file is run, the import list will be cleared, and subsequent import commands will have no effect.

source S, . S

Source a file with interpreter commands (may be nested). As indicated, this command may be abbreviated as `.'. The given command file is searched on the Q library path.

save [S], load [S]

Save and restore variable values to/from the given file (if no file specified, use the file last specified with save or load, or .q_vars by default).

The save command stores all user-defined variables in the form of variable definitions, i.e., var commands. Floating point values are always stored with maximum internal precision so that they can be reconstructed exactly, at least on machines with IEEE compatible 64 bit doubles. The built-in variables are not saved with this command; thus, if you want to also save the value of the `_' variable, you must explicitly assign it to a user variable.

The load command is very much like source, so the file may actually contain arbitrary interpreter commands, but no library path search is performed, so a path must be given unless the file is contained in the current directory.

Putting a pair of load and save commands in your initrc/exitrc files (see Setting up your Environment) is a convenient method to have the interpreter automatically remember the variable environment from a previous session. Note, however, that the load command reevaluates all values in the context of the current script, and hence the results may be quite different from the original values if the script has been changed during invocations of the interpreter. Another potential obstacle is that the load command cannot reconstruct "external" objects (<<typeid>>, see File I/O, and C Language Interface), since these objects do not have a parseable representation at all.


List all loaded modules, i.e., all scripts imported or included in the running script (including the prelude). External modules are indicated by a trailing `*'.


Like the modules command, but only list the modules visible in the global scope. This includes the main script itself, the prelude and all the modules it includes (normally the standard library), the imports and includes of the main script, and the extra imports specified with the import command (see above). The latter modules and the main script are indicated by an initial `+' character. (These are the modules which can be removed with the import command.)

who [all]

List all user-defined variable symbols. This only lists variables which have been defined in the interpreter. If the optional all parameter is specified then all variables are listed.

whos symbol

Describe the given (function, variable or operator) symbols. Prints useful information about each symbol, such as whether it is a function symbol or a variable, name of the script file and line number where the symbol is first declared, defined or used, const and special attributes, etc.

whois symbol

As of Q 7.8, this is a new and improved version of the whos command which also lists, for each given symbol, the fully qualified names under which the symbol is available in the global namespace.

completion_matches S

List the possible completions of a token prefix. This command allows programs like emacs (see Running Scripts in Emacs) to implement completion when driving the interpreter as an inferior process.

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B.3 Setting up your Environment

There are basically two ways in which you can tailor the Q interpreter to your needs: you can provide your own prelude providing "preloaded" function and variable definitions; and you can use the qinitrc and qexitrc command files to execute a sequence of interpreter commands when an interactive instance of the interpreter starts up and exits. We describe each of these in turn.

The prelude, which has already been discussed in Scripts and Modules, is just an ordinary Q script which is by default imported in all your scripts. Normally the prelude includes the standard library modules, but you can also provide your own prelude into which you can put any "standard" definitions you want to have available in all your scripts. To customize the prelude, you can either modify the version provided with the standard library (to provide your definitions system-wide), or put your private version somewhere on your library path where the compiler will find it prior to the standard one. In the latter case you can still have your version of the prelude include the standard prelude by renaming the latter using an `as' clause (see Scripts and Modules). E.g., your prelude.q script may contain something like the following (assuming the standard prelude is in /usr/share/q/lib):

// include the standard prelude as `stdprelude'
include "/usr/share/q/lib/prelude.q" as stdprelude;
// my own definitions here ...

Let us now turn to the interpreter's initialization and termination files. As already mentioned, when the interpreter runs in interactive mode, it automatically sources a startup file (usually named ~/.qinitrc, but you can change this with the --initrc option) before entering the command loop. Thus you can put some commands in this file which set up your initial environment, e.g., initialize some variables and load variable definitions from a previous session. A typical startup file may look as follows (lines with initial `//' are comments):

// sample init file

// common constants
//var e = exp 1.0
//var pi = 4.0*atan 1.0

// set your preferred defaults here
//path .:~/q:/usr/share/q/lib:/usr/lib/q
//fix 2
//cstacksize 1024
//stacksize 1024000
//memsize 4096000
//break on
//debug pathnames=y detail=all maxchars=80
prompt "\n\\M>> "

// read variable definitions from .q_vars file

Similarly, when the interpreter is exited, it normally sources the ~/.qexitrc file (or the file named with the --exitrc option), which might take care of saving the values of currently defined variables:

// sample exit file

// autosave variables

// want your daily epigram?
//! fortune

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B.4 Running Scripts from the Shell

The Q programming system has been designed primarily to facilitate interactive usage. However, with a little additional effort it can also be used to create standalone application programs which are invoked directly from the shell. We discuss how to do this in some detail below.

Using "Shebangs"

For the purposes of this section, your script should be equipped with some "main" function which acts as the entry point to your application. On UNIX systems, you can then use the `#!' ("shebang") notation to specify the Q interpreter as a language processor to be invoked on the script instead of the shell:

#!/usr/bin/q -cmain

If you include this line (which will be treated as a comment by the Q interpreter) at the top of your main script and give the script execute permissions, most UNIX shells will be able to execute the script just like any other program.

You can pass the script's command line parameters as an argument to the main function using a shebang line like the following:

#!/usr/bin/q -cmain ARGS

In any case, your main function should normally use the exit function (cf. Process Control) to explicitly terminate the script with an exit code (unless you specifically want the interpreter to print the result of the main function on standard output). Alternatively, you may include the call to exit in the shebang line:

#!/usr/bin/q -cmain||exit 0

Or your main function can return an integer exit code, in which case you would call it as follows:

#!/usr/bin/q -cexit main

Note that the "shebang" feature is generally only available on UNIX-like systems. On Windows, you'll have to work with "batch file" wrappers for your script, or you can compile your script to a standalone executable with the qcwrap program as described in Translating Scripts to C.

A Simple Example

For the sake of a concrete example, let us write a little program which takes a number as a command line parameter and prints out all the Fibonacci numbers up to the given index on standard output:

#!/usr/bin/q -c main (val (ARGS!1))

fib N           = A where (A,B) = fibs N;
fibs N          = (B,A+B) where (A,B) = fibs (N-1) if N>0;
                = (0,1) otherwise;

main N:Int      = do (printf "%s\n".str) $ map fib [0..N] || exit 0;
main _          = printf "Usage: %s <number>\n" (ARGS!0) || exit 1

Note that in this case we simply passed the Q value of the first command line parameter into the main function and have that function do all the remaining processing. We also handle the case that the parameter is missing or does not denote an integer value, and print a little usage message in this case. (At least on UNIX-like systems it is customary to print the real program name in such diagnostics, which is readily available as ARGS!0, see the second line of main's definition.) Also note that we print the numbers in the list map fib [0..N] using printf "%s\n".str rather than simply printf "%d\n", since the numbers get pretty large pretty soon, so the `%d' format (which only supports 32 bit integers on most systems) would not be able to handle them.

Save the above script as a file, say, fibs.q, and make it executable. That is all that is needed, the script should now be ready to go. Run it as, e.g., ./fibs.q 100 to see it in action.

Command Line Parameters

Most shells only accept a single argument with `#!'. This means that you must pass all compiler and interpreter options in one argument. For instance:

#!/usr/bin/q -dcmain ARGS

Obviously, this can be cumbersome and it also prevents you from having more than one parameterized option. As a remedy, the Q compiler and interpreter let you pass options by including any number of additional "shebang" lines in the format

#! option

at the beginning of the main script. This even works if there is no #!/usr/bin/q line at the top of the script, but in this case it is a good idea to leave the first script line empty, so that the option line is not mistaken for an ordinary shell shebang line. Note that this is not a shell feature, but an extension provided by the Q programming tools, and hence also works on Windows. Also note that here the `#!' symbol and the option must be separated with whitespace, like so:

#! -ofoo
#! -cmain ARGS

Using these facilities, fairly elaborate application setups can be handled which require setting the environment for a certain installation directory with additional modules and data files used by the main script. For instance, you can modify the Q path and set a PROGDIR variable to the installation directory as follows:

#! -p/usr/share/myprog:
#! -cdef PROGDIR="/usr/share/myprog"
#! -cmain ARGS

By these means, all the necessary setup information is collected at the beginning of your main script where it can be changed easily at installation time.

Locating Data Files

Another common trick is that you can also have the built-in which function (see Miscellaneous Functions) search the application's data files for you. This only requires that you have set up a search path pointing to the application directory containing your data files with `-p' as described above (which you'll probably have to do anyway, so that the script can find its auxiliary imports). For instance:

myconfig = which "myconfig.rc";

Because of the way the interpreter does its path searches (see Running Compiler and Interpreter), this even works if the file is located in some subdirectory of the application directory:

myconfig = which "etc/myconfig.rc";

Here is a reasonable "standard" setup that should work for most applications: Install the entire code for your application, including any needed data files and auxiliary modules, in the directory /usr/share/q/apps/myprog (assuming that the interpreter lives under /usr), where myprog denotes the name of your application. Locate data files in your program using which as described above (you might want to check the return value of which and abort the program with a suitable error message if a data file cannot be found). Using this setup, a shebang line like the following should do the trick (add other command line options as needed):

#! -p/usr/share/q/apps/myprog:
#! -cmain ARGS

During installation, make sure to edit the /usr prefix in the second line with a program like sed to reflect the actual installation prefix. Finally, make your main script in /usr/share/q/apps/myprog executable and create a symbolic link to it in /usr/bin (or any other directory on the system PATH). Your script should now be executable from the command line no matter where you actually installed it.

Using Env

The shell shebangs we have been using so far all required that the absolute path of the interpreter executable be given. However, many UNIX systems also offer the env command which executes a given command and also performs a path search. This enables you to write something like:

#!/usr/bin/env q

Using this method, you do not have to know where the interpreter executable is located; env will search for it on the system PATH as usual. Passing additional command line parameters can then be done via secondary shebangs as described above.

Embedding Q Programs in Shell Scripts

As of Q 7.8, the interpreter allows you to specify `-' as the name of the main script, to indicate that the script is to be read from standard input. This allows you to employ shell "here" documents in order to embed a Q program in an ordinary shell script. This has the disadvantage that first another shell has to be invoked to execute the embedded program, but in return you get the possibility to do much more elaborate preprocessing of program parameters than a simple shebang can offer. Moreover, it is also possible to include several different Q programs in a single shell script and execute them in sequence or even in a loop, which is great for testing purposes or any other kind of "automation".

One word of caution: When you specify a Q script as a "here" document, shebangs in the included script are not processed; they are simply treated as comments. But this is not a problem at all since of course our shell script contains an explicit command invoking the interpreter, so we can easily specify any interpreter options that we might need. For example, here is another version of the Fibonacci program from above, this time written as a shell script.


# Note that we pass the real script name as ARGS!1 here (and the number
# parameter as ARGS!2), so that we can give proper diagnostics.

q - "$0" "$1" -c 'main (val (ARGS!2))' <<EOF

fib N           = A where (A,B) = fibs N;
fibs N          = (B,A+B) where (A,B) = fibs (N-1) if N>0;
                = (0,1) otherwise;

main N:Int      = do (printf "%s\n".str) $ map fib [0..N] || exit 0;
main _          = printf "Usage: %s <number>\n" (ARGS!1) || exit 1


Encoding Options

As of Q 7.0, there is one additional compiler option, --encoding, which, in difference to all other options, is also interpreted while the compiler parses each script file belonging to a program (not just the main script). This option can be used to tell the compiler about the encoding of scripts on a per-file basis, employing a "shebang" line like the following:

#! --encoding=UTF-8

This is useful if a script file contains non-ASCII text and may be deployed in environments where you cannot be sure that the encoding of the file matches the system encoding.

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B.5 Translating Scripts to C

As of version 5.1, the Q programming system also includes a little utility, qcwrap, which employs Q's interpreter interface library libqint (see Embedding Q in C/C++ Applications) to turn a Q script into a C program which can be compiled to a binary executable. This will be a real executable for the host operating system, i.e., no `#!' magic is required, and you don't have to distribute the Q source with the executable program, as the binary also contains the entire bytecode of the script.

Similar to a self-hosting compiler, the qcwrap program is implemented by a Q script which is run on itself to turn it into an executable. Note, however, that qcwrap does not really "translate" the source script to C code, i.e., it is not a "real" Q-to-C compiler. It just creates a C wrapper for running the Q interpreter on the script's bytecode. The compiled script is still executed by the Q interpreter (in its libqint incarnation), so it will not run any faster or use less memory than the source script. Nevertheless, qcwrap is quite useful whenever a Q application has to be shipped in a self-contained binary form.

The qcwrap program is simply invoked with the filename of the script file to be converted:

$ qcwrap myscript.q

Be patient, generating the C source for the bytecode of the script takes a while … If all went well, you should now have a myscript.c file. Compile the C program as follows (taking gcc as an example):

$ gcc -o myscript myscript.c -lqint

Just as with scripts executed via shebangs, the converted script must "do" something when invoked from the command line. The usual way to accomplish this is to include a shebang in your script, as discussed under Running Scripts from the Shell, above. The qcwrap utility interprets the -c options in the shebang lines at the beginning of the script and generates corresponding C code for each of them. (Note that only the -c options are interpreted. Moreover, only valid Q expressions can be executed this way, other special interpreter commands will not work.)

The compiled script still depends on the Q runtime and any other non-Q source files it uses, but it is not a great deal to create a minimal runtime including libqint and the required module binaries (i.e., shared libraries), which can be distributed with the compiled script and other support files needed by the script itself. (You could even do without the module binaries when linking everything statically; otherwise you'll just have to make sure that libqint and the module binaries are installed in a place where the system finds them.) E.g., if your script uses the standard library and nothing else, a package including your script binary and the libqint and clib binaries should work, even without any Q installation on the target system.

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C. C Language Interface

The Q interpreter provides an interface to the C programming language, which allows you to extend the interpreter with your own collections of "built-ins" in C modules, in order to access functions in C libraries and to take advantage of the higher processing speed of C functions for time-critical applications. We also refer to such C modules interfacing to the Q interpreter as external modules. On most systems supporting "shared" libraries (a.k.a. "dll"s), external modules are loaded dynamically at runtime, otherwise they have to be linked statically with the interpreter's main program to create a new interpreter executable. The Q interpreter has its own external module support for MS Windows; on UNIX systems, it uses the libtool package to implement this functionality. See GNU Libtool: (libtool)Top section `Shared library support for GNU' in GNU Libtool.

Conversely, Q scripts can also be executed from C, which allows you to use Q as an embedded macro or programming language or a term rewriting engine in your C/C++ applications.

In the following we first discuss Q's C module interface, libq, in some detail. In the final section of this appendix we then give a brief description of the libqint interface which is used to embed Q in C/C++ applications.

NOTE: As of version 6.0, Q now also has support for SWIG, the "Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator", see http://www.swig.org. SWIG considerably simplifies the process of interfacing to existing C and C++ code. This feature still needs to be documented; for the time being, please refer to the README-SWIG file in the distribution for more information.

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C.1 Compiling a Module

To provide for a platform-independent way of compiling and linking external modules, the Q programming system includes two tiny additional utilities which take care of the necessary and sometimes messy compilation details: qcc and qld.

Qcc is the module compiler. After you have prepared an external module (as explained in Writing a Module), you run qcc to compile your module to a library, a binary file which can be loaded by or linked into the interpreter.

The qcc program will compile each given source file and then invoke the linker on all object files to produce the output library. The synopsis of the qcc program is as follows:

qcc [options] [source-or-object-file …] [-- cc-options … [--link ld-options…]]

As indicated, qcc can process both C source and object files, and extra options can be passed on to compiler and linker after the -- option. All options understood by the qcc utility are listed below:

--dry-run, -n

Only print compilation commands, do not actually execute them.


Print the default output file extension and exit. This is usually `.la' on UNIX systems which denotes a libtool library, or `.dll' on Windows.

--help, -h

Print a short help message and exit.

--keep, -k

Do not delete intermediate files (object files and such) produced during the compilation process.


Select the mingw compiler driver. Mingw is the native Windows port of the well-known GNU C compiler, gcc. This option is the default for dll compilation on MS Windows.


Select the MS Visual C compiler driver. Use this if you want to compile your module with the Visual C compiler on Windows.

--output=file, -o file

Specify the name of the library output file.

--verbose, -v

Echo compilation commands as they are processed.

--version, -V

As with the other Q programming utilities, this option causes version number and copyright information to be displayed, after which the program terminates.

The Q module linker, qld, is implemented as a shell script (thus it is not supported on Windows) which simply invokes libtool with the specified -dlopen and -dlpreopen options to create a new interpreter executable. This is only necessary if your system does not support shared libraries. Qld is invoked as follows:

qld --help | --version | -o progname [-dlopen module …]

The --help and --version options (which may also be abbreviated as -h and -V, respectively) work as usual. All other options are simply passed on to the libtool program, thus you can actually use any option recognized in libtool's "link" mode. (See GNU Libtool: (libtool)Invoking libtool section `Invoking libtool' in GNU Libtool, for details.) The interpreter executable is written to the specified output file progname (there is no default for the output file name, so the `-o' option must always be specified).

For a closer description of how qld is used see Linking and Debugging a Module, below.

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C.2 Writing a Module

Writing a real external module can be a complicated task, just like any bit of C programming which goes beyond mere exercising. We cannot cover this process in detail here, although we hopefully provide enough information to get you started. You should take a look at the external modules bundled with the Q distribution for more substantial examples.

The procedure for making a C function callable from the Q interpreter is fairly straightforward. You first need a Q script (called a stub) which declares the external C functions you would like to use in your Q program. Next you have to write a C module which implements these functions. Finally, you run qcc to translate the C module to a library file which can be loaded by or linked into the interpreter. We discuss each of these steps in turn.

As a running example, let us implement list reversal in C. Our C version of this function will be called creverse. We first create a Q script creverse.q, which declares the creverse function as extern:

// creverse stub
public extern creverse Xs;

This tells the interpreter that when the creverse function is applied to a single argument, it should invoke the corresponding C function, which is assumed to be found in a shared library named after the stub script.

To implement the creverse function, we create a C module cerverse.c. The Q programming system comes with an interface library called libq which provides the necessary operations to inspect Q expressions given as argument values, and to construct new expressions which can be returned as the result of the function invocation. The interface operations are declared in the libq.h header file which we include in our C module. The C module must provide the necessary code for being initialized by the interpreter, which is done by putting a MODULE "header" at the beginning of the source file. The MODULE macro takes one argument, the name of the module. The external functions are then declared with the FUNCTION macro, which takes four arguments: the name of the module, the name of the external function (as given in the stub script), the name of the argument count variable, and the name of the argument vector variable. The FUNCTION macro is followed by the C block giving the definition of the function. In our example, the creverse.c module contains the following C code:

#include <libq.h>


  /* to be sure, check number of arguments */
  if (argc == 1) {
    /* expr is the data type used by libq to represent Q expressions;
       x is set to the argument expression, y is initialized to the empty
       Q list (mknil value) */
    expr x = argv[0], y = mknil, hd, tl;
    /* iscons(x,...) checks that x is a [|] expression and returns its
       head element and tail list */
    while (y && iscons(x, &hd, &tl)) {
      /* use mkcons to prepend the head element to the list y constructed
         so far */
      expr z = mkcons(hd, y);
      y = z; x = tl;
    if (!y)
      /* signal error condition */
      return __ERROR;
    else if (isnil(x))
      /* well-formed list argument, return the constructed reversal */
      return y;
    else {
      /* argument was not a well-formed list; throw away the constructed
         value and indicate failure */
      return __FAIL;
  } else
    return __FAIL;

A description of the various macros and functions provided by the libq library can be found in the libq.h header file. Extern functions are treated very much like the built-in functions provided by the interpreter. The external definition may be thought of as an "external rule" being applied to a Q expression. The definition may either return a Q expression, in which case the rule applies, or __FAIL, in which case the rule fails, and the interpreter goes on to try other equations supplied by the programmer. As a third alternative, the external definition may also return __ERROR, which causes evaluation to be aborted with an error message. Also note that built-in functions always take priority. Thus the interpreter first checks for a built-in rule, then for an external definition, and finally considers the equations in the Q script. Therefore it is possible to override an equational function definition with an external function. For instance, we might rename the creverse function in the declaration in creverse.q to stdlib::reverse, and to reverse in creverse.c. This makes our definition override the definition of reverse in stdlib.q. The latter definition will then only be applied when the external definition fails. (This is what the clib module actually does to override the definition of reverse as well as other operations in stdlib.q, see Clib.)

Also note that in order to prevent name clashes between external functions and ordinary C function names, the external function names are stropped with a special prefix (this is taken care of by the FUNCTION macro). To call an external function declared with FUNCTION from within your C module, you must therefore use the FUNCALL macro, which is invoked with the module name, function name and the argc and argv parameters as arguments. For instance, you would call the creverse function defined above as follows:


Back to our example. Before we can actually use the above function in the interpreter, we have to run qcc to translate the C module to a library object. In our example the process is fairly simple:

$ qcc creverse.c

If all went well, we now have a libtool library named creverse.la which is accompanied by some other libtool-generated files. (If you are trying this on a Windows system, you will see a dll file named creverse.dll instead.) If your system supports shared libraries then you can now simply run the creverse.q script with the Q interpreter as usual:

$ q creverse.q

(If at startup the interpreter complains that it could not load the module then your system probably does not support shared libraries. In this case you will have to create a new interpreter executable which links the module into the interpreter, as explained in Linking and Debugging a Module.)

Let's try it: You probably want to compare the running time of our list reversal function against a Q version of the same operation, which can be defined as follows (include this in the creverse.q script):

public qreverse Xs;
qreverse Xs:List        = foldl push [] Xs;

The following results were obtained on an Intel PIII-800 PC running Linux:

==> var l = [1..50000]

==> var r = creverse l; stats
0.033 secs, 1 reduction, 50000 cells

==> def r = qreverse l; stats
0.471 secs, 100002 reductions, 50004 cells

Not very surprisingly, the C function is indeed much faster, which is due to the extra pattern matching, value extraction and function call overhead of the interpreter.

It is also possible to declare a Q type as extern, and realize the type in C. Such a type must always be abstract (i.e., it must not have any constructor symbols, cf. Types), and the only way to get a value of such a type is by means of corresponding extern functions. For this purpose, the libq library provides the mkobj operation, which takes as its argument a pointer to the corresponding C object. For instance, consider an extern type Bar and a corresponding construction function bar declared as:

public extern type Bar;
public extern bar I J; // I and J integer

We might implement this type as a C struct containing a pair of integers as follows:

#include <libq.h>


typedef struct { long i, j; } Bar;

  long i, j;
  if (argc != 2 || !isint(argv[0], &i) || !isint(argv[1], &j))
    return __FAIL;
  else {
    Bar *v = malloc(sizeof(Bar));
    expr x;
    if (!v) return __ERROR;
    v->i = i; v->j = j;
    return mkobj(type(Bar), v);

Note that objects of an external type are completely "opaque" as far as the interpreter is concerned (just like file values). In particular, they will be printed using the notation <<typeid>> in the interpreter:

==> bar 1 2

The only way to access the contents of an external object is by means of corresponding C functions. For instance, an extern function which converts a Bar object to a tuple may be implemented as follows. The declaration:

public extern bartuple B;

The corresponding definition in the C module:

  Bar *v;
  if (argc == 1 && isobj(argv[0], type(Bar), (void**)&v))
    return mktuplel(2, mkint(v->i), mkint(v->j));
    return __FAIL;

Compile and load the script, using the same procedure as above, and try the following:

==> bartuple (bar 1 2)

(It is worth noting here that the isint and mkint functions used above only allow you to access and create integer values fitting into a machine integer. Integers of arbitrary sizes, which are represented as GMP mpz_t values, can be dealt with using the ismpz and mkmpz functions, see the libq.h header files for details.)

As indicated in our example, external objects are usually allocated dynamically, and will be freed automatically by the interpreter when they are no longer needed. This default behaviour is appropriate in most cases. However, you can also explicitly define a destructor function for objects of an external type in your C module as follows:

  /* we could perform any other necessary cleanup here */

If such a destructor function is present, it will be used instead of the interpreter's default action to call free() when it disposes a Q expression of the corresponding type.

Occasionally, a module will also have some global internal data structures which have to be initialized and/or finalized. For this purpose, you can declare parameterless functions using the INIT and FINI macros, which will be executed before the script's initialization code, and just before the interpreter exits, respectively. Both macros take the module name as their single argument:

  /* any code to be executed at startup goes here */

  /* any code to be executed at termination goes here */

Note that the actual order in which the initialization/finalization routines of different modules are executed is unspecified. Furthermore, initialization routines will be executed before any of the script's initialization code (def and undef). Thus these routines should only be used to perform initializations and cleanup of private data structures of the module. Other initializations can be performed using appropriate def statements in the stub script.

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C.3 Linking and Debugging a Module

If your system does not support shared libraries, or provides no means to dynamically load a shared library at runtime, you must run the qld program to produce a new interpreter executable which links in the required module. For instance, we could link the creverse module from the preceding section into the interpreter as follows:

$ qld -o myq -dlopen creverse.la

(You can also use the -dlpreopen option instead of -dlopen to force the module to be linked at load time, even if your system supports runtime loading. See GNU Libtool: (libtool)Link mode section `Link mode' in GNU Libtool, for more information.)

You then run the script as usual, but using the custom interpreter executable built with qld instead of the standard `q' program:

$ ./myq creverse.q

Building such a "preloaded" interpreter is also required when you want to debug a module, in which case the module usually must be linked statically into the interpreter. You can do this as follows (assuming that your C compiler understands the -g debugging flag):

$ qcc creverse.c -- -g

$ qld -o myq -static -g -dlopen creverse.la

If you now let your debugger execute `myq creverse.q', you should be able to debug creverse.c at the source level.

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C.4 Embedding Q in C/C++ Applications

To call the Q interpreter from a C/C++ application, your program must link to the Q interpreter interface library, libqint. This library provides a number of operations with which you can load a script into the interpreter and then evaluate Q expressions. A closer description of the operations can be found in the qint.h header file of the library.

Before you can evaluate anything, you have to invoke the qexecv() or qexecl() routine to load a script or byte code file into the interpreter. These two routines work pretty much like the run command in the interpreter. The qexecv() function takes the script parameters as a vector of `char*' values, while qexecl() allows you to pass the parameters directly as char* arguments; otherwise the two functions operate in exactly the same way. As with the interpreter's run command, only one script can be loaded at any one time; if a new script is loaded with qexecv() or qexecl(), it replaces an existing one.

Two additional routines are provided, qexecvx() and qexeclx(), which work exactly like qexecv() and qexecl(), respectively, but take the script (or byte code file) itself as a binary string in the first argument. This allows you to specify the script to be executed directly in your application, without relying on some external script file.

Once a script has been loaded, you can repeatedly evaluate expressions with the qeval() routine, which takes the expression to be evaluated as a string argument. The contents of the string must be in Q expression syntax. The result is returned as a malloc'd string which must be freed by the caller; it contains the unparsed evaluated expression in the same format as it would be printed by the interpreter.

Here is a complete C example which employs the qeval() routine to implement a simple read-eval-print loop. The name of the script to be loaded and its parameters are taken from the command line of the program.

/* poor man's Q interpreter */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <qint.h>

#define BUFSIZE 1024

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int status;
  char s[BUFSIZE], *t;

  /* First load the script with args as given on the command line. */

  if ((status = qexecv(argv[1], argc-1, argv+1))) {
    char msg[1000];
    sprintf(msg, qstrerror(status), argv[1]);
    fprintf(stderr, "Error starting interpreter: %d: %s\n", status, msg);

  /* The read/eval/print loop. */

  printf("%s loaded, ready to rumble!\n", argv[1]?argv[1]:"empty script");
  printf("\nin>  "); fflush(stdout);

  while (fgets(s, BUFSIZE, stdin)) {
    int l = strlen(s);

    if (l > 0 && s[l-1] == '\n')
      s[l-1] = 0;

    t = qeval(s, &status);

    if (status)
      printf("err> %d: %s\n", status, qstrerror(status));
    if (t) {
      printf("out> %s\n", t);
    printf("\nin>  "); fflush(stdout);




On Linux and most other Unix-like systems you should be able to compile and then run this program as follows (assuming that the C source is in a file named myq.c):

$ gcc -o myq myq.c -lqint
$ ./myq /usr/share/q/examples/fac.q

(On some systems it might be necessary to add more linker options to resolve additional dependencies. E.g., under Cygwin you'll need something like `-lqint -liconv -lgmp -lq'.)

A sample session with the program is shown below.

/usr/share/q/examples/basics.q loaded, ready to rumble!

in>  1+
err> 17: Syntax error

in>  1+1
out> 2

in>  fact 12
out> 479001600

in>  foldl (*) 1 [1..12]
out> 479001600

Obviously, the qeval() function is of limited usefulness if your application needs to construct the input expression from a C data structure, and/or inspect the evaluated result, e.g., to translate the result back to another C structure. For such applications libqint provides the qevalx() function which receives a binary expression object (of type qexpr) as input and returns the evaluated expression as another qexpr object. Operations are provided to construct and inspect qexpr objects which are analogous to the corresponding libq routines. Here is a simple example which constructs and evaluates a qexpr object using qevalx() and then checks the result value. It also illustrates the use of qexeclx() to load an "inlined" script into the interpreter.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <qint.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int status;
  char *t;
  qexpr x;

  /* Our little hello world script. */
  char *script = "hello = writes \"Hello, world!\\n\";";

  /* Load the script into the interpreter, also pass arguments (the first
     argument is always the (fake) script name which becomes ARGS!0). */
  qexeclx(script, strlen(script), 2, "Hello!", "Hello world example.");

  /* Just for fun, print the arguments passed to the script. (We don't do any
     error checking, since there's not much that can go wrong here.) */
  t = qeval("ARGS", &status);
  printf("ARGS ==> %s\n", t);

  /* Evaluate the `hello' function from the script and print the result. */
  t = qeval("hello", &status);
  printf("hello ==> %s\n", t);

  /* Here's how to employ qevalx() to evaluate binary expression objects
     instead of their string representations. We construct the function
     application `writes "Hello, world #2!\n"' and evaluate it. Note that the
     string value *must* be allocated dynamically since it is taken over by
     the interpreter (and freed automatically together with the rest of the
     input expression when qevalx() is finished with it). */

  x = qevalx(qmkapp(qmksym(qsym(writes)),
                    qmkstr(strdup("Hello, world #2!\n"))),

  /* Check the result. */
  if (status)
    printf("evalx() returned error code %d: %s\n", status,
  else if (qisvoid(x))
    printf("writes was executed successfully\n");
  else {
    t = qprint(x, &status);
    printf("writes returned some unexpected value: %s\n", t);

  /* Get rid of the result. */



The program produces the following output:

ARGS ==> ["Hello!","Hello world example."]
Hello, world!
hello ==> ()
Hello, world #2!
writes was executed successfully

Using the qdef() function, it is also possible to set variables in the interpreter. You can either change existing variables of the script or create new variables in the global scope. Here is a simple example:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <qint.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int status;

  char *script = "def TEST = 99;";

  qexeclx(script, strlen(script), 0);

  /* change the value of an existing variable */
  printf("TEST ==> %s\n", qeval("TEST", &status));
  status = qdef("TEST", qevalx(qparse("TEST+2", &status), &status));
  printf("TEST ==> %s\n", qeval("TEST", &status));

  /* create a new variable in the global scope */
  printf("MYTEST ==> %s\n", qeval("MYTEST", &status));
  status = qdef("MYTEST", qevalx(qparse("TEST+2", &status), &status));
  printf("MYTEST ==> %s\n", qeval("MYTEST", &status));



The program produces the following output:

TEST ==> 99
TEST ==> 101
MYTEST ==> 103

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D. Debugging

The Q interpreter includes a simple symbolic debugger which can be used to trace the reductions performed during an expression evaluation. In order to use this tool successfully, you should be familiar with the way the Q interpreter evaluates expressions; see, in particular, Performing Reductions on a Stack.

The debugger is subject to activation when one of the following conditions arises:

In the first case, the debugger is always invoked as soon as an evaluation is started. In the remaining cases the debugger is only invoked if the break flag is on. The break flag is an internal flag of the interpreter which can be controlled with the break command, cf. Command Language. If break is off then all kinds of exceptions normally cause evaluation to be aborted immediately with an appropriate error message, and invocations of the break function are simply ignored. (The break flag is off by default, so you must set it to on before you can catch any break points with the debugger.) Also note that if there is a pending catch (see Exception Handling) then the debugger will only be invoked for a call to the break function, if the break flag is on.

The break command can also be invoked with a list of function symbols as arguments, which sets breakpoints on the given symbols. When a breakpoint has been set on a function symbol, the debugger will be invoked, just as if the break function had been called, whenever the interpreter is about to reduce an application of that function employing a user-defined rule. When invoked without arguments, break prints the current status of the break flag and a list of currently active breakpoints. You can use the clear command to delete a breakpoint on the given function symbols (or all breakpoints if no argument is specified). Moreover, there also is a tbreak command which sets temporary breakpoints on the given symbols which will be removed automatically once they are hit. (In the breakpoint list produced with break, such temporary breakpoints are signaled by a trailing `*'.) All these commands can be used either from the debugger or on the interpreter's command line.

When active, the debugger prints each reduction by a built-in or user-defined rule performed during evaluation in the following format:

**  left-hand-side  ==>  right-hand-side

"Tail reductions" (see Tail Recursion) are signaled by a leading `++' instead of `**', global and local variable bindings (cf. Free Variables, and Local Variables) with a leading `--'.

Whenever a new rule is activated, and also after processing a qualifier, the debugger interrupts the evaluation and displays the current rule together with the corresponding source file name and line number in the following format:

level> source-file, line line-number: left-hand-side  ==>  right-hand-side qualifier

(To remove clutter, the debugger only prints one qualifier at a time, namely the condition or local definition which is currently being processed.)

The level number printed in front of the rule indicates the position of the printed rule on the reduction stack (the topmost rule is at level 0). At the `:' prompt, you may then enter one of the following commands:

?, help

Print a short help message which lists the debugger commands.

help options

Print a help message which briefly describes debugger options that can be set with the `.' command.

break [on|off|function …], tbreak function …, clear [function …]

Change the break flag and list, set or remove breakpoints (see above).

. [arg …]

Reprint the current rule (if invoked without arguments), or set debugger options.

l [offs] [lines]

List source lines of the current rule. You may specify the number of lines to be listed (the default is 1), as well as an offset taken relative to the line number of the current rule (this must be a signed number, with the default being +0).

p [arg]

Print stacked rules.


Print memory usage.


List the local variables of the current rule.

u [arg], d [arg]

Move up or down on the rule stack.

t, b

Move to the top or bottom of the stack.


Step into the current reduction.


Next: step over the current reduction.


Continue: resume evaluation.


Halt: abort evaluation.

q, <EOF>

Quit: exit from the interpreter.

All other input is interpreted as an expression to be evaluated in the context of the current rule, with local variables bound to their current values. This lets you inspect the values of local variables and perform arbitrary calculations with these values. Note that debugging mode is suspended while the expression is evaluated, so only the result (or an error message) will be printed. As on the interpreter's main command line, you can use `? expression' to escape an expression which looks like a debugger command.

When evaluating an expression, the result is printed with custom pretty-printing (cf. Views) enabled, just like when evaluating an expression on the interpreter's command line. All other expressions are printed in the debugger with custom pretty-printing disabled, so that you can see exactly the "raw" data processed by the interpreter.

Command line editing works in the debugger as usual. Note, however, that the debugger maintains its own command history which is not remembered across different invocations of the interpreter.

With the debugger being activated, you can simply keep on hitting the carriage return key to go through an evaluation step by step. The `n' ("next" a.k.a. "step over") command causes the interpreter to finish the current rule and also step over any tail reductions; it then leaves you in the context from which the current rule was invoked (which might be the interpreter's command prompt, if you just stepped over the toplevel rule).

The `p' command can be used to print the stack of active rules. The optional integer argument of this command sets the maximum number of stacked rules to print. The `u', `d', `t' and `b' commands let you move around on the reduction stack; `u' and `d' move up and down the given number of levels (default: 1), while `t' and `b' take you to the top (i.e., topmost rule) and bottom (active rule) of the stack, respectively.

The `l' command lists the source of the current rule. By default, only the line at which the rule starts is printed. You can specify the number of lines to be listed; e.g., `l 5' causes five lines to be printed. To have some context of the rule printed, you can also specify a signed integer denoting the relative offset from the source line; e.g., `l -2 5' causes five lines to be printed, starting two lines above the current rule. (Both the line count and the offset are remembered across different invocations of the `l' command.)

The `v' command lists the local (i.e., "bound") variables of a rule. This comprises the variables which are bound by the left-hand side or have already been bound in a where clause while the rule is being processed. (Note that in the current implementation only those variables will be listed whose values are actually used somewhere on the right-hand side or in the qualifiers of the rule.)

At any point, you can use the `c', `h' and `q' commands to continue evaluation without the debugger, abort an evaluation and return to the interpreter's prompt, or quit the interpreter, respectively. The `m' command prints the current memory usage, i.e., the total number of allocated stack and heap expression cells, along with the corresponding numbers of cells which are actually in use. For the heap, it also prints the number of expression cells in the free list, i.e., temporarily unused expression cells below the current heap top. If limits are set on the maximum number of stack and heap cells, these figures are printed as well.

The current rule can be reprinted using the `.' command. Because Q expressions can get very large, the debugger usually only prints expression "outlines"; otherwise you could end up scrolling through pages and pages of printouts for each reduction and rule. The `.' command accepts some options which allow you to set the level of detail you want to see in the printed reductions and rules; these options will be remembered during an interpreter session. The options are generally specified in the format option=value and must not contain any whitespace (blanks or tabs). Multiple options can be specified with a single `.' command, separating different options with whitespace. Option values can also be specified in the same format on the interpreter's command line, using the debug command (see Command Language), or with the interpreter's --debug-options option (see Running Compiler and Interpreter). The following options are provided:

. detail=n

Set the maximum depth (a.k.a. levels of nested parentheses, 2 by default) up to which expressions are displayed. The debugger will omit all subexpressions below the current level. Level 1 (`. detail=1') means to just print the toplevel expression, level 2 adds the first-level parentheses, level 3 all second-level parentheses, etc. All omitted parts in the expression outline will be represented using an ellipsis `...'. If you set the level to zero, or specify the symbolic value all, all expressions will be printed to arbitrary depth.

. maxitems=n

Set the maximum number of elements to print for each list or tuple. The default is 3. A value of 0 or all causes all list and tuple elements to be printed.

. maxchars=n

Set the maximum number of characters to print for each string value. The default is 33. A value of 0 or all causes all characters to be printed.

. maxstack=n

Set the number of stack levels to print with the `p' command. The default is 6. A value of 0 or all causes the entire rule stack to be printed. This value is also modified when an argument is specified with `p'.

. pathnames=y|n

Print full pathnames of scripts (`y' = yes, `n' = no). The default value of this option is `n', i.e., only the basenames of scripts are printed. Change this value to `y' if you want to see the complete path of a script file when a rule is printed.

. options

Print the current settings. This option does not modify any settings, but simply prints all current option values on a single line.

Let us now take a look at a typical session with the debugger. For an example, we take the definition of the fac function from Writing a Script:

fac N                   = N*fac(N-1) if N>0;
                        = 1 otherwise;

The commented session with the debugger follows.

==> fac 1                                            evaluate fac 1
  0>  fac.q, line 1: fac 1  ==>  1*fac (1-1) if 1>0  try the first rule …
(type ? for help)
: <CR>
**  1>0  ==>  true                                   evaluate the qualifier
  0>  fac.q, line 1: fac 1  ==>  1*fac (1-1)
: <CR>
**  1-1  ==>  0                                      evaluate 1-1 argument
  1>  fac.q, line 1: fac 0  ==>  0*fac (0-1) if 0>0  try the first rule on fac 0
: p
stack size: 2                                        now two rules are on the stack
  0>  fac.q, line 1: fac 1  ==>  1*fac (1-1)
  1>  fac.q, line 1: fac 0  ==>  0*fac (0-1) if 0>0
: <CR>
**  0>0  ==>  false                                  qualifier fails
  1>  fac.q, line 2: fac 0  ==>  1                   try the second rule …
: <CR>
**  fac 0  ==>  1                                    bingo! reduce fac 0 to 1
  0>  fac.q, line 1: fac 1  ==>  1*fac (1-1)         return to the suspended rule
: <CR>
**  1*1  ==>  1
**  fac 1  ==>  1                                    final reduction …
1                                                    … and the result printed by the

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E. Running Scripts in Emacs

The Q programming system also includes an Emacs Lisp program which lets you edit and run Q scripts in GNU Emacs or XEmacs. The program implements two major modes q-mode and q-eval-mode for Q source scripts and Q interpreter processes, respectively. The following discussion is rather terse and incomplete, but if you know Emacs then it should provide enough information to get you started.

To install Q mode on your system, copy the file q-mode.el from prefix/share/q/etc (where prefix is the installation prefix you selected at installation time) to your Emacs site-lisp directory and paste the following lines into your Emacs startup file:

(require 'q-mode)
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.q$" . q-mode) auto-mode-alist))

If you want syntactic fontification (font-lock mode), you also have to add the following lines:

(add-hook 'q-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
(add-hook 'q-eval-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)

More installation options are described at the beginning of the q-mode.el file. Once Q mode is installed and loaded, you can also customize it in Emacs; see the description of the Customize option below.

Q mode is used for editing Q scripts. With the startup configuration described above, it is invoked automatically on all files having the .q extension. Q mode provides auto-indentation and filling, as well as syntactic fontification of keywords, strings, comments, and variable and type symbols using the font-lock mode which is part of the Emacs library.

The indentation rules for Q scripts are somewhat unusual for a programming language, so we briefly summarize them here:

As usual, indentation of a line is performed with the Tab key. There also is a menu command for indenting a selected region. Moreover, you can use Esc-Tab at the end of a line to move the cursor to the indentation position for the = symbol in an equation, and certain "electric" delimiter symbols like `=' will automatically perform indentation when typed at the beginning of a line.

The q-run-script command (usually bound to C-c C-c) compiles and runs the script in the current buffer; you can also use the run-q command (which has no keybinding by default) to invoke the interpreter without a script. Both commands create a new buffer named *q-eval* (if that buffer does not already exist) in which it runs the interpreter. The *q-eval* buffer is also used to display error messages from the compiler, if any. The interpreter is used in this buffer as usual, with the only difference that input and output is done through the buffer. Since this is an ordinary Emacs buffer, you can also save the buffer to some file to obtain a transcript of your interpreter session.

The *q-eval* buffer uses q-eval-mode as its major mode which is based on comint-mode, a generic command language interpreter mode which is also part of the Emacs library. In addition to the facilities provided by Comint mode (such as cycling through a history of recent commands), Q-Eval mode provides fontification of some special items (strings, comments and source file references printed by the interpreter), as well as some commands for locating the source lines referenced by compiler or debugger messages from the interpreter. In particular, pressing the return key (or the middle mouse button, when running under X-Windows) on such a message visits the corresponding source file with the cursor positioned at the line indicated by the message. You can also scan through the messages found in the buffer with the following commands:

q-next-msg (C-c C-n), q-prev-msg (C-c C-p)

Show the next/previous compiler/debugger message and visit the corresponding source line in another window. An optional prefix argument may be used to specify the number of messages to advance.

q-first-msg (C-c C-a), q-last-msg (C-c C-e)

Show the first/last line in a contiguous sequence of compiler/debugger messages above/below the current message and visit the corresponding source line.

The above commands can be invoked in both Q and Q-Eval mode, and they are also accessible from the corresponding Q and Q-Eval menus in the menubar (or the buffer popup menu obtained with the right mouse button). Some other commands are provided as well, but you can easily find out about these using the online help facilities of Emacs. In particular, you should try the describe-mode (C-h m) command which describes the currently active mode. Another useful command is describe-key (C-h k). You can also invoke the online version of this manual with C-c C-h.

The Customize option in the Q/Q-Eval menus can be used to set various options of the interpreter in the Q customization group, which belongs to Emacs' "Programming Languages" group. In particular, you should enable the q-gnuclient option in the "Options" subgroup which synchronizes Emacs with the Q interpreter; e.g., this option allows you to edit files and read online help using the interpreter's edit and help commands directly in Emacs. (For this to work, you must have the gnuserv package, which can be obtained from the usual elisp archives; see the q-mode.el file for details.)

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H. Abelson and G.J. Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Second edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1996.

Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript Language Reference Manual. Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1990.

R. Bird and P. Wadler. Introduction to Functional Programming. Prentice Hall, New York, 1988.

N. Dershowitz and J.-P. Jouannaud. Rewrite Systems. In J. van Leeuwen, editor, Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. B: Formal Models and Semantics, pages 243-320. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990.

A. Gräf. Left-to-right tree pattern matching. In Proceedings Rewriting Techniques and Applications '91, LNCS 488, pages 323-334. Springer, Berlin, 1991.

M.C. Henson. Elements of Functional Languages. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1987.

R. Hubbard. "Q+Q": Q Rational Number Library. 2006. (Available in pdf format in the "Q+Q" package on http://q-lang.sourceforge.net.)

M.J. O'Donnell. Equational Logic as a Programming Language. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1985.

G.L. Steele, Jr. and G.J. Sussman. Scheme: An interpreter for the extended lambda calculus. Memo 349, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1975.

P. Wadler. Views: A way for pattern matching to cohabit with data abstraction. In Proc. Principles of Programming Languages, ACM, 1987.

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A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
Index Entry Section

.B.2 Command Language
.qexitrcB.3 Setting up your Environment
.qinitrcB.3 Setting up your Environment

@7.8 Rule Priorities

\"3.5 Strings
\06.1 Constants and Variables
\\3.5 Strings
\b3.5 Strings
\f3.5 Strings
\n3.5 Strings
\r3.5 Strings
\t3.5 Strings

_7.1 Equations
_B.2 Command Language
_FAIL_10.7 Exception Handling

abs11.1 Standard Functions
abs11.11 Complex Numbers
abstract data type (ADT)8.1 Using Type Guards
abstract type7.5 Type Guards
abstract type8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
accept12.12 Sockets
access12.6 File and Directory Functions
acos11.10 Mathematical Functions
acosh11.10 Mathematical Functions
active12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
active rules7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack
add_history12.10 Readline Interface
aliasing5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases
all11.1 Standard Functions
and6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
anonymous variable7.1 Equations
anonymous variableB.2 Command Language
any11.1 Standard Functions
append11.1 Standard Functions
append11.7.1 Arrays
append12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
applicable equation7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
application6.2 Applications
applicative order evaluation7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
arc11.13.3 Path Construction
arct11.13.3 Path Construction
arg11.11 Complex Numbers
ARGSB.2 Command Language
argument6.2 Applications
argument list5.1 Declaration Syntax
arithmetic operators6.4.3 Arithmetic Operators
arity5.1 Declaration Syntax
Array11.7.1 Arrays
array11.7.1 Arrays
array.q11.7.1 Arrays
array211.7.1 Arrays
arrays11.7.1 Arrays
as4.1 Unqualified Imports
asctime12.15 Time Functions
asin11.10 Mathematical Functions
asinh11.10 Mathematical Functions
assert11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
assert11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
assert.q11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
assertions11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
associative arrays11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
atan10.2 Numeric Functions
atan210.2 Numeric Functions
atanh11.10 Mathematical Functions
AVL tree8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
await12.13.4 Conditions

bag11.7.4 Bags
Bag11.7.4 Bags
bag.q11.7.4 Bags
bags11.7.4 Bags
basic expressions6. Expressions
batch modeOptions for Interactive and Batch Usage
bcat12.3 Byte Strings
bcmp12.3 Byte Strings
bfloat12.3 Byte Strings
binary search tree8.1 Using Type Guards
bind12.12 Sockets
binding clause11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
bindtextdomainGettext Interface
bint12.3 Byte Strings
bit operations6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
bit operations10.1 Arithmetic Functions
bit shift functions10.1 Arithmetic Functions
bitsets10.1 Arithmetic Functions
bitwise logical operators6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
Bool8.2 Built-In Types
bound variable7.1 Equations
bound variable7.3 Free Variables
bounded_semaphore12.13.5 Semaphores
bounding box (EPSF)11.13.8 DSC and EPSF Comments
bread12.8 Low-Level I/O
break10.7 Exception Handling
breakpoint10.7 Exception Handling
broadcast12.13.4 Conditions
bsize12.3 Byte Strings
bstr12.3 Byte Strings
bsub12.3 Byte Strings
built-in constants6.1 Constants and Variables
built-in equations7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
built-in special forms9.4 Built-In Special Forms
built-in types8.2 Built-In Types
bwrite12.8 Low-Level I/O
byte12.3 Byte Strings
byte orderExamples
bytecodeB. Using Q
bytecode file4. Scripts and Modules
bytes12.3 Byte Strings
ByteStr12.3 Byte Strings
bytestr12.3 Byte Strings

C interfaceC. C Language Interface
C programming languageC. C Language Interface
c_cc ATTR;12.9 Terminal Operations
c_cflag12.9 Terminal Operations
c_iflag12.9 Terminal Operations
c_ispeed12.9 Terminal Operations
c_lflag12.9 Terminal Operations
c_oflag12.9 Terminal Operations
c_ospeed12.9 Terminal Operations
call by name9. Special Forms
call by need9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation
call by pattern9.2 Special Constructors and Streams
call by value9. Special Forms
cancel12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
canceled12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
case11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
casefun11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
cat11.1 Standard Functions
cat12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
catch10.7 Exception Handling
cdB.2 Command Language
ceil11.10 Mathematical Functions
Char8.2 Built-In Types
character conversion10.4 Conversion Functions
character sequences3.5 Strings
character sequences6.1 Constants and Variables
charpath11.13.3 Path Construction
chars11.3 String Functions
chars12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
chdir12.6 File and Directory Functions
chmod12.6 File and Directory Functions
chown12.6 File and Directory Functions
chr10.4 Conversion Functions
cis11.11 Complex Numbers
clearB.2 Command Language
clear breakB.2 Command Language
clear profileB.2 Command Language
clib.q11. The Standard Library
clib.q12. Clib
clip11.13.5 Clipping
clippath11.13.3 Path Construction
clipping path11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
clockMeasuring CPU Time
close12.8 Low-Level I/O
closepath11.13.3 Path Construction
closesocket12.12 Sockets
closing a file10.5.2 File I/O
closing a path11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
Color11.13.6 Graphics State
combinatorial calculus7.1 Equations
command10.5.3 Pipes
command languageB.2 Command Language
command line argumentsB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
commandsB.2 Command Language
comment3.1 Whitespace and Comments
completion_matchesB.2 Command Language
Complex11.11 Complex Numbers
complex11.11 Complex Numbers
complex numbers (complex.q)11.11 Complex Numbers
complex.q11. The Standard Library
complex.q11.11 Complex Numbers
compound expressions6. Expressions
concatenation6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
concrete type8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
cond11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
cond.q11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
condfun11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
Condition12.13.4 Conditions
condition12.13.4 Conditions
condition12.13.4 Conditions
conditional clause11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
conditional equation7.1 Equations
conditional expression9.1 Basic Concepts
conj11.11 Complex Numbers
connect12.12 Sockets
cons11.1 Standard Functions
const5.1 Declaration Syntax
constant symbol5.1 Declaration Syntax
constructor5.1 Declaration Syntax
constructors7.1 Equations
container data structures11.7 Standard Types
container data structures, equality11.7 Standard Types
container data structures, size operator11.7 Standard Types
container data structures, view11.7 Standard Types
conversion functions10.4 Conversion Functions
coordinate system11.13.1 Coordinate System
copies11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
copyingB.2 Command Language
copypage11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
cos10.2 Numeric Functions
cosh11.10 Mathematical Functions
creverseC.2 Writing a Module
critical section12.13.3 Mutexes
crypt12.11 System Information
cst11.1 Standard Functions
cstacksizeB.2 Command Language
ctermid12.8 Low-Level I/O
ctime12.15 Time Functions
curry11.1 Standard Functions
curry311.1 Standard Functions
currying6.2 Applications
curveto11.13.3 Path Construction
cycle11.8 Streams

dash pattern11.13.6 Graphics State
data structure8.1 Using Type Guards
daylight12.15 Time Functions
dcgettextGettext Interface
dcngettextGettext Interface
debugB.2 Command Language
debuggerD. Debugging
debugger commandsD. Debugging
debugger sessionD. Debugging
debugger, activation ofD. Debugging
decB.2 Command Language
declarations5. Declarations
declarations, consistency5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases
defB.2 Command Language
default case7.1 Equations
default declaration5.1 Declaration Syntax
deferred value9.1 Basic Concepts
delete11.7.3 Sets
delete11.7.5 Dictionaries
delimiters, special (lexical syntax)3.3 Operator Symbols
den11.12 Rational Numbers
destructor functionC.2 Writing a Module
dgettextGettext Interface
diagnostics11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
Dict11.7.5 Dictionaries
dict11.7.5 Dictionaries
dict.q11.7.5 Dictionaries
dictionaries11.7.5 Dictionaries
dictionaries, hashed11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
digit sequence3.4 Numbers
disambiguating rules7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
div6.4.3 Arithmetic Operators
dngettextGettext Interface
do11.1 Standard Functions
document structuring conventions11.13.8 DSC and EPSF Comments
double quotes3.5 Strings
dowhile11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
dowith11.1 Standard Functions
dowith311.1 Standard Functions
drawing11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
drop11.1 Standard Functions
dropwhile11.1 Standard Functions
DSC11.13.8 DSC and EPSF Comments
dup12.8 Low-Level I/O
dup212.8 Low-Level I/O

eager evaluation9. Special Forms
echoB.2 Command Language
editB.2 Command Language
emacsE. Running Scripts in Emacs
empty list6.1 Constants and Variables
empty stream6.1 Constants and Variables
empty tuple6.1 Constants and Variables
emptyarray11.7.1 Arrays
emptybag11.7.4 Bags
emptydict11.7.5 Dictionaries
emptyhdict11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
emptyheap11.7.2 Heaps
emptyset11.7.3 Sets
encapsulated PostScript11.13.8 DSC and EPSF Comments
enum8.3 Enumeration Types
enum10.1 Arithmetic Functions
enum11. The Standard Library
enum_from8.3 Enumeration Types
enum_from10.1 Arithmetic Functions
enumeration6.3 Lists, Streams and Tuples
enumeration8.3 Enumeration Types
enumeration type8.3 Enumeration Types
enumeration, of numbers11. The Standard Library
eoclip11.13.5 Clipping
eof10.5 I/O Functions
eofill11.13.4 Painting
EPSF11.13.8 DSC and EPSF Comments
eq11.1 Standard Functions
equality operator, at toplevel of equation7.1 Equations
equality, container data structures11.7 Standard Types
equality, lists11. The Standard Library
equality, streams11. The Standard Library
equality, streams11.8 Streams
equality, tuples11. The Standard Library
equation7.1 Equations
erasepage11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
errno12.11 System Information
ERRORB.2 Command Language
error11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
error conditions7.11 Error Handling
error message11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
error.q11.14 Diagnostics and Error Messages
errorchecking_mutex12.13.3 Mutexes
escape sequences3.5 Strings
evaluation stack7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack
exception10.7 Exception Handling
exceptions10.7 Exception Handling
exec12.7 Process Control
exists10.5.2 File I/O
exit12.7 Process Control
exitstatus12.7 Process Control
exp10.2 Numeric Functions
exponential function10.2 Numeric Functions
expression6. Expressions
expression value7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
extern5.1 Declaration Syntax
externC.2 Writing a Module
extern symbol5.1 Declaration Syntax
extern typeC.2 Writing a Module
external C functionC.2 Writing a Module
external ruleC.2 Writing a Module

fac2.3 Writing a Script
factorial function2.3 Writing a Script
factorial function, tail-recursive implementation7.10 Tail Recursion
fail10.7 Exception Handling
fchdir12.8 Low-Level I/O
fchmod12.8 Low-Level I/O
fchown12.8 Low-Level I/O
fclose10.5 I/O Functions
fclose10.5.2 File I/O
fcntl12.8 Low-Level I/O
fconv12.4 Extended File Functions
fcopy10.5.2 File I/O
fcopy12.8 Low-Level I/O
fdatasync12.8 Low-Level I/O
fdopen12.4 Extended File Functions
feof10.5 I/O Functions
fflush10.5 I/O Functions
fget12.4 Extended File Functions
fgetc12.4 Extended File Functions
fgets12.4 Extended File Functions
fib7.1 Equations
fib7.10 Tail Recursion
fib12.14 Expression References
Fibonacci function7.1 Equations
Fibonacci function, hashed implementation12.14 Expression References
Fibonacci function, tail-recursive implementation7.10 Tail Recursion
File8.2 Built-In Types
file I/O10.5.2 File I/O
file object10.5.2 File I/O
file object, flushing output10.5.2 File I/O
file object, unparsing10.5.2 File I/O
file, binary10.5.2 File I/O
filedev11.13 Graphics
filename10.5.2 File I/O
fileno12.4 Extended File Functions
files, binary10.5.2 File I/O
fill11.13.4 Painting
fillMutable Sequences
filling11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
filter11.1 Standard Functions
first11.7.1 Arrays
first11.7.2 Heaps
first11.7.3 Sets
first11.7.5 Dictionaries
fixB.2 Command Language
flip10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
float10.4 Conversion Functions
Float8.2 Built-In Types
floating point number6.1 Constants and Variables
floor11.10 Mathematical Functions
flush10.5 I/O Functions
flushpage11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
fnmatch12.17 Filename Globbing
foldl11.1 Standard Functions
foldl111.1 Standard Functions
foldr11.1 Standard Functions
foldr111.1 Standard Functions
font11.13.6 Graphics State
fopen10.5 I/O Functions
fopen10.5.2 File I/O
fopen12.4 Extended File Functions
for11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
force operator9.1 Basic Concepts
fork12.7 Process Control
forkpty12.8 Low-Level I/O
formal parameters7.1 Equations
fprintf12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O
fputc12.4 Extended File Functions
fputs12.4 Extended File Functions
frac10.4 Conversion Functions
fread10.5 I/O Functions
freadc10.5 I/O Functions
freadq10.5 I/O Functions
freads10.5 I/O Functions
free variable7.3 Free Variables
freopen12.4 Extended File Functions
fscanf12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O
fseek12.4 Extended File Functions
fst11.2 Tuple Functions
fstat12.8 Low-Level I/O
fsync12.8 Low-Level I/O
ftell12.4 Extended File Functions
ftruncate12.8 Low-Level I/O
function6.2 Applications
Function10.6 Lambda Abstractions
function composition6.4.2 Function Composition
function composition9.4 Built-In Special Forms
function symbol3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words
fungetc12.4 Extended File Functions
fwrite10.5 I/O Functions
fwritec10.5 I/O Functions
fwriteq10.5 I/O Functions
fwrites10.5 I/O Functions

gcd12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions
get12.13.5 Semaphores
get12.14 Expression References
get_bound12.13.5 Semaphores
get_size12.13.5 Semaphores
getc12.4 Extended File Functions
getcwd12.6 File and Directory Functions
getegid12.7 Process Control
getenv12.7 Process Control
geteuid12.7 Process Control
getgid12.7 Process Control
getgrent12.11 System Information
getgrgid12.11 System Information
getgrnam12.11 System Information
getgroups12.7 Process Control
gethostbyaddr12.11 System Information
gethostbyname12.11 System Information
gethostent12.11 System Information
gethostname12.11 System Information
getlogin12.7 Process Control
getopt11.4 Option Parsing
getopt.q11.4 Option Parsing
getpeername12.12 Sockets
getpgid12.7 Process Control
getpgrp12.7 Process Control
getpid12.7 Process Control
getppid12.7 Process Control
getprotobyname12.11 System Information
getprotobynumber12.11 System Information
getprotoent12.11 System Information
getpwent12.11 System Information
getpwnam12.11 System Information
getpwuid UID12.11 System Information
gets12.4 Extended File Functions
getsched12.13.2 Realtime Scheduling
getservbyname12.11 System Information
getservbyport12.11 System Information
getservent12.11 System Information
getsid12.7 Process Control
getsockname12.12 Sockets
getsockopt12.12 Sockets
gettextGettext Interface
getuid12.7 Process Control
Ghostscript11.13 Graphics
glob12.17 Filename Globbing
gmtime12.15 Time Functions
GNU emacsE. Running Scripts in Emacs
gr_gid12.11 System Information
gr_members12.11 System Information
gr_name12.11 System Information
gr_passwd12.11 System Information
GRAPHICS11.13 Graphics
graphics11.13 Graphics
graphics state11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
graphics.q11.13 Graphics
grestore11.13.6 Graphics State
grouping6.3 Lists, Streams and Tuples
gsave11.13.6 Graphics State
gsdev11.13 Graphics
gvdev11.13 Graphics

h_addr_list12.11 System Information
h_addr_type12.11 System Information
h_aliases12.11 System Information
h_name12.11 System Information
halt10.7 Exception Handling
hash10.4 Conversion Functions
hash codes10.4 Conversion Functions
hashes11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
hd11.1 Standard Functions
hdict11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
HDict11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
hdict.q11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
hdlazy11.8 Streams
hds11.1 Standard Functions
hdstrict11.8 Streams
header5.1 Declaration Syntax
Heap11.7.2 Heaps
heap11.7.2 Heaps
heap.q11.7.2 Heaps
heaps11.7.2 Heaps
helpB.2 Command Language
hexB.2 Command Language
higher-order functions7.1 Equations
histfileB.2 Command Language
histsizeB.2 Command Language

i11.11 Complex Numbers
I/O functions10.5 I/O Functions
iconvIconv Interface
iconv_closeIconv Interface
iconv_openIconv Interface
id11.1 Standard Functions
identifier3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words
identifier, qualified3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words
identifier, qualified4.1 Unqualified Imports
ifelse11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
im11.11 Complex Numbers
implicit import4.3 Implicit Imports and the Prelude
import4. Scripts and Modules
importB.2 Command Language
import, cyclic4.1 Unqualified Imports
import, implicit4.3 Implicit Imports and the Prelude
import, qualified4.2 Qualified Imports
import, unqualified4.1 Unqualified Imports
importsB.2 Command Language
in11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
include4. Scripts and Modules
indexing6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
inf11.10 Mathematical Functions
infix application operator6.4.7 Application and Sequence Operators
infix operator symbols6. Expressions
information hiding8.1 Using Type Guards
inheritance8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
init11.1 Standard Functions
INPUT10.5.2 File I/O
INPUTB.2 Command Language
input and output10.5 I/O Functions
insert11.7.1 Arrays
insert11.7.2 Heaps
insert11.7.3 Sets
insert11.7.5 Dictionaries
int10.4 Conversion Functions
Int8.2 Built-In Types
integer6.1 Constants and Variables
interactive modeOptions for Interactive and Batch Usage
interrupt key7.11 Error Handling
intsqrt12.19.1 Powers and Roots
invmod12.19.1 Powers and Roots
isactive12.7 Process Control
isalnum12.2 Additional String Functions
isalpha12.2 Additional String Functions
isarray11.7.1 Arrays
isascii12.2 Additional String Functions
isatty12.8 Low-Level I/O
isbag11.7.4 Bags
isbool11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isbytestr12.3 Byte Strings
ischar11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
iscntrl12.2 Additional String Functions
iscomplex11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
iscompval11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
iscondition12.13.4 Conditions
isconst10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
isdef10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
isdict11.7.5 Dictionaries
isdigit12.2 Additional String Functions
isenum11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isexact11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isexcept11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isexited12.7 Process Control
isfile11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isfloat11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isfun10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
isfunction11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isgraph12.2 Additional String Functions
ishdict11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
isheap11.7.2 Heaps
isinexact11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isinf11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isint11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isintval11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
islist11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
islower12.2 Additional String Functions
ismutex12.13.3 Mutexes
isnan11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isnum11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isprime12.19.2 Prime Test
isprint12.2 Additional String Functions
ispunct12.2 Additional String Functions
isrational11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isratval11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isreal11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isrealval11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isref12.14 Expression References
isreflistMutable Sequences
isreflist2Mutable Sequences
isrefstreamMutable Sequences
isrefstream2Mutable Sequences
isreftupleMutable Sequences
isreftuple2Mutable Sequences
issemaphore12.13.5 Semaphores
isset11.7.3 Sets
issignaled12.7 Process Control
isspace12.2 Additional String Functions
isspecial10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
isstopped12.7 Process Control
isstr11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isstream11.8 Streams
issym11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
issym11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isthread12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
istuple11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
isupper12.2 Additional String Functions
isvar10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
isxdigit12.2 Additional String Functions
iter11.1 Standard Functions
iterate11.8 Streams
iterative algorithm7.10 Tail Recursion

jacobi12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions
join11.3 String Functions
join12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions

keys11.7.5 Dictionaries
kill12.7 Process Control

Lambda10.6 Lambda Abstractions
lambda10.6 Lambda Abstractions
lambda abstractionLambdas as First-Class Objects
lambda calculus7.1 Equations
lambda functionLambdas as First-Class Objects
lambdax10.6 Lambda Abstractions
last11.1 Standard Functions
last11.7.1 Arrays
last11.7.3 Sets
last11.7.5 Dictionaries
lazy9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation
lazy11.8 Streams
lazy evaluation9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation
lazy_strict11.8 Streams
lcm12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions
left-hand side7.1 Equations
leftmost-innermost evaluation7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
lexicographic order, lists11. The Standard Library
lexicographic order, streams11. The Standard Library
lexicographic order, strings6.4.4 Relational Operators
lg11.10 Mathematical Functions
libq libraryC.2 Writing a Module
libq, DESTRUCTOR macroC.2 Writing a Module
libq, FINI macroC.2 Writing a Module
libq, FUNCALL macroC.2 Writing a Module
libq, FUNCTION macroC.2 Writing a Module
libq, INIT macroC.2 Writing a Module
libq, module initialization and finalizationC.2 Writing a Module
libq, MODULE macroC.2 Writing a Module
libq.h header fileC.2 Writing a Module
lineto11.13.3 Path Construction
link12.6 File and Directory Functions
list10.4 Conversion Functions
List8.2 Built-In Types
list11.7.1 Arrays
list11.7.2 Heaps
list11.7.3 Sets
list11.7.5 Dictionaries
list11.8 Streams
list comprehensions6. Expressions
list comprehensions6.3 Lists, Streams and Tuples
list comprehensions11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
list enumerations6. Expressions
list functions10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
list operators6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
list211.7.1 Arrays
listen12.12 Sockets
listof11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
literal expression9.5 The Quote Operator
ln10.2 Numeric Functions
loadB.2 Command Language
local variable7.4 Local Variables
localeconv12.16 Internationalization
localtime12.15 Time Functions
lock12.13.3 Mutexes
log11.10 Mathematical Functions
logarithm10.2 Numeric Functions
logical operators6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
lpdev11.13 Graphics
ls10.5.3 Pipes
lseek12.8 Low-Level I/O
lstat12.6 File and Directory Functions

map11.1 Standard Functions
math.q11.10 Mathematical Functions
mathematical functions10.2 Numeric Functions
mathematical functions (math.q)11.10 Mathematical Functions
max11.1 Standard Functions
member11.7.3 Sets
member11.7.5 Dictionaries
members11.7.1 Arrays
members11.7.2 Heaps
members11.7.3 Sets
members11.7.5 Dictionaries
members211.7.1 Arrays
memoize operator9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation
memsizeB.2 Command Language
mergesort11.6 Sorting Algorithms
min11.1 Standard Functions
mkarray11.7.1 Arrays
mkarray211.7.1 Arrays
mkdict11.7.5 Dictionaries
mkdir12.6 File and Directory Functions
mkfifo12.6 File and Directory Functions
mkhdict11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries
mklist11.1 Standard Functions
mklist12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
mkreflistMutable Sequences
mkreflist2Mutable Sequences
mkrefstreamMutable Sequences
mkrefstream2Mutable Sequences
mkreftupleMutable Sequences
mkreftuple2Mutable Sequences
mkstr11.3 String Functions
mkstream11.8 Streams
mktime12.15 Time Functions
mktuple11.2 Tuple Functions
mod6.4.3 Arithmetic Operators
mode argument (fopen)10.5.2 File I/O
mode argument (popen)10.5.3 Pipes
modifier5.1 Declaration Syntax
module4. Scripts and Modules
module name4.1 Unqualified Imports
modulesB.2 Command Language
more10.5.3 Pipes
moveto11.13.3 Path Construction
msort11.6 Sorting Algorithms
multiple declarations5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases
multisets11.7.4 Bags
multithreading12.13 POSIX Threads
mutex12.13.3 Mutexes
Mutex12.13.3 Mutexes

namespace4.1 Unqualified Imports
nan11.10 Mathematical Functions
nanoresHigh-Resolution Timers
nanosleepHigh-Resolution Timers
nanosleep_untilHigh-Resolution Timers
nanotimeHigh-Resolution Timers
narc11.13.3 Path Construction
neg11.1 Standard Functions
negative numbers6.4 Built-In Operators
neq11.1 Standard Functions
newline character3.5 Strings
newpath11.13.3 Path Construction
Newton's algorithm2.3 Writing a Script
ngettextGettext Interface
nice12.7 Process Control
nl_langinfo12.16 Internationalization
non-linear equation7.2 Non-Linear Equations
non-special argument9.1 Basic Concepts
non-strict evaluation9. Special Forms
normal form7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
not6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
null11.1 Standard Functions
null11.7.1 Arrays
null11.7.2 Heaps
null11.7.3 Sets
null11.7.5 Dictionaries
null character6.1 Constants and Variables
nulldev11.13 Graphics
Num8.2 Built-In Types
num11.12 Rational Numbers
num_den11.12 Rational Numbers
numeric constants3.4 Numbers
numeric constants, range and precision6.1 Constants and Variables
numeric functions10.2 Numeric Functions
numeric tower8.2 Built-In Types
nums11.1 Standard Functions
nums12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
numsby11.1 Standard Functions
numsby12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
numstream11.8 Streams
numstreamby11.8 Streams

octB.2 Command Language
open12.8 Low-Level I/O
openpty12.8 Low-Level I/O
operator associativity6.4 Built-In Operators
operator declaration5.2 Operator Declarations
operator precedence6.4 Built-In Operators
operator section6.4 Built-In Operators
operator symbols3.3 Operator Symbols
operator symbols6.4 Built-In Operators
operator, as prefix function6.4 Built-In Operators
operators, built-in3.3 Operator Symbols
operators, on left-hand side of equation7.1 Equations
option parsing (getopt.q)11.4 Option Parsing
optionsB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
or6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
ord10.4 Conversion Functions
ordinal number10.4 Conversion Functions
otherwise7.1 Equations
OUTPUT10.5.2 File I/O
OUTPUTB.2 Command Language

p_aliases12.11 System Information
p_name12.11 System Information
p_proto12.11 System Information
page description11.13 Graphics
painting11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
pair11.2 Tuple Functions
parenthesized expressions6.4 Built-In Operators
parsing expressions10.4 Conversion Functions
pathB.2 Command Language
path search10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
pathname of executing script10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
pattern7.1 Equations
pause12.7 Process Control
perror12.11 System Information
pipe12.8 Low-Level I/O
point unit11.13.1 Coordinate System
polar11.11 Complex Numbers
polymorphic operation8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
pop11.1 Standard Functions
popen10.5 I/O Functions
pos10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
POSIX threads12.13 POSIX Threads
post12.13.5 Semaphores
PostScript11.13 Graphics
pow12.19.1 Powers and Roots
powmod12.19.1 Powers and Roots
prd11.1 Standard Functions
pred10.1 Arithmetic Functions
pred11. The Standard Library
predefined type symbols5.4 Type Declarations
predefined type symbols7.5 Type Guards
prefix operator symbols6. Expressions
prelude4.3 Implicit Imports and the Prelude
preludeB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
preludeB.3 Setting up your Environment
prelude.q4.3 Implicit Imports and the Prelude
prelude.q11. The Standard Library
prelude.qB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
prelude.qB.3 Setting up your Environment
primitive operation7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
printf12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O
priority declaration7.8 Rule Priorities
priority queues11.7.2 Heaps
private5.1 Declaration Syntax
private symbol5.1 Declaration Syntax
process_cpu_clockidHigh-Resolution Timers
profileB.2 Command Language
promptB.2 Command Language
ps11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
psfile11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
psheader11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
psstr11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
public5.1 Declaration Syntax
public symbol5.1 Declaration Syntax
push11.1 Standard Functions
put12.14 Expression References
putc12.4 Extended File Functions
putmapMutable Sequences
puts12.4 Extended File Functions
pw_dir12.11 System Information
pw_gecos12.11 System Information
pw_gid12.11 System Information
pw_name12.11 System Information
pw_passwd12.11 System Information
pw_shell12.11 System Information
pw_uid12.11 System Information
pwdB.2 Command Language

qB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
q.outB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
qcB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
qccC.1 Compiling a Module
qexitrcB.3 Setting up your Environment
qinitrcB.3 Setting up your Environment
qldC.1 Compiling a Module
QPATHB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
qsort11.6 Sorting Algorithms
qualified import4.2 Qualified Imports
qualifier7.1 Equations
quicksort11.6 Sorting Algorithms
quit10.7 Exception Handling
quitB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
quotation operators6.4.1 Quotation Operators
quotation operators9.5 The Quote Operator
quote operator9.5 The Quote Operator
QWARNB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter

raise12.7 Process Control
random10.2 Numeric Functions
random numbers10.2 Numeric Functions
rational11.12 Rational Numbers
Rational11.12 Rational Numbers
rational numbers (rational.q)11.12 Rational Numbers
rational.q11. The Standard Library
rational.q11.12 Rational Numbers
rcurveto11.13.3 Path Construction
re11.11 Complex Numbers
re_im11.11 Complex Numbers
read10.5 I/O Functions
read_history12.10 Readline Interface
readc10.5 I/O Functions
readdir12.6 File and Directory Functions
readline12.10 Readline Interface
readlink12.6 File and Directory Functions
readq10.5 I/O Functions
reads10.5 I/O Functions
Real8.2 Built-In Types
realtime thread12.13.2 Realtime Scheduling
recursive definition7.10 Tail Recursion
recursive evaluation7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack
recursive_mutex12.13.3 Mutexes
recv12.12 Sockets
recvfrom12.12 Sockets
redeclaration5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases
redex7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
reduction7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
reduction stack7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack
reduction strategy7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
reductions, tracing ofD. Debugging
reexport5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases
Ref12.14 Expression References
ref12.14 Expression References
reflistMutable Sequences
reflist2Mutable Sequences
refstreamMutable Sequences
refstream2Mutable Sequences
reftupleMutable Sequences
reftuple2Mutable Sequences
reftypes.q11. The Standard Library
reftypes.qMutable Sequences
reg12.18.3 Match State Information
regdone12.18.2 Low-Level Interface
regend12.18.3 Match State Information
regex12.18.1 High-Level Interface
regmatch12.18.2 Low-Level Interface
regnext12.18.2 Low-Level Interface
regpos12.18.3 Match State Information
regs12.18.3 Match State Information
regskip12.18.3 Match State Information
regstart12.18.3 Match State Information
regular expressions12.18 Regular Expression Matching
relational operators6.4.4 Relational Operators
remove_factor12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions
rename12.6 File and Directory Functions
repeat11.8 Streams
repeatn11.8 Streams
reserved words3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words
restorematrix11.13.6 Graphics State
result12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
return12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
reverse11.1 Standard Functions
reverse12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
reverseC.2 Writing a Module
rewriting model7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack
right-hand side7.1 Equations
RL_COMPLETION_FUNCTION12.10 Readline Interface
rl_line_buffer12.10 Readline Interface
RL_WORD_BREAK_CHARS12.10 Readline Interface
rlineto11.13.3 Path Construction
rmdir12.6 File and Directory Functions
rmfirst11.7.1 Arrays
rmfirst11.7.2 Heaps
rmfirst11.7.3 Sets
rmfirst11.7.5 Dictionaries
rmlast11.7.1 Arrays
rmlast11.7.3 Sets
rmlast11.7.5 Dictionaries
rmoveto11.13.3 Path Construction
root12.19.1 Powers and Roots
rotate11.13.6 Graphics State
round10.4 Conversion Functions
rule7.1 Equations
rule priority7.8 Rule Priorities
runB.2 Command Language
runtime error7.11 Error Handling

s_aliases12.11 System Information
s_name12.11 System Information
s_port12.11 System Information
s_proto12.11 System Information
saveB.2 Command Language
savematrix11.13.6 Graphics State
scale11.13.6 Graphics State
scaling factor3.4 Numbers
scanf12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O
scanl11.1 Standard Functions
scanl111.1 Standard Functions
scanr11.1 Standard Functions
scanr111.1 Standard Functions
scheduling12.13.2 Realtime Scheduling
sciB.2 Command Language
scope5.1 Declaration Syntax
scope, symbol in type declaration5.4 Type Declarations
scope-modifier prefix5.1 Declaration Syntax
script4. Scripts and Modules
search pathB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
search tree operations8.1 Using Type Guards
seed10.2 Numeric Functions
select12.8 Low-Level I/O
semaphore12.13.5 Semaphores
Semaphore12.13.5 Semaphores
send12.12 Sockets
sendto12.12 Sockets
sequence operator6.4.7 Application and Sequence Operators
sequence operator, used with I/O operations10.5.1 Terminal I/O
set11.7.3 Sets
Set11.7.3 Sets
set.q11.7.3 Sets
set/bag comparison11.7 Standard Types
set/bag difference11.7 Standard Types
set/bag intersection11.7 Standard Types
set/bag union11.7 Standard Types
setcmykcolor11.13.6 Graphics State
setcolor11.13.6 Graphics State
setdash11.13.6 Graphics State
setegid12.7 Process Control
setenv12.7 Process Control
seterrno12.11 System Information
seteuid12.7 Process Control
setfont11.13.6 Graphics State
setgid12.7 Process Control
setgray11.13.6 Graphics State
setgroups12.7 Process Control
sethsbcolor11.13.6 Graphics State
setlinecap11.13.6 Graphics State
setlinejoin11.13.6 Graphics State
setlinewidth11.13.6 Graphics State
setlocale12.16 Internationalization
setpgid12.7 Process Control
setpgrp12.7 Process Control
setregid12.7 Process Control
setreuid12.7 Process Control
setrgbcolor11.13.6 Graphics State
sets11.7.3 Sets
setsched12.13.2 Realtime Scheduling
setsid12.7 Process Control
setsockopt12.12 Sockets
setuid12.7 Process Control
setvbuf12.4 Extended File Functions
sgn11.1 Standard Functions
shared libraryC. C Language Interface
shell escapeB.2 Command Language
shl10.1 Arithmetic Functions
short circuit evaluation6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators
short-circuit mode9.4 Built-In Special Forms
show11.13.4 Painting
showpage11.13.7 Miscellaneous Operations
shr10.1 Arithmetic Functions
shutdown12.12 Sockets
side-effects, in I/O operations10.5 I/O Functions
sieve of Erathosthenes11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
signal12.13.4 Conditions
signals, in multithreaded scripts12.13.6 Threads and Signals
sin10.2 Numeric Functions
sinh11.10 Mathematical Functions
size operator6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
size operator, container data structures11.7 Standard Types
sleep10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
slice10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
snd11.2 Tuple Functions
socket12.12 Sockets
socketpair12.12 Sockets
sort12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
sort.q11.6 Sorting Algorithms
sorting algorithms11.6 Sorting Algorithms
sourceB.2 Command Language
spawn12.7 Process Control
special5.1 Declaration Syntax
special argument9.1 Basic Concepts
special case rule7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy
special constructor9.2 Special Constructors and Streams
special form9. Special Forms
splice operator9.5 The Quote Operator
split11.3 String Functions
split12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
sprintf12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O
sqrt10.2 Numeric Functions
square root10.2 Numeric Functions
sscanf12.5 C-Style Formatted I/O
st_atime12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_ctime12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_dev12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_gid12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_ino12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_mode12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_mtime12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_nlink12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_rdev12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_size12.6 File and Directory Functions
st_uid12.6 File and Directory Functions
stacksizeB.2 Command Language
standard error deviceB.2 Command Language
standard functions11.1 Standard Functions
standard input/output devicesB.2 Command Language
standard library scripts11. The Standard Library
standard types11.7 Standard Types
stat12.6 File and Directory Functions
state variables7.10 Tail Recursion
statsB.2 Command Language
stdB.2 Command Language
stddecl.q11.7 Standard Types
stddecls.q11. The Standard Library
stdlib.q11. The Standard Library
stdlib.q11.1 Standard Functions
stdtypes.q11. The Standard Library
stdtypes.q11.7 Standard Types
stifle_history12.10 Readline Interface
stopsig12.7 Process Control
str10.4 Conversion Functions
strcat11.3 String Functions
strcat12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
strcoll12.16 Internationalization
stream11.8 Streams
Stream8.2 Built-In Types
stream9.2 Special Constructors and Streams
Stream11.8 Streams
stream comprehensions6. Expressions
stream comprehensions11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
stream enumerations6. Expressions
stream enumerations8.3 Enumeration Types
stream.q11. The Standard Library
stream.q11.8 Streams
streamcat11.8 Streams
streamenum8.3 Enumeration Types
streamenum_from8.3 Enumeration Types
streamof11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
streams11.8 Streams
streams, overloaded list operations11.8 Streams
strerror12.11 System Information
strfmon12.16 Internationalization
strftime12.15 Time Functions
strict11.8 Streams
strict evaluation9. Special Forms
strict_lazy11.8 Streams
String8.2 Built-In Types
string6.1 Constants and Variables
string comparison6.4.4 Relational Operators
string constants3.5 Strings
string functions10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
string functions (string.q)11.3 String Functions
string operators6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
string.q11. The Standard Library
string.q11.3 String Functions
string.tuple11.2 Tuple Functions
strings, unicode3.6 Unicode Support
stroke11.13.4 Painting
strq10.4 Conversion Functions
strxfrm12.16 Internationalization
stubC.2 Writing a Module
sub10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
subpath11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
subscript operator6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
subsequence10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
substr10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
subtype8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
succ10.1 Arithmetic Functions
succ11. The Standard Library
sum11.1 Standard Functions
supertype8.4 Sub- and Supertypes
symlink12.6 File and Directory Functions
syntactic equality6.4.4 Relational Operators
syntactic equality7.2 Non-Linear Equations
syntactic identity7.2 Non-Linear Equations
syntactic inequality11. The Standard Library
sysinfo10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
system12.7 Process Control
system information10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
system.q11. The Standard Library
system.q12. Clib

tab character3.5 Strings
tail call elimination7.10 Tail Recursion
tail recursion7.10 Tail Recursion
tail recursion optimization7.10 Tail Recursion
tail recursion, with sequences7.10 Tail Recursion
tail reduction7.10 Tail Recursion
tail-recursive programming7.10 Tail Recursion
take11.1 Standard Functions
takewhile11.1 Standard Functions
tan11.10 Mathematical Functions
tanh11.10 Mathematical Functions
task12.13 POSIX Threads
tbreakB.2 Command Language
tcdrain12.9 Terminal Operations
tcflow12.9 Terminal Operations
tcflush12.9 Terminal Operations
tcgetattr12.9 Terminal Operations
tcgetpgrp12.9 Terminal Operations
tcsendbreak12.9 Terminal Operations
tcsetattr12.9 Terminal Operations
tcsetpgrp12.9 Terminal Operations
terminal I/O10.5.1 Terminal I/O
terminal input10.5.1 Terminal I/O
terminal output10.5.1 Terminal I/O
termsig12.7 Process Control
text output (graphics)11.13.2 Overview of Graphics Operations
textdomainGettext Interface
this_thread12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
thread12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
Thread12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
thread cancellation12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
thread handle12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
thread_cpu_clockidHigh-Resolution Timers
thread_no12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management
throw10.7 Exception Handling
thunk9.1 Basic Concepts
time10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
timesMeasuring CPU Time
timezone12.15 Time Functions
timing functions10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
tl11.1 Standard Functions
tllazy11.8 Streams
tls11.1 Standard Functions
tlstrict11.8 Streams
tm_day12.15 Time Functions
tm_hour12.15 Time Functions
tm_isdst12.15 Time Functions
tm_min12.15 Time Functions
tm_month12.15 Time Functions
tm_sec12.15 Time Functions
tm_wday12.15 Time Functions
tm_yday12.15 Time Functions
tm_year12.15 Time Functions
tmpfile12.4 Extended File Functions
tmpnam12.4 Extended File Functions
tolower12.2 Additional String Functions
top11.1 Standard Functions
toupper12.2 Additional String Functions
translate11.13.6 Graphics State
transpose11.1 Standard Functions
trap10.7 Exception Handling
trd11.2 Tuple Functions
trigonometric functions10.2 Numeric Functions
triple11.2 Tuple Functions
trunc10.4 Conversion Functions
truncate12.6 File and Directory Functions
truth values6.1 Constants and Variables
try12.13.3 Mutexes
try12.13.5 Semaphores
ttyname12.8 Low-Level I/O
tuple10.4 Conversion Functions
Tuple8.2 Built-In Types
tuple comprehensions6. Expressions
tuple comprehensions11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
tuple enumerations6. Expressions
tuple enumerations8.3 Enumeration Types
tuple functions10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions
tuple functions (tuple.q)11.2 Tuple Functions
tuple operators6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators
tuple.q11. The Standard Library
tuplecat11.2 Tuple Functions
tuplecat12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions
tupleenum8.3 Enumeration Types
tupleenum_from8.3 Enumeration Types
tupleof11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
type8. Types
type declaration5.4 Type Declarations
type declaration8.1 Using Type Guards
type guard7.5 Type Guards
type guard8. Types
type hierarchy7.5 Type Guards
type identifier5.4 Type Declarations
type symbol3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words
type-checking predicates (typec.q)11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
typec.q11.5 Type-Checking Predicates
tzname12.15 Time Functions

umask12.6 File and Directory Functions
un_machine12.11 System Information
un_nodename12.11 System Information
un_release12.11 System Information
un_sysname12.11 System Information
un_version12.11 System Information
uname12.11 System Information
unary minus6.4 Built-In Operators
uncurry11.1 Standard Functions
uncurry311.1 Standard Functions
undefB.2 Command Language
ungetc12.4 Extended File Functions
unicode3.6 Unicode Support
unit length11.13.1 Coordinate System
universal quantification7.1 Equations
unless11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
unlink12.6 File and Directory Functions
unlock12.13.3 Mutexes
unparseB.2 Command Language
unparsing expressions10.4 Conversion Functions
unqualified import4.1 Unqualified Imports
until11.1 Standard Functions
unzip11.1 Standard Functions
unzip311.1 Standard Functions
update11.7.1 Arrays
update11.7.5 Dictionaries
update211.7.1 Arrays
utime12.6 File and Directory Functions

val10.4 Conversion Functions
valq10.4 Conversion Functions
vals11.7.5 Dictionaries
var5.1 Declaration Syntax
varB.2 Command Language
variable bindings7.9 Performing Reductions on a Stack
variable declaration, inline6.1 Constants and Variables
variable definition7.3 Free Variables
variable definition, local7.1 Equations
variable symbol3.2 Identifiers and Reserved Words
variable symbol, bound6.1 Constants and Variables
variable symbol, free5.1 Declaration Syntax
variable symbol, free6.1 Constants and Variables
variable, multiple occurrence on left-hand side7.2 Non-Linear Equations
variadic functions6.2 Applications
version10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
version information10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
view, container data structures11.7 Standard Types
virtual5.1 Declaration Syntax
virtual constructor5.1 Declaration Syntax
virtual constructor5.4 Type Declarations

wait12.7 Process Control
waitpid12.7 Process Control
warning levelB.1 Running Compiler and Interpreter
wcswidth12.16 Internationalization
wcwidth12.16 Internationalization
when11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions
where7.4 Local Variables
which10.8 Miscellaneous Functions
while11.1 Standard Functions
whoB.2 Command Language
whoisB.2 Command Language
whosB.2 Command Language
write10.5 I/O Functions
write_history12.10 Readline Interface
writec10.5 I/O Functions
writeq10.5 I/O Functions
writes10.5 I/O Functions

XEmacsE. Running Scripts in Emacs

yield12.13.1 Thread Creation and Management

zip11.1 Standard Functions
zip311.1 Standard Functions
zipwith11.1 Standard Functions
zipwith311.1 Standard Functions

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