| Index Entry | Section |
J | | |
| jacobi | 12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions |
| join | 11.3 String Functions |
| join | 12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions |
K | | |
| keys | 11.7.5 Dictionaries |
| kill | 12.7 Process Control |
L | | |
| Lambda | 10.6 Lambda Abstractions |
| lambda | 10.6 Lambda Abstractions |
| lambda abstraction | Lambdas as First-Class Objects |
| lambda calculus | 7.1 Equations |
| lambda function | Lambdas as First-Class Objects |
| lambdax | 10.6 Lambda Abstractions |
| last | 11.1 Standard Functions |
| last | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| last | 11.7.3 Sets |
| last | 11.7.5 Dictionaries |
| lazy | 9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation |
| lazy | 11.8 Streams |
| lazy evaluation | 9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation |
| lazy_strict | 11.8 Streams |
| lcm | 12.19.3 Other Number-Theoretic Functions |
| left-hand side | 7.1 Equations |
| leftmost-innermost evaluation | 7.6 Normal Forms and Reduction Strategy |
| lexicographic order, lists | 11. The Standard Library |
| lexicographic order, streams | 11. The Standard Library |
| lexicographic order, strings | 6.4.4 Relational Operators |
| lg | 11.10 Mathematical Functions |
| libq library | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, DESTRUCTOR macro | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, FINI macro | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, FUNCALL macro | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, FUNCTION macro | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, INIT macro | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, module initialization and finalization | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq, MODULE macro | C.2 Writing a Module |
| libq.h header file | C.2 Writing a Module |
| lineto | 11.13.3 Path Construction |
| link | 12.6 File and Directory Functions |
| list | 10.4 Conversion Functions |
| List | 8.2 Built-In Types |
| list | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| list | 11.7.2 Heaps |
| list | 11.7.3 Sets |
| list | 11.7.5 Dictionaries |
| list | 11.8 Streams |
| list comprehensions | 6. Expressions |
| list comprehensions | 6.3 Lists, Streams and Tuples |
| list comprehensions | 11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions |
| list enumerations | 6. Expressions |
| list functions | 10.3 String, List and Tuple Functions |
| list operators | 6.4.6 String, List and Tuple Operators |
| list2 | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| listen | 12.12 Sockets |
| listof | 11.9 Conditionals and Comprehensions |
| literal expression | 9.5 The Quote Operator |
| ln | 10.2 Numeric Functions |
| load | B.2 Command Language |
| local variable | 7.4 Local Variables |
| localeconv | 12.16 Internationalization |
| localtime | 12.15 Time Functions |
| lock | 12.13.3 Mutexes |
| log | 11.10 Mathematical Functions |
| logarithm | 10.2 Numeric Functions |
| logical operators | 6.4.5 Logical and Bit Operators |
| lpdev | 11.13 Graphics |
| ls | 10.5.3 Pipes |
| lseek | 12.8 Low-Level I/O |
| lstat | 12.6 File and Directory Functions |
M | | |
| map | 11.1 Standard Functions |
| math.q | 11.10 Mathematical Functions |
| mathematical functions | 10.2 Numeric Functions |
| mathematical functions (math.q ) | 11.10 Mathematical Functions |
| max | 11.1 Standard Functions |
| member | 11.7.3 Sets |
| member | 11.7.5 Dictionaries |
| members | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| members | 11.7.2 Heaps |
| members | 11.7.3 Sets |
| members | 11.7.5 Dictionaries |
| members2 | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| memoize operator | 9.3 Memoization and Lazy Evaluation |
| memsize | B.2 Command Language |
| mergesort | 11.6 Sorting Algorithms |
| min | 11.1 Standard Functions |
| mkarray | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| mkarray2 | 11.7.1 Arrays |
| mkdict | 11.7.5 Dictionaries |
| mkdir | 12.6 File and Directory Functions |
| mkfifo | 12.6 File and Directory Functions |
| mkhdict | 11.7.6 Hashed Dictionaries |
| mklist | 11.1 Standard Functions |
| mklist | 12.20 C Replacements for Common Standard Library Functions |
| mkreflist | Mutable Sequences |
| mkreflist2 | Mutable Sequences |
| mkrefstream | Mutable Sequences |
| mkrefstream2 | Mutable Sequences |
| mkreftuple | Mutable Sequences |
| mkreftuple2 | Mutable Sequences |
| mkstr | 11.3 String Functions |
| mkstream | 11.8 Streams |
| mktime | 12.15 Time Functions |
| mktuple | 11.2 Tuple Functions |
| mod | 6.4.3 Arithmetic Operators |
| mode argument (fopen ) | 10.5.2 File I/O |
| mode argument (popen ) | 10.5.3 Pipes |
| modifier | 5.1 Declaration Syntax |
| module | 4. Scripts and Modules |
| module name | 4.1 Unqualified Imports |
| modules | B.2 Command Language |
| more | 10.5.3 Pipes |
| moveto | 11.13.3 Path Construction |
| msort | 11.6 Sorting Algorithms |
| multiple declarations | 5.3 Cross-Checking of Declarations and Aliases |
| multisets | 11.7.4 Bags |
| multithreading | 12.13 POSIX Threads |
| mutex | 12.13.3 Mutexes |
| Mutex | 12.13.3 Mutexes |